Finaly My Heart's Desire (Meant for Me Book 2)

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Finaly My Heart's Desire (Meant for Me Book 2) Page 11

by St. James, Brooke

  Carly and Micah had plans to spend Christmas Eve with us at my parents' house, and Thomas was beyond pumped at the thought of having us all together. He told me about twenty times that they were spending the night and would be bringing their dog with them. I had a feeling we could just forget about Christmas presents all together and he would be thrilled to have us all spending the night under the same roof.

  They came over Christmas Eve at around 3:00 in the afternoon. My dad was tending to the fireplace and my mom and Thomas were in the kitchen making chocolates. Technically, I was helping, but that translated to me sitting at the bar with a cup of hot chocolate, watching the action.

  Carly's dog, Roscoe, was highly excitable, and came into the kitchen to sniff things out before they made it in there. I could hear Carly and Micah talking to Dad in the living room when Roscoe came bounding into the kitchen.

  "Roscoeee!" Thomas yelled. His fingers were full of chocolate but he still stuck his hands the air. He looked at me and then to my mother. "Roscoe is here. Do you see Roscoe?"

  "I see him," I said, bending over to scratch him as he jumped on my leg.

  "I see him too," Mom said.

  "He can't have chocolate," Thomas said, as if reminding himself not to bend down and pet the dog with chocolate on his fingers.

  "He'd probably like to have some, but it would make him sick," Carly said rounding the corner.

  "Carlyyy!" Thomas said, hands held high again. Micah came in right behind her so he just went ahead and left them up there as he said his name too.

  "Thomasss!" Micah said, matching his pose.

  "You're spending the night with us," Thomas said.

  "We sure are."

  "And Roscoe is too."

  "Yep," Micah said, crossing to give Mom a one sideways hug since she had her hands full of chocolate.

  "Hey guys," she said, nuzzling into him for a second. "I'm so glad you're all staying here tonight."

  "I'm so glad too," Thomas added.

  "What's for dinner tonight, Mom?" Micah asked.

  "Tortilla soup," she said. "I thought I'd do something easy since I'll be in the kitchen all morning tomorrow. Why?"

  "I might have told Brock and his brother they could stop by. I hope that's okay. He was helping me finish up a job this morning, and he said they were going to their parents' house tomorrow but didn't have plans for tonight. I told them they were welcome to come here, but he wasn't sure if they would or not."

  "We'll have plenty if they decide to," she said.

  Micah stood behind Carly, placing his hands lovingly around her shoulders before looking at me. "Would you be okay with that?" he asked.

  I nodded. It was useless trying to hide the smile that crept over my face at the thought.

  Micah and Carly both smiled back. "I figured you'd be okay with it," Micah said. "Brock said you have birthday plans with his brother."

  "What birthday plans?" Dad asked, choosing that exact moment to tune into the conversation as he came into the kitchen.

  "I'm not going to be a nun in a convent, Dad. I'm going to go out on a date at some point."

  Thomas turned to me with an extremely confused expression like he didn't understand what nun in a convent meant at all, but he didn't ask, and none of us stopped to explain.

  "You're calling it a date?" my dad asked.

  "Not really, but even if it was, you should be okay with that. I'm not going to get myself in another situation like the one I was in with Robin. You have to just trust that."

  "It's not you I mistrust, sweetheart. It's every guy in the universe. Nun life doesn't seem too bad."

  "What's nun life?" Thomas asked.

  "A nun is a woman who gives her life completely to the Lord's work," my mom explained.

  "Emily gives her life to the Lord," Thomas said.

  "Yeah, but nuns don't get married or have children."

  "Oh," Thomas said.

  "They're the ladies who wear that black and white robe thing," Micah said, gesturing with his hands to show Thomas that it covered their heads.

  "Oh yeah," Thomas said.

  It was at that instant that I felt my phone vibrate in the back pocket of my jeans. I pulled it out and stared down at it. It was a text from Shane asking if I would be okay with them stopping by tonight. I text him back telling him that we had just been discussing it and that we would have plenty of tortilla soup to go around. He said they would be by around six, which started an instant warm, fuzzy sensation in my body.

  I was already in a good mood, but it got even better. All of the sudden, I wanted to love on Roscoe, stoke the fire, help mom and Thomas with chocolates, stir the soup, wrap presents, and anything else I could get involved in. I did my best to hide it, but I was so excited to see him that I felt like I could burst at the seams.

  I went upstairs at 5:00pm to shower and change. I knew it was obvious to everyone what I was doing, but I didn't care. I washed and dried my hair and applied a little bit of makeup to mask my bruise. It wasn't as much as my mom had put on the past few days, but it helped. I did about as much primping as I could without making it seem like I was trying too much. I knew I would get a hard time from my dad and Micah as it was, so I tried to keep it to a minimum.

  It was twenty till 6 when I went downstairs. Everyone except Mom and Thomas were sitting around the living room watching The Christmas Story. I walked through there and into the kitchen where I found Thomas sitting on a rug with Roscoe curled up on his lap. Mom had just finished stirring a pot and was in the process of setting her spoon down and taking off her apron.

  "You look beautiful," she said.

  I flashed my cheek at her. "I didn't do as good of a job covering as you do, but it's okay."

  "It looks great," she said. Carly heard me talking to Mom, and came into the kitchen to join us. We sat on a couple of barstools watching my mom do unnecessary things around the kitchen simply because she couldn’t sit down. Dad and Micah were drawn by our chatter, and before too long, they abandoned the television to join us in the kitchen.

  They sat with Carly and me at the kitchen island where we could see all the action while we talked. Mom continued to bounce around the kitchen, having us taste test the soup and talking about the next day's menu. Thomas stayed right where he was with his legs stretched out in front of him on the floor and Roscoe snuggled up in his lap.

  Roscoe was the first to hear Shane and Brock arrive. He let out a quick bark, which startled Thomas so much, that we all started cracking up. Roscoe ran to the door once they knocked. My dad, of course, was right behind him. Thomas stood up and followed my dad. I was tempted to do the same, but I hesitated to rush out there.

  I began to get short of breath before I even laid eyes on him. I could hear Thomas yell out their names, which was followed by several things said by male voices that I couldn't quite distinguish.

  "Everybody's in the kitchen," I heard my dad say, finally.

  Roscoe ran back into the kitchen, followed by Thomas, who held his hands out introducing Shane and Brock. Shane was the first one in behind Thomas and he did a little impromptu bow at Thomas's recognition, which made all of us laugh.

  I had intended to stay on my barstool, but I stood up the instant I laid eyes on him. I wished in that moment that running into his arms would have been an option because that's what I felt like doing, but I settled for casually walking toward him like I was just going over there to say 'hi'. I was glad for all the chatter going on in the room, because I locked eyes with Shane as I made my way toward him and found it difficult to look away.

  "Are you Emily's new boyfriend?" Thomas said.

  My head whipped around to face my brother as soon as he said it.

  "Thomas Gabriel, for heaven's sake, of course not," my mom said.

  Thomas shrugged. "I think he should be," he said. "I'm okay with it, and I think she likes him. Remember what she was saying about—"

  My dad cut him off. "That's enough, Thomas," he said in a stern voic

  "I think she's probably gonna marry him like Micah married Carly," he said. He paused and looked at us, trying to act like he didn't understand my parents warning, but I knew he knew exactly what he was doing, and it made me smile.

  "Thank you for your opinion, Thomas," I said, "but I think they're just here to eat some soup."

  "We have lots of soup," Thomas confirmed. "It's best if you put chips in it, and sour cream."

  "That sounds delicious," Shane said.

  I came to stand near them, reaching out to give them both a sideways hug and tell them I was glad they were there.

  "Your bruise is looking better," Shane whispered where no one else could hear when he hugged me. I smiled at him as I pulled back. He let his hand linger on my back. I could tell he was reluctant to let go of me when we hugged, which made warmth rush through my body.

  "I've got it covered up some, but I am feeling better."

  We were interrupted by my mom saying that dinner was ready and we could go ahead and make bowls, so we created a line and served ourselves before sitting around the table. There was just enough room at the table for us all to sit around it, and we had a fun time telling stories and laughing as we ate. Brock wasn't quite as outgoing as Shane, but I could tell he was starting to come out of his shell around us and was having a good time.

  We all sat around the living room after we ate. The Christmas Story was still playing on the television, but Thomas pulled a game of Jenga out of the closet, and we took turns playing it on the coffee table. I was sitting on the couch when Shane finished a game with Thomas and Carly. He had been sitting on the Ottoman before he played, but afterword, he sat on the floor right next to my legs. His back was touching my shin, and I could feel his body heat even through two layers of fabric.

  He turned to stare up at me with a smile. "Are you okay with me sitting here?" he asked.

  Yes, yes, yes, I'm okay with it. In fact, why don't you just go ahead and sit next to me? I didn't say that, though. I just smiled and nodded. I was wearing socks, and he reached out and gave my toes a squeeze, sending shivers up my leg and all through my body.

  Shane and Brock ended up hanging out for a few hours before they said they needed to get home. Thomas seemed to love having them around and brought out a few more games for us to play. I was disappointed when they said they needed to leave. My birthday was only four days away, but it might as well have been a century.

  "I guess I'll walk you guys out," I said, feeling desperate to extend the evening as much as possible.

  "I'll walk you out too," Thomas said.

  "I think you should stay in here and help me with Roscoe while I clean this up," my mom said. Thomas looked at Roscoe who was just lying there, and then back at my mom with a curious expression.

  "If you ever want Emily and Shane to get married, you need to give them a little alone time," Micah said, grinning.

  "That's about enough out of you," my dad said, but I could see that there was a smile somewhere under his scowl. Thomas looked around at all of us as if trying to grasp the dynamics of the group. I didn't know what he would do next, but he crossed to Roscoe and sat next to him.

  Shane and Brock thanked us all for a great meal and fun evening before heading for the door. I followed them, feeling only slightly awkward that my family was watching us walk out. Shane reached in his pocket for the keys to his truck, pulled them out, and tossed them to his brother the second we got outside.

  "You can get it started," he said.

  Brock nodded as he caught the keys. "Good seeing you, Emily," he said.

  I agreed and waved at him, and he took off for the truck. Shane and I walked to the end of the porch where we were out of sight of both his brother and my family. He took me into his arms and I went willingly. I wrapped my arms loosely around his waist and rested my forehead on his chest. His arms came gently around me, one of his hands resting on my upper back and the other on my head. He pulled me closer to him in a gentle embrace that sent waves of pure joy cascading over me.

  "I'm sorry about Thomas," I said. "I hope he didn't make you uncomfortable."

  "Are you kidding?" he said. "Everybody needs a Thomas in their life. If you're referring to him saying I was your boyfriend," he continued, reading my mind… "You should know I paid him to do that."

  I pulled back to look at him. "What?"

  He laughed. "I'm kidding, but I didn't mind him saying it. Maybe if I can get Thomas on my side, he'll help your dad warm up to me."

  "My dad doesn't dislike you," I said. "He's just really protective right now."

  "I know he is. I can't blame him. The timing's not perfect."

  "It is for me," I whispered.

  He leaned back to stare down at me with a gorgeous, easy smile. "Well, then it is for me too."

  Chapter 16

  It was impossible for me to reconcile my current position. Literally years of my adolescence were spent imagining what it would be like to be held by Shane Rollins, and there I was.

  It was happening at that very moment.

  He was looking down at me with a loving expression that made me feel weak. It was chilly outside, and I shivered a little as I snuggled up to him. His hand on the back of my head, and he absentmindedly ran his thumb along my hairline. "I'm sorry for what it took to get you that way, but for what it's worth, I'm glad you're unattached."

  "I'm glad you're glad," I said.

  He gave me a squeeze. "I better let you get back inside," he said.

  I nodded. "Thank you for coming." I thought about how there were four more days between now and my birthday, and without thinking, I said, "It's too bad you can't come by tomorrow."

  "I'm glad you think so, because I was thinking the same thing. I'm finding it really difficult to let you go right now. Plus, it'd be a shame not to see you on Christmas."

  I shook my head with a serious expression, but I was being playful when I responded with, "Yeah, we really shouldn't let that happen, huh?"

  He smiled at me. "We'll be spending the day at my parents' house, but I'd love to come by sometime tomorrow afternoon if that's an invitation."

  "It most certainly is."

  "I guess I'll see you tomorrow," he said.

  "I guess so."

  He was a head taller than me so I was staring up at him as we spoke. He looked at me the way a man looks at a woman when he wants to kiss her.


  "Yes Emily?" he said, smiling.

  "Do you want to kiss me?"

  He turned his face and cleared his throat, stifling a laugh, and then looked at me as if holding back a grin. "I can't think of many things I've wanted more," he said.

  "Are you waiting for me to tell you it's okay?" I asked.

  "I guess I was just assuming it wasn't okay yet. You know, with everything you've had going on."

  "You're wrong," I whispered.

  He leaned in, tilting his ear toward me so I could say it again, "What'd you say?"

  "You're wrong," I repeated.

  "I hope I'm not confused in thinking you gave me permission to kiss you just now," he said, "because that's exactly what I'm about to do."

  "I did give you permission," I said.

  I barely got out the words before he cupped his hand around my cheek and leaned down to put his lips on mine. He was barely touching me, but I had spent so many years being so thirsty for him that I felt like he was being poured into me, filling me to overflowing with love, and relief, and happiness. Nothing had ever felt so natural. Our lips touched delicately once, twice, three times before he pulled back to stare at me again. I felt the rise and fall of his chest as he took a deep breath in and then out.

  "You're going to be stuck with me if you don't watch yourself, " he said.

  I wanted to tell him I was perfectly okay with being stuck with him. I wanted to say, please, please, please let me be stuck with you, but instead I just made a silly face as if he was joking.

  "I'll see you tomorrow?" I said.
  "Yep," he said.

  He leaned over again and gave me another kiss, this time our lips gently lingered there for a few seconds. We were both smiling when we stopped and pulled back.

  "Okay, I'm letting you go and I'm walking away," he said, with great reluctance.

  "Okay," I said giggling a little.

  We broke contact, and I headed for the house as he went toward his truck. My whole family was still in the living room staring at me when I walked in the door. I really did try to hide my smile, but I just couldn't do it. It spread across my face uncontrollably.

  "Emily's smiling because she likes Shane," Thomas announced.

  "I think she does," Micah said.

  "Leave her alone you two," Mom said.

  I crossed to sit in my spot on the couch.

  "You still have that bruise on your face," Thomas said.

  I stared at him, still smiling, but with wide eyes. "Thanks a lot for reminding me, Thomas."

  "Robin did that," he said.

  "Emily knows who did it," my dad said.

  "Shane would never do that to you," Thomas added, shrugging.

  "What makes you say that?" I asked.

  Thomas shrugged again as he absentmindedly scratched Roscoe. "I just know."


  The next morning I woke up to Thomas bursting in my room. It took me a second to register that it was Christmas morning and as soon as I did I knew why he was so pumped. He loved Roscoe so much that my parents broke down and got him a dog. For the last two days, it had been at the neighbor's house, and Thomas knew nothing about it.

  "Good morning it's Christmas!" he announced, opening my blinds.

  I squinted and threw my arm over my eyes to shield the light.

  "Get up, sleepyhead. You need to come downstairs and see my Christmas present!"

  "I already saw it," I said.

  "Whaaat?" he asked in utter disbelief. "Micah already saw him too! How did everybody see him besides me?"


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