Hunting Hitler
Page 15
Thyssen, Fritz, 80
Tiergarten Air Strip, 75
Tierra del Fuego, 87
Time (magazine), 111–12
Tisserant, Eugène, 98
Trevor-Roper, Hugh Redwald
Berlin, sent to, 31–32
on bodies moved, 36
on Bormann’s escape route, 92
on cremation, 38
criticism, 39, 50, 75
Hitler Diary hoax, 32–33
on Hitler’s final days, 34–35
on Hitler’s funeral, 36, 37–38
on Hitler’s suicide, 35, 40, 42–43, 44–45, 68–69
inconsistent, viii
interviews by, 39–40, 68
investigation by, 66–67
on Mussolini’s death, 33–34
Truman, Harry, 129
Truscott, Lucien K., 74
“Twilight of the Gods” (music), 27
U-530, 111–15, 116, 117–18, 119–120
U-977, 121–24
Uhlik, Kurt, 71
Ultramar Sur (book), 118
Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and Soviet Intelligence (book), 100
Union Bank, 80
United Nations, 132
University of Connecticut, 23
US National Archives, 49, 57, 70, 80
US Treasury, 86
Vandivert, William, 54–55, 56, 57
Vatican, 96–100
V-E Day, 9
Versailles Treaty, 87
Vila La Angostura, 126
Vinogradov, V.K., 21
von Braun, Wernher, 131
von Leon, Fredrich, 62
von Raiffenstein, Graf, 71
Voss, Hans-Erich, 5, 6
Vyshinski, Andrei, 19
W.A. Harriman & Company, 80
Wagner, Richard, 27–28
Walther pistol, 30, 43
Warren Commission, 90–91
Watson, Peter, 14, 16, 17
Wermuth, Otto, 111, 112, 113, 118, 119–120, 123
Weschler, Pablo, 104
White, Dick, 31, 67
will and testament, 73–75, 109
Williams, Gerrard, 87
World Bank, 132
World Trade Organization, 132
WTO, 132
x-rays, 10, 11, 17, 26, 49
Yalta, 1
Zhukov, G.K., 3, 13, 19
Zyklon-B, 80