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The Azrael: Surviving the Outbreak

Page 13

by Jesse Gagnon

  “It really doesn’t blend well with the masking agent.” Mario said as he covered his nose and mouth with the collar of his shirt. Taliah tried to smell what Mario smelled and when the wind changed towards her she gagged.

  “Oh, my. That’s bad.” Taliah said and she shielded her nose with the collar of her shirt as well.

  “You’re going to attract those things you keep doing that shit John.” Savanna said hitting John in the arm.

  “Hey, Mario was complaining about the zombie musk so I added an aroma for him.” John said wafting away another warm breeze from his ass.

  “I’m gonna stab him Savanna.” Mario said reaching for his knife.

  “Okay, okay, let’s focus John. Seriously, cut the shit.” Savanna said with a stern voice.

  “No, don’t cut the shit. Please.” Taliah said still shielding her face in her blouse. Mario laughed under his shirt shaking his head.

  A loud screaming sound echoed through the buildings to their right as a raspy wail followed.

  “What was that?” Taliah said clinging to Mario’s side.

  “I don’t know, but we’ll keep an eye out in that direction. I got our six.” Mario said keeping a sharp eye behind them.

  “It’s a different world out here now. Things have been changing a lot.” Savanna said keeping an eye on the west side for hidden threats.

  “Look, get down, up ahead.” John whispered. Behind a grouping of cars a herd was chasing a dog. It was a mixed breed, a lab mixed with an Australian Shepherd. It was coming right for them. “Shit, they’re coming.”

  “Probably smelled your ass John.” Savanna said.

  “Run!.” John started to sprint away but Mario snatched him and brought him down.

  “Quiet you idiot. We’ve got cover and we’re heavily disguised in zombie musk, as you called it. Let it play out.” Mario said watching the dog. It was coming their way, but it had no real destination. It was running for its life.

  “Don’t let them eat it Mario.” Taliah said pulling at him.

  “It’s a pretty sizable group Taliah. I don’t know.” Mario looked down at Taliah and her gaze broke his resolve. “Shit, you’re gonna get me killed one day.”

  “No you won’t.” Taliah said kissing him on the cheek.

  “Are you fucking serious? Is he serious?” John asked and consulted Savanna if he was going to do it. She seemed slack-jawed about the situation herself.

  As the dog passed them Taliah whistled and the dog’s right ear raised and turned. The alpha was about to pass the vehicle they were behind and Mario stood up unsheathing his machete and with one swing he spun around with a horizontal swipe counter clockwise cleaving its head from its shoulders. The speed the alpha was moving aided in the cut. Its body dropped and convulsed. The others slowed with a pause and a fit female Azrael continued the run from the rear. The others waited for the urge to follow and stopped their pursuit. Mario set up his crossbow during the pause and fired a shot between her eyes stunning her a few meters from the car. It reached for the bolt in its skull as its motor functions were failing it. Mario exited the cover and finished the job removing its head from the body in one clean swipe. He stepped on its skull that still twitched and yanked the bolt from its head and placed it back on his bow. The others continued to charge in seeing a new target to consume. There were four left, but they looked like fresh turners. Their muscle definition wasn’t as defined as the two lying headless at Mario’s feet. He removed his knife and threw it striking one in the skull fifteen meters away. It staggered and hit a car that was parked nearby and it fell pulling at the knife. The other three kept their focus on Mario. He dropped his crossbow and machete while pulling a concussion grenade from his pack. He pulled the pin, tossed the grenade at them and dove behind the car yelling. “GET DOWN!”

  The grenade exploded disorienting the three. They staggered into each other pacing erratically. Mario stood up and retrieved his machete slowly. He wiped the dust off of his shirt and took in a deep breath. He walked up calm and collected holding his machete next to his right leg with his right hand. His grip was tight but not too tight. His breathing was controlled as his movements were fluid. He stepped into one tripping it from behind slicing its throat and spun with a horizontal swipe removing the head from the closest one that seemed to realize his presence. He finished the cut on the one cut at the neck and kicked the head towards the third one stumbling towards him. It tripped over the head and fell forwards slamming its face on the asphalt cracking its teeth. Mario dropped the blade on the back of its neck removing its head from the body with ease.

  Mario’s breathing was still calm and composed. He set his eyes on the one with the knife in its skull. It managed to remove the blade, but its right eye was oozing blood as its equilibrium was causing it to stagger towards Mario awkwardly. He rammed the butt of the machete on its skull and it reached to grab him as it fell backwards. Mario picked up his knife and cleaned off his machete on his shirt and sheathed it. He placed his left boot on its skull as it grabbed his leg and tried to dig its nails into his skin. He jabbed his knife into its throat and twisted the blade until he snapped the neck. Its arms went limp and dropped to the asphalt. He removed the blade and wiped the blood off on its torn shirt. He placed it back in its sheath near his boot. He stood up stretching and walked back to the group who were amazed at what they just saw.

  “I told you.” Taliah said punching John in the arm.

  “He’s the man. He’s the motherfucking man.” John said standing up in a cheer.

  “Keep it down John. Don’t want any more showing up. I’m surprised the grenade didn’t bring another herd this way.” Savanna said looking all around for another threat.

  “It’s okay. One explosion will alert them, but they won’t be able to hone in on the exact location, although we should get moving.” Mario reached out for Taliah’s hand. She was still crouched behind the car. She grabbed it and was pulled up by Mario.

  “I take it this isn’t the first time you’ve had to dispose of a small herd?” Savanna asked standing up and examining the headless Azrael still twitching on the asphalt.

  “No, it’s not the first time. I can’t avoid all of them. Removing their heads seems the only way to stop them. It’s what I’ve noticed anyway.” Mario said looking at the severed head of the alpha.

  “It’s what we found out too. Well, the Highwaymen did. We could use a man like you out here.” John said forcing a handshake on Mario.

  “I just want to get Taliah to Chicago. After that, we’ll see.” Mario said pulling his hand away.

  “Fair enough. Let’s get moving.” John said.

  “Wait, here boy!” Taliah tried to call the dog that was hiding under a car nearby.

  “Leave it. If it barks it can get us killed.” John said shaking his head.

  “He’s got a point. He’s safe now. The herd is dead.” Mario said agreeing with John.

  “But, but we can’t just leave him here. He’s probably hungry or thirsty. Here boy.” She continued to call the dog. It didn’t move but started to growl. It barked.

  “See, he doesn’t’ want to come. Leave it, let’s go.” John said turning around. The dog continued to bark but its bark became more ferocious.

  “What’s wrong boy?” Taliah asked crouching down.

  “Something’s not right.” Mario turned and listened.

  The dog left the cover and charged towards Taliah. Mario didn’t have time to react, but the dog did. He bit into a man that was about to grab Taliah. He hollered in pain as the dog’s teeth sunk into his throat. The man was dirty and his teeth were yellow and rotten. The scent of shit hit the air and it made Taliah choke.

  “Whoa, what the hell? Where did he come from?” John responded holding his hands on his head.

  “Must have snuck in while Mario was fighting those things. Poor bastard, he pissed off the wrong dog.” Savanna said shaking her head.

  “You bit Chris! You stupid fucking dog! I feed you and th
is is what you do? Hey, strangers, it’s okay. That’s our dog there. We’ll just be getting on our way now.” Another man said leaving cover from behind another car.

  “Like hell you are.” Mario said pulling Taliah close.

  “We, we were just hiding from those zombies like ya’ll did. That’s our dog there. See, his name is Samson, it’s on his collar. Look!” The man said pointing towards the dog. A nametag on the dog read Samson. It sunk its teeth into the man’s throat harder. Blood was oozing out badly.

  “It says Samson. Come get your dog. Doesn’t look like your friend is going to live through this though.” Mario said pushing Taliah behind him and backing away from the dog. “What was he doing anyway?”

  “Alright, shit I don’t wanna mess with you man. I seen what you did there. You’re a killin’ machine.” The man walked up and whistled to the dog. The dog didn’t let go of the man’s throat. “Damn it Samson, let Chris go. He didn’t mean no harm.”

  Taliah looked up at Mario and shook her head with disapproval. He looked down at her and shrugged.

  “It’s his dog. We can’t just take it from its owner.” Mario said.

  “Samson, get over here.” The man stepped closer and the dog finally removed its grip from the dying man on the ground. Samson snarled at the man as the fur on its back stood up. He growled and barked ferociously.

  “Now, now. I know we’ve had our differences. See, over there, food. Look there’s food for you.” The man pointed towards the dismembered Azrael.

  “He’s not gonna eat those things is he?” Taliah asked Mario.

  “No, no he’s not. At least not today he isn’t.” Mario said and stepped forward.

  “Don’t’ feed the dog that stuff. It could get him sick, or worse.” Mario said. John and Savanna just watched it all play out.

  “It don’t get him sick. It’s a damned dog, man. They can eat it raw. It’s how you survive out here man. Can’t give up real food to a stupid animal. Don’t judge me, you don’t know shit!” The man said and continued to call the dog. He patted his legs. “Here boy. Damn it get over here. Yer embarrassing me.”

  “It doesn’t look like it wants to come with you. You should just walk away.” Mario said.

  “It’s my dog you son of a bitch. I’m not going nowhere.” The man said and revealed his gun on his hip from behind his tattered brown leather jacket. “I didn’t see you use a gun fighting those things. Plus yer crossbow thing is over there. Don’t try me asshole.” He insisted.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Mario asked watching his movements.

  “As a matter of fact, Samson, attack that man. ATTACK!” He yelled. The dog didn’t move. It maintained its aggressive stance towards the man.

  “I don’t think the dog likes you. Actually, I think it wants to kill you.” Taliah said looking at the man with an evil stare. The man began to sweat.

  “Shut the fuck up. I’ll shoot you. I’ll shoot all of you sons of bitches.” The man said reaching for his gun.

  “Attack!” Taliah yelled and the dog charged the man and tore into his throat. He fired off a wild shot that struck the asphalt before his trachea was in the dog’s stomach. It continued to feast on the man and Mario shielded Taliah’s face.

  “I wanna watch.” Taliah pulled away. The man was choking on his own blood and drowned in it as the dog bit into him.

  “Enough!” Mario hollered and the dog stopped. Its ears dropped and it turned to face Mario. Its fur flattened and it trotted towards Taliah. Both men succumbed to their injuries.

  “It’s okay boy. Samson, I like that name.” Taliah said ruffling the dogs fur and rubbed behind its ears. Its snout was covered in blood and its tongue scraped the blood off that was covering its nose.

  “Looks like we got a new member in our group.” Mario said and led Taliah away from the two men and picked up his crossbow. The dog followed behind Taliah.

  “So, we’re just going to bring the dog? What if it barks or runs off and gets a herd to attack us or something?” John asked taking the gun from the dead man’s grasp, searched for extra ammunition and did the same to the other man.

  “The dog seems more than capable of handling itself against those threats. I’m with Mario on this one John.” Savanna said and pet the dog as it came by.

  “Shit, I guess.” John reached to pet the dog and it snarled. “Alright now boy, I’m not gonna hurt ya.”

  “Guess he doesn’t like you either.” Taliah said laughing at John.

  “What did I do to get treated like this?” John asked.

  “I don’t know, maybe because you were the only one who wanted to leave the dog to die alone out here.” Savanna said.

  “Mario agreed with me to leave the damned dog here. What kind of shit.” John said as the others were already moving along leaving him behind. “Hey, wait for me.”

  It listened to Mario when he told it to stop. Samson must know that he’s the pack leader, the alpha of the group. We all listen to the alpha, even the Azrael do. Savanna thought to herself.



  On the second day after encountering another Azrael like himself, Randall remained awake for the duration, hoping to find somewhere he could lock his body up that would hold him. As the landscape started to slowly disappear in the distance being covered by a blanket of darkness, Randall knew that his mind was beyond a break. He was going to shut down soon, severing his mind’s grasp on his body, allowing the primal instincts of the body and virus to take over. He moved his body towards the east, passing Mt. Carroll and into the farmlands that littered the landscape. He found the occasional wild deer, and even feasted upon a cow that grazed beyond the gates that once barred its freedom. It satisfied his body’s hunger, however if he fell asleep he may find that he’s destroyed the lives of yet another family trying to survive out in the lands beyond the cities. He wondered if there was a way to keep the connection as he slept. However, any control in his mind was enough to give him hope that there could be more to this awakening.

  As Randall’s mind started to fade in and out, he knew that it was time to commit to a place to lock his body up. He found a farm house, surrounded by several miles of wild farmlands. It fed most of the wild animals so it was a good place that he could feed when he awoke. He smelled neither aroma of humans nor sounds of activity beyond that of the breeze disturbing the rural landscape. Upon entering the house he found a good place to trap himself in. A back room had a door that he could lock from the inside. He never noticed his body discover the intricacies of locks. The primal instincts overcame any intricate skillfulness. The door was both a turning lock mechanism and it was retrofitted with a deadbolt. It didn’t ring any alarms in his mind that there were two locks in a room within the house. Randall was ready to succumb to a deep sleep. His eyes began to close and a noise, not of a wind driven creak, but of movement alarmed him. He opened his eyes and smelled an aroma, not of humans, but a faint smell of fish entered his senses. He blinked several times, fighting sleep and searched for the source of this strange odor. The woman with child was huddled in the corner of the room. She held a knife but had a pistol in its holster on her hip. Randall figured it was out of bullets, there’s no point threatening an Azrael with a useless weapon. Azrael don’t flee for fear of death.

  The child with her was barely three and she remained quiet, holding onto her mother. He heard their heartbeats beating quickly, but not as quick as his own. His eyes shut. He opened them back up a few feet from the woman and her screams slowly entered his mind. He caught his body in time. He stepped back, trying to distance himself from their scent that began to sweat through the fish aroma that masked their scent. He wondered why she didn’t lock the door when he came inside, then he realized that the Azrael don’t usually travel alone. She may have been sleeping or thought that whatever scents that covered her human aroma would keep her safe from unwanted visitors. Plus they were miles from another house, what odds were there that a
n encounter of this sort would happen.

  Randall put his hands up and backed up, but his eyes were heavy while his mind was becoming numb. The urge to feed began to take root as the pheromones in the air escaped her breath as she screamed. His body wanted to claim these lives, turning them into more abominations that would endlessly desire to spread the virus. He reached for the locks attempting to unlock them. His hands were shaking as the dexterity within them began to fade. He turned and saw the woman’s eyes wide and curious as her scream was no more. She clenched the child close and wondered how it was possible that an Azrael didn’t attack her and how it was operating a lock trying to leave. Randall turned back to the door and finally turned the door lock. His eyes were twitching, but he managed to undo the deadbolt as well. He pulled the door open and turned to face the woman. He must have turned too soon because he became light headed. Drool dripped from the sides of his mouth and his eyes almost shut. His senses began to close in on him and sound began to fade into silence.

  Darkness surrounded his peripheral vision and slowly encroached on the center of his vision. He staggered towards the woman who began to scream again and stabbed at Randall. It dug into his left arm but he grabbed the woman by her wrist that held the knife with his left hand and behind her waist with his right hand. She fought violently knowing that she was going to be eaten. Drool escaped his mouth and fell on her neck. The urge to feed heightened dramatically. The child screamed as it was afraid for its mother and also fought Randall with kicks and weak punches. The little girl’s resolve impressed Randall. He dragged the woman with ease outside the door and flung her several meters into the middle of the room beyond the door. He knocked the child over and pushed it across the floor towards the woman. She sat up and Randall slammed the door closed. His eyes shut but he opened them before the door opened. He reached for the locks as the dexterity in his hands were all but gone. He tried to grab the turning lock between his fingers pinning the back of his hand on the door. He turned his whole arm in attempts to turn the lock with failure. He was losing this battle with his body. He dropped to a knee and held the door closed with his left hand and reached up with his right arm and waved his hand near the deadbolt with hopes to turn that lock by the motion. He finally engaged the deadbolt and he dropped to the ground. The room closed in on itself. Blackness overcame his vision even with his eyes forced open. Sound escaped his mind as a peaceful emptiness filled his five senses. He slept.


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