Safe With Me, Part 2

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Safe With Me, Part 2 Page 4

by Shaina Richmond

  I wanted to laugh but I was still catching my breath. I smiled and winked at her. I didn't mind the workout one bit.

  "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." She kissed my cheek, then hopped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. My eyes stayed on her naked body. I was afraid I was already obsessed with it. It had become the ultimate symbol of sexual pleasure to me. She was the hottest thing in the world.

  A few minutes passed and I was able to breathe normally again. I was confused about why it took me so long to recover, since I was in pretty good shape. Then I realized it was because I wasn't used to having a woman around who I could go at like a jackhammer. Damn, I hope I get to keep her around.

  She came out of the bathroom with a towel and floated across the room to hand it to me.

  "Just in case you need to dry off a little," she said. "Looks like you're doing better now."

  "Yes." I took the towel and dried my forehead. "I gotta get in better shape, I think. Maybe you can help me with that?" I sounded lighthearted but I was dead serious.

  "Mmm… that might be fun. Don't forget about Saturday.” She winked.

  "Trust me, I won't forget." I quickly gave her a peck on the lips as I slid off the bed to go to the bathroom. When I came back a few minutes later she was on her back under a sheet. Her pretty head lay on one of her fluffy pillows. I crawled into the bed beside her and put my head on the other pillow, laying on my right side to face her.

  "You're addictive, you know that?" I asked.

  She grinned and turned her body to face me. She bit her lower lip. Damn she's beautiful.

  "Well, you're not exactly going to be easy to give up either, Tyler," she said. She sounded a little too breezy to me.

  I couldn't tell if she was trying to be funny, or flirt, or if she was totally serious. I didn't know what to say, but what I did know was I didn't want her to give me up.

  "Well… . if it's not easy then why would you want to give me up?" I asked, trying to mimic her carefree tone.

  "Oh, sweet Tyler," she drawled, taking a deep breath. She looked like she was going to say something, then became completely silent and traced the muscles in my arms with her fingers, mesmerized.

  I really needed help with her. I planned to call Joan as soon as possible.

  I heard her stomach growl. A second later, mine growled.

  "Sympathy pains," I told her. She giggled.

  "You must be hungry. I'm sorry, I'm so rude. I didn't even think about it. Those taco's you ate earlier are probably long gone."

  "I don't think I've seen you eat at all,” I said.

  "Yeah, I guess I forgot. That happens. So, what do you want for dinner?" Her eyes perked up.

  If I hadn't been so hungry I would've said "you". But my body needed food, especially after that workout. "What are my options?"

  "Well… .. I could make something." She winced at the prospect. "I don't have anything good in the house that isn't frozen solid. Or we could get dressed and go somewhere."

  "Go where?" I thought it might be nice to go someplace with her, kind of like a date. But I instinctively knew I shouldn't torture myself. Especially after her nonchalant comment about giving me up.

  "I've been craving some pancakes from this diner across town for days. You know that truck stop by the outlet mall?" she asked.

  "No, I'm pretty sure I don't."

  "Well, do you like diners? Greasy food? Truckers?"

  "Absolutely, yes."

  "Okay then!" She bounced out of the bed and bent over to pick her clothes up from the floor. It was a lot of fun to watch. "I'll drive. I think you'll like this place. I almost never see any other students there. I like hanging out with the town folk." She looked at her alarm clock. "No wonder we're hungry. It's already 7 o'clock."

  "Damn, I fucked you that good for at least an hour and a half?" I asked, proudly. I got out of the bed and picked my clothes up off the floor.

  "No, sweetheart, you wrecked my ass. I'm surprised I can walk." She flashed me a huge smile and blew me a kiss as she pulled her jeans up.

  She made me melt inside, saying things like that. Shit, I'm perverted.

  "You know, darlin', I can take it easy on you if you can't handle it." I laughed.

  She walked over to me wearing only her jeans and a bra. "Not on your life." I had just pulled my boxer shorts back on. She put her arms around me and stood on her toes to kiss me. I reached down and gave her a big kiss, tempted to throw her down on the bed for another round. But my stomach growled angrily at me again, warning me to eat before I had another go at her.

  Her phone rang in her pocket. I pulled away.

  "Shit! Not now! I thought I turned this thing off. I know that ring. I'll be a couple minutes." She ran out of the room and went downstairs.

  Now's my chance to call Joan. I didn't have much time. I hoped she wasn’t the person who just called Susie.

  I threw my clothes back on. I didn't know I could get dressed so fast. I found my phone in my pocket and looked at my missed calls for Joan’s number.

  The phone rang three times. Don't go to voicemail, don't go to voicemail…

  "Hello? Tyler?"

  "Yes. She just left the room. I need your help." I tried to be as quiet as possible.

  "Oh! Okay. What is it?" I was glad she sensed my urgency.

  "I don't know what to do. I know I can't tell her I want a relationship just yet.”


  "But what do I do? We were in bed just now and I told her she was addictive. She told me ‘it won't be easy to give you up either'. Is she already tired of me?"

  "What was your response?"

  "I asked her why she’d wanna give me up if it won’t be easy. She just said 'oh, sweet Tyler' and rubbed my arm.” I was shocked at how much of the conversation I remembered. And also mad at myself for acting like a woman again.

  "Shit. I'm not sure what that means. It doesn't sound good." She paused. Hopelessness crept into my head. But then she continued. "This is the best I advice I can give you—don't come on too strong. Don't tell her you want to be her boyfriend. It will scare her off. But don't go along with the dumb shit she says. If she says something about giving you up or whatever, just play it off like you did before. You asked a question and she didn't know how to answer it. You didn't say 'don't give me up.' You said 'why would you want to give me up?’ which was brilliant.”

  "You really think that’ll work?"

  "It's worth a shot. Honestly, I can't tell you how to get her to be your girlfriend. I can only tell you where other guys have messed up before. She usually seems to like a guy until he tells her he wants a relationship. Don't act jealous. Don't ever ask her who she's talking to or what she's doing."

  "She's on the phone downstairs with someone right now and I have no idea who it is. You're saying I shouldn’t ask her about it?"

  "Exactly. You need to do to her what she's doing to you. She plays hard to get without realizing it. She's just doing it naturally. It makes guys chase her. She's a conquest. But she really is hard to get. She’s not playing."

  I thought about it for a second. Is that why I like her so much? I'd heard about that before. Boy falls for girl because girl read a horrible book about rules… .

  "Do you think that's why I like her?" I asked. "Because she's hard to get?" I was asking myself the question more than I was asking Joan.

  "Could be part of it, I don’t know. She acts cold and aloof, like she could go about her life without you and she wouldn't miss you. But it's not an act. She has some issues, our Susie. But I think you like her because she's super cool and you have amazing sex."

  I laughed, loudly. I hoped Susie didn't hear me downstairs. "Yeah,” I said. "You're probably right. I knew I loved her before we even got started last night."

  "Whoa! Love? Already?"

  "I didn't mean to say that." I felt really stupid all of a sudden.

  "I don't think you love her yet, Tyler. It's not possible. You only just met her. The
re's a lot more to her than the magic pussy."

  I laughed again. Shit, she's gonna hear me.

  "Yeah, she does have a magic pussy. But I felt something for her before that."

  "Oh, Tyler… ." Joan sounded exasperated to me. "Oh, sweet Tyler," she said, echoing Susie's words to me earlier.

  "Shit… I know. I know. I get it. Look, Joan, I want her. Maybe it's not love, yet - I don't know. But whatever it is, I want her. It feels like I've been hit by a truck. This has never happened to me before. Never."

  "Okay." She sighed. "Just do what I said. Don't ask her to be your girlfriend. Act like you're just along for the ride."

  "Alright." I heard her walking up the stairs. "Gotta go."

  "Okay, bye!"

  I wanted to talk more, but I was encouraged. And I had a plan of action, or rather, inaction. I just needed to act more like Susie.

  Shit, I really did feel stupid. Was I overreacting about my feelings? Another guy caught in her trap, a trap she was only subconsciously aware of setting? Maybe I already saw her as a challenge. But how could that be? I only started hanging out with her the day before. She hadn’t had the chance to turn down a date from me, or act like she was busy when I called, or drop hints about having plans with other people—all the stuff girls normally do when they’re trying to play hard to get.

  I won't analyze it right now. I'm just along for the ride.

  She came back to the room, still wearing only a bra and jeans. I liked that she seemed so comfortable around me.

  "That was Aunt Lydia." She took a deep breath. "She's been trying to get up with me for days. She wants to make sure I'm still alive and I haven't burnt the house down or something." She pulled her shirt over her head, then looked at herself in the mirror above her dresser.

  "I need to find another shirt,” she said. “There's a weird stain on this one. I promise it'll only take a minute. My stomach is roaring at me."

  She walked past me to the other side of the room and opened a door to the biggest walk-in closet I'd ever seen.

  "Damn! You could live in here!" I followed her inside.

  "Yeah, maybe." She quickly moved some of the hangers around, making angry noises at each article of clothing. "I need to go shopping. I hate everything in here."

  I saw a pink V-neck sweater. It reminded me of what she was wearing when I met her the day before.

  "What about this one?" I asked, holding the sleeve.

  "Hmmm… haven't worn that since last winter." She walked over and took it off the hanger, examining it for a second. Then she pulled it over her head. "I hope it's not too tight."

  "So what if it is?" I asked, admiring the way the material clung to her breasts. "You're gorgeous. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

  "That's really sweet of you."

  I couldn't tell what she meant about the sweater being too tight. Maybe she'd gained weight since the last time she wore it. I dared not ask. It didn't matter to me. I started to realize she wasn't really heavy. Yeah, she was a little fluffy compared to some of the other size zero college girls. But she seemed to have a lot of admirers, including myself.

  Susie ran past me, out of the closet. "I have to look at this in the bathroom. Give me ten seconds!”

  I caught a glimpse of a pair of pants on top of her hamper. I picked them up to see the tag, out of curiosity. It said size 12. Not that it meant anything to me. I didn't know women's sizes. I just wanted to know more about her. Then I saw a bra and picked it up. It said 36-DDD. Yeah, I knew those were triple D's. I smiled proudly.

  I let the clothes fall back to the hamper and walked quickly to the bedroom door just as Susie was coming out of the bathroom.

  "Sorry to hold us up. First Lydia, then my sweater."

  "It's good you have family looking out for you. Do you have anyone besides her?"

  "Yeah." She motioned for me to come on. I turned out the light in the bedroom as we left the room to walk downstairs. "Lydia, Mark, and Eugene on my Mom's side. Lydia's my Mom's fraternal twin. On Dad's side there's Arthur and Bernadette. They all call to check up on me once in a while.”

  "What about cousins?"

  "I don't hear from them as much. We email occasionally and I might see them when I visit. But I think the aunts and uncles all feel they have a parental void to fill in my life. It's weird that we're so spread out. We don't ever get together in one place."

  She led me through the kitchen to the garage and turned on the light. She has a garage? I hadn’t noticed before because it was located in the back of the house, accessed only by a door in the kitchen. I was shocked at what I saw when the light came on.

  There were several metal racks along the walls holding tools and boxes. It was much cleaner than the garage I had at my mom's house. But the shock came when my eyes stopped looking around the room and settled on the two cars sitting in front of me. "Did Aunt Lydia give you these too?'

  "No. I bought these."

  On the left was a Crown Victoria, mid 1990's model. I was sure it was a police car at one time. On the right, a 1996 Mercedes S320. How did a 25 year old female college student end up with these?

  "Wow!" I said. "I'm impressed." I wanted her to elaborate but I didn't want to seem too nosy.

  "Thanks! I told you I like a powerful car. "This one," she pointed at the Crown Victoria, "came from a police surplus auction several years ago. I got it pretty cheap."

  "Yeah, I could tell it was a police car."

  "Yep. I had it painted black. I thought about going with a different color but I kind of like how people look at the car. Painting it black makes them think maybe I'm with the FBI or something when they get a glimpse in their rearview." She half-laughed and turned to the Mercedes. "Now, this one I bought from a friend of a friend. I think I was the first person who found out he wanted to sell it. Bought it for five grand two years ago. I got lucky."

  "Damn. You could probably sell it for more than that today."

  "I know, but I love it. It's not for sale."

  Well, at least there's something in her life she wants to keep. Wish it was me instead of the car.

  "We're taking this one." She pointed at the Mercedes. "The Crown Vic needs a tune-up, I can tell. Poor thing." She patted the hood. "I'm usually more responsible."

  "You know, I could tune it up. I'd love to work on it. Done it all my life."

  "Really? I don't want to take up your time… . besides, you've already given me several tune ups haven't you?" She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Such a bad joke." She laughed harder.

  I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, kissing her forehead. "I think what I did before was unclog your plumbing.” I tried not to crack up at my own dorky sense of humor. "Come on, let me work on it."

  "Mmmm… what do I need to do in return? Name your price." She licked her lips.

  "We'll talk about it in the car."

  "Oh yeah. Food." She got in the car and unlocked the passenger door for me. Soon we were pulling out of the garage onto the street behind her house.

  "So, what's your price, Tyler?"

  I didn't know what to say. I really did want to work on her car. I hadn’t thought about doing it in exchange for anything.

  "Come on, Ty. Play with me. It turns me on to think about owing you… .something," she growled, "in exchange for a tune up. Name your price."

  "Look - we'll figure it out later. When do you want me to do it?"

  "The question is - what can I do to repay the favor?" she asked.

  "So, what about this Saturday? You wanted me to come over anyway, right?"

  She looked at me, her plump lips pouting. "How long will it take? It took a really long time the last time I had it done."

  "That's because you weren't dealing with a professional, sweetheart. I can do it much faster."

  "Hmm… I'd rather not do it this Saturday though. I was sort of already looking forward to a whole day with you that won't involve car maintenance." She stopped. "Yum… I just thought about you b
eing all dirty from working on the car. We could take a bath together." She moaned.

  "Are you always this horny?" I asked.

  "Actually, no. No, I'm not. But - come on! Car repairs? In exchange for sex? Taking a bath with you afterward? This doesn't turn you on?"

  "I didn't say that. I just wondered if there's anything that doesn't turn you on." I reached over to stroke her inner thigh.

  She looked at me for a second, then quickly turned back to the road. "Tyler," her sexy 'Tah-ler' appeared again, "you turn me on. I love the idea of owing you sex. Every time I drive that car I'll think about the work you put into it and what I gave you for it." She stopped talking as she made a right turn. "And I will enjoy every second of giving it to you. Whatever you want."

  I was hard, instantly. "I can't wait to take you back to your bedroom tonight. That is the plan, right?"

  "Yes, lover,” she said.

  "Alright then. So, when are we going to make this… exchange? I can do the tune up this Sunday afternoon."

  "Sunday could work."

  "When do I get my, uhhh… payment?" I asked.

  "Whenever you want, Ty. What about a night next week? I'll give you two hours of anything you want… . well, maybe five hours… "

  "Maybe ten hours? Can I make it twenty?"

  Susie licked her lips and looked over at me for a second. "Yeah, maybe… .. shit, if I wasn't so hungry I'd pull over right now and give you a down payment… ."

  "I know. My stomach is growling nonstop… . you are something else, Miss Susie. So, what about a day over midterm break?" I was glad we were about to get a few extra days off.

  "Oh." She paused, wincing. "I'll be gone. Wish I could though. We'll figure out something."

  "Where are you going?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

  "Out of town."

  "Visiting family?"

  "No, just going away for a little bit. What about you?" she asked.

  "Probably just staying here."

  I noted her adeptness at changing a subject. Why won't she tell me where's she's going over break?

  "So, you said your dad had an auto repair shop?" she asked.


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