
Home > Nonfiction > SevenDeadlySinsSeries > Page 19
SevenDeadlySinsSeries Page 19

by Unknown

  I knew this rhythmic dance all too well. Patricia’s left hand was under the thin blanket, moving slowly but deliberately as her other hand cupped and pinched the large dark nipple that shriveled in her fingers. My thighs clinched in a useless attempt to force the swelling back out of my clit. I shouldn’t be watching this! Shut up bitch, we’re fucking watching! Well I can’t argue with my hormonal inner princess.

  An hour ago, her oversized bosom was in my face, her warm soft hands smoothed out my seat belt far too close to my needy clit. But the way she grasped my ankles as she removed my shoes sent me into sexual confusion. I’d started to imagine what it would be like to have her tight grip, those soft fingers… on me. I’d never met a woman so erotically gorgeous, full dark lips, dark skin, and movements that sent my mind reeling into lesbianism.

  I was instantly mesmerized as I watched her breathing in and out, matched perfectly with the motion between her legs. In my ‘peeping tom’ mode I hadn’t heard the slight buzzing before. With each breath she took, her hand moved just enough to inch the comforter down to her hips.

  Thinking she was in complete privacy, she kicked the covers down exposing her entire body. She was truly an amazing woman, beautiful beyond compare with curves that made me want to race my tongue over them. I couldn’t believe I was intruding on her privacy like this! Inner Princess began to rattle out a list of justifications but my attention was immersed into watching her completely shaved, pink pussy. The dildo in her hand stunned me; I’d never seen anything remotely like it. Even through the dim light I could see it was made of a soft silicone, but it was long… too long to fit in one person! She drew her left knee up, opening herself as wide as possible to accommodate its girth. I leaned against the door jamb thoroughly intrigued as she slid the enormous buzzing dildo inside her. I swallowed hard. My clit had a heartbeat of its own as she moaned in the darkness.

  Her large breasts rose and fell with each stroke, and before I knew it my own hand had snuck inside my blouse, tracing tiny circles around my own nipples through my bra. It was then I realized I was soaking wet, aching to feel something inside me as well. My mind raced to Carlton, and then back to Patricia as she picked up the pace and pounded her smooth sex with the fake dick. I could see her orgasm approaching, and my pulse increased as she slammed her legs shut and sank her teeth into her pillow to muffle the moans of her pleasure.

  I closed the door, desperately hoping she didn’t hear the click it made. I flipped the bathroom lights on, and quickly began removing my blouse. I needed to wash the lust from my face; if I went back to Carlton flustered he’d ask questions and I had no desire to admit my lesbian voyeurisms. I turned on the faucet and bent over the sink, cupping my hands in the cool water as I splashed my face.

  I still had my hands over my face when the door to the bedroom flew open. I stood up and turned to her, standing in the doorway in a sheer bathrobe that covered very little of her body. Her eyes were glued to my breasts, my nipples rose instantly to greet her stare. “Sorry, I didn’t know anyone was in here. Is there anything I can help you with, Ms. Martin?” she asked, blatantly staring at my shirtless chest.

  Fear, embarrassment, excitement, embarrassment, lust, did I say embarrassment? “Uh.. no, Ms. Williams. Just changing into something more comfortable.” My brain told me to cross my arms, but her careful scrutiny of my straining nipples emboldened me. I stood up and wiped the terry cloth hand towel across my face and chest casually. No doubt an act directly controlled by my increasingly horny inner princess.

  After what seemed like an eternity to my awkwardness she said, “I’ll get your bags, Ms. Martin,” and turned to open the luggage compartment next to the bed. I stood there in total disbelief as she opened my suitcase and rifled through, pulled out a tight tank top and my favorite pair of pajama bottoms.

  “Will that be all, Ms. Martin?” This time she stared me right in the eye, and somehow my arms had finally found their mark and crossed over my breasts. I swear I felt like she was seeing right through me; a devilish smile formed on her luscious lips. Fuck! She knew I was watching her, and she knew I was excited. But she was as cool as a cucumber as she waited for my response, “I’ve got it from here. Thank you so much Ms. Williams. I think I’m going to change then have a little private time with Carlton.”

  A small laugh escaped her, “Very well. I’ll freshen up the bed for you.”

  Damn it! I knew she suspected I’d just watched her. I was of the inclination to ask her about that dildo she used. Of course that would totally give me away. “No need, we’ll just make ourselves comfortable out here. Go on back to your nap.”

  “If you’re sure you don’t need anything else, then I think I’ll do just that. Goodnight then,” she turned and closed the door behind her.

  I let out a deep breath, God I’m such an idiot sometimes! I’d always been sexually insatiable before my period, but my current level of activity with Carlton had multiplied it tenfold. You need to suck a long, hard cock now! Forget that pussy in the room next door! Yep and there she was again, my horny inner princess…

  After freshening up I wandered barefoot back into the main cabin. Carlton’s forehead was still furrowed and he rubbed it to release the stress he held there. I slid into the seat next to him, “You’re looking pretty rough here baby, but I think I have the answer.”

  His hand left his head and folded into mine as he smiled weakly in my direction, “And what’s that, Liz?” His voice contained a fairly strong level of irritation and concentration. I could tell the loss of his father was weighing heavily.

  “Hmmm…. well let me show you,” I slid onto my knees on the thickly carpeted floor and crawled between his legs.

  “Ah I see, you think I need a plumber?” he chuckled, but slid his hips forward in the seat. He handed me the stack of papers and I laid them on the now empty seat beside him as he folded up the table in front of him.

  Kneeling in front of him I unbuckled his slacks, “Lift your ass so I can slide these down please.”

  As if in a trance he did as I asked without response; his mind was thick with worry. In times past,a good blow job always helped him clear his head. I pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles as he lifted. His cock wasn’t hard; it lay there unresponsive until I took it into my tiny hands. Leaning forward I kissed its head tenderly as if it were a slumbering infant. It jolted a bit in my hand, indication that it was slowly waking.

  Running my tongue in swirls around it, I soaked it with my saliva until my hand slid effortlessly up and down the shaft. It awoke in a blaze of hardness as my fingers pulled and massaged it. Carlton groaned above me, I could almost feel the heat from his gaze on the back of my head. “I love the way you look when you’re sucking me off, Liz…” he whispered in a gruffly sexual voice.

  His words bolstered me into a stronger grip on his manhood. I relaxed my jaw and sucked him to the back of my throat, feeling him growing with each movement of my tongue. He needed me at my level best right now. Quickly I switched to the thought of Ms. Williams in the bed, fucking herself with that curiously long dildo. My suction and movements increased as the pounding in my clit resumed.

  Within a moment, my fantasy of licking Ms. Williams’ clit for her while she fucked herself took control. I bobbed my head back and forth on his cock with fluency. “Holy hell, Liz!” he groaned as his hot load spilled into the back of my throat. I felt him shutter with the release as if his body was physically shaking off the stress.

  He pulled my face up to his and kissed me deeply, his tongue mingling with his own come as he probed my mouth. Finally he released me and I maneuvered myself to sit on his naked lap. Suddenly his hand went to his head, “I’ll be damned! You did it again! I know exactly what to do now!”

  I laid my head on his thick shoulder, “Oh really? And what is that?” My eyes were already closing as I snuggled against him.

  “It’s your generosity. If I throw her in the streets, I’ll feel guilty… even though she fucking deserve
s it. I have to be more kind hearted, like you my darling Elizabeth.”

  But my mind was already drifting; it’d been a long, long day and the little time we could sleep on the plane wasn’t going to be enough. I had no idea who or what he was talking about, and I fell too quickly into my dreams of him to care.

  The plane landed on an airstrip barely wide enough for the landing gear. I watched from the window as we slowed to a stop just before plowing into the line of trees ahead. In my mind I’d bravely held onto the seat in front of me during the harrowing landing and weathered it fairly well. Still as the plane slowed, I grabbed my water bottle and downed another Xanax before turning to Carlton and smiling with relief. The narrow landing hadn’t rattled him; it was as though he’d done it a hundred times. Patricia Williams gathered our bags quickly as I rustled to stuff my briefcase with the Webster file. As soon as the engines slowed to a low whine, the door to the cabin opened. Instantly the plane filled with exuberance, as if the English air had filled it with an entirely new breath. But it wasn’t the air that changed the climate of the plane.

  A rather tall brunette burst through the door and directly into the arms of Patricia Williams. To my utter shock, Ms. Williams didn’t maintain her businesslike manner. Instead, she wrapped her arms tightly around the impossibly tall woman and tilted her head upwards for a long kiss. If I’d thought that Ms. Williams tempted my persuasion, seeing these two women together was enough to make me drool. Carlton walked right past them and gave a gentle nudge to the tall brunette as he passed. Again, this was nothing new to him. “My sister… Missy Michaud,” he shrugged, motioning me to just walk around the sensually kissing couple.

  I followed him down the steps of the plane. So many questions rambled through my head I didn’t know where to start. “Um… Carlton…?” I climbed down faster to catch up with him, “Your sister and Ms. Williams?”

  He shook his head. All I could see from behind were his dark curls already getting tighter in the damp English countryside, “It’s a fling. Although, now that I think about it, they’ve been having this fling for quite a while.”

  I wasn’t sure if he realized that the kiss we just witnessed was more than just a passing fling. Maybe he didn’t want to admit it, but his sister and Ms. Williams appeared to be in love. I fought the urge to ask more.

  “So, this is where you grew up?” My eyes roamed across the private air field, the rolling pastures interlaced with small ponds and large oaks. The scene before me was so picturesque I expected to see tiny gnomes dancing in the grass.

  “Until I was sixteen, then off to boarding school. After that, I came back on weekends, holiday of course, until I went to law school. Then I never came back.” His back was towards me, but he’d assumed an almost flippant attitude.

  “Wait!” I grabbed his arm to slow him down. “You haven’t been here since you left for law school?”

  He stopped and looked down at me, studying me with a resignation that reeked defeat. “That’s correct.”

  “No, he hasn’t been back to the Hall in all these years!” his sister’s voice rang out from behind us. I turned to watch her climb down the steps to meet us at the bottom. “Sorry about that. I’m Missy Michaud,” the tall woman smiled and stuck out her hand in greeting.

  I shook her hand and grinned, “Quite a welcome,” I nodded towards the open cabin door of the plane and hinted for more juicy details.

  Missy fanned her perfectly formed face, “That woman simply makes me sweat. I can’t imagine being shut in a plane with her for nine hours! You must be bursting!” Her demeanor was lightly cheerful, but her eyes were red from tears and her nose puffy from being blown. It was clear that she’d been crying… a lot.

  I slid my arm around her in a small comfort hug, adequate for a new acquaintance. “I’m sorry for your loss, Ms. Michaud. I’m Liz Martin, a… um… friend of your brother.”

  Carlton stopped dead in his tracks, his head bent low and he issued a long breath, he turned and faced us, “Liz, if we must assign a title to our relationship, can it not be lover?”

  My face reddened as Missy looked down at me with a shocked grin. “So my big brother has brought home a lover? It’s about fucking time.”

  But I looked to Carlton for clarification, “You can’t introduce me as your lover! Can’t we come up with something a little tamer? Girlfriend?” I suggested.

  He frowned, then his face lightened a bit, “You’re right. Lover seems a tad tawdry, even to me. Girlfriend it is.” He stepped towards us and hugged his sister snugly, “Missy, I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Elizabeth Martin.” He checked my reaction as he said the words; I raised my eyebrows as if to say… it has a nice ring.

  “It’s quite nice to meet you Elizabeth… and I assume that chunk of diamonds around your gorgeous throat is Carlton’s version of a collar?” Missy smirked as she wrapped her arm around mine and walked me towards her waiting SUV. “So how long have you been shagging my brother?” she asked as we strode across the grass. An odd sensation passed through me as we walked arm in arm towards her vehicle. I think I’d just met my best friend. My skin prickled with the magical sensation spreading over me. I knew instantly I would never be able to hold a secret from Missy Michaud.


  Missy rambled through the ride towards the house, exclaiming Kinsley, her step-mother as the monster from the black lagoon. As it came into view I leaned back against my leather seat and drew in a sharp gasp. Downton Abbey isn’t this big! Wait is that, a turret? Suddenly everything about my designer luggage and Gucci purse seemed ridiculous. It would seem that nothing can shrink a woman’s ego like a man with a fucking castle. My previous fantasies about one day having a house with columns in the front like Tara were ‘Gone with the Wind.’ Holy Shit! Is that a butler standing at the front door?

  Missy introduced me to Chayton, the family butler. The robust man’s eyes landed on me with cat like curiosity. “Girlfriend? I see… in America that is the equivalent to lover, I presume?” Chayton surmised with skepticism. I could imagine what was running through his head… great another gold digger…

  “Apparently so, Chayton, apparently so,” I smiled and turned away from his doubting face. Had I known that Carlton was from this much money I would’ve worn a hat. This was definitely the kind of money that wears fancy hats, and not like the ones we ladies wear at the Carolina Cup in Camden either. This location required a very, very expensive… and frilly, hat. That concludes the only other thing I know about life in England: Ladies wear hats. I stepped to Carlton and took his arm. Things were about to get furry.

  “Where is she?” Carlton shot his sister a foreboding glance.

  Missy Michaud’s eyes instantly began watering; she wiped the corners of her eyes with her slender fingers, “In Dad’s office… probably listing the Monet on ebay.”

  Carlton chuckled, “Typical. Well let’s get this over with then.”

  I increased my grip on his arm, “Carlton, what’s going on? I think a heads up is in order if I’m backing you up.” Being blindsided isn’t fun inside the courtroom or anywhere else, and I had no clue why the mention of the word ‘she’ had so terribly upset Missy.

  Carlton looked down at me with a curious glance; he turned towards me and placed his massive hands on my cheeks, “Precious Elizabeth, Kinsley is my father’s sixth wife. Needless to say, she has a rather putrid past history with our family. There isn’t one of us she hasn’t managed to destroy in some manner or another. What’s getting ready to happen here, right now, is what you Southerners would call a ‘good old fashioned put out.’”

  I studied his face; his eyes almost sparkled with delight. Clearly this was something he’d wanted to do for quite a long time. I didn’t want to damper his ‘put out.’ “And you have legal precedent?” I asked, already weary of the situation.

  He held up the stack of papers he’d been fondling our entire trip from the States, “I do, your Honor.”

  I raised an eyebrow of
surprise. What kind of man would have it written in his will that the day after his death his wife would be put out of their home? I had a lot, LOT, to learn about the Michaud’s. “Alright then, but we have to do this the right way if it’s going to be an official put out.”

  Missy chimed in from beside me, “Oh this sounds like too much fun! How do you do it in North Carolina, Elizabeth?”

  “South,” I corrected with a devious smile. “In South Carolina, we fix cocktails first. Then we pack up all their belongings and place them on the front lawn. Usually a neighbor or two will pitch a tent and tailgate in their front yards to watch the excitement. Here that probably isn’t practical. After everyone who wants to be a spectator is settled outside in lawn chairs comfortably sipping their drinks, we send in the legal missile. In this case, it will be Carlton and myself. It’s really a ton of fun… well except for the person being ‘put out,’ of course!”

  Missy nodded fervently as I spoke, “Oh hell yes! Where’s Chayton? Let’s get him fetching lawn chairs from the barn and I’ll man the bar! My lovely Elizabeth, what will you have?” She kissed me on the cheek with her delight over our plan.

  I giggled but Carlton stood contemplating our impromptu party, “Ladies, don’t you think this is fairly undignified behavior?”

  “NO!” Missy and I said in unison. I had no idea what Kinsley had done to them, nor did I care. One thing was clear: She’d hurt the man I love and everyone he cares about. My patience for her was null. If ‘Killer Carlton’ had studied the will backwards and forwards and found no loopholes, then let’s get this bitch out of the house! Beside my Xanax is kicking in and this bitch’s drama can’t touch me, I thought with drugged confidence.


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