The Infected

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The Infected Page 15

by Gemma Ritchie

  The front door clicks open and we stiffen, eyes snapping open. Holding my breath, I watch as Jared steps out, surveying his empire as we slip quietly into the trees. Sam’s hands still grips my waist, warm breath hitting my cheeks as his body shakes with rage. I know he wants to tear him apart but I can’t let him. Jared isn’t stupid. He’s surrounded himself with those who will avenge him long after his death. The village would tear us to shreds before we could get within feet of the gate. We have to be smart. Play him at his own game.

  I hold my breath and wait. His gaze sweeps the gardens, pausing briefly on the trees and I fear he’s spotted us. Sam moves closer, the length of his body pressed against mine in a way I find totally, and absurdly, erotic considering our current situation. After what feels like a lifetime Jared turns away, heading back into the house as the door clicks shut behind him.

  I release a breath, resting my forehead against Sam’s chest. His heated breath blows against my cheek and I lift my head to look at him. I smile. This whole state of affairs feels like it’s right out a Jane Austin novel. I’m even in costume. I pick at the dress, blowing a frustrated sigh through my nose.

  “I can’t wait to get out of this dress and back into my own clothes. I feel ridiculous.” I meet Sam’s gaze and frown at his smile. His hand moves from my hip to the bindings of my corset and I swallow. Hard. “What are you doing?” I whisper.

  “You said you feel ridiculous. We could easily remedy that right now?” Wow am I turned on. With hooded eyes, his fingers find the bow Natalie so kindly tied for me that morning. I rest my hand on his arm and his movement stills at my back.

  “As much as I want to, not here. Not like this.” My words are cautious, eyes widening with concern that I’ve offended him. His palm rests gently against my spine, heating the skin beneath the material. Frustration blows through his nose, but it’s not aimed at me. It’s aimed at the rather large problem that presses against my thigh. The pesky blush is back, creeping inch by inch up my face until I’m probably a severe shade of scarlet. Sam smirks, not the slightest trace of embarrassment in his expression.

  “What can I say? I’m only human and you…” he steps back, hands on his hips as he glares at his crotch, a sigh blowing through his lips. “Let’s go. I need to clear my head.”

  I nod, taking the hand he offers me as we slip away from the house, keeping to the shadows. I know where we’re headed before he does, Sam stealing kisses as we walk, his hands constantly drawn to my body as I pull him along behind me. Skipping backwards of out of reach I turn as the sound of flowing water fills the night. He raises a brow, a smirk tugging his lips and I drop his hand. I cross the bridge, my fingers brush the rough stone, gaze scanning the riverbank and finding it blissfully empty.

  We walk in silence to the edge of the river and I kick off my boots and socks, dipping my toes into the frigid water with a gasp. Sam sits down beside me, removing his own boots, wiggling his toes. Now, I’ve never been a foot person but he has the sexiest feet I’ve ever seen. Just the sight of his bare skin igniting my blood. I shake my head. I have gone way too long without sex. It’s making me crazy.

  Sam gasps as his feet break the surface of the water, throwing me a grin as he wraps his arms around me and tugs me to the grass. I giggle and he leans over me, lowering his mouth to mine in a kiss that makes me dizzy.

  “What about your need for a clear head?” I laugh when he pulls away.

  He shrugs a shoulder. “I’ve waited two, very long years. I can wait a little longer.” There’s a promise in their somewhere that tightens my abdomen, making me hot and breathless.

  “So, you and Natalie never…” my question trails off as he gently brushes my hair from my face, shaking his head as he stares so deeply into my eyes it makes me squirm.

  “Nah…she’s not my type. Besides, Natalie has her eye on a fair-haired guy with a uniform.” We share a grin. It appears I’m not the only one who has noticed the stolen glances and breathless giggling. Sam lowers himself to his elbow, resting his head in his palm as he trails gentle fingers down my arm, making me shiver. “And you and Drew?”

  I shake my head. “Drew’s my best friend and I probably wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for him but, other than one drunken kiss we’ve never attempted anything more.” I roll my neck until I’m staring into his handsome face. “To be honest, I don’t think he even sees me as a woman. I’m just this person he needs to protect. He can’t help it.”

  Sam’s mouth curves into a slow smile. “His loss is my gain.”

  “You’re awfully confident” I tease.

  “Yes. I am.” His hand moves to my waist, tugging me towards him as he once again curls my toes with a mind-blowing kiss. I’ve never felt anything like this before. The passion, the lust that tangles my insides, the urges that weave my fingers in his hair, pulling him to me like he’ll never be close enough.

  This time, I pull away first, Sam dodging out of the way as I sit up. I look at him over my shoulder and he frowns, a question on his lips until I gesture to the lacy binds at my back. He raises his eyebrows and I nod. He hesitates briefly, meeting my eyes to make sure I know what I’m doing. That I’m sure. I’ve never been surer of anything. His throat bobs as his fingers move deftly over the ribbon, brushing the chilled skin beneath as the dress eases away from my torso bit by bit until it falls away. My pale skin shimmers in the moonlight, the breeze kissing my skin. Gentle fingers brush down the length of my exposed spine, eliciting a sigh as my eyes drift shut. I’ve missed this. The sensation of another’s touch, the way my body comes alive as his skin brushes against mine. I turn, my fingers finding the hem of his shirt and lifting it away to reveal his bare chest. Cautiously I reach towards a tattoo inked into his skin, my fingers hovering just out of reach. I haven’t failed to notice the discomfort he feels whenever I’ve touched him. I look into his face, see the flash of uncertainty as I wait for his consent.

  He lifts his hand to cover mine, eyes closing as my fingers rest against his heated skin. Swallowing my sudden nerves, I trace the sculpted lines of his chest, see the goose bumps that trail behind my fingertips as they brush the dark outline of a bear, its jaws open wide in a roar. Licking my dry lips, I lift my gaze to his face, find his eyes open and intense, watching me with parted lips.

  “Why a bear?” I ask, my voice hushed.

  He clears his throat, glancing down at the place where my fingers rest against his skin. “It’s a symbol for power and courage. I got it when I was seventeen. It made me feel stronger, like I could face anything.” Face his father. I slide my hand up to his shoulder, feel the tension my touch provokes. I go to pull away but he covers my hand, shaking his head even as his throat bobs with unease. “It’s okay.”

  Leaning down I press a gentle kiss to the bear and hearing the breath that escape his lips my mouth snakes into a smile against his goose pimpled skin. When I straighten he’s watching me with a look I can’t explain, the passion that flashes in his eyes making every hair on my body stand to attention. I send a brief thanks to Natalie for thinking to grab razors as I push to my feet and step from the folds of my dress. I’ve never felt anything but ordinary but as I turn and see the wonder in his gaze, I feel beautiful. Worshipped.

  My toes sink into the grass, squelching against the damp mud as I walk towards the river, shedding my underwear on the bank and wading into the rushing water. I don’t turn around until my shoulders are all that’s visible. Sam is still sat there with his fingers digging into the earth, bare chest shimmering in the silvery glow of the full moon. His eyes are wide with amazement as he stares at me.

  “You going to sit there all night or are you going to join me?” My voice has taken on a husky quality I didn’t know I had, face stretching into a grin when he jumps to his feet. Discarding his clothes without inhibition he wades in beside me until we’re inches apart.

  “You never fail to surprise me” he mutters, hands finding the bare flesh of my waist beneath the surface, the warmth of
his palms a stark contrast to the icy water that buffets my skin.

  “I’m surprising myself.” I smile, resting my hands against his shoulders as the current threatens to sweep me away. “You bring out the worst in me Mr Dean.”

  He grins, pulling me closer until our bodies touch, his lips covering my shoulders and neck in delicious kisses. He whispers against my throat, my toes curling into the riverbed. “Well, Miss Beaumont, if this is your worst, I can’t wait to see you at your best.” He captures my mouth and I descend into delirium.

  My body numb from the chill of the water I lift my head from his chest, fingers weaving into his damp hair. Sam gazes down at me, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck, dipping his mouth to mine in a brief caress. My head spins, a haze of gratified lust clouding my thoughts. Taking my hand in his he leads me from the water, all my shame forgotten as we rise from the surface inch by inch. I’m shivering as the wind chills my damp skin and Sam reaches for his jacket, wrapping it around my shoulders as he lowers us to the grass. I drape it over us both, curling into the growing warmth of his body.

  Though I didn’t want to, I fear I may be falling for this complicated man. Every touch, every kiss, awakens feelings in me that have laid dormant for so long I thought I would never get to experience them again. I know that eventually this night will end, and I will have to let him go, even if it is just for a short while. Hot tears sear my frozen cheeks, running into the grass beneath my head.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” He tilts my face towards him and the concern in his gaze only makes the tears come faster. “I know I’m a little out of practise but it wasn’t that bad, was it?” he laughs gently and I push up onto my elbow, wiping away the tears as I shake my head.

  “No. It was wonderful. It really was I just…” he searches my face, smile falling away as he brushes the tears from my cheeks. “What if we don’t make it out of here? If something goes wrong and I lose you, I…”

  He presses a finger to my lips. “You are not going to lose me. We’re going to get out of here. You and I have got a long life ahead of us. I promise.” I wish I had his confidence but nothing in my life has ever gone right. Even before the virus, every aspect of my life was one disappointment after another. I’ve lost everyone I’ve ever cared for. Why should now, when our lives are most at risk, be any exception? I can’t even begin to sort through the feelings I have for Sam but I know one thing for sure. If I lost him now, it would kill me.

  “Lou, I swear to you, I will not let anything take you away from me.” He captures my hand in his, resting against his chest, the powerful beat of his heart beneath my palm. “This belongs to you now and nobody and nothing is going to take it away from you.”

  When I listen to his words, feel the strength of the heartbeat beneath my fingertips, I let myself believe him. I search the depths of his jungle green eyes and find nothing but absolute belief that what he says is true. I hold onto it, let it consume the doubts until the tears dry up and my heart beats in unison with his.

  With gentle hands, he lifts my mouth to his, sealing his words until they burrow deep into my soul where they can’t be tainted by doubt. Curling into his chest I trace the lines of the bear and pray that it possesses enough strength for the both of us.


  - Going Home -

  Natalie and I sit by the riverbank, our toes dipped in the gentle current as we wait for Rebecca. A permanent flush has stained my cheeks since we got here, recollections of the night before tying my stomach in delicious knots. I close my eyes, revel in the memory of his hands on my body, his lips trailing feather light kisses across my skin.

  “Where did you and Sam get to last night? We waited up for you.” I open my eyes, a smile I can’t control curving my lips. We’d stayed on the bank, locked in each other’s embrace until the edge of the sun began to peek over the horizon, painting the sky delicate hues of pastel pink and amber. My soft smile spreads into a flushed grin and Natalie grips my arm, eyes wide and jaw hanging by her knees. “No, you didn’t.” I nod. “Ohmygod you did. You hussy.” She slaps my arm and I laugh, shaking my head as I bite my lip at the memory.

  Natalie leans her back against the bridge, gaping at me like she doesn’t recognise me. Maybe she doesn’t. From the second I awoke in his arms I’ve felt like a stranger, even to myself. Something in me has changed. I feel like I could take on the world so long as Sam is right there beside me.

  “Do you looove him?” she teases, drawing out the word. I glance at her face, lip pinned between my teeth and her eyes bulge as she reaches for me, gripping my arm in a vice. “Ohmygod you do, don’t you? You love him.”

  I pull from her grasp and shrug, shaking my head. “I don’t know what I feel. Not yet and I would appreciate it if you kept this to yourself.” She crosses her heart with her finger. “Make sure you do. I need to sort through my own feelings before I can even begin to explain them to anyone else.”

  Natalie’s face splits into a grin as she envelopes me in a hug. “Whatever this is between you and Sam, I’m really happy for you.” She leans back, hands on my shoulders and I can tell by the beaming smile she can’t suppress that she really means it. I grin too, patting her hand as my gaze lifts to the bridge.

  Rebecca stands silently watching us, wringing her hands, her chest stuttering with anxiety. I offer her a smile, gesturing for her to join us. Natalie releases me, sitting back against the bridge and watching Rebecca with barely veiled suspicion. There’s really no need. This girl is as desperate to get out of here as we are.

  Her faded blue dress swishes around her as she lowers herself into the grass, nervous gaze flitting between our faces. Natalie is scowling and I nudge her leg, shooting her warning look. Rolling her eyes, she rearranges her face into something friendlier, smoothing the wrinkles in her dress as I turn to look at Rebecca.

  “Morning” I say in the cheeriest tone I can muster which isn’t difficult as every one of my thoughts is consumed with Sam. “How are you?”

  She shrugs shyly, picking at a blade of grass. I suppress a sigh. This is like pulling teeth. “Rebecca?” She looks up at my face. “You will still help us, won’t you?”

  The uncertainty is all over her face. It’s in the shifting of her eyes, the way her hands shake in her lap, the trembling of her bottom lip as the fear of being caught devours her. I grasp her hands in mine, gathering as much conviction in my voice as I can.

  “Rebecca, I promise you that I will protect you. We all will. We are not leaving you here. If we go, we all go together. No exceptions.” Natalie nods in my peripheral. “I know Jared scares you. He scares me too but he is just a man…he is not the god he claims to be and men are not invincible. He is nothing but flesh and bone, just like you and me. Between us we can defeat that monster and then we’ll be free to be who we choose. I swear to you, on my life.” She holds my gaze for a long time, seeking assurance in the murky depths, lips sealed tight as she searches inside herself for the strength to do this.

  “There’s a manhole cover…at the edge of the village.” I hold my breath, not even daring to breathe in case the courage she has found vanishes. “It leads down into the sewers that run under the streets. Jared doesn’t know where it is, I’m not sure he even knows it there, but I do.”

  “Can we get inside?” I ask, not daring to hope.

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. It’s been sealed for years but it could be opened. Other than the gate it’s the only way out of the village that I know of.” Still gripping Rebecca’s hands in mine I turn to Natalie, brows raised as I dare to hope.

  “It could work” I shrug.

  Natalie nods. “But don’t manholes need like a key or something to open them?”

  “Dammit. Can’t we just prise the thing open or something?”

  Natalie shrugs. “I don’t think it’s that easy. We should speak to the guys, maybe one of them will have an idea…”

  “I have the keys” Rebecca interjects and we both turn to stare at her. “
My father was responsible for maintaining the plumbing in the village. That included the sewers. The keys are in my house.”

  I jump to my feet, eager to get started, my enthusiasm falling flat when I see her face. “My house has been locked for years. Jared moved me into his house when he married me.” She hangs her head in shame and I squat beside her, retaking her hand in mine.

  “Don’t look like that. You have done nothing wrong. That man forced you into things I can’t even begin to imagine. None of this is your fault. None of it.” I plead with her to believe me but her shameful gaze remains fixed in her lap, huge tears splashing against the coarse fabric of her dress.

  “She’s right. That sick bastard stole your childhood and now, you’re going to take it back. With our help.” Natalie takes her other hand, kneeling her dress into the dirt as she crawls towards a sobbing Rebecca. My heart breaks for her but all I can do now is help her escape.

  “Where does Jared keep the keys?” I ask, dropping her hand and pushing to my feet. I’m ready to end this once for all.

  Rebecca wipes her nose on her arm. “In his study. It’s just off the dining room.”

  Straightening my back, I dig deep inside myself and hoist the brave girl that’s buried deep in my psyche to the forefront, preparing her for battle. “I need to get inside that room, and you two are going to help me.”


  Natalie and Rebecca shift with discomfort beside me as I wrap my knuckles against Jared’s red door, stepping back to wait. Our plan is fool proof, having spent the last hour and a half concocting it, and if all goes well these will be our last days in this freak circus of a village. Plan A consists of Jared not being here and me insisting on waiting so I can grab the keys and escape without having to endure his sinister presence. Plan B is a little more complicated but hopefully just as fool proof. If not, I’ll have to wing it as best I can. It’s worked so far.


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