
Home > Nonfiction > SevenDeadlySinsSeries > Page 21
SevenDeadlySinsSeries Page 21

by Unknown

  A dog with dentures couldn’t have grinned bigger, “That’s fine. I wouldn’t allow you to wear one anyway.” He sounded firm as though he was struggling to assume his former position as the dominant male.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. He looked at me sternly, “What’s so funny? Oh shit, I get it… I’m really, really bad at this, aren’t I?”

  He chased me into the bedroom as I ran to avoid his question. I was laughing as he tackled me onto the giant bed, “So I’m God awful at being a dom, eh?” He tickled me until I was crying and wriggling like a maniac but I never confessed my true thoughts.


  The water was heated and a slight veil of steam rose from it as I stepped onto the first step. He’d caught hell getting me to skinny dip with him, but once I was naked it didn’t seem quite as disgraceful. The house was packed full of people, most likely saying their own goodbyes now, but I hoped none of them would come bursting into the basement pool room. As I lowered myself into the room temperature water I watched Carlton walk around the pool and push a small button. Another door popped open that’d been previously unseen. These people love their secret closets don’t they? Music filled the cave like room, the choice of Buble’ indicated sex… but Carlton wasn’t getting out of talking to me quite yet! He dove into the pool and swam beneath the water towards me. Slinging his wet hair back with his fingers he rose up and stood before me on the bottom step of the pool. Even on the step above him, I was still a good foot shorter, but it was more of an advantage than I’d ever had… standing up. His face went directly to my neck, and he issued tiny pinching kisses to my collarbone. I shivered; suddenly the water seemed much warmer than the air around me. With a short leap I jumped into his chest. He reeled backwards, splashing us both into the water with me on top of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my ankles around his waist as he struggled to stand up and wipe the hair from his face again.

  “Am I going to have to beat you into submission, wild woman?” he teased with a peck on the lips.

  My finger flew up and pointed at him, “Right, now about that. Let’s talk about how you managed to be a submissive to your Dad’s wife.”

  He laughed, “You want to hold this conversation with your naked crotch pressed against mine?”

  I nodded, “As a matter of fact I do.”

  Shaking his head with a short laugh, “Alright then, where should I start?”

  “Just skip over the part of how you were born in a manger in Bethlehem,” I said smartly.

  “No one’s that perfect Liz, not even me,” he responded with seriousness.

  “Oh really, so tell me about your flaws then, ‘Killer Carlton.’”

  “Killer Carlton?” he laughed as he held me in the waist deep warm water. Is it me or is this water getting hotter?

  I nodded as I toyed with the dripping strands of his dark hair, “Just a nickname Palmer gave to you. Remember I mentioned that he thought you kept body parts of the women you murdered in your storage room freezer?” He nodded and I continued, “Well that somehow blended with your courtroom zeal and thus… you are ‘Killer Carlton.”

  His head flung back as he laughed, but then his eyes leveled with mine and took on a hint of seriousness, “Since you’ve been inside my ‘storage room,’ you already know what I keep in there. I don’t have a freezer, but if that turns you on then consider it shipped.”

  Oh hell…………………………….

  “Um Carlton… are you trying to avoid the question, perhaps?” Oooh quick recovery! We came down here to discuss how you ended up not talking to your father in all these years.”

  His eyes softened. I could tell he wasn’t mad that I’d gone in his room, but how did he know? I hadn’t moved anything or even really touched much. He grinned at me, “Really, because I was fairly sure you wanted to hear more about Kinsley being my dom?”

  Damn it! Snagged again by ‘Killer Carlton.’ “Well you can leave out the dirty words; Mommy Porn is about all I can take right now. But yes, Carlton, tell me how this all happened.”

  He carried me to the side of the pool and sat me on the concrete ledge, the roughness on my ass was tantalizing. Not quite as tantalizing as the trail of kisses he left on my thighs as he spoke…

  “I met Kinsley at University. It was a love-hate relationship from the start. She’d tie me down and screw my brains out until I had no more to give. Then she’d feed me a Viagra and a glass of water and make me her boy toy all night long. Of course, insatiable has an entirely new meaning now that I’ve met you.” His nibbles on my thighs rose higher, but he continued, “Eventually it grew to things more interesting to her, dildos, cuffs, whips… and so on. I really didn’t think about it until much later, but at some point I’d started to really like the rough shit. I liked it that she stripped me down in her dorm room and made me change clothes if she didn’t like what I was wearing. I enjoyed the pain she inflicted on me, it brought me out of my dull drum if only for a short time. After four years with her, I was sure I was in love. I went to my Dad to get his thoughts on marrying right out of college and that’s when it all started.” His kisses became more and more intense on my thighs as he spoke, when I issued a slight shiver he pulled me back into the water. I wrapped my arms and legs around him again feeling a fresh hardness beneath my ass cheeks.

  “Do you want me to interject my comments, or wait until you’re finished?” I kissed his shoulder as he carried me into deeper water. His urgency between my cheeks was growing and behaving infantile-like with its demands. I could tell he was giving me the cut and dry version… probably because he knew I wasn’t letting his prick inside me until I was satisfied with his answers.

  He laughed, the muscles in his chest rippled against my bare breasts. “I’m almost finished. Dad offered me full partnership to his firm if I just graduated from law school first. That’s quite a hefty offer, so I went to Kinsley with it. In retrospect she was all too eager to convince me to wait on our relationship; she promised me she could be patient. Long story made short, the minute I got settled into Cambridge she turned her attention towards the big guy himself.” Carlton led me in small circles around the pool as he continued, “Dad must’ve felt guilty as hell because he bought her an apartment and set her up there. But she convinced him to marry her somehow. I’ve never known how, nor do I ever wish to know. At that point they couldn’t hide it from me anymore. I made plans with Bell and Sheffield, and we went to New York fresh out of college. Their fathers put up the starting capital, which has been paid back with interest. I never spoke to my father again.”

  I leaned back to see his face, “But your Dad tried to contact you over the years?”

  He nodded, “Yes, on more than one occasion. He never missed sending a handwritten birthday card, or liking a photo on my facebook page. He was desperate to have me back in his life. I think Missy was sent to convince me so many times that she ended up decorating my apartment. But nothing he said made up for what he did to me. It was bad enough he sent me away to boarding school after our mother died, but this was the final straw. When I met you Liz, I realized that what Dad had done was probably the greatest gift he could’ve given me. It made me dangerous as all fucking hell in the courtroom, and… I met you. If I hadn’t moved to New York, that wouldn’t have happened.”

  “I wish I could’ve met him,” I whispered sensing his grief overcoming his anger.

  He kissed my cheek tenderly, “I wish you could have too, Liz. That display today with Kinsley would’ve charmed him. Knowing him, he would’ve pulled out the bar-be-que and grilled steaks while she was loading her car. He was a great man; a shock and awe attorney and a fairly good father… aside from the marrying Kinsley part of course.”

  I tilted my head and smiled at him, “Of course, there’s always that…” Sarcasm was strong in my teasing voice.

  He caught my attempt to perk him up. “And you would never have ended up with him,” he said with a smirk.

  My eyebrows rose,
“Oh really, and why is that? I may be like my brother and get turned on by old people, you don’t know. You think I can’t land an old guy? Hmm… my inner princess just took a serious nosedive there, Carlton!”

  Carlton laughed, dark curls now drying on his head sprinkled drops of water onto my breasts, “No, no Elizabeth, I’m more than positive you could land any old guy you wanted to. But after spending this week with you, I’m now more sure than ever that you, my darling, were made for me.” He pulled me close, pressing his cheek next to mine and said, “And me alone.” His lips were heavy with passion as they pressed hard onto mine; his tongue traced the outline of my upper teeth before plunging into me.

  “Did you love her Carlton?” It was a silly question and the answer was fairly blatant, but I asked it anyways praying for any answer other than yes.

  He chewed the inside of his lip for a moment, “Until I met you, my answer would’ve been yes. Now I realize I never knew true love. So no, Liz, I didn’t.”

  Verbal jousting with ‘Killer Carlton’ was like practicing court room questioning. He was only going to provide information directly related to the question, and nothing more. While I usually thrived with this type of banter, I was quickly growing weary of the frustration in our relationship. “You’re going to have to give me more than that, Carlton.”

  His gaze turned down towards the water, the subconscious red flag of someone who knows they’re not answering the question, most likely because they’re ashamed of the answer. “I don’t know exactly what I’m supposed to say here. It was a relationship. One that I didn’t control, and quite frankly, at the time, probably couldn’t.”

  I could almost see young Carlton in my mind being drug around by his dick, maybe even on all fours while Kinsley dominated him. I knew the answer. Young, dumb, full of come, a phrase Benton used regularly when I was with him.

  “Then you discovered her with your Dad?” I egged the conversation forward.

  “And it crushed me. I was lost, spiraling in and out of depression for probably a year.”

  “So what changed?”


  “Missy? What did she have to do with it?”

  “She saw the entire mess for what it really was. My dad was using Kinsley just as much as she used him. But after they were married Kinsley turned her sights on Missy. After seducing her, Kinsley outed Missy as a lesbian, then all hell broke loose. My little sister turned to me, and I couldn’t protect her. I was still too weak emotionally to help my baby sister when she needed me the most. I hit rock bottom and that’s when it all clicked. I had to take control of my life, and close off those things that kept me from succeeding.”

  “And the submissive in you was lost forever during all this?”

  “I sure hope not.”

  “So this is something you’d be willing to attempt again? This time with someone who actually gives a damn?” I questioned with hopeful eyes.

  Carlton chewed his lip, toying with new possibilities, “Liz, I know the kind of relationship you had with what’s his name,”

  “Benton,” I added.

  “Yes him, and I never want that. It’s too close to my own horrific past. While you say I really suck at being a dom, I have to admit that I was starting to really get into it. Is it possible to want to be both?” Carlton studied my face closely for an answer.

  I thought about his question. Officially the term ‘switch’ would fit here, but somehow it didn’t seem quite right for us. “You know what Carlton, I may have a solution. For lack of a better term, let’s not nail each other down to specific categories. Let’s just do what we feel. If I feel like I need to be controlled, you take over. When you need to let someone take the reins, I will be right there wearing black leather and holding a whip.”

  He thought about my suggestion, “The thought of you in leather holding a whip makes me hard,” he said plainly.

  I laughed; he could be such a man sometimes! “So, Mr. Michaud,” I began, “do you prefer to be the Judge or the Criminal tonight?”

  “What? Sorry the leather and whip thing has the blood rushing from my brain,” he muddled.

  “Sub it is then!” I cheered suddenly feeling like it was Christmas morning.


  I couldn’t control my excitement as he closed the door behind us. Still wrapped in a towel, I pulled my sleeping mask from my travel bag. This will do nicely, I thought, and I slipped it over his head. I meandered around the room and found an old wooden ruler in the desk drawer; I snapped it against my palm and enjoyed the sound it made.

  “On your knees, Carlton,” I ordered.

  “How dare you keep these kinds of secrets from me?” I smacked his bare ass hard with the thin wooden ruler as he scrambled to all fours on the carpet below me. I pulled the sash off my bathrobe and wrapped it several times around his wrists, tying the knot too tight on purpose. I wanted him to feel the pain. “It’s time we clear the air!”

  I slid the sleeping mask over his eyes, and his hands were now bound in front of him, I stood behind him and placed my left foot between his shoulder blades. Pushing gently I said, “Let’s get that ass up in the air, criminal!”

  Carlton bent low, stretching his bound wrists in front of him on the Persian rug. “Up I said. Higher!” His knees spread slightly wider than his body, his ass rose high in the air as he arched his back and turned his head to the side. “That’s a good criminal,” I said, walking around him in circles now.

  I began my interrogation by asking a series of questions.

  “So you like to break the rules, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Your Honor,” he said in a low voice.

  Smack! I brought the ruler down firmly on his ass. “Apparently, you’ve done this before?”

  “Yes, Your Honor!”

  I walked around him once more, and dropped to my knees behind him. The mark left by the ruler was now clearly visible now. Smack! I spanked his other ass cheek hard. “And you like this, don’t you criminal?”

  “Yes ma’am, Your Honor. I do!”

  I placed my left palm in the small of his back and reached between his ass cheeks to grab his cock. His heavy balls hung down low, obscuring my prize. Grabbing his sack, I gently squeezed his balls and pulled them straight down. They were firm, tight, and extremely hot to the touch. As I pulled them harder he issued a moan of approval, confirming my suspicion that he did indeed enjoy a little pain. Pressing my cheek against his ass I felt the heat from the ruler sting burning into my face. Gingerly I licked the welt, releasing his balls and spreading his cheeks with my fingers. Smack! Once again I rained down a heavy ruler across his butt, raising yet another welt. I quickly kissed the skin, licking and gently massaging my target area.

  I sucked my index finger to get it wet, and spread his cheeks once again as I slid my finger across his asshole. He reflectively arched his back further, offering his ass to me. “What a handy habit for a criminal,” I said as I circled his ass. I bent down, running my tongue down his ass to his balls. My finger pressed slightly into his ass as I reached under to feel his cock. Damn he’s hard! I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and squeezed tighter than I dared.

  “YEESSS!!!” he moaned, flooding my ego with the intoxicating feeling of being in complete control.

  He pushed his ass against me as I slipped my finger inside, pulling and stroking his shaft at the same time. His cock was literally pulsing in my hand, and I increased my pace as my finger darted just barely in and out of his ass. His head lifted off the floor, “Fuck me, Liz. YES!!! FUCK ME!”

  I watched with sheer fascination as his balls tightened up. I sank my finger deeper inside and pulled hard on his manhood. I could not only feel his orgasm approaching, I could literally see it.

  I released his cock and withdrew my fingers. “Don’t you dare fucking come yet, criminal!”

  I could hear the disappointment in his voice. “Yes, Your Honor!”

  Smack! Smack! Smack! I rained down a series of spanks as
the slap from the ruler reverberated in the room.

  Then I pushed him over on the floor using my bare foot against his rib cage. His cock, now prominently waved back and forth towards the ceiling, it was exceedingly swollen under my control. For a moment I stood there staring down at him; he was unbelievably fuckable beneath me, and my own clit was pounding with need.

  I dropped my towel and lowered myself above him. Crawling up his body slowly, I made sure to drag my hard nipples across his stomach and chest as I made my way towards his head. “Open your mouth, criminal!” I ordered as I shoved my left breast in his mouth. “Suck it!” I screamed, and his forceful lips locked onto my nipple in full compliance. I was dripping wet, and I ached to feel his mouth sucking on my clit the way he was pulling at my breast.

  “That’s enough,” I said, pulling my breast from his mouth. I continued my ascent up his body and placed my knees on either side of his face. There I lowered myself onto him. His scruffy chin scraped my lips in the most incredible way, sending the sensation of ten thousand tiny pin pricks up and down my spine. I reached down between my legs and grabbed the top of his hair, pulling his head up to meet my pussy. “Suck it, criminal. Eat my pussy!”

  He reached up and pressed his bound wrists on my shoulders, forcing me down further onto his mouth. His muffled moans matched mine as my orgasm flooded his face. I dropped down even further, pressing my clit against his nose and pulling his hair. “Oh my God, I’m coming!” I yelled into the cavernous room.

  Finally with the throbs of my pussy temporarily satiated; I turned my attention back to Carlton. His poor cock was still bobbing in the air, begging for relief. Trying to catch my breath, I snuggled next to him, once again grabbing his beautiful cock. I pressed my face against his, and with my lips I captured his ear lobe as I reached for his cock. I sucked his lobe into my mouth, gently clamping my teeth down hard as I whispered into his ear, “You ready to come for me?”

  “Yes, Your Honor. Please,” he begged.


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