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Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Figures
Prologue – The Beginning
Chapter 1: America at a Crossroads
The Current State of Affairs
Significant Events of the Twenty-First Century
The Need for Reform Everywhere
Crisis as the Impetus of Change
Chapter 2: Poverty and Social Change
The Social Problem of Poverty
Society as a System
The Chaos of Social Change
People as Strange Attractors
The Cause and Effect of Change
Chapter 3: America in Transition
American Industrialization: A Brief History
Postindustrialism: A Time of Change
More Than Technological Advancement
Transition to the Information Society
Lifestyle in the Information Society
Problems within the Information Society
Information Society in Twenty-First Century America
Chapter 4: From Theology to Theory to Truth
The History of Ideas
Philosophy and God
Is There a God?
The Connection between Numbers and God
What is Knowledge?
Chapter 5: The U.S. Constitution as a Social Contract
The History of the Social Contract
The U.S. Constitution as a Social Contract
A Social Contract for a Knowledge-based Society
Chapter 6: Politics and Government
The History of Political Parties
Modern Politics
Government as Master — People as Slaves
The Current State of Government
A New Political Party and a New Government
Chapter 7: The New Political Economy
The History of Economic Thought
The Connection of Politics to Economics
Production and Consumption
Necessity, the Mother of All Invention
Economics for Twenty-First Century America
Chapter 8: The Power of Ten
The Power of Ten
The Lack of Education and the Unemployable
The Baby Boom Generation
Middle-Class America and Debt Poor
The Evolution of the Welfare State
Chapter 9: Globalization
The Changing Models of Globalization
Benefits of Globalization
Risks for the Twenty-First Century U.S. Economy
Chapter 10: The Three Es of Prosperity
A Change in Course and Direction
Twenty-First Century Education Strategy
Energy: The Power Broker of the Twenty-First Century
The U.S. Economy in the Twenty-First Century
Chapter 11: The Future of American Society
A Twenty-First Century Strategy
Measuring Progress of Twenty-First Century Reconstruction
Final Thoughts