Taking Flight (Honor and Duty)

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Taking Flight (Honor and Duty) Page 2

by Sam Schall

  So she listened to her senior non-com, who was usually Talbot. The two of them made a good team, even the Gunny had to admit that. The same couldn’t be said for Mumby and the different non-coms she had worked with. No matter how often Ash had told her roommate she needed to listen to what her corporal or sergeant had to say during a clearance mission, Mumby couldn’t seem to forget that she was the officer. All too often that meant she wound up ignoring a recommendation by a non-com with much more experience than she had. So far, no one had been hurt but, on at least one occasion, it had been a close call. As a result, Degrassi let them know that the next time they went out, the Gunny would be part of Mumby’s squad. That was something Ashlyn most definitely did not envy.

  “I don’t know.” Ashlyn paused, choosing her words carefully. Experience had taught her the conversation could quickly go south on her if she wasn’t careful. “I’d rather make sure we have more than a vague idea about what we ought to be doing before running into real trouble.”

  Mumby’s expression spoke volumes. “Of course you’d say that. You don’t have to prove anything. Your family’s made a name for itself in the Corps. No one with a brain in her head doubts they’ll happily pave the way for you once you finish this assignment.”

  Breathing deeply, Ash slowly counted to ten. It hadn’t taken her long to discover the very large chip on her roommate’s shoulder. For the most part, Mumby kept it under control but in situations like this, when Ashlyn did not instantly back her, it came out. Instead of answering, Ashlyn turned her attention back to her report. Nothing would come from arguing, especially over something like this.

  Besides, Mumby wasn’t the only one who felt that way. Degrassi had been right when he warned her there would be those who resented her because of her last name. Some of the enlisted, as well as a couple of the officers, felt it their right to push the butterbars, reminding them in none-too-subtle ways that they were the ones who knew what it meant to be a real Marine. Talbot and Gunny Anisimova, as well as Captain Akashi, dealt quickly with it when it came to their attention – and it was never by Ashlyn’s hand. She knew better. Her parents, especially her mother, had drilled it into her not to go running to her seniors when she had trouble. So she tried to deal with it on her own, especially where Mumby was concerned.

  “Figured you wouldn’t have a comeback for that,” Mumby muttered.

  Ashlyn opened her mouth to respond and snapped it closed as the ship’s com came to life. Five ear-piercing whistles filled the air, followed immediately by Captain La Grange ordering all personnel to General Quarters. Before the announcement ended, Ashlyn was on her feet, her report forgotten.

  “Looks like you got your wish,” she said as she stripped out of the daily uniform she had been wearing.

  After months of drills, Ashlyn quickly changed. It took her less than two minutes to dress in the insulated body suit, complete with the “plumbing” bits she hated, worn under her light battle armor. Another four minutes and she had most of her armor in place. Then she plugged into the battlenet, listening as reports came in.

  “Get a move on!” She shook her head to see Mumby still struggling into her bodysuit. “Four ships closing in and they aren’t answering the captain’s hails.” Without waiting for her roommate, she grabbed her helmet and left their quarters at a run.

  “Listen up, Marines!”

  The staging area fell silent and all eyes focused on Degrassi. The few still straggling in quickly found places not only out of the Colonel’s line of sight but well away from the Gunny. From where she stood near the second attack shuttle, Ashlyn clipped her battle rifle onto its sling and shoved it behind her back. Then she waited, the butterflies in her stomach growing.

  “For those of you with enough sense to have already tied into the battlenet, you know four ships are closing in and have refused to answer the captain’s hail,” Degrassi continued.

  As he did, the holo display behind him came to life, showing the sector and the current locations of not only the Heinlein but the incoming ships as well. Then two other ships appeared on the display, these from the Heinlein’s stern. Some of those gathered gasped, not that Ashlyn blamed them. For one moment it looked as if Heinlein had been flanked. Then the icons changed, marking them as part of Task Force Rapier. The odds just got a lot better.

  “LACs are to go to launch ready. We aren’t waiting for the Captain to order us battle stations. Squads One through Four are to report to your attack shuttles and await further orders. If the ships do not comply with the captain’s orders, we are to board by force. The rest of you, listen up for your assignments.” Degrassi nodded to the gunnery sergeant who quickly called out squads and their assignments, pausing only long enough for each squad to repeat the orders back to her.

  “Shaw, walk with me,” Degrassi said as the Gunny continued with the assignments. “Your squad and Mumby’s will be in the lead shuttle. I’m sending both the Gunny and Corporal Talbot with you. Shaw, I’m putting you in command and remind you to listen to what they have to tell you,” he continued as he led her away from the shuttle. She felt more than saw Talbot following closely after them. “I want you to get with both Talbot and the Gunny and start planning your order of attack once you are onboard the lead ship, designated Target Alpha. Questions?”

  “More than we have time for, sir.” So many more. “But only a couple I can’t figure out or can’t ask the Gunny.” When he nodded, she continued. “My recommendation is that we go to call signs as soon as we board. It’s probably not a good idea to let the enemy know the senior officer leading the attack force is a wet behind the ears second lieutenant.”

  Degrassi grinned and she relaxed to see the approval reflected in his eyes.

  “And you are wondering what to tell the squads to call you,” he completed for her.

  “Well, for both Mumby and myself, sir,” she admitted.

  She certainly couldn’t – and wouldn’t – tell him the nickname she had heard some of the enlisted calling her roommate. “Paper Tiger” simply was not the sort of call sign any Marine should be saddled with, even if it fit. Mumby might want to see action but her attitude did not match her aptitude. If she were ever asked for her honest opinion, Ashlyn would have to say Mumby was better suited for an MOS that would leave her well behind the line of battle.

  “It seems the good Gunny as well as Corporal Talbot anticipated you question, Shaw.” He glanced over her shoulder and nodded to the two. They stepped forward, bracing to attention as they stopped on either side of Ashlyn. “Stand easy. Gunny, why don’t you tell the good LT what the two of you came up with and we’ll see if she agrees.”

  “Yes, sir.” Anisimova stepped forward and then looked Ashlyn up and down. It was all she could do not to squirm under the gunnery sergeant’s gaze. “Lieutenant, it didn’t take much for either Talbot or me to figure out your call sign. We’ve all seen you shoot. You are one of the best we have with that battle rifle slung across your back. But you are even better with a sniper rifle.” Now she nodded to Talbot. The corporal stepped forward, a gun case in hand. Looking serious, Talbot opened the case, revealing one of the newest versions of the sniper rifle used by the Corps.

  Ashlyn swallowed once and turned her attention to Anisimova. “Gunny?”

  “With a weapon like that, you are an angel of death, one we are both proud to have on our side. So, if you’ll accept it, your call sign will be Angel.”

  For a moment, Ash said nothing. Mentally, she tried on the call sign. Even if she balked at being an angel of death, she accepted that was part of what being a Marine meant. She had sworn an oath to do whatever it took to protect Fuercon. That would, and it looked like sooner rather than later, mean taking lives. It might also mean laying down her life. Best not to think about that.

  “Thank you, Gunny. Angel it is.” She shook the gunnery sergeant’s hand and then glanced at the sniper rifle and case Talbot still held before him.

  “Then take your rifle and make sure it me
ets your standard, Angel. You’ll be the squad’s designated sniper if one is needed,” Degrassi told her.

  “Thank you, sir.” She carefully lifted the rifle from its case and nodded her appreciation when Talbot shut the case and placed it on the decksole at her side. “And Mumby?”

  “Phouka.” Now there was no humor in Degrassi’s expression. “A shapechanger from ancient mythology with ties to marine mythos.”

  Ashlyn bit the inside of her cheek to keep from reacting. She knew stories about the phouka, mischief-makers who were said to take as much joy in causing trouble as to helping others. That described Mumby to a tee. While her roommate might not set out to cause trouble, her attitude often did just that. Hopefully, at least until after this mission was over, Mumby would not bother to look up the meaning of her new call sign.

  “Understood, sir.” And she did. “Any further orders?”

  “Go make sure your squad is ready. OoB has your squad in the lead. Captain Akashi will make sure Lieutenant Mumby understands.”

  “Aye, sir.” She turned her attention to Talbot. “All right, Loco. Let’s go brief the squad.”

  “Roger that, Angel,” Talbot said and followed her back to the shuttle.

  The next few hours taught Ashlyn a lesson about what it meant to be a Marine no classroom lecture ever could. While the ships comprising Task Force Rapier engaged the enemy, the Marines waited. Whenever needed, teams were dispatched from the staging area to help with damage control. Some were sent to help back up the gunnery crews and other essential stations. But for the most part, they waited, knowing if the Heinlein was boarded, it was their job to prevent the ship from being taken. Otherwise, all they could do was hang on until the order to launch the attack shuttles was given.

  When that order came, Ashlyn nodded to the Gunny and watched as she and Talbot checked to make sure each member of the squads was ready. A frown touched her lips as she watched Anisimova quickly check and then reconfigure Mumby’s safety harness. She knew it would be reported back to Degrassi – assuming they survived the mission.

  “We have clearance to launch, LT,” the shuttle pilot reported as Ash secured her safety harness.


  Anisimova nodded and quickly strapped into her own safety harness across from her. “All set, ma’am.”

  “Then let’s do this.” She pounded on the bulkhead, signaling the shuttle pilot they were ready.

  “Angel, don’t take any unnecessary chances,” Degrassi said over a secure channel as the shuttle zeroed in on the leading enemy ship. “We still don’t know who we are dealing with and sensors indicate their power plants are live on two of the three surviving ships. If these are Callusians, or someone willing to mimic their tactics, they may try to blow the ships after your people are onboard.”

  “Understood, sir. Recommendations?”

  “Trust your gut. You’ve got good instincts and an even better head on your shoulders. Use them. Degrassi out.”

  Ashlyn drew a deep breath and held it, counting to ten. Then she exhaled and climbed to her feet. The mission was now hers, hers and those Marines under her command, whether she was ready for it or not. It was up to her to show them she not only knew what needed to be done but she trusted them to do it. Now if they just didn’t hear how loudly her heart beat or notice the way her knees knocked, she might even pull it off.

  “When we dock, we go in with weapons hot. Heavy armor out first. Secure the docking area. Once that is done, you know your assignments.” She glanced around the shuttle. Looking back were men and women who were trusting her to lead them. She wouldn’t let them down. “Don’t take chances. The Colonel has confirmed that we still don’t know who we are dealing with. Because of that, expect the worse – which, in this case, means booby-traps and ambushes and who knows what else – and accept the best when it happens. Gunny, Talbot, get ‘em ready.”

  She returned to her seat and made one last check of her weapons. She listened closely, doing her best to look like she was ignoring everything around her, as the senior non-coms checked the squads. Assignments were confirmed and questions answered. Now all they could do was wait and pray nothing blew up in their faces, figuratively or literally.

  “Well done, LT,” Talbot’s voice came over a secure channel. “Keep everything you said in mind once we board. If what I suspect is true, you’re going to find yourself in a living nightmare.”

  “How so?”

  “Ma’am, I’ve had this sort of thing happen on other assignments. Ships that won’t identify themselves and let us board without a fight. It’s never been good when it’s happened. If you find yourself needing to step away for a moment, do it. No one will think less of you.”

  No one but me.

  “Understood, Loco, and thanks. Keep this channel open. If you see or hear something you think I need to know, sing out. Same goes for you, Gunny,” she added, assuming Anisimova was listening in.

  “Roger that, LT,” the gunnery sergeant said.

  None of it – not what Talbot said, not what Degrassi had said, none of the vids she had seen at the Academy – could have prepared her for what they found onboard the ship. Once the docking bay had been secured, she moved through it, swallowing hard. A dozen or so bodies lay strewn around the back of the bay. She couldn’t be sure exactly how many because some of the bodies were really nothing more than a limb here and there. It would be up to the medics and their teams to sort all the parts out once the ship had been secured.

  Swallowing hard against the bile rising in her throat, she studied the dead. Most wore the remnants of uniforms she recognized as belonging to one of the major shipping companies out of Cassius Prime, one of Fuercon’s allies. At least she thought she recognized them. Blood and other things best not thought about stained the rags. The stench of decay hung heavy in the air. Those poor souls had been dead for much longer than the battle had lasted. If she had to guess, she’d say the pirates who had taken control of the ship had planned on spacing the bodies before being boarded but had ran out of time.

  “Loco, Durga, move the squads out,” she ordered and waited as the gunnery sergeant and Talbot issued their last minute instructions.

  With a fire team remaining behind to hold the shuttle bay, the squads moved out. The slow pace Talbot set for their squad put Ashlyn’s nerves on end. At each corridor, they stopped and one member of the squad would carefully check the area ahead. That care kept them from tripping more than one IED. The thought of what the explosives would have done not only to her people but to the ship turned Ashlyn’s blood cold. Whoever had taken control of the ship from the civilian operators didn’t care if they scuttled the vessel. That realization had her once again considering Degrassi’s warning.

  Cursing silently, she moved to the lead and held up her right fist. Instantly, those behind her stopped. “Loco, this has been too easy,” she said as he moved silently to her side.

  “Agreed. Orders?”

  “Check everyone, make sure they have full clips and charges. When we breach the bridge, I want battle rifles taking the lead. Armor piercing rounds for Ellis and myself. Standard rounds for everyone else. Let’s not risk a bulkhead with wild fire.”


  “I’ll leave that to you, Loco.” She jerked her head, signaling him to check the others of their team. Then she opened a channel to the Gunny. “Talk to me, Durga.”

  “We are closing in on life support, Angel. So far, we haven’t run into any real resistance although there have been a few interesting surprises left for us in the corridors,” Anisimova said. There was a short pause before she continued. “I don’t like the feel of this, Angel. Ship’s too quiet.”

  “Agreed. Thoughts?”

  “I suggest pulling our squads back to a safe distance from our targets. Heavy armor goes in first.”

  “Flashbangs to lead the way?”

  “Yes. Snipers can use the cover to take out any resistance before the heavy armor enters.”

bsp; “Agreed. Pass the word along to all teams.” She signaled Talbot who nodded before issuing the new orders to their team.

  “All teams in place, Angel,” the gunny reported a few minutes later.

  She opened a link to each team. “Flashbangs on my command. Three – Two – One. Move in, move in, move in.”

  Before she finished giving the order, Private Silva slapped a charge against the hatch leading to the bridge. He ducked around the nearest corner and the rest of the squad hunkered down as the charge exploded. Smoke and debris filled the corridor. Talbot quickly tossed a flashbang grenade onto the bridge. As he did, Ashlyn snugged the stock of her sniper rifle against her shoulder. Her HUD compensated for the smoke filling the bridge. A deep breath and then she exhaled. Expression grim, her finger squeezed the trigger. Three shots in rapid succession was all it took. She had made her first kills as a Marine and now the element of surprise was on their side.

  By God, they were going to take advantage of it.


  “Talk to me, Angel.”

  Degrassi’s voice held a hint of concern, just enough to break through the shock holding her. Ashlyn shook her head and lowered her sniper rifle. To give herself a moment to gather her thoughts, she secured the rifle in its place across her back and pulled her battle rifle forward.

  “Sir, we have made access to the bridge.”

  To prove her comment, she stepped through the hatch. As she did, she kept her eyes up, well away from the three pirates she had killed. She had seen enough before her people moved in to know no doctor would have been able to save the three. Her shots had penetrated their foreheads, taking off the tops of their heads. The thought of it had her stomach churning and bile rising. She pushed the memory aside. There wasn’t time for it, or for her to find some place where she could fall apart, and there wouldn’t until she was sure the ship had been secured.


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