Secret Santa 4U

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by Scott, Paisley

  Secret Santa 4U


  Paisley Scott

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Secret Santa 4U

  COPYRIGHT 2007, 2012 by Paisley Scott.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Visit to contact Paisley and find more hidden treasures!

  ALSO by Paisley Scott:

  Sugar Shack / Same Old Lang Syne

  Secret Santa 4U

  The Pirate and the Pussycat

  What people are saying about Paisley Scott…

  “Paisley Scott is the hottest new voice in erotic romance! With believable characters, sensual love scenes, and a wonderful sense of humor, she draws you into a world you’ll never want to leave.”

  ~ Gina Ardito, author of Bonds of Matri-money

  “A touchingly sexy holiday romp that’s guaranteed to make your Christmas merrier!”

  ~ Amethyst Ames, author of Undercover Mistress

  Snow blew heavy across the highway and covered the windshield of Sophie Mulligan’s practical VW Bug. The slap-slap of the wipers droned on with each slow-motion moment as she struggled against the storm. Only a few miles until her exit. She rolled to a stop along with the traffic. Weather like this always made the holiday season less than happy for Sophie. She looked off the highway at the tiny town of Bedford. Even in the fading daylight, it was cozy and quaint with its perfect blanket of fresh snow. Christmas lights, colorful, blinking and bright, lit up houses as far as she could see.


  The time of year that intensified the fact she was alone.

  She sighed and put the VW in gear as traffic inched forward again.

  It wasn’t like she’d set out to be the loneliest person in the entire state of North Carolina. Heck, there were sure to be others in her same predicament. Right? She frowned. With her luck in the romance department, probably not.

  She glanced in her rearview mirror. Eyes the color of warm molasses stared back at her. She smiled sadly, remembering. That’s how her father had always described her boring brown eyes. Sophie pushed her auburn bangs back beneath her gray wool cap and looked at the road again. Thank goodness her exit was next. She wanted nothing more than to get home and take a nice, hot bath.

  The ride home was a lot easier, once she left the interstate. Whereas the highway had traffic, the roads within town were, for the most part, deserted. That’s generally what happened each major holiday since this was mostly a college town. Everyone went home to be with their families, and Bedford turned into a ghost town until the semester started up again in January. It was a nice hiatus, she thought.

  At least from work.

  She’d been a librarian at Bedford City College for nearly three years. Truth be told, she liked working around the students. It made her feel like she was back in school with them. Even though it had only been eight years since she graduated from the same college, she felt like a dowdy old spinster.

  And at the ripe old age of thirty-three.

  She groaned and downshifted as she reached the turn-in to her apartment complex. The parking lot was nearly vacant, with the exception of a few snow-covered cars. Either the owners didn’t have plans for the holidays or they’d opted for other transportation this season. Whichever was fine with Sophie—it meant prime parking smack dab in front of her first floor apartment.

  Balancing two copy paper boxes in her arms, she made her way to the front door, the rubber soles of her boots crunching in the quiet snow as she went.

  “Hey! Let me help you, Soph.”

  Startled, Sophie stopped and looked over the top of the boxes, discovering the voice belonged to her young, upstairs neighbor, Brody Jacobs.

  Two small slashes creased his lean cheeks as he smiled. “Are you headed home for the holidays?” he asked, taking the boxes easily from her.

  Unlocking her front door, she opened it and escorted Brody inside. He’d been in her apartment enough times he should have a key by now. He was her Mr. Fix-it when it came to computer problems and even built the computer she had sitting on her desk in the front room.

  “Nah. I’m going to stay here,” she told him, pulling off her cap and tossing it on the kitchen bar. “Those are ornaments you’re holding. I figure I’ll set up the tree tonight.”

  Brody set the copier boxes down against the far wall. “Need some help? I don’t have any plans.”

  Sophie shook her head. “You’re too sweet for your own good, Brody. You’re going to get taken advantage of if you keep offering to help.”

  “Being taken advantage of by a woman?” Dark eyebrows rose above his sapphire blue eyes. “How could that ever be a bad thing?”

  She grinned at him. “Hey, did you get contacts?” It was the first time she noticed he wasn’t wearing the thick rimmed glasses she’d always seen him wear.

  The lean cheeks creased again. “Yep. Just got ‘em this week. Pretty cool, huh?”

  “Very nice, indeed. I swear if I were ten years younger, I’d do you.” She winked.

  She loved to tease him, but for some reason today—with him looking so…dare she say, delicious…she couldn’t help herself from flirting just a little bit, too. Just to see his reaction.

  Brody blushed. “Wow. That was…completely unexpected.”

  Sophie patted his shoulder. Regardless of the age difference, they were friends. Good friends. And she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. “You know I’m just teasing.”

  He cocked his head. “What? You mean you wouldn’t do me now? Man, you’re a tease.”

  “I wish,” she said, shrugging off her heavy coat and taking it to the hall closet. A minute later, she emerged from the closet with a long box. “Would you mind helping me with this?”

  He took it from her. “Your tree, I presume?”

  “All the Christmas charm with no prickly needles.”

  He grunted. “Nice.”

  “Are you being sarcastic?”

  “Me? No. Never. When am I ever sarcastic?”

  “Hmm. Let me think.” She paused a tick. “Oh yeah, always.”

  They both laughed.

  Over an hour later, they had the tree up, decorated and strung with multi-colored lights. They turned off the overhead lamp and watched the tranquil twinkling. If she let her mind drift, Sophie could swear it almost felt like Christmas.

  Brody nodded toward the computer resting on the desk near the cold fireplace. “How’s that service I told you about? Have you met anyone interesting yet?”

  It was Sophie’s turn to blush. The service he was talking about was an online dating site. “I’ve met a few.”

  “Come on. How hard are you trying, Soph?” He walked over and booted up her PC. “Log in and show me your profile. I’ll give you a man’s perspective on it.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want to, Brody. It’s not that bad. I’ve had lots of offers, just nothing I’m that interested in, okay? I can handle my own love life, thank you very much.”

  The look on his face clearly told her he wasn’t fooled by her bravado. “Please don’t tell me you’re still using that LibraryLass nickname?”

  She looked away from him. “What’s wrong with that name? Lots of men have fantasies about librarians, you know.”

  “True. But with that moniker you just look like a bookworm—like you visit the library a l
ot instead of run a department. Spice it up a little—you’re way too conservative. Take a chance. Try something like, I dunno. HotLibrarian or CheckMeOut. Something clever and titillating. Guys—all of us—dig that shit. It turns us on.”

  She balked. “Don’t ruin my perfect perception of you, Brody. You’re a sweetheart.” She pointed to the monitor. “You’re not like those guys. Believe me, they’re not romantic or even quasi-nice guys, so don’t throw yourself into their category. Besides they’re a bunch of old farts trolling that site, and you’re a nice kid.”

  Brody’s jaw clenched. “Nice or not, Sophie, I’m not a kid. I’m twenty-four and my birthday’s next month. Is that the magic age? Twenty-five? Or do I have to wait ‘til I hit my thirties to officially be called a man? Tell me, Soph, because I’m dying to know.”

  Great. Now she’d pissed him off. And all because of a stupid word choice. “Oh, Brody. I didn’t mean that in a bad way. I just meant you’re not like the typical guys out there. You’re sweet. You’re special. You’re going to make someone a great boyfriend or husband one day.”

  “You do realize this little speech isn’t helping one bit, right?”

  Sophie rolled her eyes. “I am so sorry. I can be a real nitwit when it comes to people’s feelings. What can I do to make it up to you? You want me to make you dinner?”

  “Nah,” he said, shaking his head as he walked toward the door. “I think I’ll just head out now. Maybe catch a movie. I’ll see ya later.”

  “Please don’t be mad at me, Brody. I couldn’t stand that.”

  Stepping across the threshold, he turned and smiled at her. “I’m not mad. I’ll try and stop by tomorrow if I get a chance. Maybe we can have lunch or something.”

  She returned his smile. “Okay.”

  As soon as the door shut behind him, Sophie let her head drop forward. What had she done? Why did she always say the wrong thing to men? Young or old, she always screwed it up.

  Wandering over to the forgotten computer, she sat down and logged into the dating site. Since it gave her three free usernames, she opted to branch off her LibraryLass moniker and try something more daring. What could it hurt?

  Two minutes later HotLibrarian entered the chat room named “30-something.”

  “I’ll give it an hour,” she mumbled and answered the obligatory room hellos.

  Soon, a newcomer entered the room. In the holiday spirit, he’d chosen the nickname,

  SecretSanta4U. Sophie had to smile as she sent him a greeting.

  HotLibrarian: Cute name, SecretSanta4U.

  SecretSanta4U: Thanks. I gotta ask—how hot are you, HotLibrarian?

  Sophie shook her head. Why did all the online chats have to go like this? Brody’s words about her being too conservative came back to her. She should take a chance. She was safe in her own home, after all. It’s not like she was in some bar meeting a stranger. Here, she could just log out if things got out of hand. Right?

  HotLibrarian: Too hot for you to handle, Santa.

  She hit the Enter key and sat back, feeling more than a little naughty. It felt good to flirt like this. No holds barred. She’d never in a hundred years have the courage to do this sort of thing face to face.

  SecretSanta4U: You’d be surprised how much I can handle, babe. ;)

  Suddenly, a private message popped up on Sophie’s screen.

  SecretSanta4U: Wanna go private? I gotta see how hot you really are.

  Before she even had a chance to reply, an invitation box beeped in the middle of her screen: SecretSanta4U has invited you to join the room Santa’s Workshop. Would you like to accept?

  Reining in her practical side, she clicked the YES button.

  SecretSanta4U: Have you been a good girl or a bad girl this year?

  HotLibrarian: What do you think, Santa? Don’t you have a list?

  SecretSanta4U: You’re definitely on the naughty list.

  HotLibrarian: Oh goodness, what’s a bad girl to do?

  This was fun. She was really getting into it now.

  SecretSanta4U: It’s hot in here. Maybe you should take off your blouse?

  HotLibrarian: Ooh, you’re smooth, Santa-baby.

  Sophie stared at the computer for a full 15 seconds. What was she supposed to do now? She’d never in her life done something so risqué. Ah hell, just take a chance, Soph! she could almost hear Brody say. Maybe a little wine would help loosen her up. She headed to the kitchen.

  She brought a bottle of Chardonnay to the desk and took a sip from her glass before settling back into her chair. SecretSanta4U hadn’t said anything since she left. He was obviously leaving it up to her to make the next move. She took the plunge.

  HotLibrarian: I’m unbuttoning my blouse now. Oh yeah. That feels much better. The cool air washing across my skin. Mmm.

  SecretSanta4U: What are you wearing beneath your blouse?

  Sophie took another pull of her wine and actually undid her buttons. Might as well get into this.

  HotLibrarian: I’m wearing a black, lacy bra, and in case you’re wondering, it’s a size 36-C. The tops of my light pink nipples are barely visible through the delicate lace.

  There was a long silence on the other end. Sophie drained the rest of her glass and poured another. Finally, SecretSanta4U began typing again.

  SecretSanta4U: God that sounds hot. Take it off?

  HotLibrarian: If you want…

  SecretSanta4U: Slowly… and tell me what you’re doing.

  Describing each movement as she went, she began by unhooking her bra and letting it fall to the ground beside her chair. Her breasts free, the brisk air played across her nipples, and they instantly grew hard. Sophie took another sip of wine. She felt so liberated. Brazenly, she dipped her finger into her wine and circled each aureole.

  HotLibrarian: I have a glass of wine here, and I just rubbed some on my perky nipples. Would you like to taste me?

  Another long pause.

  SecretSanta4U: Damn...

  HotLibrarian: What would you like, Santa? Would you like to lick my nipples? Mmm. They’re so sensitive when I get excited. I can imagine your tongue on me, licking me. Your lips, sucking me. Ooh, and your teeth, nipping at me…

  SecretSanta4U: Oh, baby, I would do more than suck those sweet tits.

  HotLibrarian: Like what? What would you do to me?

  SecretSanta4U: Tell me what else you’re wearing.

  Taking another long sip of wine, Sophie removed her boots and socks.

  HotLibrarian: Tight faded jeans. They hug every curve of my hips and ass.

  SecretSanta4U: Take them off.

  HotLibrarian: Oh, I like a man who knows what he wants and goes for it.

  SecretSanta4U: I wish I was there to take them off for you. Describe it for me?

  Sophie drained the wine glass and smiled at the monitor. She was relaxed and in charge of this little game. And it felt good. It had been a long time since she’d been in a situation with a man and felt this open. She could get used to this. This might well be her secret vice if she wasn’t careful.

  HotLibrarian: I’m unsnapping my jeans and dragging down the zipper. I’m pulling them slowly past my hips, now my knees, my ankles. I’m kicking them off. Oh, the air is blowing across my exposed skin that was so warm inside those jeans, and now the cold is giving me chill bumps. I gotta admit, it’s turning me on.

  SecretSanta4U: Oh really? And what are you going to do about that?

  HotLibrarian: My hand is dipping inside the lacy band of my black silk panties.

  SecretSanta4U: I like that. Tell me more as you slip off that black silk.

  Sophie licked her lips and pulled off her undies.

  HotLibrarian: Mmmmmmm. My pussy is so wet. My fingers are sliding in and out. Oh, God that’s so good.

  Leaning back in the chair, she let her hands explore freely. It was getting hard to type, but she couldn’t stop now. It was the combination of the two that excited her.

  HotLibrarian: Rubbing my clit. Ooh. Fee
ls good. So good.

  SecretSanta4U: Yeah, baby, keep talking. Tell me what you’re doing. I wanna hear everything.

  HotLibrarian: I’m sitting in my chair, my legs are spread. My fingers are circling my clit and pinching it and OH … hold on. Hard to type. Mmmmmmmmmmm

  She stroked her clit faster, moving it around and around, then putting pressure just on the top. It felt so good, she never wanted to stop.

  HotLibrarian: Wish you were here to fuck me.

  SecretSanta4U: Me too, babe. Tell me what else you’d like me to do.

  Sophie couldn’t think straight. The wine and these erotic feelings had her in a blissful state she’d never felt before. She just said whatever came to mind.

  HotLibrarian: I want your mouth on me.

  SecretSanta4U: Where?

  HotLibrarian: My pussy. Mmmmm. Yeah. Right there.

  Her fingers dipped in and out of her wetness, imagining it was his tongue.

  SecretSanta4U: I’d lick your sweet cunt… suck your clit...I’d make you cum. And then I’d make you scream for more.

  HotLibrarian: Oh god!!

  His words on the screen, coupled with her fingers inside her, sent her over the edge. She tried to type, but couldn’t manage it.

  HotLibrarian: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  SecretSanta4U: Yeah baby. Cum. Cum for me…

  Like a dam bursting, waves of pleasure cascaded over her at once. Euphoric spasms rocked her body—a welcome relief from the pent up anxiety and stress she’d managed to hold onto for so long. It was freeing. Tears stung her eyes as her body arched in release.

  After several moments, the world righted itself, and she glanced back at the monitor. She was alone in the chat room. Exhausted, but oh-so-content, she logged off the computer and headed for the hot bath she’d promised herself so long ago.


  The incessant knocking roused Sophie from the deepest, most restful slumber she’d had in months. Dragging a hand through her hair, she staggered to the door and looked through the tiny peephole. Seeing Brody standing there, she unlatched the chain and turned the deadbolt. “What are you doing up so early?” she asked, standing back so he could come inside.


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