The Runaway Sub [Libertine Island 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Runaway Sub [Libertine Island 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Diane Leyne

  So he’d redoubled his efforts, and he and Joe had rounded up the last of them. He hadn’t even gone home after completing the paperwork. He’d kept a packed bag in his car, waiting for this day. He’d driven straight to the airport. He’d had to wait for hours for a flight, but it was worth it. He was going to get his sub back.

  The last thing he’d even considered as a possibility was that Caleb would bed a woman, and not just bed her, top her, for it was clear that the woman was shocked to find that Caleb was his sub. He stared at her more closely. After being a cop for fifteen years, he could read people. She was harder to read than most. A lawyer. He’d bet she was lawyer, although he hoped not the scum-sucking type. Hopefully not one of those who defended the type of people he worked to put away, but still, Caleb was in bed with a lawyer. A female one.

  In all the years he’d known Caleb, he’d never expressed interest in women. Rey was bisexual and had occasionally pointed out an attractive woman, but Caleb had never been interested in playing with a woman, let alone adding one to their relationship, so Rey had never seriously pursued that option, but sometimes he missed the softness of a wet pussy and firm tits.

  The woman didn’t give much away with her expression after her first look of shock. But he was pretty sure that she wasn’t that surprised to see him. She was surprised to see a stranger in their room, but he got the feeling that when she got a good look at him, she had recognized him. She was shocked, though, to find out that Caleb was his sub. Had Caleb claimed to be the Dom, or had she just assumed looking at Caleb’s big frame? People often associated size with dominance. He might be a few inches shorter than his lover, but he was definitely the one in charge.

  He studied both of them closely. Caleb was holding position beautifully, although Rey had caught him trying to look sideways at the woman. Rey decided to ignore that lapse for now. And the woman, she was sitting up in the bed, holding up the bedding in front of her breasts, but, other than that, she was obeying him. Clearly, she was a sub and an attractive one at that. He felt his cock stirring. He’d been completely faithful to Caleb since they’d been together, but Caleb had brought her into their relationship. He considered Caleb’s punishment and this stranger’s. Clearly, with her downcast eyes, she was expecting something.

  “So, you are not a Domme as I originally believed. What is your name?”


  “Excuse me? Is that how you address a Dom?”

  “Sorry, Sir. My name is Jen, Sir.”

  “Very good, Jen. And tell me, Jen. What made you think it was okay to fuck another man’s property without permission?”

  “I didn’t know…”

  “Don’t lie to me, Jen. I know you knew I existed. I saw it in your eyes. You recognized me. How?”

  “Caleb has your picture in his office, Sir.”

  “And did he tell you that he was my Master?”

  “No, Sir. I just assumed.”

  “Hmm. And did he tell you that we had broken up?”

  “Not exactly, Sir. He told me you weren’t together any more. I just assumed he was your Master and released you, Sir.”

  “And now that you know that your assumptions were wrong, how do you plan to make it up to me that you used my property without permission.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Sir. I’m very sorry.”

  “Yes, yes. You are sorry, but you will still have to pay forfeit. Tell me, how long have you been using my slave? How many times have you fucked?”

  “Last night, Sir. Last night was the first time.”

  Rey laughed. “One night only? Seriously?” He caught a shadow of guilt on her face. “Or was it?”

  “Well, two nights ago. But we didn’t have sex. We just fooled around a bit. Three nights if you count the day we met, but we only had a single kiss on my doorstop.”

  Rey looked at her disbelievingly and then burst out laughing. Oh, this was good.

  “Did you come this night when you just fooled around a bit?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Did he?”

  “Yes, Sir. But not in me. In his pants.” She turned to Caleb. “I’m sorry, Caleb. I can’t lie to him.”

  He watched Caleb turn and give her a quick reassuring glance before resuming his downward gaze. It seemed the threat of punishment to the beautiful Jen was enough to keep his slave in line. He could use that. He knew that he had some apologizing of his own to do and he had to make up to Caleb for letting him leave without a word, and he would use anything he could to get his sub back, even if it meant using Jen. He had no issues with fighting dirty when it came to love.

  “And how did you have him? Did you take his cock in your mouth? Your pussy? Your ass?”

  “Sir, I don’t…”

  “You don’t think, sub. I’m presently determining your punishment. You used my slave, and I want my pound of flesh. How did you have him?”

  “Pussy and mouth, Sir.”

  “Did I interrupt too soon? You, slave. Were you planning on fucking her ass this morning, if I hadn’t arrived unexpectedly?”

  “No, Sir. She hasn’t had a cock in her ass since her Master died five years ago. I was planning to start stretching it today, but I wasn’t sure if I’d have time since she’s leaving in a few days.”

  “Is that right? Are you planning on leaving in a few days, sub?”

  “To be honest, I am not sure, Sir. I quit my job, so I have nothing pressing to go back to. I’ve thought of staying down here for a while.”

  “Here as in the resort or here in general, meaning somewhere in the Caribbean?”

  “Both. Either. I hadn’t figured it out, Sir.”

  “Well, then, let me figure it out for you. You had my slave without permission for two nights. That means you will serve me in whatever capacity I determine, subject to your normal hard limits, for two weeks. I’ll have Duncan draw up a temporary contract. Are you amenable to this?”

  He watched her face as she considered his words. And he saw her try to hide the arousal that his words caused. The little minx would be a pleasure to tame. It had been a long time since he had topped a woman. He would enjoy this.

  “It seems fair, Sir. But what about Caleb?”

  “Oh, Caleb will have his own punishment unless he wants to be released as my sub, and then I have no authority over him.” He walked over to Caleb. “So, my runaway sub, you left me behind in Miami. As you didn’t state your intentions otherwise, you are still my property and you will be punished for running away and for taking a sub of your own unless you want to be released from our contract. You may speak now. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “Please, Master. I thought you didn’t want me anymore. I’m sorry. You just seemed so distant, like you no longer cared. And I couldn’t stay in Miami anymore. I was burned out. I tried to tell you, but you wouldn’t listen. And you didn’t seem to care anymore.”

  “Excuse me, slave. Not care anymore? I devoted myself to hunting down the man who hurt you. I wanted to get revenge for you. What more did you want?”

  “You, Sir.”

  “Damn it, slave. Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I tried, Sir. But all you seemed to care about was catching Garcia. You acted as if that would solve all of my issues, but it wouldn’t or won’t or whatever. I had a bullet go through me. It could have killed me. I needed time to heal. I needed a warm body in my bed to hold me tight and reassure me if I had a nightmare. There were hundreds of other cops to go after Garcia, but only one to make me feel safe again. And it was worse when I found out you lied. I was the target, Sir, not you. I thought I was protecting you, but I was the target all along. I had a right to know.”

  Rey felt a knife twist in his gut. “I’m sorry, slave, but I did what I thought I had to do. Maybe I was right and maybe I was wrong, but what’s done is done. Garcia is dead. The men who hired him behind bars. Now I’m back and you are mine and don’t ever forget that again. We will talk more later.” He turned to Jen.

  “My slave took a bullet he thought was meant for me. I saw you earlier looking at the wound. That is proof of his love for me. He was willing to die for me. I may have handled the situation badly at the time, but he is mine and I’m not letting him go. Do you understand me sub?”

  Warily, Jen nodded. Rey studied her face for a moment before turning back to Caleb.

  “But in the meantime, back to your punishment, yours and hers. You say you didn’t take her ass. But you want to, right?”

  Caleb raised his eyes to Rey’s. “More than anything, Master.”

  “As I thought. Your punishment is this, you will spend the next few days or as long as it takes, because we won’t rush her, preparing Jen’s ass for a cock. You will do it slowly and lovingly, and when she is ready, you will watch as I have it first.”

  Chapter Nine

  Jen gasped. Rey was definitely a sadist, and she’d never felt so turned on. She felt herself quail as he turned his gaze on her.

  “You, sub. Do you have a problem with how I discipline my slave? You agreed to a two-week contract. Is anal one of your hard limits?”

  “No, Sir. I have no problem with it in principle, but it seems unnecessarily cruel to have Caleb be the one to prepare me.”

  “You’ve been my sub for ten minutes and you are already trying to top from the bottom.” She watched him warily. He was right. She was trying to take charge. She subsided. “Clearly you need to be taken in hand, little one, and I am just the Dom to do it. Now you will kneel beside Caleb and present yourself to your new Master.”

  Jen found herself scrambling to obey. Caleb was sweet and wonderful and made a great Dom when they were playing, but Rey was a Dom down to his fingertips. She found she was quivering with anticipation of what he might do to her. What the hell was wrong with her? Five years she couldn’t find one man to bring her libido back to life, and now two men had her engine revving. And, of course, it was two men who were in a relationship with each other. This whole thing really had no future, but she’d take these next two weeks. If she could leave them with her desire and sexuality back, then she’d be happy. She’d also be sad when it ended, but it would be worth it.

  Kneeling beside Caleb, she spread her knees and placed her hands face up on her knees. Lowering her eyes, she waited for his inspection.

  “So, sub, what did the two of you have planned for today? Were you going to use my property some more without permission?”

  “No, Sir. I came to the island for a wedding. I have to help the bride get ready, and then I’m a bridesmaid in the wedding party.”

  “Slave, were you in the wedding party, too?”

  “No, Sir. I’m just a guest.”

  “If she’s in the wedding party, does that mean you have no date, or are you seeing other people as well? Are you playing with other subs I should know about?”

  “No, Sir. I planned to go alone.”

  “Sub, please advise the appropriate individuals that I will be attending with my sub. Now, stand up.”

  She stood. He walked up to her so close that she could feel the heat from his body. He wasn’t as tall or as muscular as Caleb, but he walked with a predator’s grace. She wouldn’t want to be his prey. She had a feeling that once he set his sights on something or someone, he didn’t give up until he’d ravaged them to his satisfaction.

  He circled her. She knew she should feel self-conscious because she was naked and he was fully dressed, but the appreciative look in his eyes just had her standing taller, her breasts thrusting toward him, her nipples hardening as she hoped for his touch.

  He leaned down until his lips were inches from hers. “I’ll get the contract drafted today. I’m going to look forward to playing with you.” He turned his head to look at Caleb. “What do you think, slave? Do you want me to include in the contact that we both get to play with her?”

  “Yes, Sir. Yes please, Sir.”

  “And you, sub. Would you like the both of us to play with you? Because I have all sorts of wonderfully kinky ideas wandering through my mind for the three of us to try out.”

  “I’d like that, too, Sir.”

  “Good. Now go get dressed and go to your wedding preparations. And enjoy wearing clothes today, because once you are mine, you won’t have any when you are with me, and you’ll be alone with me a lot as our boy here will be working most of the time, so it will be up to you to keep me entertained and satisfied.”

  Jen looked up at Rey’s face and couldn’t hide her arousal. What was wrong with her? She’d gone from no libido to dying to submit to two men. There had to be something in the water here, and she loved it, although it scared her, too.

  Dressing quickly, she was grateful to escape and process how she felt. Maybe once she was out of the room she might change her mind, but right now, she could feel the anticipation humming through her body. Waiting until tonight was going to either leave her quivering with need and desperate, or all of this anticipation would fade and she would want to flee the island as soon as the wedding was over.

  She glanced at Caleb. He was still kneeling, looking at the carpet. She could see the tension in his shoulders. She wished she could see his expression, but not at this angle. And she wanted, above other things, to kiss the scar from the bullet wound now that she knew the story behind it. She glanced at Rey, who was clearly waiting for her to leave before he addressed Caleb and decided that now was not the time.

  Just as the door was about to close behind her, Jen realized that she forgot her purse on the chair beside the dressed. Grabbing the door just before it closed, she pushed it back open. Before it opened all the way, she caught a glimpse of Rey’s reflection in the mirror and his expression of love and longing and sadness pierced her heart. No matter how angry he acted, it was clear that he still loved Caleb. She must have made a noise because he turned abruptly in her direction, and she saw him wince and grab his side.

  She felt his piercing stare and thought she’d melt under the heat. He was like a jungle cat, a black panther maybe with the elegant lines of his body and the feline grace of his movements. Right now, she felt like prey pinned beneath the glare of a predator.


  “I forgot my purse.”

  “Take it and go, now. Oh, and pack your bags. You can have them delivered here. Don’t worry about the small space. I’m going to book us one of those private cabins so I have plenty of room to torture you both. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir. And, Sir?”


  “Can I…” She gestured to his side which he was holding. Quickly he dropped his hand. His face hardened.

  “Go now before I turn you over my knee and give you your first punishment.” His voice was full-on angry Dom, and she shivered at both his tone and his words. One part of her wanted to feel his hand on her ass. She instinctually knew he wouldn’t be playful like Caleb. If he decided to spank her, it would hurt and he would enjoy it. And so would she, she realized.

  Rey didn’t wait to see if she obeyed. Turning his back on her, he walked over to Caleb. Knowing she’d just been dismissed, she still couldn’t make herself leave. Watching, she saw Rey walk over to where Caleb kneeled. Reaching down, he rubbed the bigger man’s head. She watched Caleb raise his face to Rey, and she could see the uncertainty, pain, and total adoration in his expression. He pressed his face against the front of Rey’s pants, which were tented from his erection. He reached up to unfasten Rey’s belt, but Rey stilled his hands.

  Looking into the mirror, Rey met her eyes again before pulling Caleb to his feet. Jen watched their lips meet before she slipped out, closing the door behind her. She felt like a voyeur, so she walked quickly away.

  * * * *

  Holy crap. Caleb was a sub. Or maybe a slave. That’s what Rey had called him. My slave. She couldn’t process the information. It was just too much. Hurrying up the walk, she saw Maggie coming toward her with a big grin on her face.

  “I’d love to pump you for all of
the details, but we have a bridezilla on our hands. Hurry up and grab your dress and things and meet me at the cabin. Facials and mani-pedis and then a light meal before we have to get the bride into her dress and ready for her walk down the aisle in T-minus four hours.

  “Oh, god. I don’t think that’s going to be enough time. Who would have thought Aly would lose her mind when she got married.”

  “Is she that bad?”

  Maggie rolled her eyes. “When she couldn’t get a hold of you, she called me. At five a.m.!” Her voice was so outraged that Jen had to laugh.

  “What did she want?”

  “She had decided she didn’t like her shoes! Damned things won’t show under her wedding dress, and once Max removes her dress for the collaring ceremony, no one will be looking at her feet.” Maggie grinned. “She must have woken Max up with her rant because next thing I knew, he was on the phone telling me to go back to sleep and just show up at the cabin at ten, and then I could hear Aly protest followed by what sounded like a good strong smack on someone’s ass, and then Aly was shrieking in the background as Max hung up.

  “Remind me never to get involved with a Dom.”

  “But didn’t I see you following around with Carter Hayes last night? You aren’t going to try to tell me he’s isn’t a Dom, are you?”

  “Sure he’s a Dom, but he’s not my Dom. He’s just someone to fool around with for a few days until I head back to Chicago. It’s a fantasy. He suggested that his brothers join us one night before I go, and I’m seriously considering it. When else am I ever going to get a chance to have not one, not two, but three hot guys in my bed?”

  “Three? Wow, and I thought that Rebecca’s two guys would be a handful.”

  “Hey, it’s not like it’s a love match for me and Carter, not like Rebecca and her guys. Hell, the way Mal and Mike look at her, they are so clearly head over heels for her. But just because it’s fun and not love doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t have some too before we leave. Hell, when I’m old and gray and respectable, I can look back and remember my crazy night with three brothers.”


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