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Quiver Page 2

by Laura Avery

  “Shut up,” Jackson roared, shoving his knee deeper between my legs with a loud huff. “Don’t you dare, don’t you fucking dare say anything about him after what the fuck you did.” His body hovered over me, his eyes narrowing in on me.

  “I – I….” I snapped my mouth shut. Now that he was back so was my stutter.

  “You what?” he whispered. His hand slid inward, pushing my hair behind my ear, getting rid of any shield my gaze had from him. The gesture made me feel even more naked than I had seconds before. He let his hand linger on the back of my skin before slowly moving it toward the front of my body and wrapping it around my neck. He titled my eyes up, forcing me to look him in the eye.

  He wasn’t hurting me, wasn’t choking me. It wasn’t about that, not at that moment anyway. It was about the power. He wanted me to know he could do whatever he wanted to me at any moment and forcing me to keep my eyes traced on his was a good example of it.

  I closed my eyes again without meaning to; not drowning in his eyes was the only time I could think straight. I needed to be in the blackness of my eyelids to escape the blackness of his soul.

  “Open your eyes,” he snapped. “You don’t get to not look at me.”

  I sighed and obeyed. Just like I always did.

  Jackson smirked and then gestured toward the frat boy on the floor across from us. “Did you fuck him?” he asked me loudly, causing a few people in the room to turn and look at me again. “Did you let him shove his cock up in that tight pussy, lamb?” He cocked his head to the side with rage.

  Pierce laughed loudly from where he stood a few feet from us, enjoying the show just like he always did. “I think she did.” He walked closer to frat boy, delivering a swift kick to the side of his stomach. “Did you enjoy my brother's property, asshole?” Pierce laughed louder when the kid grunted in pain again.

  Jesus, I had almost forgotten how quickly situations got out of control with them.

  I flinched at the pain they were inflicting on the poor kid. “You know I didn’t.”

  “I know nothing,” Jackson informed me, not even bothering to look at his brother. “Maybe the past few years has changed you, lamb, maybe it’s made you a fucking slut.” He looked me up and down slowly, his hand still holding my chin in place. “You certainly are dressing like one, aren’t you?” His other hand drifted to the bottom of my shirt, slowly tracing the fabric in his hands.

  And damn me if I didn’t feel a wetness spreading down my thighs. If I didn’t control myself then soon I would have a stream of my sweetness dripping down my legs and onto Jackson’s knees. And once he saw or felt that I would really be in trouble. I gulped at the thought of the consequences.

  God, how could someone so evil be so damn beautiful?

  I cleared my throat softly. “People are watching, someone is going to call the cops on you guys.” It was a pathetic attempt to regain a sense of control in a situation that was already completely out of my hands.

  “And I give a fuck?” he seethed, pressing his body harder into mine. “Answer the damn question. Did you let that piece of shit stick his tiny dick inside of you? Did you like it, huh? Did he make you scream?”

  “No! God! No! I’m still a virgin! Is that what you wanted to hear?” I yelled, desperately feeling myself slipping further and further down his tangled web of evilness, the same way I always did when he was near.

  Pierce laughed loudly and an evil smile came over Jackson’s lips. Laughter erupted from the students around us and I could feel my cheeks start to heat in embarrassment. I realized my mistake too late, Jackson already knew my pureness was still intact; he just wanted to hear me admit it. He had known if he pressed hard enough I would get flustered and say it loud enough for everyone to hear, further progressing his never-ending game of humiliation.

  “You almost make it too easy, Emery,” Pierce howled toward me.

  Jackson leaned into me, so close that our foreheads were touching, pressed firmly against one another. “I know you’re a virgin, little lamb. Fuck, I know everything about the last few years of your life.” He brought his teeth forward and grabbed my bottom lip between his teeth and pulled on it roughly. He growled and released it, letting the sting overcome the bottom of my pillow. “I know about the little yellow house on the corner of Wilsons street that you and your naive parents thought you were so save in. I know about the part-time job you had at that piece of shit café in the center of town.” He leaned his cheek against mine, enjoying the feeling of my shaking against him. “I even know why that loser Greg who was a little too interested in you just stopped showing up for work one day.”

  I gasped loudly at his words.

  “That’s right, baby, you might not have felt it but I still owned you. Every. Part. Of. You.” He nuzzled my hair with his nose aggressively. “I was waiting, saving my pounce for the moment you finally thought you were safe before I showed up again, reminding you that I was still in charge.” He leaned back again and removed his hand from my throat, sighing as if he were in the middle of a dream. “And now that I have you right where I want you again, I’m going to ruin you, little lamb.”

  I felt the tears starting to prick the back of my eyelids.

  “Don’t.” He shook his head. “Don’t you dare fucking cry, you don’t get to cry. Not after everything you’ve taken from me. Not after everything you put my family through!” His words were like venom from the mouth of a snake, sharp and instantly infectious.

  Maybe it was the little bit of breathing room he had granted me or the nerve he had for bringing up the situation in mixed company but something in me snapped, rendering me temporarily brave. “And what about everything Charlotte had to go through, Jackson? Does her suffering mean nothing to you?” I lunged the words at him in a tumbled mess.

  His eyes turned black and he threw his fist into the wall next to me, causing a huge bang to erupt around us and a large pool of dark red blood to start flowing up and down his knuckles rapidly.

  It took everything in me to keep eye contact, to not force my gaze to the ground.

  “Jackson,” Pierce’s tone was laced with warning.

  The sound of his voice made me shiver. If Pierce was getting involved it was because he knew Jackson was on the edge of doing something that was borderline too evil, even for them. A few more beats of rage and Jackson would probably rip this place to shreds, destroying everything in his path.

  “I’m fine,” he snapped at his younger brother before he looked at me again, running his tongue over the inside of his mouth. “Every piece of you, lamb, everything left inside of you that’s good…” he pressed his body against me again and growled lightly. “I’m going to destroy it. When I’m done with you, you’ll be just as fucked up as I am.” He pushed his knee between my legs again and slipped his hand up my skirt. “Everything about you that’s pure will be mine, little lamb.” He brushed his lips against the top of my forehead, ironically. “Everything.” And then he pushed off of me and turned around, storming out of the room with just as much presence as he entered.

  Pierce watched his cousin go and then turned to me and shrugged. “It’s not like you don’t deserve it.” He took a few steps closer to me but was stopped by Morgan jumping into the space between us.

  She took one look at me and swung around, pushing against Pierce’s chest. “You asshole! What did you guys do to her now?” Her fists started to shake in anger. “Get away from her!”

  “Ugh!” Pierce pushed backward and clung his hands to the side of his head. “Two years without your annoying voice ringing in and out of my ears, Morgan, and all it took was one minute for my headache to return.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s nice to see you still never shut up.”

  A few people laughed around us.

  “Go away,” she seethed.

  “Relax, your girl is fine.” He shrugged. “For now.” He shot Morgan a wink and then turned his gaze behind her on me. “You take care, Emery, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you real
soon.” Then he turned around and took off in the same direction as his big brother, no doubt eager to continue their reign of havoc.

  It wasn’t until he was out of sight that I allowed the first tear to drip from my eye.

  Fucking Jackson.

  Chapter Four

  “Hell would freeze over before I helped him cum in another woman’s mouth.”


  I pushed my body down onto the floor of the random room in the frat house and let the tears overtake my body. I had run up here after Jackson and Pierce left me downstairs and locked the door behind me, refusing to come out no matter how hard Morgan knocked. I knew her heart was in the right place but I needed to be alone. I needed time to process what the hell had just happened.

  I brought my legs to my chest and buried my head in my knees. He had found me. After all this time, he had found me. Actually, he had never lost me. He had known exactly where I was the whole time, watching me, keeping tabs on me. The question was why now? Why had he decided to come back and make his presence known now? And what was I going to do about it?

  Nowhere was safe, there was nowhere he couldn’t find me.

  I willed my body to relax. I had known the effect he had on me, known the tension and lust that filled my body at his nearness but there was nothing like the real thing. The rush was overwhelming me, awakening things inside of me that I had been trying to dull for months.

  How could I be scared and turned on at the same time? It was the same question that I had been asking myself for years and just like before, the answer never came. Jackson Lucas was back in my life and I had to figure out a way to deal with it once and for all but I was exhausted, every turn I had tried with him in the past had led to a dead end.

  The handle on the door jiggled and I sighed. “This room is taken!”

  I had locked the door but every few minutes some drunken coeds still kept trying to come in, desperate for a place to disappear into so they could fuck the shit out of one another. I wondered what that felt like, being so consumed with someone that you wanted them right then and there, and actually being confident enough to do something about it.

  The pounding on the door increased. “I SAID IT’S TAKEN!”

  The door flung open easily, the lock breaking in one easy motion.

  Jackson trampled into the room, pulling a skinny blonde with him before he slammed the door shut behind him. The girl giggled, pushing her lips into his neck and sucking. “God, you’re so fucking hot.”


  I moved back into the shadows off instinct, pushing my scrunched up body so far into the corner that my back collided with the stiff wall. Of course, someone like Jackson Lucas wouldn’t care if a room was occupied or not. He didn’t wait for anyone or anything, especially when it came to getting his dick wet.

  He pushed his large body down onto the bed and leaned his back against the bed frame so that he was still sitting halfway up. I heard him wrestling with his pants before the sound of his zipper coming undone filled the room.

  I felt a tingling come over me and I knew he was taking his cock out.

  “Get to work,” he told the girl in front of him firmly.

  She giggled and lowered her head, all too happy to obey his request. I could hear her taking him in her mouth, slowly slurping in his manhood. A sense of annoyance came over me and my heart started to speed up. I knew I should have looked away but I felt paralyzed, my eyes were glued to his manhood and the blonde head that was bobbing eagerly up and down on it. I had the intense urge to sprint across the room and rip her off him by the fake ass hair that lined her perfectly shaped head.

  Was I? Oh, God, was I jealous?

  What was the matter with me?

  Jackson moaned loudly and the sound made me snap my eyes from his crotch to his eyes. I expected them to be trained on the girl under him, leaned firmly on her knees in an effort to desperately please him. But, no, Jackson Lucas was looking directly at me. Even in the darkness of the room, he found me, trained his eyes on mine as if it were fully lit.

  And then I realized the truth. He had known exactly where I was.

  He had brought her in here on purpose.

  He wanted me to watch.

  “Yeah,” he whispered, still looking at me. “Suck that big cock.”

  Wetness sprung to both my eyes and that tender spot between my legs.

  Holy crap.

  The girl in his lap started sucking faster at his words, happy that she was getting a reaction out of him. I could hear her slurping loudly, the drool from her mouth dripping down his cock and onto the bed.

  “Faster,” he demanded. “It’s so hard.”

  Pain sprung to my ears. Fuck him. I didn’t have to sit here and watch this. He had put me through a lot but nothing like this; never had he had his way with a girl right in front of me. I stood up on shaky legs, determined to get out of there before my sobs overtook my body completely. There was no way I would give Jackson and the bimbo on his lap the satisfaction.

  But as soon as I stood, Jackson shook his head, letting me know leaving wasn’t an option. He wasn’t letting me off the hook that easy. No, he was going to make me stay here and watch him get off. Watch the kind of pleasure I would never be allowed to bring him.

  My legs sunk back to the floor without my permission.

  “You made me so hard,” he said firmly. “You did that.”

  My eyes froze on his. He may have been getting his dick sucked by someone else but every word he said was for me. I hugged my arms to my body again, starting to tremble slightly.

  “So much built up aggression,” he gasped loudly, pushing his fingers into the comforter that lay on the bed. “So much fucking tension that only you could satisfy. Months of watching, days of never being able to feel your fear close to me.” He sighed heavily at the memory. “You made me so fucking hard out there, shaking underneath me, lamb.”

  The blonde under him froze, clearly confused.

  “Keep going,” he demanded and she obeyed.

  I bit down on my lip so hard it started to bleed. I wanted to stop looking at him; I wanted to not witness the end of his little show, to escape away from the cruel scene that was playing out before me.

  But I couldn’t.

  The only thing that scared me more than staying was leaving.

  “I’m going to cum,” he smirked. “I’ve cum many times for you over the last two years but never like this, never with your innocent little eyes traced on me.” He laughed. “Filled with so much fear,” he paused. “And so much fucking jealousy,” he delivered the blow with a cruel laugh, reading every emotion that flowed through my body just like he always did.

  I finally looked away, not wanting him to read me any longer than necessary.

  “Do you want me to cum?”

  The girl in his laugh moaned.

  “Shut up,” he snapped, his eyes still on me.

  I looked up again, knowing he was waiting for my answer.

  “You do, don’t you? You want to know you made me fucking cum, little lamb.”

  I knew what he wanted from me. No, what he was demanding from me. He craved my admission; got off on making me say it out loud. It was clear how mortifying saying something like that out loud would make me feel. I had no control over Jackson, no sense of power, but making a man like him cum would make me feel hot all over. No, it would make me feel special, and Jackson knew it.

  God, was I not allowed to have any thoughts for myself?

  He panted heavily, getting closer to the edge of satisfaction. “You want me to cum, don’t you? Say it.” He moved his hips forward a little bit, getting ready to let loose inside the bird's mouth that was sucking him off.

  Hell would freeze over before I helped him cum in another woman’s mouth.

  I didn’t care what kind of consequences came from it.

  “No!” I spat out fiercely. “I don’t!”

  Jackson’s eyes snapped open in anger and he pulled the girl off of him.
“Get out,” he snapped at her as he stood up, his eyes were locked on me, rage burning in and out of his veins. I had disobeyed him, questioned his rules, and now I was going to have to be punished.

  The blonde looked at me with wide eyes, confusion written across her features. “Who the hell is she?” She took a few steps toward me like she was ready to kick my ass for Jackson’s honor or something.

  Jackson stalked to the other side of the room and swung the door open, not even bothering to put his cock away. “You,” he roared to the girl. “Get the fuck out, we’re done here.”

  Her mouth hung open.


  She shot me one last nasty glare before stomping out the door.

  Jackson slammed the door behind her and let it pound into the wall with a bang. He flipped the light on, causing my eyes to sting in what had been an almost black room moments earlier. “You think you’re clever, huh?”

  “No,” I lied immediately.

  He moved across the room rapidly and thrust his arms underneath my shoulders, yanking me to my feet and pressing me up against the wall. “You clearly fucking do, Emery, or you wouldn’t have stopped me from exploding all over the inside of that skank's mouth.”

  Just the thought sent a taste of bile flooding the inside of my mouth.

  “I bet it pissed you off, didn’t it? The thought of another girl getting to taste my cum. Why should she be the one to get the reward when you were the one who got me all worked up, is that it?” His grip tightened on me and I felt his hardness press into my stomach with a heavy lunge.

  I gasped at how big he felt against me. Shit, his cock must be huge. It took every ounce of self-control I had to not look down and get a peek at the manhood I had been obsessing over for the last seven years.

  “I could care less about you and your pathetic fan girls,” I lied again.

  “You’re a fucking liar,” he grinned evilly.

  “I’m not,” I whispered.

  “You are,” he assured me. “And you’ll have consequences for your poor choices.”

  I averted my eyes, not even wanting to know what it was he had in mind. This was so fucked up, so why wouldn’t my heart stop racing? He couldn’t stand everything about me, just being this close to me sent a seething rage in and out of his joints. And I couldn’t blame it on Liam because it had started way before that night with his brother, way before the tragic events that had unfolded that all those months ago.


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