by Lee Welles
Wan - Bay
Yabai –“Risky!”
Yukata – Light cotton kimono
Yaranakucha – “I gotta do it!”
Yatta – “I did it!”
Yoroshiku – “Pleased to meet you.”
Zettai – “Absolutely!”
1. Contrast the characters of Miho and Ojisan.
2. Describe the evolution of Ojisan’s attitude toward nature’s importance.
3. Describe how Miho deals with the shock of her new surroundings and culture.
4. How does the culture of the Japanese people lead to their treatment of outsiders?
5. Contrast the two settings of Nagoya and Goza.
6. Describe how the animals of the water communicated successfully with each other.
7. What is the central conflict in the book? How does Miho attempt to resolve it?
8. How does Miho find herself within the pages of Book I: Gaia Girls Enter the Earth?
9. Describe how Gaia acts more like a teacher to Miho than one who directs.
10. What is the importance of the character of Mr.Tomikoro to the novel?
11. Using the teachings of Shodo as a guide, how does Miho gain an “understanding” about life?
12. Explain how respect is an important part of the Japanese culture, including respect for the deceased.
13. Water is often used as a symbol for life and rebirth. Explain how this technique is used within the novel.
14. After losing her parents, Miho rarely feels safe in her surroundings. In what circumstances does she feel some measure of safety?
15. Explain how Miho uses a mix of new technology and traditional techniques to reach her goals.
16. Why is it important that the story is told from Miho’s point of view?
17. Ojisan continuously compares Miho to her mother. Why do you think Ojisan is upset that the two are very similar?
18. Three Gaia Girls are highlighted in this story. Which Gaia Girls appear in Gaia Girls Way of Water?
19. After reading Way of Water, what is one real-world ocean issue you took away from the story?
20. What do you feel would be the next step for Miho in her quest to help Gaia?
Miho learns the Way of Water and she uses her new Gaia powers to truly see the hidden beauty of Gaia’s underwater world. That is why we have hidden things for you to find! If you look carefully at the cover illustration, you will find hidden items within the waves. How many did you find?
Within the beautiful illustrations of Gaia Girls Way of Water, there are hidden codes! The twenty-six letters of the alphabet are hidden in the book’s illustrations. The number under the space is the page number for the illustration. Use the hidden letters to solve this sample puzzle.
At you can solve other puzzles and games that require using your copy of Gaia Girls Way of Water and your best puzzle solving skills.You can also play Gaia Girls arcade games. Chelsea Green Publishing believes the Gaia Girls Book Series is Fiction with a Mission!
Go to to learn more about your mission.
Gaia Games
The Gaia Games on pages 406 - 425 include illustration code games, crossword puzzles, scrambles, and wordfinds.
Interactive games will be available on the Gaia Girls website
Visit to test your Gaia knowledge. Use this special code PCDCP388 to log on, take quizzes, and earn prizes!
Teachers and librarians: you can receive master copies of these puzzles and more by e-mailing [email protected]
Gaia is counting on you. Do your best!
Character Names Wordfind
Character Names Crossword
Fact and Fiction
Each illustration contains one hidden letter. Use the page number below the lines to find the corresponding illustrations in your book. Search the illustrations for their hidden code. Find out what is fact and what is fiction in Gaia Girls Way of Water.
Lee Welles used this place in name only.
Japanese words in Gaia Girls Way of Water. In Japan they do use three different types of written communication.
is real. It is a tradition in Japan that continues today.
What can you do to help? Visit and to find out what we can do today.
is the scientific word for how dolphins “see” and navigate using sound. It’s fiction that Miho can talk to the dolphins because scientists have not yet solved the mystery behind dolphin communication.
really do use pings to communicate, but it’s fiction that Miho can ride them.
is a real type of fishing that destroys the entire ecosystem.
appearance in this book. Do you know where? What country do you think she is from? Read book 3 next!
9. In Gaia Girls Way of Water, Miho has to find the knife, and save the girl. Meanwhile, Gaia sets off to find
porpoises were in danger. A porpoise is slightly different than a dolphin. Look it up!
from her Sensei (teacher). This means “The Way of the Brush.”
Japanese Language Crossword
Hint: Use the glossary
Japanese Language
Japanese Language Scramble
Dolphin Species Wordfind
Dolphin Facts
Thank you to Animal Diversity Web and Fact Monster™ for lending their resources in creating our ocean life questions. Visit both at of their great websites. and
is the scientific term for the group marine mammals that includes dolphins and whales.
2. Pacific white-sided dolphins hunt in pods containing between 10-20 dolphins. Each eats about
3.The strong horizontal tail of a dolphin is called a
is named after the acrobatic move they perform.
dolphin is frequently seen in warm waters and they are the biggest of the beaked dolphins.
Whale Species Wordfind
Whale Scramble
Whale Facts
Thank you to Animal Diversity Web and Fact Monster™ for lending their resources in creating our ocean life questions.
Visit both at of their great websites. and
tusk. This tusk is a tooth that grows up to 9 feet long.
largest toothed whale and it can be dangerous to small boats.
the smallest whale weighing as little as 300 pounds.
that are toothless. Krill, their primary food, are filtered out of the ocean water.
known whales because they love to be near the shore. Also, they can be covered with barnacles that give them a spotted appearance.
Shark Species Wordfind
Shark Crossword
Hint: Use the wordfind
Shark Facts
Chelsea Green Publishing would like to thank Animal Diversity Web and Fact Monster™ for lending their resources in creating our ocean life questions. Visit both at of their great websites. and
that can live for a long time in fresh water.
prey before attacking.
been studied in the wild. What we do know about them is gathered from sharks that have been caught.
the smallest shark in the ocean. They live and hunt in packs just like their canine name suggests.
shark uses its very large tail to stun its prey. It also likes to sweep food to its mouth with its most distinctive tail.
Turtle Crossword
Turtle Facts
Thank you to Animal Diversity Web and Fact Monster™ for lending their resources in creating our ocean life questions. Visit both at of their great websites. and
1. The largest species of all the sea turtles alive today.
2. The loggerhead turtle is named after its large head.
feeds on
the shoreline’s abundant vegetation. So this turtles name is consistent with its diet.
5. Turtles can live a long time even in captivity, but one turtle in the wild was estimated to have lived over 150 years. The turtle species is old and has
hundred million years. Turtles must be very wise.
Turtle Scramble
Gaia Girls
Air Apparent
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