Most Wanted (Triple Diamond Book 3)

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Most Wanted (Triple Diamond Book 3) Page 5

by Gemma Snow

  “I’ve seen the way you look at her,” Quinn said, his voice low, almost apologetic. For what, Lucas didn’t really want to analyze. “I know you find her as attractive as I do.” Attractive was like calling the Pope spiritual. Attractive was like calling Michelangelo a cartoonist. Attractive didn’t even begin to cover the myriad ways Lucas ached for her touch, and Quinn obviously knew that.

  “You know I do,” Lucas said honestly. “She’s pretty damn incredible.”

  Quinn pulled two shot glasses out from behind the counter and filled them both to the brim. “Drink,” he ordered.

  Curious, and always intrigued when Quinn Langston began to lose control, Lucas tipped his head back and downed the shot. Shit, the stuff burned, but he did feel a lot warmer after it went down. Quinn filled it back up again and Lucas raised an eyebrow. But his friend didn’t say anything, just knocked the full shot glass to Lucas’ and downed his second one. So Lucas followed suit, an odd sense of anticipation rioting through him.

  “I want to offer Ev a threesome.” This was said way too quickly, and to the odd effect of Quinn tripping over some of the syllables. Mr. Controlled Military Man was definitely feeling a fit of nerves.

  That apparently Lucas was adding to by not replying, because Quinn started talking again, getting faster as he went. “I just feel like something’s been on her mind and I want to change up the pace, ya know, distract her from work and everything for a while, and you’re the only person in the world I could ever imagine doing anything like that with and shit, man, interrupt me, for fuck’s sake.”

  “Are you sure?” They weren’t the first words Lucas would have thought he’d say, not when Quinn was handing his fantasy to him on a silver platter. But he’d been around the block enough times to know that when things got messy, they got really messy and the last people in the whole damn world he wanted messy with were Quinn and Ev.

  Or rather, messier. Because there was no way this wasn’t going to be hard—more, and wasn’t it a hell of a time for a bad pun? But the second he touched her, Lucas knew he was going to have to acknowledge some pretty difficult truths.

  “Yeah I’m sure. I’ll be honest, listening to those guys got me curious. I mean, curious, ya know?” Yeah, the evidence of exactly how much Lucas knew was straining against his zipper right then. “And I don’t know, we promised each other we’d give her a good time, right? Case-by-case weekend?”

  Lucas couldn’t help but laugh. “We did promise.”

  Quinn sobered. “Shit, man, if I’m way off base here, tell me. We could just end the conversation and never talk about it again.”

  But it wouldn’t be so easy. Because Lucas knew that whatever this was, that whatever his lifelong love and affection for these two people were, whatever his desire was, this could only end in chaos—for him, at least. And he knew with equal certainty that he couldn’t possibly walk away.

  “Nah, you’re not off base.” He poured himself a little more whiskey and sipped at it this time. “I just want to be sure you won’t regret asking me in the morning.”

  Quinn shook his head. “I know I won’t,” he said, his voice that commanding tone that worked so well in the office.

  “So, what, are we going to ask her or…?” And what was the schedule on the whole seduction thing, because he might need about twenty minutes in a cold shower if nothing was planned for tonight.

  “I think we should seduce her,” Quinn admitted, his light brown skin actually flushing at the word. “I mean, just to make it exciting and interesting, less clinical, ya know? And there’s the party tomorrow night.”

  Quinn made some excellent points.

  “Well then,” Lucas filled the shot glasses again, holding them up for celebration rather than courage this time. “I look forward to the best case-by-case weekend yet.”

  Even if it was the stupidest thing he’d ever do.

  Chapter Six

  Ev woke to a hard heat pressed against her ass. The bed was warm and cozy and soft and if she never had to get up to brave the world outside, she’d die happy. She snuggled back against the pressure and became a little more conscious when said pressure jerked against her bare skin. So she snuggled again, and this time became fully aware of not only warmth, but the strong arms wrapped around her belly and the powerful legs tangling in hers.

  “I’d stop moving that sweet ass if I were you, baby,” Quinn growled against her ear. But in the warm, delicious comfort of his arms, her desire most definitely piqued with every evidence of Quinn’s arousal, Ev was feeling playful.

  “Or what?” she teased, pressing back into him with more intent in her motions this time.

  “Or I’ll turn it red for insubordination.”

  Now that’s a thought. A really heady, sexy, intense thought that made her pussy quiver in demand, made Ev want to press her panties to the side and slide herself down, sheathing her body completely over Quinn’s cock. She’d never get enough of the feeling of him inside her, and she’d been fast asleep by the time the men had come down from the mess hall, undoubtedly wasted, the night before. But instead of thinking about the party or Lily and Maddy Hollis, whom she’d gotten to know, or Sam and Aimee, who were so blissed-out in love they looked like different people, Ev thought about the fastest way to get Quinn Langston’s hard, hot dick inside her.

  “I can hear the gears turning in your head,” Quinn whispered in her ear. “And I’d much prefer you not thinking at all.” Then, blessedly, he pushed her panties flush with one thigh, the position tight, with the way they lay spooned together on their sides, even tighter when he edged her wet pussy with one large finger then slowly, God, slow enough to fucking kill, pushed inside.

  Of course, one finger wasn’t nearly enough to bring about the pressure Ev so desperately needed, and she arched against his touch, grinding into his palm. He murmured the sweetest, most sinful, most delicious words in her ear, biting the lobe and the skin of her neck in between filthy promises.

  ‘I’m going to make you beg for my cock, baby. God, you’re so fucking wet. I can’t wait to taste you on my fingers, to make you come until you’re boneless in my arms then make you do it again.’

  They’d never gone full scene, but Ev had long suspected Quinn had a bit of a Dom personality about him. Still, when she saw her lover every few weeks, sometimes only for an hour or two at a time, even vanilla sex didn’t get boring.

  “Jesus, I’m begging.” Her words came out, desperate, husky and raw. “Quinn, please…” It seemed like she begged for his cock an awful lot.

  “Not good enough.” He continued his slow ministrations, sliding two fingers in and out of her pussy, and brought his other hand up to circle one peaked nipple, before he rolled it to a stiff point between his brusque fingers. “You’re so ripe,” he growled. “Juicy and sweet and delicious.” His hand came around and cupped her whole breast in a shockingly possessive move and she nearly shouted, grasping the sheets as though they might somehow steady her in the whirling madness. Of course, the very thing that made her the craziest was also her rock, her port in the storm.


  He shifted so the slick head of his cock was right at the entrance to her pussy.

  “Tell me how much you want it,” he demanded, teasing his plump crown against her hole. Fuck.

  “I want it. Jesus, Quinn, I want it.”

  “More, Ev. You can do better.”

  She surged, his demanding tone making her mount higher, sending shards of lightning-white heat racing through her.

  “Jesus fuck, Quinn. Stuff your cock in my cunt hole and fuck me like you mean it before I take things into my own hands.” And just to prove she wasn’t bluffing, Ev snaked her hand down her belly and toward her throbbing clit. Quinn caught her wrist before she could get any of the pressure she needed and, keeping her pinned to the bed, sank inch by ever-fucking-loving inch into her willing pussy.

  She shattered, right then and there, the pressure of Quinn’s hard erection stretching he
r, filling her, making everything but the sensation of him deep inside fall away as she rode the insane wave of pleasure.

  “Yes, baby, give me your release. God, you’re so tight.” The control was nearly gone, threatening to fray with each press of those thick inches deep inside her. She wanted to give it to him, wanted to clench and pulse around Quinn’s rigid cock. She loved the sensation of shattering around him and with each stroke of his hardness, she neared her climax. So close, so fucking close…

  Her senses were on such high alert that the sound in the living room made her freeze. They were under the blanket, but the door was open—way too open for them to be doing what they were doing, though of course that was more than a little of the reason her body tingled and her skin burned for more.

  Still, from her position on the bed, she could see movement, see Lucas sitting down before the fireplace. He wore only loose-fitting flannel pajama bottoms and his eyes were focused on a manila folder in front of him. But if he looked up…

  From Lucas’ view, they could have just been spooning right? And yet…her face was flush, her lips so swollen…

  Then he lifted his head and his gaze caught hers across the room.

  Does he know? He has to know…

  And yet, the idea that Lucas maybe did know, that he wasn’t ignorant of the fact that Quinn had his cock buried deep in Ev’s throbbing pussy, didn’t turn her off. In fact, her breasts actually tingled and the heat in her belly bloomed into something far more potent and dangerous. The fact that he was bare from the waist up and lounging back in a lavish leather chair didn’t help either. His chest was a deep gold and the lines of powerful muscles were dusted with hair as dark as the long locks spilling over his shoulders. Ev wasn’t sure whether she’d rather bury her hands in his messy morning hair or lick him from neck to waist and back again.

  Yup, officially fucked. In more ways than one.

  “Evvie, come back to me,” Quinn said, his voice husky with what could have passed for sleep, but Ev knew so much better. Then she barely knew anything at all, because Lucas was holding her gaze, steady, dark, unblinking, even when Quinn pulled away and slid a few inches out of her, then pushed back inside. Her grip on the sheets was ferocious and desperate, and Ev sank her teeth into her bottom lip in an attempt to keep her scream buried deep down. This is wrong. People don’t get turned on by getting fucked in front of their best friends.

  But Quinn continued his slow assault on her body, even as Lucas held her gaze. His look didn’t give anything away, but he was a goddamned FBI agent and if he couldn’t tell by the sheen of sweat on her brow and her swollen lips exactly what was going on, she’d think he was getting soft. But even at this distance, even through the partially opened door, Ev could tell there was nothing soft about him, not the hard planes of his chest, or the dark look in his eyes or the way his pants pulled to an obvious tent…

  No. Absolutely not. She would not be the person who got fucked from behind while teasing her best friend in the other room, she would not. She tried to tear her eyes away from Lucas’ obvious arousal but managed only to catch his gaze.

  He pursed his lips, those full, plush lips, and gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head.

  No? No, don’t tell? No, don’t turn away? No, don’t stop?

  How the hell could she possibly know? The only thing she knew was that she was burning up with pleasure, the sense of need and desperation rioting through her body as it never had before and it had nothing at all to do with the fact that she was getting hardcore fucked while having a silent communication with her voyeuristic best friend. A best friend whom she’d been dreaming about for months… No, nothing at all.

  “Come with me, baby.” Quinn’s voice was a raw growl in her ear. “Don’t think about anything else, just your body wrapping around my cock like you were meant for me.”

  Did Quinn know?

  She didn’t think he could see Lucas from his position behind her, but maybe Quinn somehow just knew and knew, also, that the exhibitionism of the whole thing was ravaging her body with the ultimate pleasure, because he sure as hell wasn’t asking her to stop.

  Lucas stood from the chair, never breaking eye contact. He stretched, showing rippling tattoos and long, lean muscles, power and grace, like a cat on the prowl.

  Then he licked his lips.

  Ev’s mind shattered in that moment. She ground her teeth together, her thoughts exploded, her soul burst and wave after wave of mindless pleasure beat an untamable course through her whole body. She tried to temper it, tried to hide the fact that she was clearly losing herself to the pounding lust Quinn’s delicious cock pushed her into time and again, but it was so hard to keep her mouth shut or her moans silent when Lucas looked at her like that, half-naked, promising, deadly.

  Because all she could think about was how it might feel to invite Lucas into the bed beside her, to press her swollen lips to his while Quinn pounded her from behind. In this moment of pure, pleasure-filled insanity, Ev couldn’t deny herself those desires, those dangerous, secret desires she had no right to indulge.

  “Shhh, baby, you’re okay.” Quinn was murmuring soft and sweet against her neck and she turned to kiss him. Not exactly, not now that she’d acknowledged to herself just what it was that she wanted, not now that she knew it wasn’t only Lucas, but the idea of Lucas and Quinn together, the idea of all three of them strengthening the bond that had formed years and milestones before. But what could she say? Certainly not that.

  Instead, she pushed her damp hair from her eyes and tried to make her smile nonchalant and not a combination of terrified and bonelessly sated.

  “Yeah,” she managed. “I’m more than okay.”

  It somehow was and wasn’t a lie all at the same time.

  * * * *

  “Did you guys know Sam had a brother?” They were back in the mess hall, cozied up at a table close to the roaring fire and digging into a delicious breakfast. A shower and two cups of fresh, rich coffee later, Ev had been able to get her head on straight about the whole situation. It was almost funny. She’d been so in the throes of her own erotic haze that her fantasies had been distorted and a little crazy. But sitting next to Quinn and Lucas now, with all three of them dressed and enjoying a meal like they’d done so many freaking times throughout their friendship, everything felt back to normal. She didn’t have any fantasies of licking her best friend from neck to navel, nope.


  “Is he here?” Lucas asked, “I didn’t think she had any family left.”

  For someone like Ev, who came from a family as large as the day was long, it seemed so remarkably sad Sam might not have anyone of her own, with the exception of the one brother who was sitting in the corner of the mess by himself. He wore a large overcoat, which wouldn’t have been odd in and of itself, except the mess hall was warm and cozy, with fireplaces burning hot at both ends. He stared out of the window and didn’t touch the food on his plate or move for several long moments.

  “I guess he’s her brother. Wicks told me so yesterday.”

  “I think his name is Zach,” Quinn said. “At least, that’s what I heard Sam call him yesterday. I could be wrong.”

  Ev’s family had always been prone to being overdramatic. Her mother’s convenient lack of hearing every time she spoke about Quinn was nothing compared to the parties, dinners and holidays that comprised too much food and yelling over the heads of at least a dozen younger cousins. She loved them and they loved her, and though they all drove her batty—and growing up with three siblings really did that—Ev couldn’t for a second imagine life without them. Sam worked full-time in DC and traveled the country for training programs, so she couldn’t have seen her brother very often. So why on earth was Zach moping around like he was desperate to be somewhere else?

  “You have your look, babe,” Quinn said from behind his cup of coffee.

  Ev glared at him. “I do not.”

  “Evvie,” Lucas scoffed. “You can’t see your own fa

  The look referred to the expression she made when she started analyzing a person. Working behavioral analysis on a crazy, round-the-clock schedule made it difficult to shut down the parts of her brain looking for tics, symptoms or other signs of a person’s thoughts or plans. It wasn’t always for psychopaths or killers. She’d found herself analyzing the behavior of friends, family and coworkers more times than she could count. Still, no one liked being caught red-handed. Instead, she stuck out her tongue.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be the mature one here?” Lucas asked, before sticking his tongue out right back at her.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be the mature one here?” Ev mocked, shaking her head from side to side.

  Behind a copy of the local newspaper he’d picked up at the door to the mess, Quinn chuckled. “I think I’ve figured out who the mature one is,” he said, his voice dry and all the funnier for it.

  Ev glanced at Lucas, then, in unison, they both turned back to Quinn and mocked, “I think I’ve figured out who the mature one is.”

  He nearly choked on the sip of coffee he’d been taking and very dramatically lifted the paper higher so neither of them could see his face.

  Ev glanced back over at Lucas. This was the way it was supposed to be. Friends, just friends. Whatever insane thoughts had passed through her head this morning during her lust-filled fog were nothing more than anomalies, products of her desperate pleasure Ev had no control over. She didn’t want to lick Lucas, tousle his hair or kiss those always-swollen, pretty-boy lips. Not at all.


  Chapter Seven

  Looking pretty was hard. Not only had she been wearing a uniform of comfortable slacks and sensible blazers for the better part of five years with little reprieve, but it was cold as a witch’s tit outside, and Ev would be damned if she froze her cooch off from going outside in Montana in January in a fucking dress for the sake of fashion.

  The guys, of course, could get away with a pair of nice jeans and the warm, cozy-looking sweaters that Ev was considering wearing one of as a dress over the pair of flannel leggings she was grateful to have packed last minute. At the moment, they were both mulling over suit options, which meant she’d have plenty of sweaters to steal from.


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