Davenport Harbor (Six Degrees Book 3)

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Davenport Harbor (Six Degrees Book 3) Page 12

by Statham, Mayra

  “No idea, her parents never told her she was adopted.” Pain was raw in her husky voice. I watched her close her amber eyes slowly.

  “You did well, though.”

  “If I had, he wouldn’t have been able to get to her the first time, much less this second time.” Her hands rubbed the leather of the armrest and she looked at me. “If the housekeeper’s why we haven’t seen you at Shine, what are you going to do?”

  “I need to think. If I go talk to him, he’ll know how to find her. If I talk to the governor, Anne and Zoey are a liability to our Republican Governor, who ran on family first.”

  “Shit,” she breathed out, “I should have just taken care of him from the start.”

  “If you had, that would have threatened your own secret. I have this. Don’t go anywhere near him. Don’t let Lucy quit. She’s a great PA.”

  “I can’t stop her.” A sad smile fell across her lips, “When you’re young, you make so many choices without really knowing the consequences.” I watched as she shook her head and pulled her hair out of her tight ponytail, silken dirty-blond hair cascading down, and kept watching as she took a drag from a new cigarette. She suddenly looked younger.

  “I was sixteen. Did I tell you that?”

  “No, but I’m pretty good with numbers.” She rolled her eyes at me, looking towards the bookshelf.

  “I got to hold her for five hours and thirty-two minutes,” she shared, her gaze showing she was a million miles away, “Her hair was just as red as it is now. She was so tiny.” Belle wiped a stray tear away. “When you grow up with nothing like I did…I sure as hell didn’t want that for my kid. At that time I had less than nothing. I did what I had to do. For both of us, but especially for her.” Her words clung to the air, and I wondered if Anne ever felt that way.

  “You should tell her,” I suggested, part of me wondering how the hell Lucy Mack had even shown up at Shine in the first place.

  “I can’t.”

  “I think she would understand,” I tried to reassure her, but when her eyes met mine, I almost regretted my words.

  “She’d understand her mom gave her up, so that she could become ‘The Madam’ of California?”

  “She cares about you,” I told her, knowing the way Lucy was around Belle. But Belle just shrugged off my comment. “She’s seeing Thompson,” I said, unsure if I should be sharing this. I watched her nose flare with a slight look of disgust on her face.

  “Jake Thompson?” She asked and I nodded. Jake Thompson was not only Mike’s brother-in-law, but also the youngest CEO of a very big financial institution. Driven, successful, but also arrogant and ruthless. I could see why Belle wouldn’t want him sniffing around Lucy.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, for a while now. I’m surprised you didn’t know.”

  “We aren’t besties, John. I’m her employer, not her girlfriend,” she snapped, not looking at me, but even I could see the hurt in her eyes.

  “Duke knew about Lucy, didn’t he? That’s what he was holding over you?


  “Was he holding more than that over you?” I asked, and she looked me dead in the eyes and shook her head.

  “People like us can’t have weaknesses, John,” she stated, sitting up straighter, leaning towards the crystal ashtray, and leaving the cigarette butt. “Caring is a weakness. He knew. How, I’m not sure.”

  “Did he know who her dad was?” Her eyes burned into mine, her stare like ice.

  “That’s a conversation for another day.”

  Just like that, I dropped it because I, more than anyone, knew how much talking about the things we hide could make us loathe ourselves. How the past could grab you by the balls, strangle you, and not let go. It was always lurking in the shadows, waiting to surface.

  “I’ll talk to Thompson. I’ll make sure she’s taken care of.” A sigh of relief escaped her lips. I could only hope that soon, I would be able to sigh about Anne and Zoey.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Watching the red Mercedes drive off, I locked up my house and walked towards the guest house. Reaching the front door, I noticed it was left slightly ajar and I frowned. Anne was very good about making sure the door was always locked. Worry hit my gut. Opening the door further, I could see the house was dimly lit. My eyes hit the kitchen. The small window by the dining room was open, the gauzy light blue curtains floating gently up and down in the air with the slight breeze. Swallowing hard, I looked at the living room and almost sighed in relief when I saw Anne at the end of the couch, sitting up, her head tilted to the side, Zoey asleep on her chest. Maybe Zoey had been teething and Anne had opened the window to let a breeze in. Maybe somehow that had popped the door open? Either way, I didn’t like it and I’d make sure to get that fixed first thing. Closing the window and locking up the house, I knelt in front of Anne. My eyes fixated on how beautiful she was. Seeing her wearing a cotton candy-pink nightgown with an empire waist, her legs showing soft skin, made something tighten up in my chest. She’d dressed up for me. I’d been around her in her usual nightwear and it had looked nothing like this.

  Her eyes opened slowly, and I liked the warm look in them when she smiled at me.


  “Let me help you,” I told her, grabbing Zoey and walking her to her crib, then tucking her in and leaving a nightlight on in the room.

  Standing at the doorway, Anne was looking at me, her face soft and sweet. It was probably that look that caught the attention of Downey.

  “You okay?” She asked, her forehead pinched slightly.

  “Just a little tired.” I grabbed her hand and walked her to the living room, settling her on my lap. “Kitten, you need to be more careful.” She frowned and I continued, “The kitchen window and front door were open, baby.” Her eyes went wide, looking towards the window.


  “I’m going to have someone come fix the door, maybe the knob is faulty, but no more leaving windows open unless I’m here. Run the AC, okay?”

  Her eyes were still fixed on the window, and that was when I noticed the way her body was frozen solid on my lap.


  “John, I didn’t open the window,” she whispered, her hand grabbing hold of mine tightly, and I looked at her, dread and worry hitting my gut once more.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah. I only open them in the morning. But, John, when you walked us back, that window was open. I closed it. I know I did.” Hearing the fear clear in her voice, I stood, sitting her back down on the couch.

  “I’m going to get Zoey, you guys are staying with me tonight.” She nodded instantly, and I could tell it was real fear when she didn’t put up an argument.


  Now settled in my room, the house's security system on, Anne seemed slightly calmer than she had when we’d left the guest house.

  “Are you sure you want us to stay in your room?” Anne asked as she dried her face with a washcloth.

  “Yes. Now get your beautiful ass in this bed.” She smiled at me, but her smile started to die away.

  “John.” I put a hand up, stopping her.

  “Whatever it is, we’ll talk in bed with you next to me, okay?” She nodded. I watched as she walked towards me slowly. She was still wearing that sweet cotton candy-pink nightgown, her silky, soft hair was down slightly past her shoulders. I thought about what Belle had said. She’d been a blonde. I couldn’t picture her as anything other than how she was right now. She slid into bed, and I pulled her close to me so we were facing one another, her hands on my shoulders, my arms wrapping her tightly, needing her close. The top of her head was at my neck, one of my hands was cupping her head, the other over her shoulder. I splayed my hand on her back, thankful to feel her warm skin.

  “This is nice,” she whispered and I smiled.

  “Better than nice,” I mumbled and kissed the top of her head.


as better than nice, too,” my voice rumbled, and I could feel her shy smile against my neck, the slight nod of her head. Silence enveloped around us gently.


  “Yeah, Kitten?”

  “I think my past has found us.” I was still wondering if somehow Anne had recognized Belle.

  “Why?” My heart was drumming in my chest.

  “The windows,” she stated, and I looked down at her, her big eyes connecting with mine as I frowned.

  “You think he was there?”

  “I don’t know. I might be overreacting.” Her worried stare stirs something in me to be protective of her. I stroked the skin on her back and pressed her close to me.

  “No one is going to hurt you or Zoey.”

  “I think we have to leave.” She whispered, seriously frightened now and I don’t like those words slipping from her lips. She couldn’t leave.

  “No.” I cut her off before she had a chance to say another word. Still holding her close, I continued, “You aren’t going anywhere, Kitten.”

  “He’s dangerous, John.” Her voice trembled. I hated what that little shit had done to her, what he’d embedded in her so deeply.

  “So am I, Anne.” My voice was low, slightly husky. “You and Zoey are safe. Okay? Sleep. We’ll talk more in the morning.”


  “Sleep. You had a full day.”

  “Okay,” she mumbled, cuddling closer into me.

  Silence filled the room but I knew she wasn’t asleep. I’d do anything to make her feel safe.



  “Sleep baby, okay? Nothing nor anyone will hurt you. I promise.” I vow but she doesn’t respond as the room once again falls silent. I rub her back with the tips of my fingers until the only thing filling it was the steady slow breathing coming from Zoey and Anne. I felt it as sleep took her, her body relaxing completely into my arms. My mind filled with thoughts about the little shit with my kitten. How the hell did she get tied up with him? With her asleep, no answers would be coming till morning. My eyes were heavy, and I let sleep claim me, too.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Opening my eyes slowly, my eyelashes fluttering slightly, I took in the sight of John Davenport right in front of me. Even in sleep he was serious, but with a peaceful expression. Thinking about the day before, I slowly rolled out of bed, careful not to wake him. I looked at him in the bed, and the image of his big strong body shirtless and sexy called to me. I took it all in for a few minutes, appreciating the sight before I scolded myself.

  We had crossed so many lines the day before. Lines that I couldn’t regret crossing. Shaking my head, I grabbed my sweater and a now awake Zoey and walked down to the kitchen. I knew he had said he was taking the day off, but that didn’t mean that I was. Hell no. I might be messing around with the boss, but I wasn’t going to slouch off at work.

  Staring out the window as I washed the dishes, I felt more than heard him come close. His large body stood behind me, his hands on my hips, and I closed my eyes just as his lips touched my neck. It was nice, better than nice.


  “Good morning.” My body was slightly tense, and I knew he could feel it when he held me closer, his strong arms wrapping around me, his face in my neck.

  “We need to talk,” his rich voice rumbled in my ear, and my heart rate picked up.

  “I know,” I sighed, staring out the beautiful window, looking at the green foliage, the guest house, and the garden that was now blooming with color.

  “Want to go to—” I cut him off, shaking my head.

  “Here is fine,” I told him. Wrapped in his arms, staring out at the beautiful green hill and colorful flowers blooming in the garden, I wanted to stay put.

  “I need to ask you something and I need you to be honest.” His voice was calm but serious, and I nodded. His handsome face turned slightly, his mouth kissing me softly on my temple, before he turned me around. “Were you blond two years ago?”

  Oh God….Oh no…


  “Yes,” I whispered, my lower lip trembling. How does he know?

  “Did you recognize Belle?”

  “No.” My voice shook as I tried to remember if I had ever met her, but I couldn’t place her anywhere.

  “Is Zoey Blake Downey’s daughter? Governor Downey’s grandchild?” He asked, and I felt lightheaded at the mention of Blake’s name spoken out loud. Cold sweat started to run down my back. Panic and dread flowed over me.

  “Let me go”, I whispered, my nose stinging and my eyes blurring with tears, “Before you call him. Please. Just let me have a head start," I started to beg, and he let go of my body, turning me in a blink of an eye, and sat me on the quartz countertop, his large body wedged between my legs, his finger lifting my chin so that I was looking into his eyes.

  “What did you just say?” If I hadn’t been having a panic attack at the mention of Blake’s name, I would have been paying attention to the pissed-off mood he was now in, but I wasn’t paying attention.

  “Please, John. I just need a head start. I know their reach. I know you have to call them, but...”

  “Is that the kind of man you think I am?” He growled loudly, snapping me out of my panic attack. I watched as his face turned seriously angry.


  “I saw you. I saw the handprints on your fucking neck. I helped Jerry check you, and your torso was fucking bruised. Your arms. Jesus, you think I would—”

  “You know who Blake Downey is?” I asked him, my own fear masking itself in anger.


  “Do you know who his father is? Do you know the kind of power they have? I would have kept driving straight into Mexico and kept driving right to freaking Costa Rica, if it wouldn’t have been for that damn flat tire!” I yelled. “That’s how much power they have. I met him in college, was all starry-eyed and stupid. A stupid, unimportant, small town girl from Iowa. He saw that and he…”

  “He what?” John goaded me. I watched his Adam’s apple bob slightly and shook my head.

  “It doesn’t matter. Just let us go—”

  “No,” he told me, his hands on either side of me gripping the countertop.

  “You don’t get it.”

  “Then tell me! Tell me what he did, so I can help. Because as much power as they have, I don’t lack my own!” He yelled then clenched his strong jaw. Silence filled the air around us as we stared at one another.

  “Please.” His forehead touched mine, and something about the strangled tone in his voice caused something inside me to break. That small part of me that had been reaching out, hoping trust would grow, and I couldn’t have stopped myself if I had tried.

  “I fell in love with him, but it was all lies. I was a junior at Berkeley, taking advanced courses. My life revolved around school. Then I had to take this stupid communication’s class I had been putting off. He took the same class and charmed me. He paid attention to me. He seemed genuinely interested. I’ll admit knowing that political royalty was interested in me, was flattering. He was a little wild and liked to party, but I was too dazzled to realize that it was unhealthy.” I looked away, my gaze landing on Zoey playing with some chopped up strawberries I’d given her, and found strength to keep talking.

  “He had bad habits, and an ugly side started to show. It was slow at first. He was pushy about me changing my hair, then it was the clothes I wore, or not hanging out with friends I’d made. Then it just got worse, so I broke up with him,” I shared with John. My head was still lightheaded, “It didn’t work. He didn’t leave me alone. He showed up everywhere I was. He said he was sorry. He promised he would change. He said that he loved me so much, he needed all of my time, and I stupidly believed him. I went back. I even moved in with him.” My voice broke and I hated it. I hated how weak I’d been.

  “Things only got worse. His temper was frightening. I was so scared all the time. I stup
idly took a break from school a semester before graduating and didn’t go back. I was stuck and I didn’t know how to leave. Every time I tried, he found me, and every time I gave in and went back. I don’t even know why I did. Then, instead of false promises of change, he started to be more manipulating. Threatening me. He even had police detectives that I found out were friends of his father's pick me up once. They threatened to arrest me on drug possession charges. I’ve never even smoked a cigarette. Blake was manipulative and violent, and it was only getting worse.” I squeezed my eyes closed, trying to keep the ugly memories away.

  “When I found out I was pregnant, I didn’t think. I left. I was determined to go anywhere, be anyone I needed to become, so that my child wouldn’t be hurt by that monster.” I met his stare head-on. So much was going on behind John’s eyes, it only helped me to power through.

  “He would have, too. He would have wanted me to get rid of her, or he would have beaten me to death. I know that. He was getting more violent. More out of control each day. And he was cheating on me, not hiding it. He was doing all kinds of drugs. I’m almost sure he was even selling. I wasn’t going to risk it.” My voice was calm and steady, even though I was falling apart with fear on the inside.

  “So you took a baby away from her father?” He asked, and it pissed me off.

  “No. I left so that she could have a chance to live.”


  The determination in her voice made me nod. I knew the governor’s shitty son would have done just what she had said he would, and the governor and his people would have covered up any evidence of it.

  “What happened when you left?” I asked her, my hand caressing her cheek.

  “I had a little money. I found jobs that I could convince my bosses to pay me under the table. I lied about my name to everyone except you,” she told me. Something about her telling only me I liked way too much.

  “Why?” I couldn’t help but ask and watched as she took a deep breath then released it slowly.

  “To be honest, that night you caught me off guard. I worried momentarily, but then I didn't think you would see me again.”


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