Church of Chains

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Church of Chains Page 13

by Sean O'Kane

  “Fucking hell.” His voice was gravelly and as coarse as his features. “So my luck’s changed at last eh? Five years inside then the day I get out some kid tells me he’s got a job for me. And I get a woman I can do anything I want to; and I don’t need to pay for her.” He grinned at her, displaying a mouthful of rotten teeth. “That’s not a bad deal.”

  He rose and approached her. She could smell the stale sweat on him.

  By submitting to this animal she really would be nothing, nothing but a slave to the Church. And in spite of her fear a small tingle of excitement ran through her at the thought of her coming degradation.

  The man reached out and grasped one of her breasts in a huge hand. “Good tits; not too big, just right.” He moved round behind her and let out a low whistle. “Someone’s already had a good go at you haven’t they?”

  “Yes Master.” It was hardly more than a whisper.

  “And they tell me you enjoy it.”

  “Yes Master.”

  “Well you’re going to get a lot more of it. Ever had your tits whipped?”

  “Yes Master.”

  “Good. But we’ll come to that later.” He moved back round to stand in front of her and she could see one hand massaging the front of his trousers. “Right now I just need a fuck.”

  She was ordered over to the bed and told to kneel down. He came to stand in front of her and she didn’t need to be told to finish undressing him. As she slid his grubby underpants down his sex jutted out at her. It wasn’t above average length but the shaft and the bulbous head were broader than anything she had encountered.

  “Lick it,” he told her. Obediently she moved her head down to where it speared up from the tangle of black hair and began to run her tongue up the shaft. He tasted acrid and she could get the sharp smell of urine mingled with the smell of sweat. She closed her eyes when she got to the enormous purple head and let her tongue trail across it. There was some pre ejaculate at his slit and she lapped at it, preferring the musky taste of his excitement to his other tastes. When she ducked her head to lick at the tight scrotum and his smell became almost overpowering, she felt her belly begin to heat and melt at the thought of how complete her submission was. When he fucked her, she thought, he would find her entrance moist and open to him. Undoubtedly that would spur him on to whip her afterwards, but that was what she was here for and the brothers would be pleased with her.

  Once she had run her tongue slowly up the ridge on the underside of his shaft, he pulled her head away abruptly. “On the bed!” His voice was thick with urgency.

  Paula climbed onto the bed and lay back, spreading her legs wide open. He knelt in between them and stared hungrily at the rings in her lips.

  “A real little slave aren’t we?”

  “Yes Master.” She couldn’t disguise the eagerness in her voice. She had her own reasons for wanting him to ream her out, but that didn’t matter.

  He tugged the rings apart and she gasped at his roughness but revelled in it too. She could feel how the lips were full and open, and he couldn’t fail to see. She heard him give a throaty laugh and gasped again as she felt his fingers plunge into her and she lifted her hips to urge him on. But he fingered her only long enough to feel the juice in her channel and then he lowered himself onto her. His weight crushed her and she groaned a little, but then she felt her lips pushed wide open by the thrusting member and lifted her legs to wrap them round his hips and open herself still farther. His need was so urgent that he rammed straight in and began pumping his pelvis against her immediately. She held onto his back and felt herself respond to him. He was only concerned to get his release inside her and his use of her body simply as a receptacle for his sperm, made Paula squirm and moan with pleasure.

  His climax came quickly, his back arched and he gave a roar of relief. And Paula was so delighted at her own submissiveness that despite his speed she felt her vagina grip him and spasm as well. She gripped her hands in his greasy hair and cried out in her turn as he shot jet after jet of his seed deep into her.

  He rolled off her almost immediately and stood beside the bed. She could see the light of vicious excitement in his eyes. His sex was shrinking but it was shiny and slick now.

  “Lick it again, and suck it this time you whore.”

  She knelt down and did as he told her. Even though he had shrunk after his ejaculation, she still had to open her mouth wide to get him in. She sucked and licked at him to get rid of the sperm which clung to him and very soon she felt him harden again. But he didn’t want her to bring him to a climax in her mouth and as soon as she started moving her head up and down, he pulled her away.

  “Oh no you don’t,” he said leering knowingly at her. “You reckon a blow job’s going to make me all nice and lovey dovey. No chance. They’ve left me a choice of whips and I intend to use them.”

  He hauled her to her feet by her hair and pulled her to the foot of the bed. As soon as he ordered her to stand with her back to the bed, Paula realised he intended to carry out his threat of whipping her breasts. As she held her arms out for him to clip her restraints to the chains which hung from the posts, she could feel her heart pounding. She was thrilled at the idea of being whipped as a slave, but terrified of the cruelty she saw in his eyes. He kicked her legs apart, fastened them and then went to the dressing table where a variety of implements had been left for his pleasure and her pain. She watched him apprehensively as he fingered them all and then returned with a single cord whip. The handle and the lash itself were braided; the lash was about two feet long and had a wicked metal sheath at its tip.

  “We’ll start with this and see how those lovely tits can dance.”

  He stood to one side of her so that each stroke would land full across both breasts. At the very first one Paula felt the breath knocked out of her as it slammed home. The metal tip bit into the flesh under her left arm and she felt the weight of her breasts shudder and sway. Helplessly she watched him lift his powerful arm back to deliver a second lash. She closed her eyes before it landed and bright lines of pain seared across the insides of her eyelids as it smacked across both nipples. She cried out and tried to twist away. A third lash cracked down and her scream followed the fleshy smack instantly. The pain made her open her eyes wide and as she gasped for breath before the next one she saw the look of almost delirious excitement in the man’s eyes.

  She felt more truly helpless than ever before. He could, and probably would whip her till she bled and there was nothing she could do about it. It simply didn’t matter what he did to her. Between her widespread legs she felt herself respond. And as another lash cracked in, this time delivered with a slight upswing so that it caught the undersides of her breasts and she felt them ripple, she also felt a rush of the most intense excitement she had ever felt. Even greater than her recent excitement at being caned. This time there was the thrill of the unknown as well. Instinctively she tried to twist away again but then pushed herself forward against her bonds to urge him on to do his worst. He lashed at her stomach next and she let out a breathless sob as once again the air was knocked out of her. Her stomach muscles clenched automatically but she felt her hips buck suggestively as well. The man spotted it and lashed her across her pelvis, the metal tip gouging a mark on her hip. This time Paula felt the juices churn in her sex and her hips bucked and undulated of their own accord once more. The man stopped and moved in front of her. She looked at him through half closed eyes as she took advantage of the pause to get her breath. She could feel sweat starting out on her body from the pain. And at her crotch she could feel his sperm trickling out of her mixed with her own juices. He was looking at her in disbelief.

  “You’re really loving this aren’t you?” he asked.

  “Yes Master,” Paula heard herself gasp, and then groaned in pure pleasure when she felt his hand cup her soaking sex. He parted the soft and glistening lips to push his fingers up into her and swirl the flooding nectar of her excitement. She let her head fall forward to lo
ok down the striped front of her body and see where his hand reached into her. The sight racked up her arousal one more notch and as she sweated and panted her sex made hungry sucking noises while his fingers worked at her.

  “How many can you take I wonder?” he asked quietly.

  Paula closed her eyes the better to feel her gathering excitement. “As many as you want me to Master,” she heard herself reply. Abruptly he withdrew his hand and she almost wailed in frustration, she had felt the first quivers of her approaching orgasm begin. But then he hit her. He brought his open hand up, hard, between her spread legs and it smacked wetly into her engorged lips. She cried out in shock. He did it again, and again she cried out but more throatily this time. This cruelty was making her come even faster. She tilted her hips forward for the next one but he stepped back and before she could beg him, he started in with the whip again. This time he curled it around her right thigh. His aim was devastating. It bit into the soft skin right up by her slit and the metal tip stung the bottom of her buttock.

  Her head snapped back at the impact and the first wave of her orgasm crashed across her in a storm of livid pain and pleasure. She heard herself scream and her body bucked and writhed, desperate to feel his shaft spear up into her and drive her to total fulfilment. But he moved to her other side and repeated the same lash with the same accuracy. It drove her rigid against her chains and she arched for a second quivering and spasming, her sex frantically rippling and flooding its juices out between her gaping lips. Then the storm passed and she hung limply in her chains, her head lolling against one shoulder and her breath rasping in her throat.

  Dimly she felt him release her and could only collapse onto all fours until her head cleared. Her breasts, stomach and sex pounded with the aftermath of the whipping. But he gave her no time. He was still stiffly erect and again used her hair to haul her up and this time he threw her onto the bed. She sprawled face down and felt him lift her hips from behind. As eagerly as her dazed state allowed she gathered her legs up under her to raise her haunches for him. She buried her head in the bedclothes and pushed her bottom up to show him her sex, but all he did was wipe his hand briefly along the crack and use the juice to lubricate the closed bud of her back entrance. She moaned in anticipation and reached round behind her to pull her buttocks apart for him. And as his fingers pushed into her and wrenched her open she bore down to help the head of his member drive into her. Again he was in a hurry and as soon as he felt the narrow channel grip his shaft he thrust in as deep as he could. Her body shuddered and rocked under the repeated blows as he pulled back and then rammed in again, his hips slapping against her. Paula was still dizzy from the massive orgasm she had had under the whip. And she had just begun to respond to the penetration deep into her stomach when felt him grab the fronts of her thighs and pull her against him. She felt his member pulsing as he held her pinned to him and it shot yet more sperm into her, then he released her again. She groaned in frustration as he slid out of her and she rolled onto her side to see what he would want next.

  For a moment Paula thought he might have finished with her. He knelt with the folds of his stomach hanging over his loins and he was panting. But then he sat back and grinned.

  “Now lick again,” he said, “and all of it this time.”

  She knew immediately what he meant. His legs were open and the nearly flaccid sex dangled between them. She turned herself and crawled towards him.

  She began by licking and kissing his inner thighs, running her tongue nearly up to his scrotum but stopping just short and then starting again. Moving from right to left and back again, she tasted his sour sweat-soaked skin. Whenever she came closest to his groin she got the sharp smell of urine again, mixed with the musk of his emissions and his overall aroma of unwashed body.

  Gratitude flooded over her each time this happened, he was giving her the opportunity to abase herself utterly and she waited patiently for the order she knew would come. At last he lay back with a sigh of contentment. “You know what I want,” he said simply.

  “Yes Master,” she replied and moved closer to him to allow her mouth to explore further. She caressed his scrotum first. To start with it was wrinkled and slack but as her tongue lapped obediently around his balls and toyed gently with them, she felt it start to tighten and saw his member begin to straighten and fill, jerking erect once more. But he didn’t want her there, not yet. She ducked her head and ran her tongue along the ridge behind the scrotum which led to his anus. His smell filled her nostrils now. Her lips and tongue encountered the matted hair which coated the insides of his buttocks. She probed between them, using her hands to lift and open his legs to get her head further under him. She shifted closer again and then her questing tongue flicked out once more and at last found the puckered opening of his anus. She heard him moan and she licked eagerly at the salty, earthy tasting entrance. Lost in a delirium of submission she pushed again and felt the entrance open to her tongue and she pushed it in to the dark passage. Her own excitement mounted as he arched his back and moaned again. She paused for a second to lick her lips and lubricate her tongue better, then pushed it up deep into his anus again, twisting her head round to get as much penetration as she could. Her tongue was aching now and saliva was running down her face but then she felt his hand in her hair and he pulled her off.

  “Get me a fag,” he said breathlessly. She was kneeling back between his legs and panting herself, she could feel her sex lips quivering with arousal as she looked at his throbbing erection. His command puzzled her and she looked at him blankly.

  “Get me a fag and light it you daft bitch.” He sat up and swung a hand back as if to slap her. She slipped hurriedly off the bed and found the cigarettes. Fumbling in her haste she extracted one and lit it, coughing on the acrid smoke.

  “Give it here,” he told her, “and then get back to work.” She gave it to him and climbed back onto the bed. “You’ll find out what I want with this in due course.” He waved the cigarette, “But now I want you there.” He pointed at his erection.

  Still dazzled and thrilled by her degradation, Paula bent down to take him into her mouth. She felt an extra surge of warmth in her belly as she did so. What did he have in store?

  She kept her bottom raised in the air as she sucked at him to give herself a better angle to work from. It let her slide her mouth well down his shaft and she could taste an exciting mixture of sperm, her own juices and her own anal musk, from where he had buggered her. To have that shaft which had speared into her sex and her backside finally erupt in her mouth was going to make her come herself, she was sure. She could feel the heat in her sex and wondered if she could get one hand down there to masturbate with while he spurted into her mouth. But then she found out what he intended to do with the cigarette.

  “Keep your arse up good and high,” he told her. She was right down on him and feeling him at the back of her throat, but now he sat up over her and she had to turn her head sideways to get him in because of his stomach. But she kept on working at him; there was the salty taste of his seed at his slit. He would come soon, but before he did he reached over her and she felt the heat of the cigarette in the cleft of her buttocks. It stung and burned at the tender skin on the inner sides of them. She wriggled her hips desperately and gave a muffled shriek of protest around her gag of flesh. He lifted it away slightly and she felt one hand reach further down to the crack of her sex. The other pushed her head firmly down. He was going to burn her! She thought he had done everything to her but now, while he came in her mouth he was going to burn her! A wild excitement raged through her, and she moved her head urgently on him. And as she felt his member swell and the pulses begin to run through it, she settled herself so that her legs were farther open and the tender lips of her sex offered up to this new torment. He began to spurt into her mouth and she heard him gasp just before a lightning bolt of pain lanced through her as he ground the burning cigarette into the very crack between her lips. She was so moist that it just h
ad time to send one stupendous burst of pain through her before it was extinguished. But it was enough to tip her over the edge. She writhed and tried to cry out as she came but choked on his fluid as it pumped into her. His hand held her head down and she spluttered helplessly while her stomach and sex rippled and shook, as every nerve in her body seemed to overload at the same time.

  When he finally let her go she curled up, coughing, gasping and nursing her sex with both hands. It hurt terribly now the orgasm had passed and she rocked herself and groaned.

  He got off the bed and dressed calmly. Then without a word or a backward glance he went to the door and knocked. It opened almost immediately and then he was gone.

  Chapter 15

  In the minutes which followed, Paula slowly sat up and took stock. The pain at her sex had subsided to an angry kind of tingling and she opened her legs wide to have a look. Bending over herself she opened her labia and even found that she used her rings for ease. There was some redness, but nothing which looked too bad. She noted how closely the lines of the whip lay to her lips and felt a surge of warmth at the memory of the pain. She shook her head in amused despair at her own depravity.

  For once no-one seemed to be in a hurry to make her go anywhere or do anything so she walked into the bathroom to find some cold water for the burn. She found a flannel and after wetting it she held it pressed between her thighs. She also found a bottle of mouthwash. But her main discovery was a mirror. It was a small one mounted over the basin but Paula was able to look at herself for the first time in weeks. She found her face was thinner, but if anything that made her better looking she felt. Her hair was a mess and she raked it back with her fingers. She looked at herself again. It wasn’t the face of a victim she decided. She may have been whipped, buggered and now even burned; she may have been ordered to lick and kiss every orifice of that awful man, and had obeyed. But her face was that of a woman who has explored every inch of her own sensuality. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips still soft and full. She smiled at her reflection—proud and wanton, then shook her hair out and allowed the tip of her tongue to appear teasingly between her lips.


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