McKenzie, Cooper - The Billionaire's Lady [Sequel to The Billionaire's Mate] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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McKenzie, Cooper - The Billionaire's Lady [Sequel to The Billionaire's Mate] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 2

by The Billionaire's Lady (lit)

  Margot moaned and curled forward over him as her insides knotted impossibly tighter. She was so close, but needed more. Just a little bit more.

  “Please,” she begged in a barely-there whisper. “Oh God, please!”

  When he took her knotted clit between his teeth and nibbled gently, she screamed as her orgasm exploded, sending bolts of lightning from her core out to her fingers and toes and eyebrows. She grabbed his head and held his mouth tight to her as ecstasy rolled on and on and on. He continued gently laving her clit and licking at her cunt with a tongue so talented she envied the women he’d practiced on. When he finally eased back, she was so lightheaded and boneless she could not fight when he pulled her down off her chair to straddle his thighs.

  “Touch me, baby girl,” he took her hand and wrapped it around his cock. “Help me fly. It won’t take much.”

  Holding his hand around hers, he guided them up and down the top half of his long, thick shaft. After a few gentle strokes, he tightened his hold, causing her fingers to squeeze him tighter. He moved their hands faster and faster until he threw his head back and howled. His pearly white release exploded out of the slit in the head of his cock like water from a geyser.

  Several long moments later, when his seed stopped pulsing from him to cover their bellies and hands, he slumped against her and dropped his head to her shoulder. It took several minutes before either of them moved.

  She was ready to drag him back to bed for cuddling and more loving when he lifted his head and asked, “Did I tell you we have a meeting with the council tonight, and the entire pack is gathering here tomorrow?”

  Chapter 2

  Margot stared at him, shocked at the odd things that came out of his mouth when he was totally relaxed following an intense orgasm. A few days earlier, he’d asked if she wanted Mrs. Nicholas to her bras and panties by hand or if they were okay to be washed in the machine with his boxers.

  “We’re what with whom when?”

  “Wow, that was quite the mouthful for a woman who was completely speechless only moments ago,” Adam said, brushing kisses over one cheekbone and then the other before dropping to lick at her lower lip. “We’re meeting with the pack council tonight and the entire pack tomorrow. They need to meet you and you need to meet them since you are now their alpha’s lady.”

  “Will Leigh what’s-her-name be there?”

  “Yes, sweet Margot mine, Leigh Kincaid-Thorne will be there tomorrow night. She is, after all, a member of the pack.”

  “Do I have permission to kick her ass if she comes at me?” Margot asked, only half in jest.

  “Baby, I’ve told you before, you are my mate and partner in all things. You don’t have to kick people’s asses yourself anymore. You now have people to do that sort of thing.”

  Margot giggled as she looked into his eyes. Only he wasn’t laughing. He looked deadly serious.

  Swallowing hard she said, “Okay. So if she pisses me off, can I have Sam kick her ass?”

  Adam nodded as he hugged her. “Tell me, and I’ll kick her ass, though I don’t think there will be a problem. Not after last week,” he said, referring to the wolf-to-wolf talk he’d had with the woman after she’d attacked Margot because Adam had claimed her as his mate.

  Leigh had been sure he would give up on his true mate and choose her since the council and his mother were beginning to pressure him to mate with someone.

  “So, what should I wear to a pack council meeting?” she pushed from his lap and stood. “Do we need to make any special arrangements for food or drink or anything? Or does Mrs. Nicholas have everything under control as she always does?”

  “You’ll have to check with her about that, but since tonight is a monthly council meeting, I’m sure she has everything well in hand. As for clothes, I’d say what you’re wearing right now is perfect for any occasion, only I don’t want anyone else to see all this glorious femininity.” He followed her closely, rubbing one palm over her ass as they headed to the shower.

  Margot turned and wrinkled her nose at him. Though he didn’t see them, she knew other people would notice the extra pounds and inches she carried. She wasn’t model material, but she wanted to make a good impression on his friends and pack members. Being too short and too curvy for society’s dictates of waif-like stick figure perfection sometimes made her self conscious about her appearance. Especially when meeting a lot of new people at once.

  “Naked is not an option. Choose something else.” She squealed when he wrapped an arm around her waist and dragged her with him into the walk-in shower.

  “Anything you decide on is fine. You do not have worry about impressing anyone. But if you’re still worried, that pretty green dress you wore the other day when we went to the lawyer’s office will do nicely for the gathering tomorrow night. Tonight slacks and that pretty orangey-colored sweater will be fine. I’ll even let you wear bra and panties, if you must.” Adam turned on showerhead water and gallantly shielded her from the spray until the water warmed up.

  “Really? You’ll let me wear bra and panties? How very generous of you.” Margot snarked, reaching down and cupping his cock and balls. “ And do I get to choose what you wear tomorrow night?”

  “If you’d like.” he grinned. “Just remember Leigh and the other unmated females will be here tomorrow night.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said releasing him then turning to pick up a washcloth and the bottle of liquid soap.

  After squirting soap on the cloth, she worked up a lather and went to work cleaning her man. Front to back, top to bottom, she washed every inch of him with special attention paid to chest and belly, cock and balls. By the time she finished and rinsed away the soap bubbles, his cock once again stood tall and proud.

  Before she could continue teasing him, he took the cloth from her. “You do realize payback is a bitch, right?”

  “But I thought you loved me,” she purred as he added more liquid soap to the cloth.

  “I do love you, but I am not going to fuck you this morning. Your pretty pussy needs to rest. But, you are pushing my buttons a little too hard,” he said, turning her to face away from him. She squeaked when he swatted her left ass cheek with a wet hand. “I’m trying to be a considerate and caring mate. You are teasing me until I can think of nothing except fucking you into the tile. Now hold still while I wash you.”

  By the time he finished washing every inch of her, Margot was thoroughly turned on again. Before she could beg him to forget resting and return to bed for a day of play between the sheets, he rinsed them both off one last time and turned off the water. Pulling her from the shower, he proceeded to dry her as carefully as he’d washed her then smoothed her favorite lotion on her from neck to toes. “Go put something on. You are sorely challenging my determination to leave you alone today.”

  “The whole day?” Margot whined. She wondered if she would be able to survive the entire day without tackling him to the ground and having her way with him. Hmmm, that idea merited some thought. Later.

  “Yes, the whole day. Or at least until after the council meeting. I’m sure by then you will have driven me completely out of my mind without trying just by breathing and being your sexy self.” He kissed her shoulder then turned and pushed her toward the walk-in closet that was as big as the living room in the last house she had rented.

  * * * *

  As soon as Margot disappeared from his view, Adam turned and headed for the bedroom. He pulled on blue jeans and a white button front shirt he’d laid out earlier on the café table. Grabbing his boots, he left the bedroom as quickly and quietly as he could manage. Though he didn’t want to hurt Margot’s feelings, there was no way he could spend the day anywhere close to her without loving her and hurting her which was the last thing he wanted. He would spend the day at the office, away from the temptation of his beautiful mate.

  Once in the hallway he paused and looked back, the pull to return to her side almost more than he could control. The only time t
hey’d been apart more than a couple of dozen yards since that first day a week ago was when he went for his daily run.

  She even came to the office with him on the few times he couldn’t cancel or postpone face-to-face meetings. While he dealt with business, she would hang out in his office or visit with Sarah Hansen, his right-hand woman. After Margot had relaxed, the two women had become good friends.

  Adam dreaded the day when his mother would join them. That thought reminded him that since he’d cancelled his weekly breakfast for that morning, he needed to invite his mother over for dinner, so the two women could get better acquainted in a relaxed, non-threatening setting.

  Their first meeting had been only hours after Adam had claimed his mate. The introduction had taken place in a ballroom full of men-hungry women at a bachelor’s auction where, unfortunately, Adam had been coerced into being auctioned off. Thankfully Margot had been there to buy him. Which reminded him he still needed to make good on the date she’d bought.

  But that romantic evening, along with having his mother over to dinner, would have to wait until the pack business was taken care of.

  At the bottom of the grand staircase, he paused to put on his boots. Looking up the stairs he wondered if leaving Margot alone for the day really was the right thing to do. Already he felt achy and slightly sick, like he was getting the flu or something.

  “Boss? You okay?” Sam approached him slowly, looking even more stoical than usual.

  “I’m fine. Stay with Margot. Keep her busy. I’ll take the Ducati to work today,” Adam said as he pushed to his feet and headed to the kitchen.

  “Okay, but­-” Sam trailed along behind him.

  “No buts, just do it, okay?” Adam snapped as he stalked through the kitchen. He grabbed a peach as he headed out the door to the five-car garage.

  It had been awhile since he’d ridden the motorcycle, and he was feeling the need for speed and the punishing wind slamming into him as he drove to town.

  * * * *

  Margot heard the roar of a motorcycle just as she reached the bottom of the staircase. Since Adam’s house was a good quarter-mile from the main road, she knew it wasn’t passing traffic. Adam had snuck out and left without another word.

  “Chicken,” she muttered as she crossed the foyer toward the kitchen.

  Reaching for the cell phone she’d become accustomed to wearing clipped to the waistband of her jeans over her left hip, she speed-dialed his cell. Knowing he would not answer while riding, she waited for the beep after his curt, “This is Adam. Leave a message,” recording.

  “I didn’t think you were such a coward, mate of mine,” she teased. “See you when you get home tonight. Take care and be safe.”

  With the press of a button, she hung up. Though tempted to turn the phone off, she instead turned the ringer to vibrate before returning it to her hip. Taking a deep breath, she released it on a sigh. So she had the day all to herself. What would she do? Something frivolous and mischievous that would cause Adam to think twice about leaving her on her own again? Or something productive and responsible to prove she could be trusted when he had to be away?

  The stack of decorating books on a side table in the foyer caught her eye. Adam said she could do what she wanted with the house. Maybe today was a good day to call the decorator he’d used for their bedroom and get to work finishing this beautiful house so the inside was a wonderful as the outside. It would keep her busy as well as spend an obscene amount of his money which he seemed to enjoy watching her do.

  The only problem she could see was she still didn’t know what Adam’s preferred decorating style was, and she hesitated proceeding without that bit of information. She wanted Adam to love this home he’d built, not just tolerate it because she loved it.

  Since he’d already told her to do what she wanted and he didn’t care as long as she was comfortable, she decided to call the two women who knew him better than anyone else for their advice.

  Pulling out her phone again, she scrolled through the numbers to the one Adam didn’t know she had. She grinned as she pushed the call button.

  “Hello, Gwen?” she said a moment later. “It’s Margot Jackson. Yes, I’m fine. Yes, he’s treating me like a queen. I’m calling because I need your help with something…”

  * * * *

  “Go home.”

  Startled, Adam looked up from the quarterly report in his hands to find Sarah Hansen standing in front of his desk, arms crossed over her chest, the look of an angry schoolmarm on her face. How had she gotten in here without him knowing?

  He blinked and looked down at the report in his hands. He’d been flipping through it all morning, but nothing made sense. Nothing mattered without Margot here with him. All he could think about was getting through the day and returning home to his beautiful mate. The message she’d left while he’d been on the motorcycle made him smile, but then he began to wonder. Was she missing him as much as he missed her?

  “How long have you been standing there?” he asked, surprised she’d been able to enter his office without his notice.

  “Not too long and yet long enough,” she answered cryptically. “Go home.”

  “Go home? I’ve only been here a couple of hours.”

  “Yes, go home. Or have Margot come here. You’re as grumpy as a wolf with a sore paw. If I have one more assistant come to me in tears because you snapped at them, I’m liable to quit myself,” Sarah said. “Then you’ll have to come to work every day and not just when you can’t get out of something.”

  Adam realized she spoke the truth, but he also knew he could not go home, not without taking Margot to bed, and that would cause her pain. Hurting his mate was the last thing he wanted. He had to stay here and away from the temptation of his mate. Trying to concoct an argument that sounded logical and wouldn’t make it sound like he’d lost his marbles, he took a deep breath.

  That’s when he smelled it. Vanilla, cinnamon and honey. The heady combination that had first alerted him to his mate’s presence in his office. The scent that heralded the arrival of his mate.


  He pushed from his seat and was around the desk in three strides. As he did, one of the double doors leading to the outer office opened, and there she stood. His beautiful Margot. His mate. The woman who held his heart in her hands.

  It took a moment to make sense of her outfit, baggy blue jeans, a black turtleneck, and an oversized green sweater he recognized as coming from his wardrobe. The clothing concealed every curve from shoulders to thighs. She’d even slicked back her short, sassy auburn hair, and she wore not a speck of makeup.

  He chuckled at the notion she probably thought she’d made herself look as appealing to him as a T-bone steak to a vegetarian. But to him, a definite meat and potatoes man, she was a Porterhouse steak with a side of cheesy mashed potatoes, absolutely delectable with or without makeup and wearing too many clothes or none at all.

  She still didn’t understand her voluptuous figure, with its generous womanly curves, was only a small reason he’d fallen in love with her. He frankly didn’t give a damn whether she was size two or size forty-two. Size, like age, was a number and not an important one at that.

  As long as she drew breath, he would be attracted to her. When she died, hopefully many, many years in the future, he would be hard pressed not to crawl into her grave with her. Widowed shape-shifters were not known for living long after their mates died, and he now understood why. Who wanted to live when the sun in their life had been taken away from them?

  Before he realized what he was doing, Adam took two more steps forward. He stopped when she put up both hands to ward him off. She frowned at him as she said, “Don’t come any closer. In fact, go back and sit behind your desk.”

  “What are you doing here?” he asked as he retreated to sit in the chair he’d left only the moment before.

  Turning, she closed and locked the door to the outer office without another word to him. That was when he realiz
ed Sarah had left them, though he had no idea exactly when. As usual, when Margot was in sight, the rest of the world dropped away until only the two of them remained.

  “I’m here because I received several phone calls from distraught and tearful women asking, no actually begging, me to please come to the office and do whatever necessary to put the smile back on Mr. Thomasson’s face he’s been wearing for the last week.”

  Adam relaxed back in his chair with a wry chuckle. The only other person in the building who had Margot’s cell phone number was Sarah. She must have masterminded this little intervention.

  “And how do you propose to put the smile back on my face since I’ve decided not to touch you until tonight?”

  Margot smiled, her golden brown eyes glinting with mischief. “That doesn’t mean I can’t touch you.”

  Chapter 3

  The quiver of sexual power that had hummed through her since their shower ended began vibrating a little faster as his Caribbean blue eyes began to glow warmer as he squarely met her gaze.

  “Oh really?” he asked, shifting in his chair as his eyelids dropped to half mast. He continued to stare at her with the sleepy, sexy look that always made her weak in the knees and wet in her core.

  Margot dropped her focus from his expressive eyes to his lazy half grin. “Yes, really,” she responded, stepping closer to the desk, but keeping the massive piece of furniture between them.

  “And how do you plan to do that?” he asked as his smile grew wider.

  She didn’t answer at first. Instead she slowly circled the desk and his chair until she stood out of sight behind him. Reaching under her sweater into her back pocket, she pulled out one of the pairs of disposable handcuffs Sam had showed her how to use before they left the house. Patting the other back pocket, she made sure she still had the cutters to release him once she finished. Though curious, she had not asked how Sam knew how to use the plastic restraints, nor why he had in his possession more than a dozen pairs in a variety of colors.


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