Making of a Magister (Realm of Hulsteria Book 3)

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Making of a Magister (Realm of Hulsteria Book 3) Page 27

by Frank David

  As she moved through the castle it became engulfed in the flames radiating from her body. Her beloved Frostmoor would be no more. She did not care. She needed to return to Rothmar. She needed to protect her people and put an end to this war.

  She stood before the door leading to the courtyard. The flames flew forward burning the doors as she approached. The door flew open at her command.

  Stela looked back at the palace as it burned. The home housed many memories. For a moment her heart was filled with regret. She forced the feelings to subside. There was no time to second guess the acts which had occurred or what laid ahead.

  “You need to get the powers under control,” the voice called out from the right. “This is not what I meant!” he screamed.

  She turned to see Braynard. Her deceased ancestors stood behind him. She could sense their desire to attack her. The sword and shield came to her. She stood ready to face her attackers.

  Declan charged toward her. Braynard commanded the corpse to stop but the man did not heed his order.

  Stela watched as the hero came. She opened her mouth. No words exited, only a scream. A scream as she had never heard before.

  In the distance her scream was echoed. She watched as the beast descended upon the small army gathered behind her. Declan stopped his advance and turned to see the winged beast. Braynard vanished as the beast opened its mouth and released the flame, consuming the bodies of her ancestors.

  She turned and began to walk toward Rothmar. The beast landed in front of her and lowered its head and neck. She climbed upon the creature’s back as it took flight once more. She headed toward Rothmar, never looking back.

  Sofia’s body laid in the garden of the palace. She became engulfed in a bright light, as the blood on her corset disappeared. She took a deep breath as her life returned.

  Sofia stood and watched as Frostmoor burned.

  “What happened?” she whispered. “Stela!” she screamed.

  “Your sister won,” the voice echoed behind her.

  She turned to see the woman standing behind her.

  “Who are you? Where is my sister?” Sofia screamed.

  “I am Diana,” the woman bowed. “Your sister is stronger than I had expected. You will help me prepare to face her.”

  “I would never help you!” Sofia yelled. “Stela will bring an end to you and your followers.”

  “I need more power,” Diana whispered, as she moved closer to Sofia. “You have all the power I need.”

  “I have no power.” Sofia stepped back, away from the Goddess.

  “I saw what you did. I know you called forth the dead army to strike down Luke. You blocked his power. I have never seen such power. There is something special in you girls.” Diana scratched her head. “You are not normal Imperials. Braynard had said his child stood against me. I would have never thought it was you. It makes perfect sense. Stela would be too obvious, but you, the spoiled child of the Imperial family. You are nothing but a bastard.”

  “I am leaving. I must get to Rothmar,” Sofia turned to leave.

  The sword appeared in Diana’s hand. Another Divina Mundi. “You are going nowhere,” Diana said, as the sword pierced the Imperial Princess’s back.

  A great light escaped Sofia’s body as the blade reached through her skin and met her heart. The blade glowed as the power was siphoned from Sofia’s soul. The light travelled through the blade into the talons buried in Diana’s wrist. A smile grew on the woman’s face as she felt the power growing within her.

  “You will not come back from this death,” Diana laughed, as the light of the blade subdued, returning to its original hue. “Thank you, Sofia. Now I am ready for Stela.” The woman vanished.

  Chapter Thirty-Four – Stela Returns

  Harris continued to fling his fire at the Dianites charging toward him. He watched as the other Imperials attempted to use their powers to hold the attackers back. Some were successful but many failed. They were outnumbered. The battle had lasted longer than he had expected, but he feared the Imperials would not be victorious.

  The dragon flew high above Jascaessau. Stela could see the battle raging between her people and the Dianites. She saw the bodies of those who fell. The creature circled the palace. A great scream was released from the mouth of the beast. The battle below ceased as all eyes turned upward.

  The people began to scatter as the dragon began its descent. Screams filled the air. Harris looked up. He watched the flaming figure at the beast’s neck. He ran, fearing it was another of Diana’s followers coming late to the party. The soil beneath his feet began to quake as he ran for Rothmar. He forced his way through those fleeing the area, keeping a flame at the ready should someone attack. He reached the gates of the palace as the dragon came within striking distance. He struggled to maintain his balance as the ground continued to tremor. He watched as the beast opened its mouth. The flames consumed Imperials and Dianites in its wake.

  He ran after the beast. It rose into the sky once more. The panicked crowd ran to the safety of the bay. He followed. The scorched buildings that lined the road to the bay crumbled as the ground continued to shake. Walls collapsed on those who were seeking refuge in the safety of the waters below. Harris saw the wall teetering as he ran past. He picked up speed as the wall fell just inches behind him.

  An arm stopped him. He turned to release the fire. It was Braynard. He lowered his arm, the fire extinguished.

  “She has been overcome by her powers,” Braynard said, pointing to the dragon and its flaming rider.

  “That is Stela?” Harris screamed.

  “I told her to let the powers protect her. She gave herself over to her gifts and now they control her. I fear if we do not stop her, no one will survive today.” Braynard pointed toward the bay.

  Harris watched in horror as the wave rose from the harbor and immersed those who fled Stela’s vengeance. The screams increased. The direction of the mob changed. They were heading back in the direction of the palace. Braynard pulled Harris out of the way of the stampede of Imperials and Dianites.

  The dragon descended from behind the fleeing mob. The scream warned them of another attack. Many fell believing it would save them from the beast’s hellfire. The flames came. Only the Ignis were safe from the onslaught.

  The ground beneath Braynard and Harris began to open. The two men rushed toward the palace.

  “How do we stop her?” Harris asked as he rushed past the burning bodies lining the road.

  “You must defeat the dragon,” Braynard responded. He floated above the bodies.

  “How do I defeat a dragon?” Harris stumbled over a body and fell to the ground. He looked up to see the dragon descending upon him. The beast’s chest was exposed, moving closer. He closed his eyes and released the fireball, hoping it would have some effect.

  The fireball hit the dragon in his chest. The creature swayed at the impact. The beast let out a great scream. Harris covered his ears.

  “You did it!” Braynard screamed. “You hit him in his heart.” He helped Harris to his feet as the beast slammed to the ground in the spot where Harris had laid.

  Harris stopped running. He grabbed his chest. He fell to his knees. He tried to speak but the words would not come. He looked at the flaming rider as she descended the beast’s neck. She did not look like his wife. He searched her face for some indication that she recognized him. She approached him.

  “Stela! Stop!” Braynard cried out.

  She turned and looked at the man. She raised her hand and the man went flying across the road. He slammed against the wall of a burnt building, causing the structure to wobble. He fell to the ground.

  “You destroyed my pet,” she said, approaching Harris. “My sister, my cousins, my husband, my grandfather, and my father have all been taken from me. Now you take my pet?” She screamed as the man trembled at her feet. She clenched her fist and Harris’ pain increased.

  “I am your husband,” he forced out. “I love you. This is not
you, Stela.”

  “You were a mistake,” she looked at him with disgust. “I was forced to marry you. I was forced to allow you to give me a child. I will no longer be forced to do anything.”

  “Stela, you were never forced to do anything.” Braynard stood. “Everything you have done, you have desired.”

  “I grow tired of your voice. Everything that spews forth from that vile orifice is nothing but lies or riddles.” She raised her hand. The man was lifted from the ground. He scratched at his throat, as if fighting invisible hands. “I have listened to you from the beginning. I followed the plan you laid out. I was stupid. I will be stupid no longer.” She could feel his pulse weakening.

  A vine shot up from beneath her feet and entangled her arm. She looked at the tower. The four Imperials were gathered – Astrid, Amanda, Madeline, and another. She released the man. He tumbled to the ground.

  The winds grew around her. She was lifted into the air and was carried to the tower. The four fled as she approached. Flames covered the staircase leading to safety. They were trapped on the wall. They would have to run for the other tower, it was their only hope to escape her rampage.

  Harris laid on the ground trying to recover. His heart was picking up its pace. He looked over at Braynard. The man laid motionless.

  “Braynard!” he called out. The man did not respond. Harris stood and staggered toward the gates. He needed to get to Stela before she did more that she would regret.

  “You think you can stand against me?” Stela approached the trapped Imperials. “You believe your pitiful powers can compete with me?” She laughed as the four scattered along the wall. “Do not make me chase you. You will only delay the inevitable.”

  “Stela,” Astrid pleaded. “Do not do this. We stand with you, not against you!”

  Stela looked at her cousin. “You have never liked us. You believe Hulsteria is a weak realm. You believe we should be under Trokhan rule.”

  “That is not true,” Astrid said. “I did not believe you could rule but I saw how you changed the people of Hulsteria. I saw how much they loved you. Do not do this. It will only bring you shame in their eyes.”

  “I will do as I wish!” Stela screamed as she released her wrath upon Astrid. The ravens flew in and intercepted the flames that were meant for their mistress. The birds fell from the sky.

  Astrid ran for the far tower. It had been unaffected by Stela’s attacks. She closed the door and rushed down the stairs, safe inside the palace.

  Stela turned to Amanda. “Savien believes she is superior to all the realms.”

  “That is not true. You are not thinking clearly,” Amanda said, cowering against the wall. “We stand beside you. We are family. We are equals.”

  “I sensed Angelique’s hatred for our ways when she came here. She believes we are an uncivilized people. I will show her how uncivilized we are when I send your charred remains to her.” Stela sent the flames toward Amanda. The girl dodged the attack. The flames continued to flow in her direction. She reached the tower and descended into Rothmar.

  Madeline began to cry.

  “Real tears!” Stela screamed. “You only cry for yourself. The tears you shed for my father were insincere. The tears you shed for my grandfather were forced. You have only ever cared about yourself. Your position. Your reputation.”

  Madeline stood. “I loved your father and your grandfather. I did what I had to do, for you!” she screamed at her daughter.

  “You did what you did for you and no one else!” Stela accused. “You are a selfish woman.”

  “I have lived a long life. I have done many things of which I am not proud. If you mean to strike me down, I will not fight your desires.” Madeline stared at her daughter, waiting for the flames to find her.

  “Stela!” the voice caught her attention.

  “I should have finished you!” she screamed at Harris as he emerged from the burning door of the tower. She turned her attention back to her mother. “Good-bye, bitch!” she screamed as the flames reached her mother. The woman screamed as she was consumed.

  The other Imperial on the wall, Maurice, took this opportunity to join Astrid and Amanda safe within Rothmar. He ran for the doorway. Stela paid the man no attention as he entered and found safety below.

  Harris jumped over the wall. He reached for Stela. The flames engulfed him as he clung to her. He could feel no pain, but he could feel the flesh being burned from his bones.

  “We love you,” he whispered. “This is not you.” His grip on her loosened. He was lowered to the ground.

  “This is my fight!” Braynard said, as Harris was safely beneath them. “I will stop her!”

  “I have dispatched you three times this day. I would say you are no match for me, Scientia or God, whoever you are!” Stela turned to face the man behind her.

  “You believe yourself indestructible. I will prove your theory incorrect.” Braynard said as he flew toward the Empress. “I do not wish to harm you, Stela, but I cannot allow you to continue this rampage.”

  “You will not stop me!” she screamed, sending the flames in his direction.

  The flames went out as they approached Braynard. He called forth a great wave which overwhelmed Stela. The flames that embodied her were no more. She began to descend. The wind around her dying.

  She commanded the vine to take Braynard. Braynard dismissed the approaching vine which fell to the ground. “You cannot win!” he said “I do not wish to harm you. Get the powers under control. You can do it!”

  Stela stared at the man. She saw his heart beating heavy in his chest. The pain hit as she assaulted him.

  Braynard made a gesture that sent Stela flying across the courtyard. “Will you force me to end your life?”

  Stela stopped herself. She stood her ground. She imagined the water filling his lungs. She could hear him struggling as the water overwhelmed him.

  Harris rushed toward his wife. His body ignited as he got closer. He grabbed her and tackled her to the ground. “I love you and will not allow you to destroy yourself. I did not think I would see you again. I refuse to allow these to be my last memories of you.” He kissed her. She resisted. He held her firm and would not allow her to free herself. He fought the pain seething in his chest. She had taken hold of his heart. She wanted him dead. His attempt to save her from herself would be his end.

  “Stela,” the voice whispered. “Please, you need to stop. You do not wish to harm him. You love him.”

  Stela pushed Harris from her. Orthia stood over her. “Your heart has been darkened but it is only temporary.” She reached out her hand to help her sister to her feet. “I have seen the love you have for Harris. Do not let your anger cloud your vision.”

  “You are a fool,” Stela turned from Orthia. She looked at Harris. He laid on the ground staring up at her, trying to overcome the pain she was inflicting. “Love has only brought me pain. Love is evil. We lost our sister!” Stela screamed.

  “I know,” Orthia said quietly. “I sensed her leaving. Do not let your pain dictate your actions.”

  “Why are you not mad?” Stela stared at Orthia. The woman was unmoved by Sofia’s death.

  “Anger is not what is needed. We need love.” Orthia smiled. “Love is what gives us power. Love can also make us lose control. It is a double-edged sword, sister. Love brings us great joy, but immeasurable sadness. I would rather live my life filled with love. If you do not stop this, your life will be filled with hate.”

  “Perhaps hate is good!” Stela yelled.

  “Diana lives in hate,” Orthia reminded her. “Her cause is driven by her hate for Braynard and those he loves. She allowed her champion, Daniella, to fall at your feet. That is not love, Stela. Braynard fought to save you because he loves you. He did not want to see you fall to the darkness that has consumed you.”

  “I am filled with power. I have the ability to prevent anyone from hurting me,” Stela cried out.

  “You have the ability to prevent anyone from lo
ving you, or you them. Is that how you wish the rest of your life to be?” Orthia hugged her. “You were always filled with such love, even for Edmund. It was your love that allowed you to end his madness. You did not kill him to protect Hulsteria. You killed him because you could not see him suffer. You loved him, but he had become a monster, obsessed with power. Do not become like Edmund. When you killed him, you suffered greatly over your decision. It was your love for him that made you suffer as you did.”

  The darkness that had taken hold of Stela began to break, as Orthia’s love brought the light back into Stela’s soul. She realized the impact of her actions.

  “Mother!” Stela cried. “I killed mother!”

  “It is done,” Orthia whispered. “There is nothing you can do about it. I fear it is something that will haunt you, but you are strong enough to move beyond her death at your hands. You did not kill Harris,” she smiled, pointing to the man still struggling to regain himself.

  “Harris!” She rushed to him. “I am so sorry. Can you forgive me? I did not mean to hurt you.” The tears stung her eyes.

  Harris sat up, slowly. “I love you, Stela, as I said. I will love you always. I do not blame you for your actions. Diana pushed you beyond reason. I am just glad you are back.”

  Braynard descended. He stood by Orthia. “Good work,” he said, as he embraced her. “I was sure we were going to lose her.”

  “I would not have let that happen,” Orthia smiled. “There is more to me than meets the eye.”

  “I know, my dear.” He kissed Orthia on the head.

  “Braynard.” Stela stood and walked toward him. “I am sorry. I did as you said. I suppose I was not ready for the power that resonates within me.”

  “You are ready, but you must learn how to control it,” he smiled. “I will teach you.”


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