Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress Page 10

by Earl Watson

  For the rest of the evening he would sit on his balcony and watch the beautiful sunset. He was sitting on the sand at the beach when a strange woman sauntered up to him and sat down next to him. She was wearing a maroon two piece bathing suit and dark sunglasses.

  “I like your car, it’s hot, hotter than this sand.”

  “What makes you think that I have a car?”

  “You have a car, I know that you do! I sold you a parking ticket when you drove in. This is the third time that you have been here this week.”

  “Maybe you have the wrong guy.”

  “There are not many guys that look like you around here, I have the right guy. You are not from around here are you?”

  “No, I am from back east New York, well really from New Jersey.”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “New Jersey is close enough. What does snow feel like?”

  “All I know is that it’s wet and it’s cold.”

  “I just got off would you like to go for a swim?” Marcus wiped some of the sweat off of his brow, put down his water bottle and kicked off his sandals.

  “That’s a timely idea.” As she lead the way into the water he noticed her body. It was the quintessential beach body that he had seen in many of the television commercials. The kind of body that every girl in California was expected to have. He estimated that her measurements were about thirty six, twenty six, thirty eight.

  “Nothing wrong there!” Adding to that she had a brown complexion, full lips, dark eyes, an alluring smile, and her face was gentle and interesting. She wasn’t beautiful, but she was pretty. Marcus had always believed that a pretty woman can always become beautiful in time.

  As she frolicked in the cool beach water Marcus found himself staring at the tiny streams of water as they trickled down the front of her body. He had become mesmerized by the streams as they ran across her breasts, then continued merrily down and circled her navel before coming to rest on the hem of her bathing suit. She scooped up some water and threw it into his face.

  “Don’t you think that it’s too hot for that?”

  “I don’t know, what do you think?” She locked her eyes onto his and was once again struck by how handsome he was and his perfect body. She allowed her eyes to wonder down to his crotch and linger there for a few seconds. Before bringing them slowly up over his smooth stomach, his muscular torso, his wide chest and shoulders and stopping at his handsome face.

  “You have a great body. Do you use it much?”

  “Not much, it’s a little out of practice, it’s been awhile.”

  “Are you kidding me? With a body like yours just looking at it is a turn on. It’s really hot today, I hate the heat.” Marcus raised his eyes from the bottom of her bathing suit and back to her face.

  “You haven’t answered my question.”

  “Oh you mean about if it’s too hot for sex. Yeah I do think that it’s too hot for sex. But in the evening it’s much cooler, just the right time.”

  My name is Marcus Peterson, would you like to go to dinner with 73

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress me tonight.”

  “Sure I would love too, my name is Cathy Turner.”

  “Is that short for Catherine?”

  “No just Cathy, that’s it.” Marcus checked his watch.

  “It’s almost five now suppose I pick you up at seven. That will give me time to make reservations.”

  “That would be fine I will meet you back here.”

  “I would like it better if you let me pick you up.”

  “No Marcus, I prefer to meet you back here.”

  “Well alright if you insist, we will meet back here at seven.”

  Marcus was waiting in his car and searching on the radio for some music when she tapped on his window. He got out to open the door for her to get in. As they pulled off she looked over at him and exclaimed.

  “You sure aren’t from around here!” As they turned onto the highway she pulled her blouse tighter around her.

  “If you are cold I can turn down the air conditioner.”

  “Could you please. I guess that there is no pleasing me either I am too hot or too cold.”

  “No problem, do you like Italian.”

  “I love it, I eat anything.”

  “Good, I have made reservations for two at Boziques. We should be there in twenty minutes.” Cathy noticed the intoxicating smell of his cologne and the how well he was dressed.

  “What do you do for a living?” Marcus glanced over at her for a second and then back on the road.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “I mean you are not some sort of big time drug dealer are you? Not that I would mind.”

  “No nothing like that.”

  “Yeah, but if we are going to Boziques you must have money. I know for a fact that just a bottle of beer there costs fifteen dollars and that’s just for domestic. Marcus kept quiet as he noticed her looking around the inside of the car.

  “Since I work at one of the most private and exclusive beaches in California, I see a lot of very expensive cars. This is a very expensive car, it’s the very top of the line and it’s beautiful.”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “I work for a dot/com company in Silicone Valley. I am here in LA, for five weeks on vacation. I hope that is information enough.”

  “That makes sense, I”ll buy it. Can we go back to your place later?”

  “Of course we can if you want to.” Marcus pulled into the parking lot and the attendant ran to meet him.

  “Nice to see you Mr. Peterson, will you be staying long?”

  “No only about two hours.”

  “Alright Mr. Peterson, I will park your car toward the middle?”

  Marcus thanked the man and gave him the keys along with a twenty dollar bill. As soon as they stepped into Boziques, the maitre d’

  grabbed Marcus’ hand.

  “Wonderful to see you again Mr. Peterson, just wonderful. I have a table already prepared for you directly under our hanging garden and waterfall.” Marcus’ table was in a atrium that was a distance away from the other patrons. The ceiling was covered with exotic flowers that directly ran down the wall into a babbling waterfall. The maitre d’ wildly motioned for the waiter.

  “Mr Peterson, this is your waiter and if there are any problems call me immediately.” Marcus removed a billfold out of his pocket and tipped the man with a fifty. The waiter seated them and took their order for drinks. From the time that Cathy sat down the look on her face went from perplexed to being dumbfounded.

  “Marcus I am not very smart and if we see enough of each other I am sure that you will figure that out. But I am also not that stupid either. You do more than just work for some dot/com in the valley don’t you? Nobody walks into Boziques, and gets that kind of five star treatment. I have read in the papers that even some Hollywood people don’t rate this kind of treatment and some of them are pretty famous.” Cathy stopped talking when she saw that Marcus was getting upset.

  “Look I work for one of the most successful companies in the valley.

  The company is going gangbusters and is owned by a friend of mine and I am doing pretty well. It’s not that big of a deal. I just happen to have lucked into something good. I really wish that you would drop the subject.” Cathy did as he suggested and started talking about something else.

  “I see that you only ordered beer, do you drink much?”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “No not much, just a few beers here or there.” She reached across the table and began to seductively stroke his hand.

  “Do you ever go past your limit?”

  “No never.”

  “Why, what do you have against speeding? Besides some girls might let you speed for awhile before pulling you over and giving you a warning.” She lifted his hand off of the table and rested it on her cheek.

  “I don’t like accidents, I
like to be in control.”

  “Spoken like a true man!”

  “I know that you work at the beach but where do you live?”

  “I live in Engelwood, I have lived there for most of my life. It’s an area just outside of LA. I am twenty five years old and I have an eight year old son. I will save you the trouble of doing the math. He was born when I was seventeen. I have never been married and I have no idea where the father is. I hope that me having a son isn’t a problem for you.”

  Marcus pulled his hand back from her cheek and his voice had a edge to it.

  “Why would that be a problem?”

  “Well you know, as soon as a kid comes into the picture some guys disappear.” Marcus felt a little ashamed and softened his tone.

  “I am not some guy, I don’t operate like that.” Marcus was about to ask how she dealt with guys like that when the waiter returned to take their order. In one of the corners a piano player materialized and began to play a selection of pop tunes. Cathy reached across the table again and began to stroke his hand.

  “This is some place. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t get within a hundred miles of a place like this. I have finally gotten too meet someone who is part of the other half. The other half that has it all.”

  After they had finished their main course the maitre d’ had the chef make a special desert that Marcus liked. It was peppermint sherbet and rum soaked chocolate cake. Cathy couldn’t get enough of it.

  “Marcus, if I die will you send some of this up to heaven for me?”

  Marcus tweaked her nose with his finger.

  “Wherever you wind up I will send you some.”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress Before they left the restaurant Marcus had the waiter bring her some to take home.

  They were driving back to his condo when Cathy got a call on her phone. Marcus felt a little awkward as he was forced to listen in.

  “But Sissy, I told you that I had a date tonight! Can’t you at least stay until the early morning, you said that it was your night off! I just can’t get there now!” Marcus began to feel that he was somehow involved in the middle of this.

  “What’s wrong?” Cathy lowered the phone into her lap.

  “It’s my sister Sissy. She was supposed to watch my son tonight. But she has been called into work.’

  “Cathy don’t sweat it we can go back to your place and just hang out.

  I really don’t mind.” Her voice was twinged with anger as she placed the phone back to her ear.

  “Ok Sissy, I will there in a few minutes. Thanks a lot!” She turned and glared out of the passenger window.

  “Don’t worry Marcus, I was hoping for an evening of adult fun.”

  By the time that Marcus pulled into her driveway a soft warm rain had begun to fall. Cathy’s sister was already waiting in the driveway with the engine to her car running. Cathy got out and stormed over to her.

  “You know every time that I need you to do me a favor there is always a problem!”

  “Cathy, what do you want me to do? One of the other workers got sick and I was called in. I can’t lose my job!”

  “Just go Sissy, just go! You know the next time when you ask me for a favor!” By now Sissy was pulling out of the driveway and into the street. She yelled out of her window to her sister.

  “I am sorry Cathy, but if the choice is between keeping my job or you getting screwed tonight! I am keeping my job!!” The more of the conversation that he heard the more uneasy that Marcus began to feel. Cathy rushed back over to his car and leaned into the window and gave him a kiss on the ear.

  “Don’t worry I will make other arrangements, wait here.”

  “Cathy it’s alright, we can just....” She quickly backed out of the car.

  “Just wait here I will ask someone else.”She hurried over to the house 77

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress next to hers and rang the bell. A teenage girl answered and the two talked for a minute. They then walked back to her house and went inside. Five minutes later Cathy came back to Marcus’ car and got in.

  “It’s all taken care of, I got my neighbor’s daughter to babysit.”

  Marcus drove off but was still unsure.

  “She looks kind of young.” There was a sense of relief in Cathy’s voice as she placed her hand on his thigh.

  “Don’t worry, she’s just turned seventeen and she has helped me plenty of times. She also could use the extra money. I’m sorry about all of this Marcus, it’s just part of the every day life of being a single mother.”

  Marcus turned on the light in his living room and invited Cathy to have a seat. He picked up the remote and turned on the giant sized television as he continued down the hall into the kitchen.

  “I will fix you the same kind of drink that you had at Boziques, is that alright?” He was startled to hear her voice right behind him. He switched on the light and walked over to a small bar. There was an island in the middle of the kitchen and Cathy pulled up a chair and sat down. The island was directly underneath a small chandelier that was flanked by two ceiling fans. As the fans started to spin they gave off a slight breeze.

  “You know Marcus I have never been in this sort of place. I really have never been in this part of town ever. Just the rent alone would give me a nose bleed.” Marcus gave her a drink and they walked back into the living room. She took a seat on the couch as Marcus again picked up the remote.

  “Is there something that you would like to watch?”

  “I am not big on television, anything is alright.” Marcus turned off the television and sat next to her on the couch. Cathy crossed her legs and pulled her skirt back a little then rested her drink on her knees while holding it in her hand. With her other hand she started to rub the back of his neck.

  “I am really turned on by you, I hope that you don’t mind I just can’t help it.” Marcus turned his body to face hers and their knees were now touching.

  “No I don’t mind. Sometimes guys don’t mind not having to do all the work. She began to stroke his neck a little harder.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “With what you’ve got you shouldn’t have to do any work ever. You know when you first drove your car into the parking lot another girl gave you a ticket, do you remember?”

  “No I don’t.”

  “She was the blond girl and she was wearing a pink tank top that could hardly hold one of her breasts, not to mention two. Are you sure that you didn’t notice her? Because she sure did notice you! She had to leave early that day so she gave me her number and told me what kind of car you drove. I told her that I would give the number to you. But, I sort of forgot. She gives out her number to all of the good looking guys that drive expensive cars.” She put her drink onto the coffee table and quickly got on top of him and straddled him with her legs. She glued her lips to his in a brief passionate kiss before removing them and saying.

  “As a matter of fact there is something that I do want to see. It’s that beautiful sexy thing between those beautiful legs of yours. You know, that same restless monster that I can feel growing between my legs right now. Since I looked at it thru your bathing suit in the water, I haven’t been able to think about anything else.” She returned her mouth to his and this time Marcus met hers with the same amount of lustful passion. He ran his hand down her back and pulled up her dress to the middle of her back. He lowered his hot powerful hands and started to massage those thirty eight inch hips that he had noticed earlier. With all of her weight pressing down on him his penis was finding it difficult to grow. Cathy could feel his discomfort and moved back enough so she could undo his belt and then the clasp at the top of his pants. She couldn’t hide her excitement as she reached into his shorts and pulled out what she had been dreaming about all day. As she held it in her hand she passionately planted hot kisses all over his face. She could feel it’s throbbing heat as it surged thru her longing body.

  “Oh Marcus, this is mor
e than I could have asked for. Let’s take a shower together just to get warmed up. Where is your bathroom?”

  “It’s down the hall.” In a flash she pulled her dress up and over her head and sprinted down the hall.

  “Come on Marcus don’t torture me any more than you have already.”

  Marcus picked up her dress and placed it on the love seat. He then 79

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress started removing his cloths and neatly folded them before placing them on top of her dress. As he moved down the hallway he was being perplexed by a thought that was rattling around in his brain.

  He tried to capture it but it was too elusive.

  “It’s something, but what?! Perhaps it will come to me later.”

  Cathy was already rinsing the soap off of her body when he stepped into the shower. She instantly pressed her open mouth against his and sought out his tongue. Marcus could feel her firm nipples as they pressed against his chest. She slowly lowered her body until she was on her knees.

  “Let me show what I like, what I love.” She moved her head forward and kissed the head of his penis.

  “You have a beautiful sized thing Mr. Marcus, I hope that you don’t mind me tasting it for awhile.” As she began to take all of him into her mouth Marcus used one hand to support himself by bracing it against the bathtub wall. He used his other hand to place behind her head. In the position that she was in it allowed him to see the soap and water from the shower jump off of her back. The more that he watched the more excited that he got. She removed his penis from her mouth and started to lick around it.

  “You have no idea how good it feels having you in my mouth. Your size makes you a challenge, but I like challenges. She reinserted his penis back into her mouth and this time was able to take it all. Marcus’ hand gripped her head tighter as he pulled her forward at the same time. Cathy now used both her hands to hold onto his well developed backside. As she began to feel him tense up she squeezed his rear end tighter and moved her mouth faster. She was intent on having him enjoy this to the very last drop.

  “I can feel that he’s almost ready to....” Before the thought could finish he arrived with full force. She held him in her mouth as long as she could before releasing his still spouting member. She now used one of her hand to quickly massage it up and down as he moaned from above her.


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