To Touch the Stars (Founding of the Federation Book 2)

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To Touch the Stars (Founding of the Federation Book 2) Page 80

by Chris Hechtl

  She'd been in on the recovery since she was one of the experts on cryostasis in the area. They'd done all they could for the survivors, but the best they could do was make them comfortable. Even with nanotech they wouldn't live long. Extensive cancer repair, even tissue replacement might let them live for a few more years. All of them knew they were on borrowed time. They were also not shy to tell everyone what had happened, so she knew even before Athena's report that it had been sabotage.

  Jack Lagroose hadn't hidden that there had been a disaster, nor had he hidden the survivors or their story. He had tried to keep the media at bay to protect their privacy, but after a few insisted on talking to the media, he'd stepped back and let the fireworks start. He had his own ax to grind anyway.

  The system wide media outlets were all over the reports. The public devoured the story. The media tried to keep it as alleged and unconfirmed, but the story was too good not to show since it was stirring up so much controversy. Those who were against the space program or just Lagroose in particular spun the story by leaving out images and video of the dying victims. But they did make a great deal of hay over the protests and building anger on Mars and in the space communities.

  Other more neutral media outlets and even some popular bloggers made certain to show the price these valiant explorers were paying. They recorded their testimony and made certain it was available for the public to view.

  Some people and journalists questioned the events so Lagroose released the black box recordings including the garbled video of the suicide bomber. His life was torn apart by Interpol and the FBI. There was nothing on the media, but they pieced together his history and found he had gone to some extremist mosques before he had gone to space. It was speculated that he had been some sort of deep sleeper waiting for his chance to strike. Hannah shook her head. She didn't know the guy, didn't want to know. She like a lot of people in the company wanted the people behind him. Someone supplied him with the bomb.

  The media spin kept going in circles for some time until Miss Fraser did a piece on One Earth reminding the solar system of their position on space travel and colonization. Her people pulled up blog posts showcasing their hatred of exploration as well as an undercover video of a few rallies where speakers incensed the crowd with rhetoric and then went on to insist that someone had to do something to stop them no matter the cost.

  That still wouldn't have mattered except for one thing. Someone, they still weren't sure who, but someone in the FBI leaked the news that they had known about the bomb but hadn't done anything to stop it. The FBI source confirmed that it was a plot orchestrated by One Earth.

  She closed her eyes and let out a breath. In and out, repeat. Deep cleansing breaths to get rid of the anger. She had no way to direct it anyway so it had to go somewhere. It wasn't going away though.

  They had a target. An alleged target, she thought with a twist of her lips. The FBI had still not confirmed the leak that had hit the media last week or the second leak that had followed, or the third one after that.

  Apparently they had been investigating One Earth for some time for their terrorist activities and corruption of certain figures in politics. Since it was an active and ongoing investigation the FBI public affairs department refused to comment on it. The same response came from the Justice Department as well as Interpol. As the story unfolded in bits and pieces of “anonymous tips,” they confirmed that they had found out Prometheus had been targeted and a bomb had been placed on board. Or, allegedly put aboard since the videos and data Lagroose had released could have been doctored or faked.

  According to the second leak the news that Prometheus was about to be destroyed had been tied up in red tape since the chain of command didn't want their admin to know the sources. By the time they finished dithering and wrote and rewrote a sanitized version to get to Lagroose, it was too late to warn them.

  Since it was too late, they had killed the warning because it could have compromised the investigation or caused a lawsuit which would have done the very same thing. Hannah was pretty sure there were a lot of screaming people over at the FBI seething over the leaks. They also had a lot of egg all over their face. From Aurelia's comment to her yesterday, Jack was fit to be tied. “I hope you fry the bastards, Jack,” she said softly to herself as she clenched and unclenched her fists.

  “Doctor Castill, you have an appointment in five minutes,” an orderly said, popping in to her office. She nodded and did her best to get her head back where it belonged.


  Jack Lagroose called a meeting of the major corporations. Kim Yun, Amin Nutel, Lynn Raye and others in the Mars area attended. Others in orbit of Earth or on the surface attended virtually. Wendy sat at his side. “You know why we are here,” he said softly, as an image of Daedalus and then Prometheus was projected behind him. They were soon replaced by images of Mayflower, Zeng he, and Xu Xiake.

  “This isn't about the money or the resources invested. The time, blood sweat, and tears of our people. Our people. Our dream is at stake.”

  “Something must be done,” Kim Yun said with a nod.

  “We must tread carefully,” Miss Raye insisted. Jack felt a hand on his shoulder but ignored it.

  “We cannot go into the well. We cannot fight their fight,” Amin insisted, eyes flashing. He shook his head. “I know you want to, I would too. I do. You are correct, this cannot go on. We need to tighten security …”

  “We've gotten to the point of diminished returns there. If they want to get through eventually, they will find a way. We get hit, we plug it, they find another weakness and exploit it. This must stop,” Yun said flatly. “We are with you,” she said directly to Jack. Jack nodded curtly.

  “It's not about revenge; it's about justice. We have to have it, or we're back in the Stone Age. We also can't let this stand. We cannot turn the other cheek forever. We can't let them keep doing this. We need to send a message.”

  “We need to stop this from happening again,” Miss Raye said quietly. “The question is, how?”

  “No, the question is, who do we strike? So far we have a possible target in One Earth. But are they really behind this? Or is someone pulling their strings?” Amin stated. “That is why I insist we let the authorities handle this. They know what they are doing. They have the authority.”

  “The problem is they refuse to act Amin,” Jack said sharply. “They have their hands tied. By the politicians who want us to fail and by those who are in the pocket of One Earth and their backers. But I agree,” he said turning to all of them. “We need to find out for certain who is behind this before we act.”

  “Are you suggesting we share our resources? Our intelligence?” Yun asked. Jack nodded. “I can do that,” she said. “My people will help with the investigation. And,” she looked at Amin. “We have our own government contacts. They are on board with this,” she said.

  “Roman and Hillman are working on a task force. If you can send someone with your Intel to them, then perhaps together they can compare notes and fill in the puzzle pieces we are each missing. If that doesn't work, well,” Jack smiled. “They like to hack, right? We have our own computer expects. I say it's time to let them off the leash and see what they can turn up.”

  “I do not want to know more information. I for one do not want to be subpoenaed,” Amin stated, getting to his feet.

  “I think I will need to check with my board before I can commit to anything,” Lynn said, also rising to her feet. She nodded to those present. She glanced at the CEOs attending virtually. Most of them in Earth orbit or on the surface would still be playing catch up to the conversation in eight minutes. By the time they reacted, the meeting would be over, Lynn judged. “I suggest we all do the same and think very carefully about how much exposure we are willing to commit to,” she warned with a finger raised. She tapped it against the table. “This could escalate very quickly out of our control.”

  “It is already out of our control,” Wendy said softly. “
We are at war. We need to start fighting back,” she said as the two CEOs left the room.

  “Good luck,” Lynn said over her shoulder. “You'll need it.”


  After the meeting Jack pulled in the only people that really mattered to him. The only opinions he thought relevant before he started this … war. Yes, that was what it was, and perhaps Zack's career choice would do him well, Jack thought. Right now he didn't seem convinced though, looking at Zack and then away. Zack frowned up at him from the couch. Yorrick lounged on one end; he looked bored. Clearly he wanted to be somewhere, anywhere else. That bothered Jack. Only Wendy and Aurelia looked concerned.

  Jack paced for a bit then finally sat down. “There will not be a third time, even if I have to go down there and kill every one of the bastards personally,” Jack vowed. His wife looked grim. Their eldest son winced but then nodded.

  “Dad, you have to respect the authorities. It is their show,” Wendy warned him carefully.

  Jack's jaw set as his eyes flashed. “Bullshit. They've had their chance. I've waited over twenty years for them to do something. I'm going to make it clear it's my turn now. They've got a couple weeks while I start moving assets in place until I move in.”

  “Dad …” Zack shook his head. “Don't. Just don't,” he said carefully. “Don't go jumping off the deep end. Don't go off halfcocked. You are steamed, I get it. We'll get the bastards. One way or another. But don't go pissing the US and UN off anymore than you have to,” he warned.

  “A lot of innocent people could be hurt Dad,” Wendy said softly. “Not everyone in their organization is in on this. How do you weed out the wolves from the sheep?”

  “Are you seriously thinking about sending in assassination teams to kill people? Jack, this isn't like you,” Aurelia said to him softly. “You aren't … this …” she shook her head in denial. “This isn't the man who promised me he wouldn't be evil. Think about it before it gets too far,” she warned.

  Jack met her imploring eyes for a long moment then looked away. “Damn it,” Jack snarled, clenching his fists as he turned away. He felt a loving hand on his shoulder and another on his side.

  “The kids are right Jack. We'll get them. Let Roman and Trevor figure it out,” she said.

  “They haven't gotten anywhere,” Yorrick said. “What makes you think they'll get further now?”

  “Now someone in the FBI has grown a conscience. They have put a high level mole at risk to do it. We have a target. It's time to hit them for more information and then see what cockroaches come out when we lift the rock and shine a bright enough spotlight on where they are hiding,” Jack growled.

  “I think the hack attack might turn up something. I know the Chinese are famous for it but it is still a risk,” Wendy warned.

  “If they are half way intelligent, they won't put anything incriminating down. Not on the net at any rate,” Zack mused.

  “I'm still turning Trevor's people loose. It's time the opposition started to feel the heat. I'm tired of being on the defense,” Jack growled. He felt Aurelia rub his shoulders and sighed. “I'm tired of losing so many good people. Tired of it,” he said quietly as she hugged him from behind.

  “We know, honey. We know.”


  Miss Winters did her best to deny the story but the ongoing investigations and media attack on the company was damning. As was the blog posts. They were taken down almost immediately, as were the videos but the media and other watch dogs had already copied the files. They helpfully put them back up for the public to view once more.

  The firestorm of controversy refused to die down for weeks as lawsuits from the families of the victims started to hit the organization. They were followed by subpoenas for records and testimony. Lagroose was also hit with the blizzard of lawsuits by some of the victims' families.

  Only when a series of hurricanes caused the failure of water berms in New York did the story finally stop being the main story on the planet. One Earth did it's best to send in people to generate as much good will as they could, but by the time they got organized, their people found Lagroose Industries and other megacorps already there.

  Lagroose Industries found themselves tied up in court and shuffled from one Justice Office to the next with polite insincerity. The company was not allowed to do anything since most of the so called “evidence” was circumstantial or denied by the FBI. And the company had insisted for decades that the courts were limited to their jurisdiction on Earth the world court refused to investigate at all. Seeing the smug superior look coming from a few of the lawyers burned Jack's temper even hotter.

  He made certain the recording of the investigating attorney Mrs. Sachez was released to the media. The World Court immediately spun the story when it began to build in the media. “We cannot act as explained to Mister Lagroose since as Mrs. Sanchez explained to him, the alleged acts happened off Earth and therefore out of our jurisdiction. Good day,” the media flack said, ending the short press conference and cutting off any media questions. He brushed off shouted attempts to get further comment and withdrew behind a wall of security guards back into his office.

  Jack had watched the conference from Mars and snarled. “Bastards are doing that. They are pissy about the past, so they are screwing us.”

  “Can you blame them?”

  “I can. They know this is wrong. They are letting these people get away with murder.”

  “What about Mars? Can we get the Martians to intercede on our behalf?” Wendy asked. Her father shook his head. “I see. Jurisdiction again,” she murmured.

  “Sometimes you have to make your own justice. Or knock a blockage apart and see what shakes loose.”

  “And sometimes you need to burn it to the ground and start over. I know your sayings, Dad,” Wendy said, shaking her head. “I still think this is risky.”

  “We're not going to do a thing. You and I are going to sit back and watch,” Jack said simply, making a show of sitting back, knitting his fingers behind his head, and propping his feet up on the desk. His daughter eyed him and then slowly shook her head.

  “Fine,” she sighed. “We'll do it your way.”

  “Damn right we will,” Jack said, turning his head to view Mars. Every day it was turning greener now. The forests were spreading like wildfire despite the occasional acid rain. Beautiful, simply beautiful. “It just goes to show you, if you dream it, if you work hard at it, you'll see great things happen,” Jack murmured.

  “What was that, Dad?”

  “Something Luigi told me a long, long time ago,” Jack murmured.


  Once their people were in place, Trevor had them spend a week sending spiders to sniff around One Earth's computer network before he and Miss Yun acted. A lot of what they needed was a matter of public record, but the attack would serve other purposes as well as verify a few things for them.

  Specially built AIs, Yun's people, and Trevor Hillman's cyber teams retaliated against One Earth by a broad spectrum hack attack orchestrated on their websites and servers all at once. They launched a series of viruses and malware to distract One Earth's cyber people like Krytos while others worked through back doors they had carefully identified to siphon off what information they could find.

  Athena and the coders in orbit of Mars couldn't do anything directly since they were eight light minutes away; they had to watch and sift through the catch as it was handed off to them. It would take weeks to decrypt everything and rebuild the databases. The hackers were thorough; they hit the home networks of the publicly known members of One Earth as well as their supporter as well. Just for good measure the Chinese got into their banking system and threw it into chaos by sending large amounts of money to various slush funds and charities as well. It would be weeks, possibly months before One Earth and the UN and American authorities untangled the mess. And while they were starting the investigation the hackers were busy initiating spiders to cover their tracks.


  Descartes and Shadow saw the hack coming and each laughed in their own way. It was like a tidal wave, incredible and invigorating to see. Awesome and inspiring, yet terrifying in its power if it was ever used against him, Descartes thought.

  He caught a message from Saul, practically desperate to fend off the attack. That stopped his amusement cold. If the bastards tracked it, he was screwed. He immediately started his own counter measures.


  Of course the Luddites immediately cried foul to everyone who would listen. The media covered the story, as did the authorities who stated that they would 'open an investigation.'

  Miss Winters seemed to seethe in riotous indignation at the breach of security, as well as the lack of interest from the authorities in such a “heinous crime.” She publicly accused Lagroose Industries by the end of the conference.

  Jack had been waiting for such an accusation. He brushed aside Miss Cole's warnings to be cautious and set up an interview with Alphones who was in Mars orbit at the time.

  “You have been accused of the hack attack on One Earth sir. Your comments?” Alphones asked.

  Jack smiled politely and shrugged. “Well, as you've been saying, the problem with hackers is there is no proof.” His eyes gleamed slightly however. His people were still sifting through the take, but he was pretty sure nothing damning had been scooped up. Otherwise they would have immediately flagged it for his attention. That was fine; this was just an Intel gathering step. A shot across the bow, but also a way to get a hold of One Earth's network of people and contacts.

  It should also neatly throw them off balance and have them scrambling to rebuild for some time. Untying the mess with the money would take months which would leave them without funds for that time period. A good start.

  “Is this a case of retaliation, Mister Lagroose? What's good for the goose is good for the gander is it?” Alphones asked carefully. He had matured a great deal into a popular media figure.


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