Secret Santa 4U

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Secret Santa 4U Page 4

by Scott, Paisley

  Behind her, Brody yanked her hard against him as he buried himself deep inside her still-spasming cunt. “Gonna come…baby!” A raspy moan trailed from his lips as his body shuddered, his fingers gripping her neck as he held on while his body exploded.

  They stayed that way, locked together, for long moments while they regained their breath. Pushed against the tiled wall with Brody half-slouched across her back, Sophie smiled. She’d never been happier.


  Later, dressed in warm clothes, they sat beside the fireplace. It was past midnight, making it officially Christmas Eve.

  “Wanna open presents?” Sophie asked, setting down her hot chocolate and pointing to the darkened tree.

  Brody brushed her hair aside and kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear. “I’ve already opened mine.”

  She shivered and leaned into him. “Quit distracting me. I wanna see what’s in that package you brought.”

  He turned his head, looking awkward and unsure of himself. “It’s really nothing. Why don’t I get you something better after the holidays? I mean, I could probably get a great deal on something you’d be happier with—”

  “You’re nuts if you think I’m turning down a gift from you.” She grinned, touched by his sudden shyness. It was endearing that he cared what she thought. This was the first year they’d exchanged gifts, though, so maybe that was a part of it. “Unless it’s a fruitcake from Christmas past that you’re re-gifting, that is.”

  Humor lit his blue eyes. “Nah. Nothing that fun.”

  “Then gimme.” She held out her hands, clenching and unclenching. “And grab that one beside it with the big red and white striped bow on it.”

  Good-naturedly, he shook his head and walked over to the tree. “Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you that my gift sucks.” He winked at her. “And not in that good, HotLibrarian kind of way either.”

  Sophie was glad he turned away and didn’t see the sudden rush of heat color her face.

  He came back with the two presents and sat cross-legged on the quilt beside her. “How do we do this?” he asked. “Both rip into them at the same time or what?”

  “You can open yours first.”

  He frowned. “That’s because now you know what I got you is lame.”

  She returned his frown. “That’s not true.” She grabbed the rectangular present, wrapped in the Sunday comics. “Did you wrap this yourself?”

  “Nah. The lady at Macy’s did it.” He paused a beat. “Of course, I wrapped it.”

  “Are you being a smart ass?”

  He chuckled. “I don’t think I even have to answer that.”

  “I was going to say, you did a nice job.”

  “Thanks,” he said, looking awkward again, like he didn’t know quite how to handle her compliments.

  Taking extra care to save the paper, she removed it in one piece and pulled out the shirt box inside. It was light, but there was movement inside when she shook it. Fascinated by what it might be, she lifted the lid.

  Beneath the crinkled sports section, she found a menagerie of gift cards. All to different stores with various amounts. “Wow.” To say she was surprised was an understatement.

  “I told you it was lame.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t have a clue what to buy a woman.”

  Sophie smiled. “No, Brody. This is great. I love it.” And that was the truth. “I think it’s extremely thoughtful, and now I can get whatever I want from any of these stores. Thank you.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him tenderly on the mouth. As their lips lingered and their tongues met, it wasn’t long before they were completely sidetracked by the kiss, and it was as if fireworks suddenly went off. A colorful show of blinking, twinkling pinpoints of light.

  Brody pulled back a fraction of an inch, smiling against her mouth. “It’s a Christmas miracle,” he murmured.

  Her mind foggy from the kiss, she didn’t know how to respond. Her fingers drifted to her tingling lips. What sort of power did this man have over her that he could turn her on with the slightest touch?

  Brody cocked his head slightly to the left. “Look.”

  When Sophie turned her head, looking past him, she saw the Christmas tree blinking merrily in the corner and reflecting off the sliding glass patio door.

  “That was quick,” she murmured. The power had been restored. She stood and glanced out the window. The snow had stopped, leaving behind nothing but a neat blanket of virgin snow. It was beautiful.

  She turned back to him and nodded toward the package covered in candy-cane colored paper. “Your turn.”

  In typical male fashion, he ripped the wrapping off without a second thought and tossed it aside. An image of the computer’s make and model was printed on the surface of the box that contained it. Brody frowned, obviously confused. He opened it and pulled out the annoying Styrofoam that hid the contents from view. When the laptop slid out in his hand, his eyebrows rose in surprise. “Seriously? You got this for me?” He shook his head. “I don’t know what to say. No one’s ever given me something quite so...intimate.”

  It was Sophie’s turn to laugh. “Intimate? I never heard a computer referred to as intimate before. But whatever you say, as long as you like it.”

  “But you need this more than me.” He held the computer out to her. “And it’s so expensive.”

  Sophie frowned, taking a seat beside him and wrapping a crocheted throw around her shoulders. “I know you’re not knocking my gift, right?”

  His brows dipped. “I don’t mean to. I love it, and I’d love to keep it. But I’m just saying I know computers aren’t cheap. Especially not these.” He tapped the top of the case.

  It was touching the way he was concerned that she may have spent too much money. “I got six little words for you: End of the year clearance sale.” She nudged him. “I got me one, too. And I owed you. You built me a desktop, and I never could figure out how to repay you.”

  He grinned. “Oh, I can think of a few ways.”

  Shaking her head, she couldn’t help the smile that tilted her lips. “Honestly, Brody. I wanted to get you a new computer because I know you’d never buy one for yourself.”

  “You’re probably right.” He bent and kissed her softly. “I love it, sweetheart.” He pulled back and gave her a confused look. “But how can you not think a computer is intimate, my naughty HotLibrarian?”

  Her skin warmed considerably, and she knew she couldn’t blame it all on crackling fire in the hearth. She felt the familiar heat gather between her thighs. God, she wanted him again.

  He grinned and held up the laptop. “Wanna cyber?”

  The idea surprised and intrigued her. What would it be like to have online sex with a person who was in the same room in real life? Her pulse quickened at the wickedly wonderful thought.

  “Should we?” She nibbled her bottom lip nervously.

  “Hell, yeah. I want to see your face when you come for me.”

  She wanted to wrap the throw around her face to hide but was afraid it would actually catch on fire because of the heat his words aroused.

  Brody bent and brushed his lips against her ear softly. “Let’s get online while I still have the willpower to keep my hands to myself,” he whispered, immediately breaking his word by running his hands under her shirt to cup her naked breast.

  Sophie sighed contentedly, leaning into his palm as he caressed her.

  “Now, go grab your laptop and meet me back here,” he murmured, teasing her lobe with his teeth before he stood up.

  They were really going to go through with this. Sophie shook her head. This was nuts, but at the same time she was extremely excited about having cyber-sex with him. She trekked back to her bedroom and gathered the computer and cords and hurried back to the front room. “Man, this is going to be weird.”

  Brody set their new laptops on the small dining table in the nearby breakfast nook. He’d cut off all the lights, and only the glow from the tree and the two large
jar candles on the dining table lit the room. “It’s not going to be weird at all. Trust me. You’ll completely forget I’m here after a few minutes with your Secret Santa.”

  She turned and gave him her most innocent look. “And what makes you think I’m going to seek out dear ol’ Santa this time?”

  He booted up her system, then looked down at her. “You better.” Leaning over, he hitched his thumbs in the waistband of her sweatpants and slowly pulled them down. “And he wants you naked tonight.” He reached between her legs and ran his hand over her mound. Arching his eyebrow, he slipped his middle finger into her warmth and rubbed her clit suggestively.

  She gasped, pressing herself against his hand, loving the magical sensations flowing through her at the touch.

  “Santa knows you’ve been naughty.” He leaned down and kissed her ear, his tongue circling and dipping playfully inside in rhythm with his finger, which was still exploring her pussy. “And Santa prefers naughty little girls.”

  Sophie couldn’t think straight. All she wanted was for Brody to fuck her again, so thoroughly like he had in the shower. She tingled at the memory.

  Brody drew back and looked at her, his blue eyes dark with passion. “Damn, woman, you get me so worked up.”

  “And what do you think you do to me?” she asked, her voice breathy with anticipation.

  With a sigh of reluctance, he withdrew his hand and took a step back. He nodded at the laptop in front of her. “That’s what I want to see firsthand.”

  Sophie sat down and let her head fall against the hard-backed chair as he rounded the table to his own computer. “I don’t know about this…”

  Brody sighed. “Sophie, I swear, this is going to be hot. And the buildup is going to be worth it. I promise. Please, just do this for fifteen minutes. For me?”

  Lifting her head, she looked at him. If he wasn’t so freaking sexy, maybe she’d back out of this. But he was sexy, and he was damn good at satisfying her. So it was pretty much whatever he wanted at this moment—especially if it meant more orgasmic lovemaking afterward. “Fine,” she conceded.

  She logged in and headed into the “30-something” chat room. After a moment, SecretSanta4U entered. A familiar box popped up on her screen, and she accepted the private chat into the room he’d labeled, Winter Wonderland.

  SecretSanta4U: I’ve missed you.

  Sophie smiled. She felt her belly warm at the words on the screen. Funny, it was like they were in a whole different world.

  HotLibrarian: I missed you too, Santa baby. How can I ever make it up to you?

  SecretSanta4U: Are you naked?

  She bit her lip and decided to play coy.

  HotLibrarian: Is that what you want?

  SecretSanta4U: Yes.

  She slowly unbuttoned her shirt and let it fall open, baring her breasts. Knowing he was watching, she spread her legs and struck a seductive pose, sucking on her fingertip.

  HotLibrarian: Okay. Now what, Santa?

  There was a long pause.

  SecretSanta4U: I want you to touch yourself. And pretend it’s me.

  That wouldn’t be hard. Not with the memory of his fingers inside her only moments ago.

  HotLibrarian: Mmm. I’d love to.

  Her hand drifted down her midsection slowly until her fingers tangled with the soft curls of her pussy. She inserted her middle finger inside and stroked herself. A moan fell from her lips as she sped up the tempo, pleasuring herself.

  HotLibrarian: Oh, Santa. Feels so good. Mmmmmmmmmm.

  She rested one leg on the table and opened herself wider, sliding her finger in and out of her pussy. She didn’t even try to write any longer. She knew Brody was watching her, and the fact turned her on more than anything. She bit her lower lip as her hips moved in time with her hand. She finger fucked herself and imagined it was Brody’s cock pumping into her.

  A low growl came from across the table.

  Sophie opened her eyes and looked at Brody. He was staring at her with a look of pure, uncontained lust.

  “Fuck this.” He slammed the laptop shut and walked over to her. Without another word, he knelt down in front of her chair and replaced her hands with his mouth.

  The feel of his tongue against her clit nearly sent Sophie over the edge. She grabbed his head, gripping handfuls of his thick dark hair while he loved her. “Oh, yeah, Santa,” she moaned, inhaling sharply as he sucked harder.

  Her hips wiggled, trying to push her cunt closer to his face. His tongue dipped deep into her, licking upwards and rimming her clit again. Over and over he did this until she was nearly out of her mind with need for release.

  Finally, she held him still, her body shaking as the familiar warmth doused her. “Ah!” She was almost there. “Suck me,” she murmured, spreading her legs wider and pushing his head against her pussy. “Oh… Oh… Oh, God!” She trembled and held him tightly as she came in a mind-numbing rush of pleasure and release.

  A few moments later, when the world righted itself, she stroked his head as he kissed her thighs. “Damn, Brody,” she said, breathlessly. “You’re addictive.”


  Sophie awoke the next morning to the familiar banging of the heater in the hallway. She sat up and wiped her sleepy eyes. What time was it? She glanced at the clock perched above the dying fire on the mantel and saw it was a little past nine in the morning. The room was still comfortable thanks to the heat being restored and the heavy quilts over her. She grinned and looked over her shoulder at the man spooning her. And good old body warmth, she added silently. Slowly, she turned toward Brody and snuggled beneath his chin.

  Groggy, he pulled her closer and held her against him. “Morning,” he said, his voice low and scratchy from sleep.

  He sounded incredibly sexy. “Morning,” she repeated, burrowing against him and resting her cheek on his shoulder. “You hungry?”

  “Always, baby.” His hand drifted down to the curve of her hip and squeezed.

  She laughed and covered his hand with hers. “I mean for breakfast.”

  Brody nuzzled her neck. “You’re tastier.”

  Warm tingles shot through her as her body reacted to his touch. “Man—and woman—cannot live on sex alone.”

  He lifted his head and looked at her. “Says who?”

  She shrugged. “I can’t remember. But I’m sure it was someone famous.”

  Grinning, he let her sit up. “It musta been someone who never got laid.”

  “Come and help me fix something in the kitchen.”

  He was up in two seconds. “You got it, as long as you cook in the nude.”

  She grabbed his discarded T-shirt he’d thrown over the recliner and slipped it on. “No way. I’m going to cook some bacon. That’s not a job for a naked woman—or man.”

  “Ouch. No shit.” He threw his jeans on.

  As the scrambled eggs cooked on the stove, Sophie decided to broach the subject she’d been putting off all last night. She held the spatula up between them, as if it would distance them somehow. “Brody, I…” She cleared her throat. “I don’t know what to do about us. I mean, we had fun, but—”

  “Ah, damn it, Soph.” Brody leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his naked chest. “Why does there have to be a but? What we have is good. Quit trying to dissect it and make it out to be some sort of problem you need to fix.”

  She waved the spatula in the air. “Yes, but—”

  “No buts, Sophie. There’s nothing wrong with the two of us having a relationship.”

  She turned off the flame beneath the eggs. “A relationship? Is that what you want?” Funny, she hadn’t figured that was something he was actively looking for.

  He pushed away from the counter and walked the short distance to her. “Hell yeah. I’d love it.” He held her shoulders. “Is it something you’d be interested in?”

  She shook her head. “I…never really thought about it.” She looked up into his eyes. “Brody, I never expected this—you and me—to ha
ppen. This is really moving in fast forward for me.”

  “I’ll back off, Soph. I don’t want to scare you away.” He kissed her temple softly. “Not when I’ve finally gotten you to notice me.”

  “Oh, you got me to do a lot more than notice you.”

  “Seriously, Sophie. I want a relationship with you—have wanted one since I met you two years ago. But I don’t want you to think I’m pushing you into something you’re not ready for.” He scoffed. “And I sure as hell don’t want to come off as a desperate nerd mooning after you.” Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, he conceded, “Although, I am a nerd, and I’m definitely mooning after you. So scratch that.”

  She couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips. “You’re not a nerd.”

  “Sophie. I live, breathe and dream about computers.” He raised an eyebrow. “I’m a card-carrying nerd.”

  Well, if that were the case, he was the sexiest nerd she’d ever seen. Or slept with. That last thought caused her mood to grow serious again. “But Brody, how are you going to explain this to your friends? Our families?”

  He looked genuinely puzzled. “Damn it, woman. It’s no one else’s business. Besides, there’s only what… eight years difference between us? That’s nothing. Look at Harrison and Calista or Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones, for chrissakes. No one ever says anything about an older man and a younger woman, do they?”

  “You don’t get it. I sure as hell don’t want to be some Mrs. Robinson.”

  He shook his head, the reference lost on him.

  “From The Graduate? The classic tale about a young man who’s seduced by his friend’s mother?”

  He shook his head and shrugged. “Not ringing any bells.”

  “See? We’re from two different worlds, Brody. This’ll never work.”

  Brody frowned. “Because I don’t know some reference to some old movie? That’s bullshit.”


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