Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress Page 21

by Earl Watson

  “Thank you, thank you so very much.” He brushed a strand of hair 161

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress away from her eyes.

  “Ditto that with your name for me. Ditto that a hundred times.” He held onto her tight as he rolled over, and she was now on top of him.

  “You are not going to believe this but, I am hungry.”

  Amanda’s eyes roamed all over his still glowing face.

  “You should be, you didn’t touch your dinner. Your mind was fixated on other things.”

  “I hope that you are not sorry that it was.”

  “Oh no darling I am not complaining one little bit.”

  “Well there is nothing around here so I guess that I will just have to wait until morning.” Marcus reached down to the foot of the bed and pulled the covers up around them. She pressed her naked body as close to his as she could. The heat that they had generated during their love making still burned thru his flesh. Her body was totally spent but her mind was still in sexual thrill mode. Both of her eyelids felt like they had been carrying fifty pound weights for the entire day. The last thing that she remembered was laying her tired head on his heaving, muscled chest. Within a few minutes those fifty pounds eventually had their way. Her eyelids finally closed and brought an end to what had been a most beautiful dream.

  It was as if this new day and yesterday were the same as far as the weather was concerned. The sun’s rays filtered thru the blinds that were half closed. Amanda stirred and opened her eyes then instantly shaded them from the sun with her hands. She blinked her eyes into reality and looked at the clock. The clock on the night stand told her that it was eleven forty five. She turned over and saw that he was fast asleep. Amanda reached over to wake him but hesitated.

  During the night the cover had come off of him and she wanted to view him in the clear daylight. Her eyes ran across his body like they were infrared cameras. Her startled eyes drank in every inch of him from top to bottom. Amanda moved her face closer to him and began to go over this beautiful, perfect human map that was laid out in front of her. “Where is the fat! Everybody has at least a little fat somewhere! But I can’t find any. I may be biased, but he is the perfect physical man. You would think that his body had been sculptured by Greek Gods.”

  She leaned closer to him and kissed him on the top of his head.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Are you still hungry?” Marcus used his finger to tweak her nose.


  “Well you better be ready for lunch because it’s almost twelve.”

  “I don’t care what they serve, I’ll eat it.” Amanda left the bed and headed for the bathroom.

  “Let me take my shower first, I won’t be long.” Marcus’ still longing eyes watched her as she moved across the floor.

  “I hear that it’s easier to conserve water if two people shower together.” She stopped at the bathroom door and turned around.

  “Are you into water conservation too?”

  “Of course I am. Don’t worry I promise to behave.”

  “It’s not your behaving that I am worried about!” Marcus rolled over onto his stomach and lay across the bed still caught up in the excitement of watching her nakedness. His face became serious but his eyes still showed his sexual hunger for her.

  “I truly like the way that you look. The stylish way that you move, I can’t think of anything that I don’t love about you.”

  His words had the desired affect on her as Amanda melted in the doorway and blew him a kiss.

  “I don’t believe that you are real, you can’t be!” The hot shower water moved roughly across her body as she reflected on what happened last night.

  “Am I really stark naked, taking a shower, and in a hotel room with a man that I really don’t know? Was that really me doing all of that last night! If it had been Patrick, I would have had my clothes back on within ten minutes. I know exactly what would have happened if we showered together. We are just starting a sexual relationship and I am happy that he didn’t pressure me this morning. But, now that I think of it. If he would have asked just once more I would have said yes in the blink of an eye.”

  After eating in the hotel restaurant Marcus and Amanda were on the thruway back home. She couldn’t wait to get back to her apartment to tell Carney what happened. She also wanted to thank her for the advise that she had given her. During the drive back to the city there were just as many periods of silence, that there were when they drove up to Albany. But this time she didn’t mind it at all. Just having him look over at her once and awhile and smile was 163

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress enough. He parked his car and escorted her to the elevator in her building. He surrounded her in his arms and gave her a parting kiss.

  “I will see you tomorrow at work alright? I am a little tired so I hope that the boss will cut me some slack if I am a late.”

  Amanda moved her lips away from his by only a hair’s width. “I don’t think that the boss will mind. From what I hear she is very understanding, and I am sure that you have a very good reason.” Marcus watched her up until the very last second until the elevator’s doors closed. As soon as Amanda stepped into the apartment Carney was all over her.

  “Mandy where the hell have you been? You could have at least called.

  For all anyone could have known you could be floating in the East River!” In a state of fright she took Amanda’s arm and was getting ready to squeeze it. But stopped when she looked into Amanda’s face and exclaimed as she stepped backward.

  “You did Mandy! You and Mr. Beautiful!! Finally! Why you dirty little tramp! Spending the night out with a man on your second date. All I can say is that it’s about time! The two rushed over and sat down on the couch.

  “Now Mandy, you’ve got to tell me all the sordid details.”

  Amanda tried to come up with a answer but was taking too long.

  “Don’t bother Mandy. When a woman takes that long to describe how sex was it means one of two things. It was either great or it was horrible. But knowing Marcus I am guessing that it was super great.”

  “Yes it was, it was even better than that. I never believed sex could be that fantastic. I think that I could have gone on all night.” Carney leaned in a little closer.

  “Well give, what’s the number?” Amanda shifted nervously on the couch.

  “I can’t tell you this time.” Carney leaned back away and folded her arms.

  “Michelle Amanda Wilcox, as best friends we have always told each other how big our men were ever since college. By my last count you were up to five lovers and I was up to about....we don’t have enough time for that. I promise Mandy that if he’s small I won’t laugh like I did about Patrick. Unless he’s really really little then all bets are off.”

  Amanda moved closer to Carney and put her arm around her. She 164

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress took her time and thought about what she was going to say.

  “I know that we have always told each other how big or how small our past lovers have been. I know that it’s harmless and silly and that you would never breathe a word about it to anybody. But, this is different and I hope that you can understand what I am saying. Marcus is someone that I want all to myself. I don’t want to share anything about him with anyone. He is the one thing that I want to be totally mine.” Carney laid her head back and looked up at the ceiling.

  “Believe it or not I do understand, and I think that it’s great. Besides just by the look on your face when you came in told me all that I needed to know. It’s also a cinch that he has more to offer in that department than you know who.” Amanda let out a quick laugh.

  “Look I can’t be specific but I can tell you this much and leave the rest to your imagination. Do you remember that advice you gave me about performing sex on a certain kind of men?”

  “Yeah, I remember.”

  “It came in very handy.” Carney slapped the couch cushion and flipped
it into the air and flashed a beaming smile.

  “That’s why I am here Mandy my girl. To help you out in times of crisis. We may have different mothers and fathers, but from now on we are truly sisters!”

  Amanda headed for the kitchen for something to drink, with Carney trailing behind.

  “My flight is at seven in the morning tomorrow. I will call you as soon as I land.”

  “What is the fetish this time.”

  “I call them Roy and Dale, you can fill in what ever last names that you like. They are in their fifties and live in northern Sweden. They are filthy rich and are into the Wild West scene of the Eighteen Hundreds. When it comes to sex it is the only thing that gets them off. They both dress up in cowboy, outfits, I mean the entire works.

  From the ten gallon hats to the silver spurs on their custom made western boots. This all takes place in their especially made basement.

  After they get dressed in the basement they get onto these two life sized mechanical horses that are covered with real horse hair and with flowing manes and tails. The wife’s horse is white and his is gray. The horses are on a stationary metal platform that is all wired 165

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress up so that the horses can actually rock forward and back and at different speeds. When I go downstairs into the basement they are already on their horses. I am dressed up in only white leather chaps, tiny white leather shorts, a black push up bra and four inch spiked western boots. Boots that have been specially made for me and cost seventeen hundred dollars. I push the button that makes the horses begin to rock, and raise my bull whip in my hand and start cracking it against the floor. The harder that I crack my bull whip on the floor the faster that I make the horses rock forward and backward.

  It’s about this time that they start hooting and hollering just like real old time cowboys. After about fifteen or twenty minutes of this they leap off of their horses in unison. Then they pull out their six shooters from their holsters and start blazing away. Mandy! Their guns are actually filled with real bullets. They fire into their basement wall that is made of bundled hay that is five feet thick. When the guns empty, they rush into an adjoining private room filled with sex toys, porn movies, and lots of other stuff that is used to turn them on. They stay in that room for three days straight. After the shooting my job is done and I go and pick up my fifty grand and leave.” Carney drank the rest of her soda as Amanda sat speechless at the table.

  “Mandy, have you ever! There is no way that I could ever made this kind of stuff up.!”

  “I have always said Carney that you should write a book.”

  “No not me Mandy, that is why the rich, famous and the kinky pay me so much for my services. They know that their secrets are safe with me. I did just about two years in Federal Prison, because I wouldn’t tell the government anything about one of my customers. Who was in deep trouble with the I.R.S. and was living out of the country. The Judge could have given me thirty years and I still wouldn’t have told them a thing. As long as I do most of my business out of the country they can’t touch me.”

  “I am going to miss you Carney, I always do.” Carney waved her hand thru the air.

  “No you won’t, you are going to be too busy with Mr. Beautiful.”

  As she waited for Manny by the curb, there was no reason for Amanda to be so happy on this sort of day. The weather this morning was like an Edgar Allen Poe, day. It was overcast, with dark 166

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress clouds, as well as dampness in the air that brought a hint of chilling rain. The leaves on the trees were still dripping wet from last nights soaking. But she wasn’t feeling the gloominess of the weather. Her body and spirit were still basking in the glow of being with Marcus two days ago. As soon as she entered her office she could see that something was different. It was Marcus’ door, it was open. This was the first time that she could remember it being so. A pleasant look of surprise came over her face and she stuck her head inside. Marcus was in the corner hanging up his raincoat with his back to her.

  “Good Morning darling.” He turned around and greeted her with a wet and pleasing smile.

  “The morning hasn’t been good so far because I got soaked. But now that I see you it’s suddenly gotten a whole lot better. How are you doing?”

  “I am fine, and you?” He walked over to her in the doorway and leaned down to smell her perfume.

  “You look beautiful. What is the name of that scent that you are wearing?”

  “It’s called Blue Mali, I think. I spray a little of in onto my wrists in the morning.”

  “I like it, give me your wrist.” Amanda lifted her wrist up and he took it. He then took the inside of her wrist and rubbed it against his.

  “I like it even better now.” Marcus quickly put his hands around her waist and kissed her on the lips. Amanda looked over her shoulder into her office.

  “Do you think that we should know, I mean.” Marcus kissed her again. “Of course we should.” He pulled her into his office and closed the door. Amanda started to protest lightly but without much conviction.

  “But what if somebody came in and suppose....” Marcus covered her mouth with his while leaning his back against his office door with her still encircled in his arms. Her protests were now just a matter of course and without any anger.

  “Marcus, right here!” He slipped his hand into the waistband of her pants and then into her panties. By now her arms were around his shoulders. Marcus put his mouth against her ear.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “What color panties are you wearing?” She was shocked by how fast she answered.

  “They are dark blue.” He removed his lips from hers and looked into her face with desire and passion. It was now her turn to press her lips hard against his. Marcus placed his thigh against her vaginal area and started to slowly move it a round. She kissed him even harder while on her tiptoes and trying to speak with her lips glued to his.

  “Darling what if somebody...” She decided to just give up. He began moving his thigh even faster. She could feel her vaginal secretions start to wet her panties. Her arms pulled him closer as she stopped kissing him and buried her face into the lapel of his suit. He could feel her warm breath start to caress his neck.

  “What are you trying to do to me darling?”

  “Don’t blame me Kid, it’s all your fault. You shouldn’t tempt me like this so early in the morning. But in the future do me a big favor.”

  “Yes darling, what is it?”

  “In the future no pants, only skirts or dresses. It makes it easier to have impromptu sex. Do you mind?”

  “No I don’t mind at all.” He removed his hands from inside of her panties and put them on her breasts and squeezed them softly. While he used his lips to lick across her lips with the tenderness of a feather.

  “I think that we had better do some work now. I don’t know about you but I can’t afford to lose this job.” Amanda held him tighter and cooed into his ear.

  “Yeah, but other places might pay better.”

  “That is true, but they can’t match the fringe benefits.” She gave him a slap on his backside then released him and walked into her office toward her desk.

  “Do you know how much I like watching you walk away?”

  “I thought that you just said that you didn’t like me in pants.”

  “I don’t. But I sure do like what’s inside the pants.” Amanda was now seated at her desk.

  “Marcus are you a sex fiend?”

  “No I am not any kind of sex fiend. But I do have a funny feeling that you are going to turn me into one.” She opened her desk drawer and removed some papers before replying to him.

  “Would you mind it if I did?”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “No as a matter of fact I am kind of looking forward to it. Yeah being your sex fiend would work just fine.”

  Joy knocked on Amanda’s office door an
d walked in.

  “Good morning Mandy, hello Marcus. Mandy I want you to look at these cuts for the up coming line. I think that they are too low.”

  Amanda laid the designs on top of her desk and looked them over.

  She picked up a marking pencil and made a few quick alterations.

  “I think if we trimmed here, and here that should do it.”

  Joy was looking over her shoulder and answered.

  “You are right Mandy that makes all the difference.” Joy stepped away from the desk and looked queerly at Amanda.

  “Mandy are you feeling well? You look a little flushed. Don’t you think so Marcus?” Marcus walked over and stood next to Joy, and put on a stern face.

  “I think that you are right Joy, she does look a little bit flushed. I wonder what could have caused that? When she was in my office a few minutes ago she looked fine. Do you know what I think Joy? I should take her home and tuck her directly into bed. When women look like that they should go directly to bed.” Joy nodded her head and remarked as she turned and left.

  “I think that he is right Mandy. You should let him take you home so that you can go right to bed. I hear that there is something going around.” Amanda rolled her eyes at him and could see that he was having trouble holding back a laugh.

  “Marcus, we have to be careful and prudent.”

  “I know that we do. But you do have a glow about you. I hope that I have something to do with that.” Amanda rested her elbows on top of her desk and looked at him as if he were a mirage.

  “You have everything to do with it!”

  “Are you free for lunch?”

  “Sure, Carney left this morning and I am pretty much caught up here.”

  “Good, then we can get a quick bite to eat then go for a walk in Central Park, to Belvedere Castle.”

  “But it’s raining outside.”

  “It’s only water Kid, and it won’t hurt. Now I have to meet with Hilton about something. I will meet you in the lobby.”


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