by Louise, Kara
Mrs. Gardiner patted her hand. "I would never have believed that he would have asked someone I knew, let alone a relation, to be his wife. Lizzy, I know what you thought of him before. I hope you fully comprehend what a good man he is. From what I have heard from acquaintances I still have in Lambton, he has always been highly regarded, but they have seen a notable difference in him even these past two months."
"I do believe him to be good, Aunt. It just took some rearranging of my perception of him; that is all. Tell me, Aunt, what do they say about him?"
"Recently he has taken to visiting folks in town with Miss Darcy. I even have on good authority, that he is in the process of helping start a school for the deaf in Derbyshire."
"Why he has not mentioned that to me at all!"
"I believe it could be because he does not want any credit for it."
"I had no idea."
"So, my dear, back to my original question, do you know what his intentions are?"
"He has asked to call tomorrow… I mean later today. It is possible he will make his intentions known then."
"Lizzy, I have observed the two of you together. I know that I am not your mother. I fear if your mother was aware of the little interactions I noticed between you two, she would behave in the most unrestrained manner to secure him as your husband."
"Oh, she would behave most abominably." Elizabeth laughed nervously. "I only hope she can contain herself when he comes later."
"I trust she will be faithful to herself, unfortunately. As much as I would like to be there, we will be leaving for home straightaway after services."
"I do wish you could be there to help calm the storm, if need be. By the way, Mr. Darcy paid you a compliment, Aunt."
"Did he?"
"Georgiana told him to watch other people as they responded to Mama, as he felt his reaction to her would not be most gracious. He told me that he found watching you calmly interact with her helped. He said you had a gift in dealing with her."
"Well, I have known her many years and I have come to know what sets her off and what calms her down. And Lizzy, I have known you for many years too. I do not doubt that he cares for you deeply. But do you love him?"
"I believe I do, Aunt. I believe I do."
When the sun first peeked over the horizon that morning, few in the Bennet household were ready to get up, after having such a busy day and long night. Elizabeth had not slept well; her heart not wanting to settle down throughout the night. At one point, early in the morning, she arose from her bed and walked to her window. She looked up at the full moon, high in the sky and smiled at the remembrance from the night before.
Now the sun was beckoning everyone to awaken, and she struggled to pull herself out of bed. She knew she had to get ready for services, but also at some point this morning, Jane and Charles would come by to bid their farewells as they left for their honeymoon. She sat at her dresser and brushed out her long, dark hair. With each long stroke, she recalled each word Darcy had said to her yesterday, each kiss he had bestowed on her.
After she had dressed, she came downstairs to get something to eat. She discovered that all but her two younger sisters were already in the dining room. "Good morning everyone," a glowing Elizabeth said.
"Good morning, Lizzy," her father spoke. He looked closely at her, not being able to recall when he had seen her look so content and at peace in at least several months.
Jane and Charles soon arrived and promptly were let in the house. Everyone greeted them with much enthusiasm. They could not stay long, but came in to take some tea with the Bennets and the Gardiners. Elizabeth noticed how happy Jane looked and she was glad.
As they all walked out, Jane came over and gave Elizabeth a hug. She had a very conspiratorial look in her eye as she pulled back from her and said, "It is so wonderful! I cannot wait until we can talk when we return!"
Elizabeth reacted with a start at Jane's words and looked at her in amazement. She narrowed her eyes as she contemplated what Jane could be referring to. Certainly not. Jane turned to join her husband in the carriage, and Elizabeth looked at her with utter surprise written across her face. The surprise was soon replaced with a smile as she lightly shook her head.
Later in the morning the whole Bennet clan attended church services. It had taken some delicate admonishing from Mrs. Gardiner, and some frantic flailing from Mrs. Bennet to get Kitty and Lydia up and ready in time, but it happened. As they arrived and met other church goers, Mrs. Bennet overflowed with raptures to everyone she met about how wonderful it was to have a married daughter, a son-in-law worth five thousand, and how lovely the wedding was, just in case that bit of information had escaped anyone's notice.
As they entered the church, Elizabeth made a quick survey to see if the Darcys were there, but she did not see them. They walked down toward the front of the church. With the Gardiners with them, the Bennets were barely able to squeeze into one pew.
Elizabeth would have preferred to sit further back so she could have seen people come in without having to look around. As the time for the service drew near, she concluded she would have to wait until afterwards to get the chance to see him.
The service began with a familiar song from the hymnal. In the midst of the song, she became aware of some latecomers moving into the pew behind them. A tap on her shoulder and she turned slightly to see Georgiana and her brother standing behind her, picking up the hymnal. Darcy looked over her shoulder to see what page number they were singing from. Although she knew the song by heart, suddenly she found herself scanning the page before her as his presence confounded her and she somehow could no longer recollect what the next words were.
The minister came up to the front and announced that they were blessed to have a visiting minister that morning who would share the message, a Reverend George Austen.
At the close of his sermon, he entered into a time of prayer, asking his daughter to come up and lead the congregation in a prayer she had written.
She began, "Father of Heaven, whose goodness has brought us in safety this day, dispose our hearts in fervent prayer. Another day is now beginning, and added to those, for which we were before accountable. Teach us Almighty Father, to consider this solemn truth, as we should do, that we may feel the importance of every day, and every hour as it passes, and earnestly strive to make a better use of what thy goodness may yet bestow on us, than we have done of the time past.
"Give us grace to endeavour after a truly Christian spirit to seek to attain that temper of forbearance and patience of which our blessed saviour has set us the highest example; and which, while it prepares us for the spiritual happiness of the life to come, will secure to us the best enjoyment of what this world can give. Incline us oh God! to think humbly of ourselves, to be severe only in the examination of our own conduct, to consider our fellow-creatures with kindness, and to judge of all they say and do with that charity which we would desire from them ourselves.
"We thank thee with all our hearts for every gracious dispensation, for all the blessings that have attended our lives, for every hour of safety, health and peace, of domestic comfort and innocent enjoyment. We feel that we have been blessed far beyond any thing that we have deserved; and though we cannot but pray for a continuance of all these mercies, we acknowledge our unworthiness of them and implore thee to pardon the presumption of our desires.
"Keep us, oh Heavenly Father, from evil this day. Bring us in safety to the beginning of another day and grant that we may rise again with every serious and religious feeling which now directs us.
"May thy mercy be extended over all mankind, bringing the ignorant to the knowledge of thy truth, awakening the impenitent, touching the hardened. Look with compassion upon the afflicted of every condition, assuage the pangs of disease, comfort the broken in spirit.
"More particularly do we pray for the safety and welfare of our own family and friends wheresoever dispersed, beseeching thee to avert from them all material and
lasting evil of body or mind; and may we by the assistance of thy holy spirit so conduct ourselves on earth as to secure an eternity of happiness with each other in thy heavenly kingdom. Grant this most merciful Father, for the sake of our blessed saviour in whose holy name and words we further address thee." *
After the prayer, the congregation stood up to leave, touched by the words of this young lady, Jane Austen.
Darcy waited for Elizabeth to step out of the pew and then he stepped out behind her. As they walked out, they greeted the visiting minister, and Darcy watched as Georgiana walked over to talk with his daughter. Once outside, everyone gathered together and spoke. They parted to leave and Darcy remarked to Elizabeth that he would be over to see her directly, and he then walked over to join his sister.
After church, the Gardiners left directly to return to London. They all bid their farewells, and Mrs. Gardiner particularly singled Elizabeth out to hug her and give her some encouragement. "Lizzy, I will be thinking of you today, and will keep you in my prayers. I look forward to hearing from you soon."
Elizabeth wondered if she was making something bigger out of this day than it really was, yet if she were to think about it clearly, what happened between her and Darcy last night was significant. Suddenly everything between them had changed!
Elizabeth told her parents on the way home from church that Darcy was coming over to call on her. She had not told them earlier, as she did not want her mother behaving erratically around him any more than need be. But telling her now would give her time to calm down before his arrival. Her father took it in stride, but deep inside he was greatly hoping Darcy would seek him out later to have a talk with him. He was not blind to the change that had taken place between his favourite daughter and this man. He could tell she was quite taken by him. His only fear was that she might in some way get hurt.
When Darcy finally arrived, the ladies were seated in the drawing room. Mr. Bennet had been outside when he arrived, and greeted him, escorting him in. He then retreated to his study. Darcy came in and politely sat down with the ladies. Elizabeth watched her mother nervously shifting in her chair. She knew that some kind of embarrassing prattle was imminent. Darcy nervously looked about, trying to ascertain just how long he needed stay here to be proper, but wanting desperately to go out and walk with Elizabeth.
Finally, feeling she could contain herself no longer, her mother said, "Mr. Darcy, you do not know how much we have come to consider you and your sister a part of our family. We want you to know that anytime you come to visit your friend Bingley, you are welcome here as well."
"Thank you, ma'am," was his cordial reply. "May I extend the same invitation to you to visit Pemberley?"
"That is so kind and considerate of you, Sir. Ever since my daughters came home from their visit there and spoke so highly of it, I have so greatly desired to see it! I understand it is grand; simply grand!"
"Any time, ma'am."
Suddenly it appeared a light went off in her mother's head. "You know, it is such a beautiful day; such a pity to waste it indoors. You two ought to go out for a walk." As she said this, she literally pulled Elizabeth up from the chair she was in, and practically shooed them toward the door. Her brash behaviour heightened Elizabeth's anxiety. It was most apparent that she was conniving to get them alone, for the sole purpose, she was sure, to give him the opportunity to ask for her hand in marriage. Elizabeth was not even sure that was on his mind, and only hoped he would overlook any unseemliness on her mother's part.
But Darcy was all too willing to take her up on this, and although inwardly chided her mother for her behaviour, was grateful for it. The last thing he had wanted to do was to spend the day with Elizabeth as her mother and sisters looked over his shoulder.
When they stepped outdoors, Elizabeth sensed that Darcy relaxed considerably. She pursed her lips in amusement as she considered what an effort it must be for him to behave tolerably around her mother. They walked slowly down the lane and across to the walking path that led to Oakham Mount, keeping a proper degree of distance between them while they were still in view of the house.
When they reached the base of the mount, where the path began its gentle slope upwards, Darcy offered his arm to Elizabeth. This time when she took it, she wrapped her hand around his arm snugly, and brought her other hand over atop hers. Darcy, not to be outdone by Elizabeth, then brought his free hand over, covering both of hers with his. They walked in silence for awhile, occasionally noting some pleasing or unusual flower or tree, but mostly basking in the warmth of each other's presence.
Along the way, Darcy spoke of Georgiana. "Did you see how Georgiana spoke to the visiting reverend's daughter after services?"
"Yes, I did."
"She would have never done that two months ago. She would have been too shy. She really enjoyed talking to her. Apparently she is a writer. She encouraged Georgiana to keep writing in her journal, as that is what Miss Austen has always done."
Elizabeth smiled. "I think your sister is growing up."
"I think my sister has grown up a lot as a result of your help."
Elizabeth tried to protest, but Darcy reached over and gently covered her mouth with his fingers. "You gave her encouragement and practical advice. She took it, especially the advice to write in a journal. She writes in it all the time."
"She told you about that?" Elizabeth asked flustered.
"Yes, she did."
When they reached the summit, they walked over to the place they had rested a few days before. Elizabeth sat down on a large boulder, and Darcy squeezed next to her. He took both of her hands in his, and proceeded to nervously stroke her hands with his thumb. Elizabeth thought to herself that she liked this nervous habit of his, as long as he had her hand in his.
"Elizabeth, you know that for some time now, my feelings for you have been of the highest regard. In my previous attempt to secure your hand…"
Elizabeth interjected, "Oh, please, do not mention that! I do not want to be reminded of the terrible things I said!"
"No, it was I who said the most abhorrent things. I cannot believe I said some of those things in my offer of marriage. But I was very presumptuous and arrogant. I was not worthy of your hand in the least. Your refusal to my offer was the best thing that ever happened to me. It caused me to really look at myself. That was not always easy because I did not like what I saw. I knew you were right and I had to change, although I did not really know how."
He had been looking down at their hands, and now looked up at her. "Elizabeth, I still love you more than life itself. I would give anything to have your love in return." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Do I dare… would it be asking too much… can I even suppose… Elizabeth, I do ask you again, knowing full well that I am not worthy of such an exceptional woman. Would you consent to be my wife?" When he got the last of his words out, he held in the last of his breath, awaiting her answer.
She looked at him very sombrely. "The last time you offered your hand in marriage, I said I could not oblige you an acceptance. I still cannot."
Darcy started, the colour draining from his face. He started to draw his hand from hers.
Elizabeth responded by reaching out to retrieve it. "I could never marry a man out of obligation, no matter who he was. I shall only marry for love. Therefore, I will only accept your offer of marriage because I love you. I do love you with all my heart!"
Darcy looked at her, afraid he may have not understood her. "So, your answer is… yes?"
She nodded. "To know that you are still willing to ask for my hand when I have put you through so much, is very humbling indeed. I would be very happy… no, I would be eternally happy, to be your wife. Yes, I do most wholeheartedly accept."
Suddenly he felt the tension that had been building up inside of him recede. His mouth curved upwards into a smile that came from the depths of him.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. "This was my grandmother's ring. It was left to me to give to m
y intended." He opened Elizabeth's hand, and gently slid the ring onto her ring finger. "It seems to have been made just for you."
She smiled as she looked at her ring. "It is so beautiful!" She looked up from the ring into Darcy's face. She took her hand and slowly traced her fingers across his face, inducing him to bring his hand up to capture hers against his cheek. From there he brought it around to his lips and left impressions of kisses in it.
"You have made me the happiest of men. I love you, Lizbeth." He leaned toward her, anxious to seal their engagement with a proper kiss.
Elizabeth drew back, amused. "No one has ever called me that before!"
"Do you object to my calling you that?" he asked, feigning impatience.
"No, I like it. I have been called Elizabeth, Lizzy, Eliza, but never Lizbeth." She looked up into his eyes. "And what would you have me call you? Fitzwilliam?"
Darcy squeezed her hands, but drew back a little. "Anything but Fitzwilliam. I usually only get called Fitzwilliam when I am in trouble. Now, I know that I may often find myself in trouble with you, so you may just end up calling me that all the time anyway."
Elizabeth teased him and answered, "I shall have to think about this, Sir. The name I call my husband must reflect a certain love and respect, but also an affectionate friendliness." After a moment’s pause, she said, "I think I shall call you Will."
"And that is a name that I am not often called. But I shall like you calling me that." He drew close to her again. "Now, where were we?"
He brought his hand up to her face again, stroking her cheek and her lips with his fingers. She closed her eyes as he leaned over and kissed her, wrapping his arms tightly around her.
Darcy pulled himself away, and running his fingers along her neck and into her hair said, "Do you think we could get married in, say, three weeks?"
Elizabeth was suddenly shocked out of her reverie. "Three weeks?"