Axmann, Arthur, 35–36, 42, 43, 92, 94
Banco Alemán Transatlántico, 83
Banco Germánico, 83
banks, 83, 85, 86, 129
Barbie, Klaus, 100
Bariloche Nazi: Historical Sites Related to National Socialism (book), 104
Barrére, Augustín, 98
Basti, Abel, 104, 105, 110, 111, 125
Bauer, Hans, 59
Baumbach, Werner, 109, 110
Bay of Pigs, 91
BBC, 17, 39
Beer Hall Putsch, 63, 105
Bellantoni, Nicholas, 22–23, 24, 25
Berne, 80–81
Bezymenski, Lev
on autopsy, 9–13
on corpses found, 3–8
on dental evidence, 17
on double body, 19–20
on eyewitnesses, 44
on Hitler’s suicide, 45
Black Orchestra, 82
Blaschke, Hugo, 17
Blausäure, 92
Blondi, 12, 34, 108
blood samples, 25
Bolshevism, 28
bones, 38
Bormann, Martin
Aktion Adlerflug, 84
Aktion Feuerland, 87, 88
bodies carried, 30, 43, 47
business empire, 83–86, 129, 132
Canaris file, 86–87
death of, 92
dental identification, 92
DNA testing, 96
double, 94
escape of, 2, 93–96
at farewell ceremony, 35
at funeral, 37
Himmler and, 77–79
Hitler’s escape and, 132
at Hitler’s suicide, 42
marriage witness, 74, 75
missing, 91–92
on passenger manifest, 110
Raubal murder and, 107
uninterviewed, 40
will witness, 74
Bormann Brotherhood, The (book), 107
Brandenburg, 15
Braun, Eva
body of, xi, 3
dental identification, 10, 12, 17, 49
double of, 109
escape of, 116
identified, 36
marriage, viii, 73–75
on passenger manifest, 110
suicide, vii–viii, ix–x, 40, 50, 51, 69
Braun, Gretl, 59
bridges (dental), 9, 17, 49
Broken Swastika (book), 110
Brown House, 78
Bruck, Dr., 10
Bruckner, Anton, 28
Buch, 9, 14, 20
bunker. see Führerbunker
Bunker, The: The History of the Reich Chancellery Group (book), 46
Burgdorf, Wilhelm, 37, 42, 74
Burnside, Patrick, 104, 105
Bush, George H.W., 80
Bush, Prescott, 80
Bustillo, Alejandro, 125–26
Byrnes, James F., 1–2
Caggiano, Antonio, 97–98
Canaris, Wilhelm, 81–82, 86–87
Catholic Action, 97–98
Catholic Church, 96–100
CBS, 85
Central Intelligence Agency, 89
Chancellery, 4, 16, 30–31
Chase, Salmon P., 129
Chase Bank, 86
Chicago Times, 103
Churakov, Ivan, 7
Churchill, Winston, 1
CIA, 89
CIC, 58–59
Citibank, 86
Clark, Mark, 41
Clay, Lucius D., 93
communism, 90, 100, 130
Comodoro Rivadavia, 116
Compañia Naviera Levantina, 84
“conspiracy theorists,” viii
Conway, Patricio J., 112
Counter Intelligence Corps, 58–59
counterfeiting, 94
on Hitler’s order, viii
Newsweek on, 31
photograph of location, 56
Russian intelligence on, 8
in Schönebeck, 16
Trevor-Roper on, 37–38, 69
Crimea, 1
crowns (dental), 10
Crusade in Europe (book), 70
cyanide, ix–x, 11, 12, 17
Davis, Jefferson, 129
“Day of Unity,” 125
De Nápoli, Carlos, 118
de Pascal, Vincent, 103
Death of Hitler, The: The Full Story with New Evidence from Secret Russian Archives (book), 14
Death of Hitler, The: Unknown Documents from Soviet Archives (book), 3–4, 44
Dellepiane, José, 112
dental evidence
of Bormann, 92
of Braun, 9–11, 12
forged, 49
of Hitler, 9–11, 12, 18–19
in Russian archives, 26
unconvincing, 17
Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Case (book), 89
Deutsch Bank, 86
DiEugenio, James, 89, 90
Discovery Channel, 17
Disinformation (book), 97
DNA testing, xiv, 21, 23–24, 25, 96
dogs, 12, 34, 73, 108
domestic surveillance, 133
Dönitz, Karl, 5, 28, 41, 60, 70, 121
doppelgangers. see doubles
of Bormann, 94
of Braun, 49, 109
of Hitler, xii, xiii, 6–7, 19–20, 49, 108–9
Draganovic, Krunoslav, 99
Dulles, Allen
Angleton and, 100–101
Bormann and, 129
CIA director, 90–91
Gehlen and, 88–90
Himmler and, 82
Hitler’s escape and, 129, 132
Operation Paperclip, 131
Operation Sunrise, 101
Sullivan & Cromwell, 84
in Switzerland, 80–81
Warren Commission, 90–91
Dulles, John Foster, 80
Dunstan, Simon, 87
Duquesne University, 41
Echtmann, Fritz, 10, 17
Eden Hotel, 106, 125
Eichhorn, Bruno, 106
Eichhorn, Ida, 63, 64–65, 105–6, 125
Eichhorn, Walter, 63, 64–65, 105, 106, 125
Eichmann, Adolf, 84, 100, 132
Einsatzgruppen, 41
Einstein, Albert, 125
Eisenhower, Dwight D., xiv, 66, 69–70, 128
Elbe River, 15, 16, 26
Escape of Hitler, The: His Invisible Life in Argentina and the Connections with Evita and Perón, 104
European Union, 132
conflicting, 13, 45, 51
credibility, 49–50
false, xiii
of Hitler in Argentina, 105
lack of, xi
Musmanno and, 41
O’Donnell and, 46–47
tortured, 44
Falda, La, 63, 64, 106, 125
Farago, Ladislas, 95–96, 127
FBI, 63–64
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 63–64
Federal Security Service (Russia), 25
Fegelein, Hans, 58–59, 60–62
Fegelein, Hermann, 59, 60, 61, 110
fillings, 10, 17, 83
Fischhorn, 61
Flegel, Erna, 57–58
Foundations of National Socialism, The (book), 99
Fourth Reich, 130
Franco, Francisco, 110
Freude, Ludwig, 87, 95–96
front companies, 84
FSB, 25
Führerbunker, 4, 53–54, 57
Fuldner, Carlos, 99
garden, 16, 38, 55–56
gasoline, 35, 47
Gehlen, Reinhard, 88–90, 131
German shepherds, 12, 73
German-Spanish dictionaries, 120
Giesing, Erwin, 49
Gisevius, Hans Bernd, 81
glasnost, 13–14
Glockel, Walter, 62
Goebbels, Joseph
body of, 2, 4–5
bsp; children of, 5
Eichhorns and, 64–65
at farewell ceremony, 35–36
at Hitler’s funeral, 31, 37
Hitler’s marriage and, 74, 75, 109
at Hitler’s suicide, 42, 43
Hitler’s will and, 74, 76, 109
on passenger manifest, 110
uninterviewed, 40
gold, 2, 83, 88, 96
Goñi, Uki, 24, 97, 98
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 13, 132
Gorbushin, Vasili Ivanovich, 9–10
Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler--the Case Presented (book), 87
Guardian, 24
Guensche, Otto
bodies carried, 36
cremation and, 31, 35, 37, 43
Hitler’s suicide and, 30, 42, 44–45
Musmanno on, 42
Gumberg Library, 41
guns, 30, 43
unheard, 47, 48
wound location, 11, 16–17, 22, 45
Haase, Werner, 34
Harriman, W. Averell, 80
Harris, Robert, 39
helicopter, 109
Hess, Rudolph, 66
Heusermann, Käthe, 10, 17, 18–19
Himmler, Henrich, 77–79, 81, 82
Hirschfeld, Walter Werner, 60–62
History Channel, 22
Hitler, Adolf
in Argentina, 62–66, 124–25, 127–28
artillery fire death, 70–72
body of, xi, xiv, 2, 3, 6
death announcement, 28
dental identification, 9–11, 12, 49
double of, 108–9
Eichhorns and, 63, 64–65, 105–6, 125
escape of, 58–59, 105–6, 109–10, 116–17
escape plan, 87
Fegelein and, 60
final days, 34–35
Franco and, 110
Geli Raubal and, 107
marriage, 73–75
meticulous, 7
Mussolini’s death and, 33–34
nickname, 107
Parkinson’s disease, x
on passenger manifest, 110
plastic surgery, 63
Residencia Inalco, 126
sexual dysfunction, 12
skull of, xiv, 14, 20, 22
suicide, vii–viii, ix–x, 35, 40, 42–43, 45–46, 51
will and testament, 73–75
Hitler Diaries, 32–33, 39, 76
Hitler in Argentina (book), 104, 125
Hitler’s Death: Russia’s Last Great Secret from the Files of the KGB (book), 21
Hitler’s Death: The Final Report (documentary), 18
Hitler’s Escape (documentary), 22–23, 48
Hitler’s Escape: The Proof of Hitler’s Escape to Argentina (book), 104, 110
Hohenlohe-Langenberg, Maximilian Egon zu, 81
Hoover, J. Edgar, 64, 65, 105–6
Hopkins, Harry, 2
Hörsching airfield, 109
Hudel, Alois, 99
I.G. Farben, 80
Infield, Glenn B., 53
International Monetary Fund, 132
ITT Germany, 83
“Ivan,” 8
J. Schröder Banking Corporation, 83
Japan, 2–3, 62
jawbones, 10, 11, 16, 25
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 91
J.P. Morgan Chase, 86
Junge, Gertraud, 75, 108–9
Karnau, Herman, 30, 37–38, 40
Kempka, Erich
bodies carried, 43, 47
body of, 2
at cremation, 43
eyewitness testimony, 30, 31, 50
at funeral, 36, 37
Musmanno and, 41
O’Donnell and, 47–48
petrol fetching, 35
suicide account, 44–45
Trevor-Roper and, 39–40
Kennedy, John F., 90, 91
Khristoforov, Vassili, 25
Klimenko, Ivan Isayevich, 4, 5–6, 7–8
Knauth, Percy, 55, 56
Krebs, Hans, 2, 5, 42, 74
La Falda. see Falda, La
Landsberg Prison, 63
Lapurke, John V., 62
Last Days of Hitler, The (book), 33, 50, 67. see also Trevor-Roper, Hugh Redwald
LATI, 84
Lehrter Banhof, 91
Levenda, Peter, 100
Life, 54–57
life rafts, 117
Linee Aeree Transcontinentali Italiane, 84
Linge, Heinz
bodies carried, 43
at cremation, 31, 36, 37
Hitler’s escape and, 108
strangled Hitler, 50–51
suicide account, 44–45
Trevor-Roper on, 39
Loftus, John, 100
Magdeburg, 15
Mail Online, 25
Malmedy massacre, 128
Manning, Paul, 85, 93–94
Mansfield, Erich, 37
Manufacturers Hanover Trust, 86
Mar del Plata, 106, 111, 113, 116, 121
marriage, viii, 73–75, 109
Marrs, Jim, 130, 133
Marshall Plan, 129
Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile (book), 85, 93
Martín García (island), 114
martyrdom, 28, 129
McCloy, John, 89, 90, 91
Mein Kampf (book), 63
“Mendoza” (boat), 123
Mengele, Josef, 100, 132
Mengerhausen, Harry, 8
Monnet, Jean, 129
Morell, Theodor, 49
Moscow, viii, xiv
Müller, Heinrich, 93, 94, 95
body, missing, 107–8
on passenger manifest, 110
Raubal murder and, 107
Murder of Adolf Hitler, The: The Truth about the Bodies in the Berlin Bunker (book), 48–49, 74–75
Musmanno, Michael, 40–44, 109
Mussolini, Benito, 33–34
MysteryQuest, 22
NAFTA, 132
Nahuel Haupi Lake, 126
National Archives, 49, 57, 70, 80
National City Bank, 86
National Holocaust Museum, 91
National Security Agency, 133
“Nazi Jousten Hotel,” 116
Nazis Go Underground, The (book), 77, 78
Nazis on the Run: How Hitler’s Henchmen Fled Justice (book), 101
Neu Friedrichsdorf, 15
New Deal, 130, 131
New York Times, 19
Newsweek, 30–31, 40
NSA, 133
Nuremburg trials, 41, 88, 91, 128
Odessa, 98
O’Donnell, James P., 46–48, 53–54
Office of Strategic Services, 80–81, 88
Operation Crossword, 101
Operation Myth, 4, 13, 14, 15, 18
Operation Paperclip, 131
Operation Sunrise, 101
Operation Torch, 78
OSS, 80–81, 88
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 90, 101
Pacepa, Ion Mihai, 96–97
Parkinson’s disease, x
Patton: Ordeal and Triumph (book), 95
Pavelic, Ante, 99
Pehle, John, 91
Peiper, Joachim, 128
perestroika, 13–14
Perón, Eva, 88, 95–96
Perón, Juan Domingo
Bormann finances and, 88, 95–96
Catholic Church and, 98
Fuldner and, 99–100
German intelligence and, 87
Hitler’s escape and, 127, 129, 130
Petacci, Clara, 33–34
petrol, 35, 47
Petrova, Ada, 13, 14, 16, 17
photographs, xi–xii, xiii, 26, 55, 56
pistols, 30, 43
plastic surgery, 63
Pogonyi, J.F., 21
Pope Pius XII, 97, 98
Potsdam, 2
Project Eagle Flight, 84
Project Land of Fire, 87
Prokopenko, Anatoli, 13, 14
propaganda, 28–29, 73–74, 10
prussic acid, 92
radio, 27–28
Radio Moscow, 97
Ratenow, 15
ratline, 97, 99, 100
Ratline: Soviet Spies and Nazi Priests, and the Diappearance of Adolf Hitler (book), 100
Rattenhuber, Hans, 108
Raubal, Angelica, 107
Reagan, Ronald, 132
Real Odessa, The (book), 24
Red Cross, 57, 98
Reich Chancellery, 4, 16, 30–31
Reincke, Hermann, 60
Reitsch, Hanna, 75
Residencia Inalco, 126
“Rhinegold” (music), 27
Riess, Curt, 77, 78, 79
Rise of the Fourth Reich, The: The Secret Societies that Threaten to Take Over America (book), 130
Ritter von Greim, Robert, 75
Roberts, Andrew, 21
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1, 80, 129
Russian Army, 3
Russian soldiers, 6, 7, 19, 29
Sachsenhausen, 94
Salinas, Juan, 118
San Carlos de Bariloche, 87, 106, 126
San Julián, 115
Saxe, Edward L., 67, 68, 69
Schäffer, Heinz, 121, 122, 122–23, 124
Schering, 92
Schönebeck, 16
Schuller, Felix, 111
Schuller, Karl, 119
Schwarze Kappelle, 82
Scott, George C., 95
Secretaría de Informaciones de Estato, 95
Shalev, Noam, 104
shipping lines, 84
Shkaravski, Faust, 9, 19
show trials, 19
SIDE, 95
Bellantoni examined, 22
displayed, 20
DNA testing of, xiv
female, 23, 24
in Moscow, 14, 16
Sky News, 1
SMERSH, 8, 15, 21
Smirnov, Andrei, 19
Smith, Walter Bedell, 89
smoking, 109
socks, xii, 6
Sonderkommando, 94
Spaeth, Karlheinz, 70–72
Spain, 2, 19, 29
Speaking Frankly (book), 2
“Special Archives,” 20
Speer, Albert, 110
Stalin, Joseph
on Hitler’s escape, xiv, 1–3, 29
Operation Myth, 4, 13
Zhukov and, 19
Stars and Stripes, The (newspaper), 66, 69
State Archive of the Russian Federation, 20
Steinacher, Gerald, 101
Stern (magazine), 32, 95
Stevens, Dennison G., 70
Stevenson, William, 107
Stone, Norman C., 18
Strausbaugh, Linda, 23
Stumpfegger, Ludwig, 92
German, 2–3, 62, 63, 88
U-530, 111–15, 116, 117–18, 119–120
U-977, 121–24
fabricated, 26, 51
inconsistencies, ix–x, 45
Musmanno on, 42–43
Newsweek on, 40
physical evidence, 55
Trevor-Roper on, 35, 40, 68–69
Sullivan & Cromwell, 80, 83
Sunday Times, 32–33
Switzerland, 2, 80–81
Tea Party Republicans, 133
teeth, 9, 10, 11, 18
Ten Days to Die (book), 40–41
Teptozov, N.V., 21
testicle, 11–12
Thatcher, Margaret, 18
Thomas, Hugh, 48–50, 74–75, 75–76
Hunting Hitler Page 14