AG01 - Washed Away

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AG01 - Washed Away Page 6

by Jack Parker

  Fred's trial was scheduled to begin.

  Alexa looked at CC and then at Missy, tears filled her eyes. Missy took charge of the situation, "Hey, everyone, we all know about Fred's trial starting tomorrow. I think we need to pray for him. He's a very dear friend to us all, not to mention a brother in Christ. He will need our prayers more than ever."

  Everyone agreed that Missy was right, and so they all joined hands. There in the parking lot of Dan's Diner, the small group of friends held up in prayer one of their absent members. Tomorrow would difficult for everyone, but especially for Fred, since it was his life on the line. They prayed that God would stand beside Fred and give him strength, wisdom and patience to endure the upcoming hardship.

  Meanwhile, Fred stood at the window of his cell in the jail downtown. He was looking through the bars at the night sky and praying to God for help. He heard a silent answer in his heart, "If God be for you, who can be against you?" At this, he felt a peace steal into his heart.

  Only God knows what I will face tomorrow, but no matter what it is, He will be there with me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


  Fred took his seat. As the reality of his surroundings set in he thought, Only a week and a day until Thanksgiving. This is the first year since I moved here that I won't be able to join my family for dinner.

  WHACK!!! The gavel hit the sound block on the judge's bench, effectively calling the courtroom to order.

  The sound reverberated in Fred's heart as he sat beside his attorney at the defendant's table. It was a sound he would never forget. And when the Lord brings me out of this trial, it's a sound that will always represent the victory found only in God, he thought.

  Across the room to his right, looking officially intimidating, sat the prosecutor and his team. They were ready to go and brimming with confidence about the case they had built against Fred. This team was the best of the best, and as he looked them over and took in the whole scene, Fred's heart sank a little. They look like they are holding all the cards. If I didn't know that I was innocent, they might be able to convince even me otherwise.

  After the opening statements, the prosecution began to systematically undermine Fred's character. The following day, they went after his alibi. The next day they spent producing evidence that seemed to contradict Fred's statement to the police. Throughout the prosecution's case, they presented the evidence found in Fred's garage and at the scenes. Witness after witness was called to verify the evidence or testify of what they had discovered or seen.

  The day the prosecution rested was a bleak day for Fred. He sat beside his attorney as if he were in a catatonic state. His attorney, Jan Gutenberg, had tried to reassure him that although things looked bad, they were not hopeless, but Fred could not be comforted very much.

  Alexa had been at the trial every day that week. She had asked for time off work so that she could support her friend. As she looked at Fred today, her spirits were very low. She had been in silent prayer almost the entire trial, and even though she knew that God had heard her prayers, it seemed as if her cries for Fred's deliverance would not be answered in time. This was indeed a very dark day for Fred and those who loved him.

  As the judge dismissed the courtroom for the weekend and everyone began leaving, Alexa couldn't figure out why she was bothered by the testimony of the last witness. One of the officers in the crime scene investigation unit of the police department had vividly described the position of the body under the boat trailer, the condition of the truck and boat, the creek, and the surrounding area. Alexa felt like there was something she should be remembering, something vital to the case, but whatever it was, it eluded her and stubbornly refused to rise to her level of consciousness.

  This is so frustrating, she thought, I feel positive that this bit of knowledge that is tucked away in my subconscious is vital to Fred's defense, but for the life of me I cannot remember what it is! Just then, CC came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head and turned her around so he could hug her properly. She desperately needed someone to comfort her and she took this opportunity to lean on him. This felt so good that she didn't want to let go.

  "Let me take you out somewhere to get your mind off this case," CC pleaded. He was worried that if she didn't take some time to clear her mind, she would explode. She had thrown herself into the middle of a very volatile situation and he was not at all comfortable with her involvement.

  Sighing, Alexa thought that nothing in this world would be better than laying down this burden, but instead she said, "I need some time alone to think about the case. There is something that is bothering me about the crime scene in the creek. I can't for the life of me remember what it is, but I have a very strong feeling that Fred's defense may hinge upon it."

  "I'm worried about you. If you don't take some time away from this, you could make yourself sick. Who would Fred turn to for support if you were not there? Next week is a short week since Thanksgiving is on Thursday. Why don't you take this weekend to clear your mind? You'll be very surprised at how much sharper you will be after you take a rest from it."

  Alexa looked at him and saw compassion in his eyes, but she was not convinced that his tactics would work.

  CC could read her like a book, "Come on, I know you are skeptical. Just trust me. I know what I'm talking about." He held her tighter as if that would squeeze out all her doubts, and tried to keep his emotions under control. He really wanted to reassure her that he had only her best interest in mind, but she was so stinking independent!!

  When he felt her relax in his arms, he stepped back a little, but kept her in a loose embrace. She looked up into his eyes and he could read the vulnerability and trust there. His heart leapt within his chest.

  "Ok, honey, what do you have in mind?"

  "First, let's get some dinner, and then we'll see how the evening progresses." CC smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

  The rest of the weekend, CC kept Alexa busy with his plan for personal rest and relaxation. The weather was glorious, even though it was cold enough for snow. But CC and Alexa didn't mind. They were lost in their own little world and enjoying each other's company.

  On Saturday, he took her on a picnic consisting of crackers, candy and water at Big Spring Park; and that evening, he surprised her with a home-cooked meal that he had prepared himself (spaghetti, salad and garlic bread). On Sunday, they went to church in the morning, but that afternoon, they walked the nature trails around George Washington Carver National Monument – this time CC provided a picnic lunch consisting of takeout chicken, biscuits, fries and sodas (not exactly nutritious, but better than the last time).

  CC never left Alexa, except to sleep and to take the occasional phone call from work. He acted as her shadow the whole weekend. Alexa didn't care – she was basking in all the attention and was thankful that CC had tried so hard to take her mind off the preceding week. CC couldn't have been sweeter or more thoughtful.

  "I love you," she whispered in his ear as they sat on her sofa watching a movie late Sunday night.

  He pulled her closer and kissed her with such tenderness and love that she was in no doubt that he felt the same about her. As he tilted her chin upward and looked deeply into her eyes he said, "'Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove,'" and then he leaned toward her and kissed her gently.

  The Shakespeare threw her for a loop, and she grinned at him, "I had no idea you were so well-versed in Shakespeare's sonnets. You never cease to amaze me."

  "Just you wait my dear, the half has not yet been told about the lengths to which I will go to impress my beautiful Alexandra Inez Graham." CC stroked her face with his finger and then kissed her again in such a way that Alexa's head began to swim.

  Alexa awoke with a start, "The knots!!" she said aloud to no one in particular.

  She jumped out of bed and grabbed her phone. She quickly dialed Fred's attorney Jan. J
an answered on the second ring, "Hello, this is Jan Gutenberg."

  "Hi Jan! It's Alexa. Are you free to talk for a minute?"

  "Yes, Alexa, what's up?"

  "Well, I just remembered something from the crime scene at the creek that had been bothering me for a long time. I think it may help Fred's case."

  "I'm all ears, Alexa. What do you have for me?" Jan asked, excitement building inside her.

  "Well, do you remember when the CSI officer was describing the position of the body and such? He mentioned that the knots that held Garret to the underside of the trailer were tied in a very intricate manner."

  "Yes, I remember him mentioning it. I'll have the court reporter send me a copy of the transcript as soon as possible. What was it about the knots that has you so anxious?"

  "Well, I don't think Fred could have tied those knots. And now that I think back about the scene, I don't think Fred could have driven the truck and trailer with Garret tied beneath. It would have been too close to the ground for him to be able to pull the trailer with someone tied beneath the axle."

  "From the coroner's report I've read, there are no abrasions or any wounds mentioned that would indicate that the truck had been driven with him underneath."

  "You should also ask Fred about the knots. I don't know why that's bothering me so much. Maybe it's because Fred has never mentioned any training that would have given him that skill. What do you think?"

  "I think I should call in an expert. Thanks for the tip Alexa. Will I see you later at the trial?"

  "I wouldn't miss it. Fred needs to see a friendly face."


  "The court will now come to order! You may be seated," the bailiff said in his authoritative voice.

  Everyone in the courtroom did as they were told. Jan Gutenberg was the first to speak, "Your Honor, if it please the court, I would like to request a recess in order to review new evidence that has been brought to my attention."

  The fight was on! The attorneys for both sides went back and forth with their arguments. In the end, Jan won out.

  The judge spoke, "Due to the extenuating circumstances presented to me here today, I think a recess is in order until after the Thanksgiving holidays. Besides, the weather forecaster predicts that it will snow later today, and I would rather have the witnesses arrive safely than get stranded. Court is now in recess."

  WHACK, went the gavel.

  Fred was somewhat relieved, even though he would have to spend his holiday in jail. This is cause for hope, maybe, he thought.

  He turned to Jan as she said, "Ok, Fred. This recess will give us a little extra time to find the expert witness we need to corroborate what Alexa mentioned to me about the knots. Don't give up! There is a light at the end of this tunnel."

  "Thank you, Jan. You don't know how much comfort that brings me." He turned to Alexa and said, "Alexa, you have come through for me once again. How can I ever repay you?"

  "Don't give it another thought. This is all God's handiwork, not mine. I just wish you could spend time with your family for the holiday."

  "I'll be alright now. I know that God is fighting for me. With Him in my corner, I will always come out the winner, even if the results are not what I think they should be."

  Amazed at Fred's faith in the sight of possible prison time, Alexa quoted an old song, "'Friend don't worry about this heavy load I carry. Don't be concerned if it sends me to my knees. For I know a place where all my load is lightened. I'll be alright as soon as I touch Calvary.'"

  Fred grinned, "It's been ages since I have heard that song. Every time I get down, I'll try to remember those words and realize that just because I am in jail doesn't mean I can't run to my Savior."

  "Let's go, Mr. Silva," the guard said from behind Fred. When Fred turned around, he saw a look of wonderment on the guard's face. He had tried to witness to the man, but had always been rebuffed. Maybe God will bring a blessing out of this cursed situation after all.

  Alexa was determined to stop worrying about Fred's situation, so she picked up her books from the kitchen counter and headed out the door. She had finally decided to just let God handle things His own way.

  She called up Tara to let her know where to find her, in case something happened. Alexa's call went to voicemail, "Hey baby girl! I'll be at the library for a few hours. I think they're closing early because Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so I won't be late. Talk to you later sweetie."

  Alexa snapped her phone shut and pulled into a parking space at the Neosho library. Before she got out of her car, she turned off the ringer on her phone, Can't have this thing going off in the middle of the library, now can I?

  Several hours later, Alexa was searching through the shelves trying to find the book she wanted to reference for the paper she was writing for class, when a title popped out at her, "Wow! I haven't read this book in years." Alexa was talking to herself again – although quietly, in deference to her surroundings. She pulled the book off the shelf and began leafing through it.

  As she did so, the plot came back to her with a rush. The whole story washed over her as she stood there looking through the book. She suddenly stopped what she was doing and gasped as realization seeped into her consciousness.

  She looked at the book and then began thinking over the facts of Fred's case. It can't be that easy. There has to be a mistake! But everything fit perfectly. The crime, the evidence, the criminal framing someone else…

  Fred's case was the plot of the book she held in her hand. That is why this whole thing seemed so familiar – the reason why I kept having a feeling of déjà vu.

  The next thought that filled her mind also filled her with dread. She remembered a conversation she had had with Bob Dempsey the Librarian about the sailing techniques class he was taking. Her mind flew forward to this afternoon when she had glimpsed Bob's backpack on the floor behind the reference desk. On top of his bag had been a book about sailing techniques and on the cover was a picture of rope tied in knots – knots very similar in nature to the ones that had held Garret to the axle of Fred's boat.

  "Bob is the killer!" Alexa whispered to herself. Her blood ran cold.

  As Alexa ran to retrieve her things, the lights flickered, signaling that the library would be closing in five minutes. While gathering her books and papers, Alexa looked around the room. She was alone. Everyone else had gone home by now. Am I alone here with Bob? Did he hear me when I said he is the killer? Panic washed over her.

  She ran toward the front door and found it locked. He knows! I need a place to hide! God help me!!

  Alexa dashed into the bathroom and into a stall. While she dialed CC's cell phone, she stood on the commode so that Bob would think the bathroom was empty if he looked inside. Voicemail!! Alexa left CC a message saying that she was trapped at the library and that she was certain Bob was the killer.

  What am I going to do?? she thought as she quietly stepped off the commode and out of the stall. She peeked out of the bathroom and figured that she should try the fire escape door on the other side of the library.

  Bob's arms went around her from behind. Although she fought him, using all the techniques she had learned in the Rape Aggression Defense class, he got the better of her with a cloth soaked in chloroform. Oh, God!! Help me!!

  Everything went black…


  Tara walked into the house and was greeted by her mom's cat Neosho. Strange, thought Tara, mom usually lets her outside right after supper so she can have one last run around the yard before nightfall. "Besides," she cooed at the cat, "it's too cold for kitties to be outside. Isn't that right?" Neosho looked up at Tara and meowed in response, as if agreeing with her.

  While she busied herself with preparing a light supper, she wondered where her mom was. The library should be closed by now, but maybe mom and CC went to grab something to eat. She opened the refrigerator for some mayonnaise and saw the turkey defrosting. If I had the slightest inkling of how to cook this thing, I'd put it in the ov
en for mom – one less thing for her to worry about. I'm SUCH a good kid; I deserve a medal. Tara laughed to herself.

  After supper, Tara decided to call her mom's cell and find out when she would be home. It rang once and went to voicemail. She then called CC; maybe I can reach him instead. No answer, but she left a voicemail with him.

  She called the library but got a recording that they were closed for the holiday and would re-open on the following Monday. Tara was starting to feel uncomfortable now, and just a little panicked.

  She had just seen Phil and Lisa about an hour ago, so her mom couldn't be at their house. Maybe Missy knows where she is, Tara thought, trying to make herself feel better.

  "Hi Missy. Have you seen my mom in last few hours? She's not picking up on her cell and neither is CC."

  "No, Tara. I haven't seen her since yesterday. She told me she might be working on her paper tonight at the library. Maybe she's still there."

  "I checked the library. They're closed for the holiday. She's not at Phil's either, I just saw him and Lisa at the mall earlier." Tara paused, wondering whether she should tell Missy everything…

  Just then, someone pulled up in her front yard.

  "Missy, someone just drove up. That's probably her. I'll talk to you later."

  "Ok. Call me if you need anything else."

  But it wasn't Alexa; it was CC. He jumped out of the truck, pulled some bags out of the back seat, and headed to the door, whistling the whole way.

  When he got to the porch, Tara opened the door for him, "CC? Where's mom? I thought she was with you… I called you a bunch of times."

  CC walked through the house to the kitchen, setting the bags down on the counter, "I haven't seen her since this morning. I thought about calling her, but my cell has been on the blink. I just picked up a new one at the store, but I haven't had time to check my messages. Is something wrong?"


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