Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress Page 25

by Earl Watson

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress She pulled the covers from over her head so that she could hear him better.

  “I’ve ordered us breakfast from The Victoria Club again and I hate eating alone. Especially when there is a pretty sexy woman in the place.” Amanda jumped out of bed and took a quick shower. She looked around for something to wear but couldn’t find anything.

  “Maybe he likes his women to eat breakfast in the nude also.”

  She gingerly walked down the hallway to the kitchen. She heard Marcus call out from the library.

  “That bathrobe on the kitchen’s doorknob is yours. I will be along in a minute. She slipped into a blue and white terrycloth bathrobe that only came down to the middle of her thigh.

  “Oh well, it’s not like he hasn’t already seen me naked.” She sat down at the kitchen table and could feel him right behind her thumbing thru a book. The layout from the Victoria Club was the same as yesterday. He put down the book and picked up a plate to serve her.

  “You should be starving too.”

  “I am.” He handed her a plate and kissed her on the forehead.

  “It’s not like you didn’t earn it.” Amanda pretended not to hear him.

  “It’s looks like a beautiful day.”

  “Yes it does, what do you want to do?”

  “I have no idea but what you decide will be alright with me.”

  Marcus poured her some coffee as he sat down with his food.

  “I figured that we could just hang around here if you don’t mind.”

  “No not at all.”

  “Good now eat your food it’s better today than yesterday. I am going to take a shower and I will be right back to eat.” As he exited the kitchen she noticed that he was wearing a matching blue and white terrycloth bathrobe that came down to his ankles. After they had finished eating Marcus went into the living room and called for her to join him. He was still wearing his bathrobe and patted the cushion for her to sit next to him. Amanda took a quick glance out of the window.

  “Do you know Marcus, that you could make a fortune if you charged people to look out of that window?” Marcus moved closer to her and started playing in her hair with his fingers.

  “How are we going to play this at work, it’s bound to be noticed 194

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress sooner or later?” Amanda was still a little uncomfortable with her semi nudity and pressed her knees together while folding her hands in her lap.

  “I don’t know. I have never been involved with an employee before.

  I am in uncharted waters about something like this. But of course I will do whatever you think is best.” Marcus got up and walked over to the window. She could see that he was thinking and she hoped that he wasn’t worried about this issue. But she couldn’t help but be touched that he was worried about something that would affect her and her business.

  “Marcus it doesn’t matter to me what people say or think at work. If anybody has that much of a problem with it they can quit, it’s really none of anyone’s business but ours.” Marcus turned his back to the window and leaned against it.

  “Don’t be silly Kid. As for me I could not care less what people say about me. But at work you are still the boss and there must be a level of decorum on my part. So that the proper amount of respect is shown to you.”

  “But darling that might be a problem if you were not so good at what you do. Besides everyone likes and respects you already. Believe me darling I won’t let this be a problem!” She was a little shocked at how forceful she had spoken those last words. Marcus came back over to the couch and sat next to her again.

  “Alright you have sold me. We’ll just let everyone figure things out on their own. I just want everything to be alright with you. But you must promise me something.”

  “What darling.”

  “I am not perfect. If you think that I have really screwed up, I want you to tell me. I should be called out like everybody else.”

  Amanda rested her head on his shoulder and used her hand to turn his face toward her and looked into his eyes.

  “I am a thousand percent alright with it. But how can I call you out on anything when you do everything right?” Marcus lifted one of her hands out of her lap and rubbed it along his cheek.

  “Put your legs up on the couch and get comfortable. I want to read something to you. I just have to get the book out of the kitchen.” She put her feet up and got comfortable and Marcus quickly returned 195

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress with a book in his hand.

  “I am going to read to you the opening passage from a Charles Dickens novel called, A Tale of Two Cities. It’s the opening few lines and it sets the tone.” As he began to read Amanda sat entranced and transfixed. It wasn’t so much what he read but it was the way that he read it. Toward the end of his reading he walked over to the window. With the clear blue sky over his shoulder and the city’s outline as a backdrop. She felt as if she could remain there forever and listen to him. It was his diction, his timing, and how he paused and phrased each line that he read. He could have easily passed for someone who studied for the stage. To her he delivered the reading exactly as Dickens would have wanted it done. When he had finished she wished that it was longer.

  “What do you think? Isn’t that wonderful writing?”

  “Yes the writing is wonderful. But the way that you read it was even better. I’ve heard about the author and the book but I have never read it. In time you will see that I am not very bright.”

  “Don’t do that, don’t put yourself down. You just have talents that make you successful in other directions. Do you know how many people who would love to be in your shoes? I know folks that have two or three degrees on their wall, and they haven’t been able to ac-complish what you have, you are brilliant in your own way. Do you know in an all around way I’ll take two of you anytime.” Amanda walked over near him by the window. She stood in front of him and leaned back into his arms.

  The silence was shattered by a knock on the door.

  “Oh, are you expecting someone?” Marcus got up and headed for the hallway while motioning for her to follow him.

  “Wait in the library for a minute, it’s my cleaning lady. Today is her day to straighten up. Amanda hurried into the library to wait as he answered the door. After a few minutes he came back and gave her one of his long terrycloth bathrobes to put on.

  “Put this on. Since you are going to be living here I want you to meet her after she is finished. In the meantime we can take a stroll thru the wine cellar.”

  Marcus opened a bottle of wine and they sat at the bar and engaged in small talk.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Marcus how do they get this so light? It feels like rose petals dancing over my tongue.” He opened the refrigerator and took out a can of imported beer, then poured her another glass of the wine. Marcus heard his housekeeper call for him and he took Amanda thru the den and the library and into the hallway where his housekeeper was.

  “Shelly this is Miss. Wilcox, she will be living here.” The two women exchanged a greeting and shook hands.

  “It’s so nice to meet you Miss. Wilcox. It’s about time that we got some female blood around here. Hopefully you will give the place some use, lord knows that he doesn’t. I come in here to do my job, and what do I find! Hardly nothing has been touched or moved since the last time I was here. He pays me great money for doing nothing!”

  “It’s good to meet you Shelly. I promise to dirty the place up just a little, and please call me Amanda.” Marcus lagged behind as Amanda walked Shelly to the door. When Shelly was about to leave she whispered to Amanda.

  “I only had to make up the bed in the master bedroom. I want to thank you for that Amanda, he was starting to really worry me. Believe me, you couldn’t have done better, he’s a big teddy bear.”

  For the rest of the afternoon they just lazied around his condo. Marcus spent most of the time in the library and sh
e relaxed around the pool and watched a little television in the recreation room. Marcus ordered dinner from one of his other places to eat and then it was time for bed. As soon as they laid down their sexual intensity was a carbon copy of the previous evening. They moved from one steamy round to the next. In the end it wasn’t their lack of desire for each other that made them stop, it was sheer physical fatigue. The last sexual move that he made was to use his last bit of energy to lift his hand and bring it to rest on her backside.

  Marcus’ fears about how her employees would react to their relationship turned out to be nothing at all. After a few weeks everyone had put two and two together and gave it their blessings, and were very happy for them. Manny was happiest of all because now he had another body for his football team.

  It was almost the middle of August, and she and Marcus had been living together for a little over two months. Amanda was old 197

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress enough to know that there would be some bumps in the road. But when the first one came it was due to the strangest of reasons. She had remained at the apartment that day because her meeting had been canceled at the last minute. She called Marcus at the office and asked him to come home for lunch. When he walked thru the door she could see his face go from being serene to being upset.

  “What are you doing Kid?”

  “I thought that you would like to spend lunch with me so I ordered us....”

  “No that’s not what I mean. What I mean is why are you wearing a pair of my shorts?”

  “I thought that they would look sexy on me, and that you might want to, well you know.” She got a strange feeling when Marcus brushed past her and got a beer out of the refrigerator.

  “No Kid, not sexy. I would appreciate it if you do not wear my under clothing again. Men wear shorts, women wear panties.”

  He brushed past her again and went into the living room. For a few seconds she stood dejected and upset but mostly she was stunned.

  She found it impossible to think but finally said under her breath.

  “Alright I will go and take them off.” Amanda quickly walked past the living room and didn’t even look in and made her way into the master bedroom. She was not upset so much by what he said but how he had said it. She sat down in one of the coral high back chairs.

  “Maybe I should go back home. It was too fast for me to move in with him. I should have waited a little longer, I was too hasty. I will go back to my place and think things over for at least a few months.”

  Amanda got up and snatched the shorts off and threw them into one of his dresser drawers. She got dressed and was just about to give Manny a call to take her back to her place when Marcus walked in.

  “Good, you are already dressed.” Marcus took her hand and walked down the hallway as she trailed behind him like a lost puppy. They drove to someplace in the mid-forties between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. He parked the car and lead her into a shabby building and onto a fright elevator. It was very clear to her that he knew exactly where he was going. When they got off they stepped into a bright corridor and walked a few steps before he knocked on a door. It was answered by a impeccably dressed very tall woman. That had the 198

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress stern look of the head master of a strictly run school.

  “It’ so nice to see you again Mr. Peterson, Frantz told me that you were coming and to be at your complete disposal. Will you and the lady come in and have a seat? As soon as they entered the office Frantz rushed thru a door and grabbed Marcus’ hand and started shaking it wildly.

  “So that’s how it is! I don’t hear from you for almost over a year.

  Then you call out of the blue and I am supposed to drop everything and come running like a trained monkey. Do you know that I just canceled an appointment with a woman who just might win next years Academy Award, for her screenplay? That’s what I do for King Marcus, and what do I get in return? Not even a warm half glass of beer.” Marcus put his arm around Frantz’s shoulder.

  “I am sorry about that Frantz, and I promise that we will spend some time together soon. This is Miss Amanda Wilcox, and we need a favor.” Frantz took a few steps to where she was sitting.

  “So this is the Amanda Wilcox that everyone is talking about! I am most delighted to finally meet you Amanda Wilcox. You do some of the best work that I have ever seen. What favor will you ask of me?”

  Marcus placed his hand back on Frantz’s shoulder.

  “It’s not for her it’s for me. I need your best designer, your best seamstress and whoever does your best embroidery. Can you do that for me?” A pained look came over the mans face.

  “Marcus, you are talking to me! Frantz! My boy you do indeed cut me to the quick.” Frantz picked up the phone and barked out orders.

  “Have Duranty and Mann come to the main office on the double. Is that fast enough for you King Marcus? Now if you don’t mind I have work to do and you have already cost me a fortune.” Frantz returned to his office and the tall woman walked over to Amanda.

  “Miss. Wilcox I have always admired your work and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” She then turned to Marcus.

  “Mr. Peterson the other two parts of this team will be here shortly.

  I will be your designer.” She walked over to a closet and removed a chair and an easel. She placed them in the center of the floor and sat down.

  “Anytime that you are ready Mr. Peterson.” Marcus went over and stood behind the woman’s shoulder. She flipped thru a sketch pad 199

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress that had designs of woman’s underwear.

  “I want the best silk that you have.”

  “You shall have it Mr. Peterson.” Marcus walked over to Amanda.

  “I am going to have Frantz make you some bra and panty sets.

  When it comes to woman’s under garments he is the best in the world. I hope that you don’t mind.” Amanda softly deferred to him.

  “No I don’t mind. I hear that he does excellent work.”

  The tall woman called him back over.

  “Do you like this Mr. Peterson?”

  “Yes, yes, just take a little off here and make the bra straps a little thinner.” The woman quickly made a few strokes with a pencil.

  “Like this Mr. Peterson?”

  “That’s it, it’s perfect. It’s almost like a French cut. You are very good.”

  “Thank you Mr. Peterson.” The other two woman rushed into the office. The one called Mann spoke.

  “Are you ready for us?” The tall woman called them over to look at the sketches on her easel.

  “Can you make this?” The two woman looked at the sketches and humped their shoulders.

  “No problem, easy as slicing a loaf of bread.” The tall woman ripped the sketches off of the easel and shoved them into one of the woman’s hand.

  “Let’s go and get to work ladies. Oh by the way Miss. Wilcox, what are your measurements?” Amanda needed a minute to gather her thoughts. She was still in a daze about what had transpired in such a short period of time. The tall woman sensed Amanda’s uncertainty.

  “Miss. Wilcox, if you will follow these two women they will take care of that. Amanda got up and followed the other two women out of the office. She wasn’t thinking, she was just reacting. The tall woman made a snap decision.

  “Mr. Peterson if you will have a seat I will go along with them to help speed things up.” An hour or so later the tall woman came back into the office with Amanda in tow. Amanda was covered in a black silk robe.

  “Mr. Peterson I will leave you and the lady alone so you can decide on any changes that you want made. I will be right outside the door.”

  Amanda removed the robe and was only wearing a white bra and 200

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress pantie set. Marcus walked around her slowly as he viewed every inch of the outfit as she remained as still as a statue. Marcus moved in front of her.

  “What do you think, do you like it?” Her reply was bland and emotion

  “I do if you do.” Marcus viewed her a little longer and made a few mental notes. He then had her put the robe back on and he called the tall woman back in.

  “I just want one thing changed. I want the panties to stop six inches below the waist, other than that it’s perfect.

  “That will be no problem Mr. Peterson. I will have it done in a jiffy.

  What would you like us to embroider around the waist band?”

  “Roses, I think roses would be nice.”

  “What colors would you like them in?”

  “Give me every color that you have except lavender. I don’t want them in that color.”

  “As you wish Mr. Peterson, that will come to exactly seventy two sets, and when would you like them?”

  “As soon as possible. Tell Frantz that I would like to have them delivered to my condo, and have him send the bill to my accountants.

  One more thing tell him to keep the sketches and patterns under lock and key. No one is to ever see them or copy them, is that clear?”

  “That is perfectly clear Mr. Peterson. If that is all Miss. Wilcox can get dressed and you can be on your way.” The tall woman lead Amanda into the dressing room. As she was closing the door when she left she commented to Amanda.

  “I like working with a man such as Mr. Peterson. He knows exactly what he wants.”

  A few days later Amanda was waiting for Manny to drive her to meet with her lawyer when the phone rang, it was Carney.

  “Amanda where the hell are you? When I got in I went to your apartment and it looks like a ghost town. So I called your office and they gave me the number to Marcus’ condo.” “I was meaning to tell you Carney, but I wanted to wait until you got back. I am living with Marcus now. I have been for two months” The silence that came from Carney’s end of the phone was deafening. For a minute Amanda thought that her phone had gone dead.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Mandy, you are living where, and with who?”

  “Carney I will tell you all about it. Come over to Marcus’ condo, here’s the address.”


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