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Davenport Harbor (Six Degrees Book 3)

Page 7

by Statham, Mayra

  “I can’t accept this,” I whispered, looking at the beautiful dress. It was perfect. It was exactly something I would have chosen for myself.

  “You have to!” Birdie chimed in, excitement clear in her voice.

  “No…” I shook my head, looking at the soft melon cardigan and the shoes.


  “He…” I started to say, panic filling me. He’d bought sweet gifts to help placate me into becoming who he wanted. John. John was different. I knew this. But what would he want in return? How much of myself did I even have left to...

  “Anne.” Her calm voice snapped my attention. She grabbed my hand and it was as if she filtered strength into me. He had been trying to buy me. I’d been so charmed, thinking he was such a prince that I’d let him. But I couldn’t let that happen. Not again. From the moment I’d met John I’d known he was a beast, a gentle one, but a beast nonetheless. A man like John Davenport would chew me up and spit me out without thinking twice.

  “Breathe, honey. Look. I know that you went through something. I can see it in your eyes, the fear you try to hide. I saw the bruises, Anne. Davenport, he isn’t that kind of man.” The kindness in her voice made me look at her.

  “How do you know?”

  “I just do.” She smiled sadly and then kept talking. “When you grow up around people like that, people who play hide and seek with the beast they hide, it helps you see what is inside of someone else. He doesn’t have that. He’s his own kind of tortured, the way you have fear in your eyes, his are filled with sadness.” Birdie told me, amazing me with her words and it makes me sad to know she knows this. Birdie’s a good person and didn’t deserve ugly in her life.

  “I… You have a beautiful way with words, Birdie Morgan.” She smiled at me, “You should write a book,” I told her, leaning my head on her shoulder, feeling calmer, the panic subsiding as I stared at John’s gift. I felt her body shake with laughter and her round face flushed pink.

  “I’ve been told that a time or two. So, you okay?”


  “Let’s get you dolled up, yeah?”

  “Okay,” I agreed, smiling, feeling excited and hopeful.


  Everyone started showing up suspiciously on time. Mike and Sabrina with their brood were the first, Nick had come with them, smiling like an asshole at me. Then Holly and Robert Montgomery showed up with their sons. Holly was Mike’s ex-fiancée, who’d always been a better friend than spouse-to-be. Even now, how they managed to stay friends was beyond my ability to comprehend. Cara, Sabrina’s younger sister with her doctor husband Jerry, were the next to show.

  Everyone was having a good time talking and socializing as they drank and ate appetizers the catering company had set out. The kids were running around, and I was standing next to Mike as he was talking about Mark’s baseball game, but I was not paying attention. It was half past one and I had no idea where Anne was.

  Why did I kiss her? Maybe I scared her away? Or maybe having Bernadette pick up an outfit for her wasn’t a good idea. What the hell had I been thinking?

  Immersed in my own inner turmoil, I stopped paying attention to Mike or anyone around me. A breeze picked up, and I breathed in deeply, trying to calm my nerves. Her soft scent floated around me just as I felt a delicate hand on my shoulder. Turning around, my heart suddenly lodged in my throat.

  Anne was beautiful in her jeans and tees, but in the outfit I’d picked out for her, she was breathtaking. The dress fit as if it had been made for her and I tried but failed at not looking at her generous breasts. Looking at her amused glance, I noticed Bernadette behind her holding Zoey in her arms and talking to a very nosey Sabrina, who seemed to be watching us as if we were the next summer blockbuster.

  “Sorry, we’re late.” Another breeze blew, picking up her hair that she’d worn down, cascading down her back, and I smiled at her.

  “Don’t worry. Everyone was early.”

  “Umm… Thank you, for the outfit,” she told me, a blush on her face, and I nodded.

  “You look beautiful,” I told her, my hand skimming hers. Her eyes widened as they stared at me, her creamy cheeks turning a brighter pink. I was enjoying making her blush. “I hope you liked it.”

  “It’s all very beautiful, if you give me the rec—” Before she could finish her sentence, I put a finger at her lips and shook my head.

  “It was a gift.”

  “For kissing you?” She blurted, her eyes worried, and I shook my head, moving in close and leaning my head down until my lips were right by her ear to ensure this was only between the two of us.

  “No. The gift was just because I thought it would be something you’d like,” I told her, and she let out a shaky breath, my hand somehow moving to her waist.

  My face now closer to her, my lips a hairbreadth away from her ear, I couldn’t help but take a deep breath. A soft vanilla scent filled me, and it was so intoxicating that I couldn’t help but lick the shell of her ear. My blood started stirring when I heard a small purr coming from her mouth. It made my body instantly hard, and I looked around to see everyone’s gaze on us. I had to gain some control or I was going to give everyone a show. “We’re going to talk about that kiss later.” We both moved back, her huge eyes meeting mine, and she nodded slightly.

  “Come, let me introduce you,” I told her, wrapping a hand around her shoulder, wishing I hadn’t purchased the cardigan so that I could feel her skin under my hand. Shaking my head, I walked around, introducing her to everyone there.


  The afternoon turned into night and the catering company even provided dessert. Someone suggested building a bonfire. Everyone was sitting around, talking and laughing as they enjoyed their coffee and slices of chocolate cake. Unfortunately, Nick had somehow finagled talking to Anne most of the day. I had watched her closely. I liked the easy way she was smiling now, the fear in her eyes mostly gone.

  “She looks like she’s having a good time,” Mike leaned over and told me. I rolled my eyes.

  “She should, she works hard.”


  “What?” I clipped, and he smiled and shook his head, sipping on a bottle of water.

  “You should just admit how you feel, help her with whatever problem she’s running from, and live happily ever after.”

  “You’re a fucking idiot.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “I’m not the one watching her as if I can’t breathe without her nearby.”

  “It’s…” I didn’t even know what to say. Was I looking at her like that? "It’s not like that.” Not even I believed myself.

  “It isn’t?”

  “Nope. She’s my housekeeper. She’s nice. We’re friends.”

  “Friends?” He asked incredulously, his elbows resting on his knees, his face tilted towards me, and I looked away, right to the beautiful kitten who was now laughing at something that idiot Nick Riley had just said and now leaned in closer. I gripped my coffee mug tighter, not liking him that close to her. He was a good guy, but too much of a passive aggressive over-grown nerd for a girl like Anne.

  “Yeah, friends,” I told him without really paying attention to what I was saying. Why is she sitting so close to him? Why does she smile so much with him?

  “Interesting,” Mike said, chuckling. “So you won’t care that we’re watching Zoey tomorrow and she is going out with Nick?”

  “Nope,” I answered, gritting my teeth as I watched Nick tuck a loose strand of her long dark hair behind her ear. What did Mike just say? “Wait. What?”

  “Nick’s going to take her out tomorrow. We’re watching Zoey at our place.” Nick Riley was taking my Kitten out? All I could do was grunt in acknowledgement and gulp down my now flavorless coffee.


  Nick Riley was funny and incredibly smart. Accidentally overhearing about a problem he was having with a new software he was developing, I couldn’t help but voice my suggestion on how to fix it, and he seemed to li
ke it. So much, that he wanted me to go with him to his office tomorrow so that I could work with him. He even offered to pay me. I was excited to be able to use what I’d learned through my years at Berkeley. I loved computers and creating software. That had always been my dream; well, before I let myself get caught up in a different kind of daydream that turned into a nightmare.

  Shaking my head, I smiled as Nick talked with Birdie, who was laughing next to me. I looked over the flames of the fire pit and caught John's eyes staring right at me.

  He could easily be one of the most alluring men I had ever laid eyes on.

  His strong body, the darkness of his eyes and hair, even the rigid way he carried himself, made him appealing. It added to the mystery of the man that hid beneath the gruff exterior of hard muscles and tanned skin; muscles I now knew how they felt pressed up against me and under my hands. Still staring at him, and unable to break the glance, my fingers had a mind of their own and touched my lips.

  Remembering the kiss we'd shared this morning. Remembering how good his mouth had felt on mine, how good it had felt on the skin of my neck. I shivered, and heat flooded my face as I realized that we'd been fixedly staring at one another. His eyes slightly squinted, then narrowed and looked back at Mike Crown as he answered him.

  The moment broken, I tried not to sigh in disappointment. John Davenport was not a man to play with or hook your star to. No man was really, but something about him screamed ‘don’t go there’.

  Shaking my head, I looked back at Nick and tried to follow the conversation, smiling politely at the right moments, but I was not enthralled by the discussion. The entire time I felt my skin burn under the gaze of John’s smoldering stare.


  The day had been fun. Better than I had expected it to be. As grumpy and sullen as John Davenport was, he had an amazing slew of loyal and caring friends. All of them were vastly successful in their own way.

  I watched the tall beautiful, lithe blonde walking towards me with Sabrina. Both of them were smiling. Her name was Holly Montgomery and she was married to the Irishman who was talking to John. From what he'd told me, she was also Mike's ex fiancée, which surprised me, because it seemed as if Sabrina got along great with her.

  "I just wanted to come and say good night," Holly said sweetly, and I smiled at her.

  "We are going, too, Anne," Sabrina added, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

  "Oh, I don't know. Zoey can be a handful..." I started to say, slightly nervous about leaving the safe harbor John's hill had given Zoey and me.

  "Nonsense. Nick will pick you two up and drop Zoey at my place. You guys do what you have to do, and I will have dinner ready for us by the time you come by."

  "Oh. I'm not sure..." I started to say when I felt rather than saw him.

  His fingertips grazed the outside of my hand, creating small sparks between us, and I turned to look at him. I was dying to look down and figure out how a slight touch like that could ignite me so quickly.

  "I don't think tomorrow will work for Anne." His deep voice vibrated and I stood still, slightly disappointed about not being able to work on fixing the software issue.

  "Why not?" Nick’s distinct voice asked, and I looked around. Everyone was now circled around us, staring, and I looked at John. He looked almost angry.

  "Well...Someone is going to have to clean this place up." His deep voice crushed over me like a pail of ice water the second my mind processed his words. A cold searing pain rushed over me and then washed out, leaving sheer embarrassment in its place.

  Someone had to clean this place.

  His words repeated in my mind, and I flinched as if he'd physically hit me. I was so busy trying to recover from his harsh words I didn’t notice the immediate regret that fell over his face. I heard Mike mutter a curse and an uncomfortable tension fell over everyone. Birdie’s eyes widened in surprise, Sabrina’s face was clearly angry, and Holly looked uncomfortable. I couldn’t blame them.

  I couldn’t even blame him. He'd warned me in a way. He'd said we needed to talk about the kiss we'd shared. He was only going to remind me of my place and he just had. I was just the stupid one who'd somehow let herself believe it’d meant something. That a kiss that wonderful couldn’t have been one-sided.

  Taking a cleansing breath, I looked at Nick. "I'm sorry, Nick, seems I have to work," I told him, smiling, hoping my cheeks weren't too bright with embarrassment, "I'm sure you'll figure out the glitch in the algorithm."

  "What?" John's deep voice growled. He was now scowling at Mike, who for some reason looked as embarrassed as I felt.

  "She was going to help me with a new software I’m developing," Nick growled, clearly pissed, and I managed to keep smiling.

  I was used to smiling on the outside when I hurt on the inside. I might have been out of practice, not having been living the nightmare that my life had turned into with my ex, but thankfully, it was something you didn't really forget how to do.

  "It was lovely to meet you, but I think it's time for Zoey and me to turn in." I grabbed Zoey from Birdie's arms, her worried eyes on me. I just smiled brighter, shaking my head at her, and walked away.

  Not once did I let myself look behind me at the group of very nice people and the beast of a jerk whose eyes I felt on me the entire time. It was better to remind myself of where I stood. I was the help, not freaking Cinderella. No, I was the background. If I remembered that, kept to myself for a while longer until I had enough money for Zoey and I to leave, I would keep going until we reached some beachside city in Costa Rica where we could just be.

  As I walked, I didn’t cower. I didn’t slump my shoulders in embarrassment and shame. I didn’t let myself. Been there, done that, owned the tee shirt and scars. I walked with my back straight, head up, smiling at Zoey, her little hand wrapped around my finger, until I reached the door to the guest house.

  I wouldn’t let one more jerk know the hold he had on me.

  Not ever again.

  Chapter Eleven


  Once again I found myself standing in my darkened kitchen overlooking the small cottage.

  I was an asshole, no doubt about it. Jealousy did not look good on me and I’d gone and made more of an asshole out of myself than I ever had. That alone was saying something. Not only that, but I had completely embarrassed her in the process. Flipping my phone in one hand, holding a coffee mug in the other, all I could do was stare out into the darkness, my eyes fixated on the warm light coming from where I wanted to be.

  My house was huge and magazine worthy, but it was fucking lonely as hell. When did being alone start to prick at my nerves like this? My cell started to ring and I looked down at it. Rolling my eyes, I grudgingly answered.

  “What?” I hissed into the phone, trying not to grit my teeth.

  “I’m sorry,” he quickly said, and that only added fuel to my anger.

  “You’re sorry?” I asked Mike incredulously.

  “In my defense, I didn’t know you were going to be that big of a dick,” he told me, and I set my coffee mug on the counter, running my hands over my face, and groaned.

  “Maybe it’s better this way.” My hand on my chin, I continued looking out the window like a stalker.

  “If you really believe that, not only are you a dick, you’re a dumbass dick.” He was right. I knew he was and I sighed, giving in.

  “How can I fix this?” I muttered.

  “Lucky for you, you have me as your best friend.”

  “It’s your fault I thought she was going on a date in the first place, asshole,” I growled and he laughed.

  “But I’m married to a great woman, who has a frighteningly brilliant mind…”

  “You told Sabrina?”

  “She knew I had something to do with what you were thinking by the look on my face.” I couldn’t help the bark of laughter at imagining the hell she must have given him. Sabrina was a burst of sunshine but hell on wheels when she was pissed.

  “Just tell me
, how do I fix this?”


  Mike’s idea was stupid, but it had potential.


  Smoothing down my wrinkled shirt, I took a deep breath before knocking on her door. It was late but it couldn’t wait. Before I could knock though, the door swung open. She was in an old oversized white tee with a Disney character on the front, one of the brunette princesses, and she was wearing ugly grey sweatpants, her pretty hair thrown up in a high ponytail.

  “What do you need, Mr. Davenport?” Her eyes were cold and I deserved it.

  “I’m sorry,” I blurted out, and by the look on her face, she wasn’t expecting that from me. Her mouth opened and closed, her face softening slightly, so I took advantage of catching her off guard, “I was an asshole. I got jealous.”

  “Jealous?” Hearing the soft way she asked, seeing the warmth seeping into her expressive eyes, all I could do was nod.

  “I thought Nick was hitting on you. I…” I swallowed hard. Put it out there. Be honest. “I like you. I…” I stopped when she shook her head.

  “He wasn’t hitting on me. He wanted me to help him with some freelance work. I’m good with computers and software and writing code. Really good. Or at least I used to be. But it doesn’t matter. It was better that you reminded me of my place tonight. I like you, too. You’re a nice man when you want to be, Mr. Davenport…”

  “John,” I told her, and she frowned, a cute line forming at her forehead.

  “Mr. Davenport, I think it would be better for us to remain professional. I am your housekeep—”

  “It’s John,” I repeated, taking a step forward. She took one back, and I was inside the guest house, closing the door quietly behind me.


  “John,” I repeated, taking another step forward, grabbing her hand with mine. “I messed up. I was an ass. Being jealous for the first time in forty-three years isn’t a good look on me. I didn't react correctly. I’m not a nice man. I can be a real asshole and a complete prick when I set my mind to it, and sometimes it comes out naturally. Just ask Mike. I’m used to reacting and doing anything it takes to get what I want.”


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