Making of a Magister (Realm of Hulsteria Book 3)

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Making of a Magister (Realm of Hulsteria Book 3) Page 12

by Frank David

As her eyes adjusted, she could barely make out the figures lying in bed. She approached them, slowly.

  “Lena, are you okay?” Sofia asked as she neared the bed. As she moved closer she noticed Lena’s skin did not look right. She thought it might be the light. “Lena!” she yelled. There was no response.

  “It is no use,” Luna spoke at last. “She is gone.” Her sobs echoed through the room

  “What happened?” Sofia stared at the woman lying in bed.

  “She could not bear to be separated from her child and husband, so she decided to join them. I could not bear to leave her, so I kept everyone out and stayed with her.” Luna’s voice was weak. “I tried to stop her, but I failed. I had hoped I would have died of hunger before anyone came to check on us.”

  Sofia walked over to the window and slowly opened the drapes to allow some light to fill the room. She watched as Luna covered her eyes as the light poured in. Sofia stepped back in horror at the scene on the bed.

  Lena sat in the bed holding the decaying child in her arms. Luna was at her side, holding her dead child. The older woman appeared frail.

  “Roderick!” she screamed. Within seconds Roderick entered the room. He was assaulted by the smell. He became sick at the sight on the bed.

  “What happened?” he asked as he regained his composure.

  “Did you never think to check on them?” Sofia yelled at him.

  “I tried. They refused to leave the room,” Roderick defended himself.

  “You should have made them leave,” Sofia rushed to her brother and began beating on his chest. “This is your fault. You allowed this to happen.”

  Roderick took hold of her arms as they continued to pound his chest. He pulled her close and hugged her tightly. “I am sorry. I did not know this would happen. I thought they needed their time to grieve.”

  “It is not his fault, Princess,” the old woman moved as she spoke. The sound of Lena’s bones cracking as she did so, sent shivers down Sofia’s spine. “He checked on us daily, but I refused to let him enter. Once we were discovered, her death would be real, final. I only wanted to lie with my daughter a bit longer. I am ready to take them both home now.” The woman tried to stand but did not have the strength.

  Roderick rushed to support her. “We need to get you something to eat, Lady Luna.”

  “I just want to leave this place. I want to leave and never return.” She pushed him away and went toward the door. “Please have someone come and prepare my daughter and her child for our voyage.” She closed the door behind her.

  “I will go find some guards to help. They refuse to enter the palace but perhaps Felicia can help me convince them.” Roderick looked at his sister. “Will you be okay?”

  “I will be fine. I think Felicia and I will accompany Luna back to Hulsteria. I worry if she were to travel alone, she may not make it back.” Sofia kissed her brother then gestured him to leave. She stood and took in the scene before her. She screamed as she fell to the floor.

  Chapter Seventeen – Svetlana

  The woman stood at the helm. Her dark strands blew gently in the wind. The journey was long, and she was ready to once again be on solid ground. She already missed her home, but this was an important mission, one she could not leave to anyone but herself.

  Her people had not returned to this side of Saaveth since their exile. She was raised on the stories of the true nature of the people who called these four realms home. They were the stories that caused nightmares in the children of her realm. Her father would recant the tales to her, instilling in her a fear and hatred for these people whom she never met.

  It was the visions that brought her here. They plagued her nightly. The horror. The death that laid ahead for her people and these people. She needed to do what she could to prevent her visions from becoming reality. She cared little for the people on this side of Saaveth, but she could not allow her people to suffer the coming war.

  The ship was secured. She watched as a man boarded her ship. He was dressed in what she assumed was a military outfit. Her men were quick with their swords. She raised her hand, causing the men to ease their stance.

  “What do you need?” she asked as the man approached, his hand on his own blade.

  “Greetings, m’lady. Welcome to Jascaessau. I am afraid we are unfamiliar with your flag. From where do you hail?” the man asked. His voice conveyed confidence.

  “I am Queen Svetlana of Zabytyy. I wish to speak with your Empress.” Her green eyes were cold.

  “Zabytyy?” The man cocked his head as he repeated the name.

  “You are not aware of our land? We are a distant people. Our home is east of the realm you know as Savien.” Svetlana laughed at the man’s ignorance. How was it she was aware of them, but they seemed to have no knowledge of her people?

  “What business do you have with the Empress?” the man pressed.

  “I come to discuss a matter of mutual importance. I am sure your Empress will be interested in what I have to say.” She stared at him. She invaded his mind. ‘You will allow us an audience with your Empress. You will take us to her.’ The thought was planted, and the man obeyed.

  “Follow me, Your Majesty. I will take you to the Empress myself.” The man led Svetlana and her guards off the ship. “I am afraid I do not have transportation to take you to the Empress. We will need to walk to the palace, but it is not far.”

  “It is fine. I have been confined to the ship for far too long. The walk will do us all good.” She noticed the stares as she and her men walked among the people of this foreign land.

  “How long was your journey?” The man attempted to make small talk as they walked. The woman unnerved him, but he could not determine why.

  “It was several weeks. As I said, we are from a distant land and the sea is not always generous to sailors. There were days with little wind and weak currents, slowing our travels.” Svetlana could sense his uneasiness. It brought her joy knowing she commanded such feelings in these people.

  “You arrived at a most joyous time. Our Empress is about to wed her new husband,” the man said nervously.

  “A marriage? How wonderful. When is it set to take place?” She was gifted at insincerity. She knew of the pending nuptials, which was why she chose this time to visit. Many would be in attendance. It would be the perfect time for her to plan an attack on the Empress.

  “Tomorrow, Majesty,” he smiled. “The whole city is buzzing with preparations. Imperials from the four realms have been arriving for days. Earlier the Imperial Princess Royals from Savien and Trokha arrived. They have not visited the realm in months, not since the death of their fathers.”

  “I had heard of the unfortunate events which took their lives. How very sad for their people, and their daughters.” Svetlana could not disguise the smile that forced its way upon her face.

  “How are you aware of such things?” The man looked at her with suspicion.

  “It is my responsibility to know what is happening in the other realms.” Svetlana glared at him, once again assaulting his mind with her commands. ‘Do not question me.’

  They reached the gates to Rothmar. Svetlana’s heart beat heavy in her chest. She would be face to face with the woman whose descendant had banished her people, and killed her own ancestor.

  “One moment, Majesty.” The man rushed to speak to another guard.

  Svetlana looked at her men. “Maintain your stance. We first speak with the Empress. No swords are to be drawn, is that understood? Even if her guards draw, we remain steady.” Her men nodded in acceptance.

  “Follow me, Majesty. The Empress is greeting guests in the Great Hall.” The man waited as the gates were opened.

  Svetlana took in the sights as they entered the courtyard. “Excess and extravagance, while her people live in poverty beyond these walls,” she whispered to her guards.

  The man paused outside the Great Hall. “Your Imperial Royal Majesty, Queen Svetlana of Zabytyy,” he announced as Svetlana entered the room.

  She approached Stelaphina. The Empress was not alone. Several others were with her.

  Stela eyed the woman as she approached. “Greetings, Majesty. I am afraid you have me at a disadvantage, I am not familiar with your kingdom.” She looked to those around her, each conveying they too had never heard of Zabytyy.

  “It is I who should apologize, Empress. I should have prepared you for my visit, but there was little time,” Svetlana curtsied. “Zabytyy is not a kingdom but a realm. It is located to the far east of Savien.”

  “I do not believe any of us were aware of another realm.” Stela again looked to those around her. “Benedictus, were you aware of another realm?” She looked to Antonio.

  “Empress, I do not believe anyone is aware of such a place. My apologies, Queen,” he bowed to the woman. “I am Benedictus Antonio, leader of the Church of Saaveth.”

  “Greetings,” Svetlana smiled at the old man.

  “East of Savien?” Angelique asked. “I am Empress Angelique Imaz of Savien. I have never heard of any land to our east. Our maps show no such land.”

  “I assure you, Your Imperial Majesty, we are there.” Svetlana laughed. “We have always prided ourselves on remaining silent.”

  “Why did you decide to remain silent no longer?” Astrid asked. “I am Astrid Imaz, Imperial Princess Royal of Trokha.” Astrid watched the woman closely. She brought a sense of dread to the Imperial.

  “We have decided to reach out to the four realms to discuss a matter of importance to us all. I understand that I may have picked an inconvenient time to visit as you are preparing for your wedding.” Svetlana grinned.

  “You are correct, we are to be married,” Harris spoke up. “I am Harris Morrison, future Emperor Consort of Hulsteria.” Harris bowed to the visiting monarch.

  “May I ask a question?” Antonio addressed the woman.

  “Of course, you want to know if we follow your God. We do not, we believe in another.” Svetlana knew the question before it was asked.

  “What God do you follow?” Stela inquired.

  “I have not come to discuss our religious differences. I come to bring you news that will impact us all. We could continue with the pleasantries or we could discuss the matter at hand. I do not mean to be abrupt, but my mission is quite important. This is why I have come myself and did not send an emissary.” Svetlana did not wish to remain in this land longer than necessary. She feared word of her assassins on the Empress’ young son’s ship would arrive while she was still present. She had sensed their failure, but she could not turn back.

  “Very well, if it is that important we can discuss it now,” Stela turned to the guard at her side. “Please inform the guards that we are to be undisturbed. The guests arriving will need to wait for an audience.” The guard nodded and rushed off. “Please, everyone, sit.”

  “Is there no representative present from the southern realm, Xasha?” Svetlana questioned.

  “I am afraid there is not. Recent events have created a rift between our two realms. My youngest son, Joseph, is headed to the realm to take his place as Emperor.” Stela smiled with pride as she made the admission, hiding the pain of her son leaving.

  “That is why I am here, Majesty,” Svetlana continued.

  “It is your realm that will bring war upon my son’s reign.” Stela’s face became red when she made the connection. “The Master Scientia saw the conflict that laid ahead for my son.”

  “You are aware of the prophecy?” Svetlana looked surprised.

  “I am. I know that your people will attack the four realms. Your realm is the home of the barbarians. The people Declan exiled.” Stela stood, the others joined her as Svetlana remained seated.

  “I have not come to fight. I have come to stop the war. I have seen many die at your son’s hand, on both sides of the battle.” Svetlana remained calm. “I do not wish for either of our peoples to suffer.”

  “It is your realm that will bring the war. It is your people who will kill countless innocents in your campaign for revenge.” Stela clenched her fists. She could feel her anger rising.

  “It would seem we have each been shown different futures,” Svetlana smiled. “My Goddess has provided me the gift of visions. This future is what my gift has shared.”

  “Your Goddess?” Antonio stepped back. “Diana!”

  “Yes, Diana is the Goddess who protects my people.” Svetlana stood. “She has watched over us since before your New God came into being.”

  “Stop,” Astrid yelled. “We need to hear what each of you know. What have each of you seen? If this impacts Saaveth, we all have a vested interest. Before we decide who is right, we need to consider all facts.”

  “You are correct, Astrid.” Angelique looked at her cousin. “As Empress of Savien, I need to have all the information before I decide where my support lies.”

  “If I may, I would like to share what I have seen,” Svetlana moved from the group. Her guards stood near.

  “It begins when the Empress of Hulsteria dies, within the year.” The others gathered responded in shock at the words. Stela was unmoved. She was aware of this fact. “Her son who now sits on the throne of Xasha will take the throne of Hulsteria. Upon his union with the Imperial Princess Royal of Savien, he will command three realms. He will wage war against Trokha to unite the four realms under one ruler. The Emperor’s younger brother will be Benedictus, upon Antonio’s death. This will give the Emperor command of all armies within the four realms and the Church.” Svetlana looked at the others, their faces showed their disbelief.

  “Alexander is but a small boy. I will not survive until he is of an age to serve as Benedictus,” Antonio offered the hole in her story.

  “Your God has already planted the seeds in the minds of those who determine your replacement,” Svetlana admitted. “I have seen his deceit. He has orchestrated all that is to come, even after he is no more.”

  Antonio remained silent, knowing Braynard had many plans of which he was unaware. Perhaps the woman was speaking the truth.

  “When the war comes, I will be gone. It will be my daughter, Alexis, who will be forced to defend Zabytyy from your son’s cruelty.” Svetlana’s eyes became heavy as the tears surfaced.

  “The battle that will ensue will be unlike any ever experienced previously. It will be a great battle of magic. It will be a standoff between those who follow Diana and those who follow God,” Stela interrupted.

  “Yes, your sons against my daughter, and another. Alexis will have an ally, though I have not been able to see who this person is. She will stand beside my daughter and face the evil that are the children of Saaveth.” Svetlana did her best to maintain her composure. She would surely be outnumbered should she lose herself and strike at Stela.

  “It would seem you share the same vision, only the outcome is different. Stela, you see your boys as victors and victims. Svetlana, you see the opposite,” Astrid spoke. “But is the end the same? Does Saaveth suffer the same fate in both visions?”

  “I believe the outcome is identical. We have both seen the countless dead. I have seen the face of Saaveth change.” Svetlana turned from them. The pain she felt was too obvious. She could not allow them to see her so moved.

  “I have seen the same. Few survive what is to come. The magic scars the land and seas.” Stela reached for Astrid.

  “The answer is simple. We will forbid Joseph and Millicent to marry. If he rules two realms he will be strong but Savien and Trokha can band together to prevent him from taking the thrones.” Angelique joined Stela and Astrid.

  “Perhaps that is enough.” Antonio looked at the three women. “He would still have the Church on his side, if Alexander is to become Benedictus. I fear Savien and Trokha would not be able to withstand an attack from the three armies.”

  “We know nothing of this woman’s realm. We do not know the armies she commands. Why are you all so quick to believe that Joseph will take the thrones by force? I have not been shown such. Braynard said T
rokha would agree to fall under his rule. Trokha was not taken by force.” Stela broke her stance with Astrid and Angelique. “How do we know it isn’t her daughter who brings death to Hulsteria? Her people have remained hidden from us all these years. Why come to us now but to bring division between us? We have all been taught the history of her people. They murdered and tortured many of our ancestors. These are not a people who seek peace. They seek to dominate. They seek revenge.”

  “We are a peaceful people. We learned from the errors of Drevniy. We no longer seek justice for the death of our great leader. We do not seek battles. We live as one people. War is not seen in Zabytyy,” Svetlana spoke softly.

  “You follow Diana, you cannot be peaceful. She is not a peaceful woman.” Antonio attacked her claims. “Diana has sought to destroy our God since she, herself, was exiled.”

  “Has your God not also looked to destroy Diana? Jealousy between deities is never beneficial to those who worship them.” Svetlana threw the accusation back at the old man.

  “This conversation is getting us nowhere. We will not decide this matter today.” Stela fought to control the emotions brewing inside of her. “You will remain in Jascaessau until after my wedding. We will continue our discussions then.” Stela turned to a guard. “Send word to Imperial Grand Duke Daniels. He will offer his home to our guests. He and his family will be my guests here at Rothmar until Her Majesty leaves Hulsteria.” The guard nodded and rushed off.

  “Are we to be your prisoners, Empress?” Svetlana could feel her own anger rising.

  “No, you and your men will be free to move about the city as you desire. I will place no restrictions on you. As a token, I invite you to my wedding tomorrow. You will see the true nature of the people of Hulsteria. And please, call me Stela.” Stela would have her men watch the queen to ensure she was not planning any trouble. “I believe you will find Cranston Manor to your liking.”

  “Thank you, Stela. Until tomorrow,” Svetlana curtsied as she and her men left.

  Stela stood watching the woman leave. She surveyed the faces around her. She could not gauge their thoughts.


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