
Home > Nonfiction > SevenDeadlySinsSeries > Page 31
SevenDeadlySinsSeries Page 31

by Unknown

  “My pleasure,” I said, cutting her off. My body language and lack of responsiveness to her was evident and her smile disappeared. I don’t want to seem like an ass, but quite frankly I can’t put another person’s feelings on my plate at this point. “Give me ten minutes and then bring my messages in. Thanks!” I try to sound a little more chipper, but like everything else I’m sure I fall short on that endeavor as well.

  My email inbox is filled with messages from Webster shipping, Benton, Lib, and of course, Carlton. His was marked urgent, and I sigh to see his usual ‘read receipt’ attached to it. You see that’s cold, right there. Clearly, I’m not ready to face him or his words, but I know it’s a matter of seconds before he finds out I’m here. The top button of my blouse suddenly seems to have an unwelcomed choke hold on me. I’ve gotten myself into a real life love triangle; leave it to me to add a strong twist of bi-sexual watching to an already volatile cocktail.

  The familiar ding of an incoming message brought me out of the trance I’m sitting in. Aunt Kerry! Finally a message I’m not afraid to open.

  9:37am Welcome Home!

  Liz, I know you’re probably way too busy, but would you please call me as soon as you can. A little worried about arrangements here!

  -Love, Hearts, Kisses and moochies! -K

  Lib tapped lightly against the door jam, “You’ve been summoned,” she says sarcastically. “Upstairs. Because no one saw that coming, right?”

  I shake my head with indifference as I stare at my screen. “I’m sure he does.”

  “Word around the water cooler is that he came back with a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas. His secretary went home sick already and three people have already left his office in tears! I hope…”

  “Stop right there,” I said emphatically. “I’m sure Mr. Michaud’s attitude has nothing to do with me. I’m sure it’s the loss of his father, he hasn’t been the same since.” I pushed away from the desk and stood up straight, buttoned my blouse and flattened my skirt. “I got this.”


  Stepping past the elevator doors, it looked like World War Three had hit the top floor. I could already hear him screaming through the open door. I stood to the side waiting for his rant to calm down. “Who authorized this?” he screamed. “You think this is some kind of game? This isn’t just a personal thing to me, it’s our largest client! Fix it! Fix it now!”

  I feel compassion for the poor soul in his office, rest assured I have no intention of taking this bologna from him.

  “Consider it done, Carlton.”

  I know that voice and peer through the door jam for the view. Unmistakable. My heart drops like a box of rocks as Benton flies towards the door, but he stops at the doorway and glares back into the office, “And as far as the ‘personal matter’ as you call her, if she was really yours then I wouldn’t have had to trudge my ass over to England to keep her from getting raped by your ex now, would I? You are seriously one fucked up dude, Carlton. Oh and for the record, fuck you she’s mine!” He storms across the lobby and slams the door to the staircase behind him, never noticing me.

  Anger flares my nostrils, I am the bull and he’s wearing a red shirt. I steps through the open doorway and square my shoulders, ready to take him straight on. He doesn’t scare me like he does everyone else in the office. On the contrary, I know just what shade of pink his behind turns when I spank it.

  Carlton stands facing his window, hands on his hips and of course without his shoes. One day he’s going to wear a path in the marble along his pacing route. “You wish to see me, Mr. Michaud,” I say as I close the door.

  Carlton’s head lifts up before turning to face me, a sense of relief and gentleness wash over his rigid body. Hot then cold, did everybody see that because I need to make sure it isn’t just me? “Liz! Thank God you’re here.”

  “Mr. Michaud,” I reply sternly.

  He’s unaffected by my tone and rounds his desk with the grin of a toothpaste commercial. “There’s so much I have to tell you, so much I need to apologize for, I simply don’t know where to begin.”

  “Stop, Carlton. Don’t!”

  “But Liz…”

  “Stop it. I mean it. I can’t do this right now.”

  The look on his face is pure dejection; no matter how angry I am I can’t justify intentionally hurting him. And there it is again, that uncanny ability he has to make me feel like my problems are nowhere near as important as his. With one look he can make me want to cuddle him up and tie pretty bows around his neck and make everything better. But I’m far from over being pissed, as a matter of fact I’m so pissed that even his bone shattering smile can’t sway me.

  “Liz, please. Let me explain.”

  “Explain what? You left me alone in a strange country. Your family drugged me and came damn close to raping me. All the while you’re so busy running about mourning your Daddy that you don’t consider it a big deal. At least when compared to your dead Daddy issue. Well, let me tell you Carlton Michaud, that’s the same dead Daddy who took your fiancé into his bed and made her his wife. He wasn’t exactly father of the year! But that isn’t the kicker, the real kicker is that of all people on God’s green Earth, Benton Frasier shows up to rescue your little Princess!”

  “Ahh - Benton Frazier. Is that what this is all about?” Carlton answers smugly.

  “I left England to sort this all out. And what did I get for my troubles? Benton follows me home, and then you. What the hell is wrong with all of you? I left England to get away from all of this. Hell I should have stayed, toured Buckingham!”

  “Liz, please calm down. I can explain it all.”

  “Oh, Mr. Michaud,” I said raising my eyebrows. “I’m sure you can. But here’s a little hint for you. I’m not ready to hear your explanation on why you didn’t concern yourself over my near rape. I’m not even really interested in why you didn’t take me with you to London. Honestly, I seriously doubt you’ve had enough time to come close to formulating a response that could satisfy me.”

  “I understand, Liz. I just wanted…”

  I held up my hand, his begging would have to wait, “You just want the same thing you always want: things your way. And you think with a flash of a pretty smile and an ‘I love you’ that this will go away. Here’s a hint… that shit really happened. Your sister drugged me and took me to Kinsley. Lord only knows that all she had planned. But to you it was an unfortunate situation.”

  “Look Liz, I know things aren’t good between us right now. You’ve been through trauma and so have I; can’t we just sit down and talk this out like rational people?”

  I straightened, “I’m sorry, did you just call me irrational? Seriously?”

  “Oh bloody hell,” and Carlton lowered himself into the chair behind his desk as if he had hemorrhoids. “You won’t let me explain myself yet you’re quick to criticize the way I behaved. I’m not on trial here Liz. My Dad died and things were all messed up,” he held up his hand to stop me from interrupting. “As they usually are when I’m at home, hence the reason I haven’t been there in all these years.” His voice resounded with mixed emotions, anger, frustration, humiliation and confusion, for a moment I felt sorry for him.

  “I’m not going to say I blame you for their actions. Those are some really messed up individuals Carlton.”

  He glanced up hopefully, “We’re back to Carlton and Liz now?”

  “Ugh!” I let out a groan of irritation. “We are not, regardless of how screwed up the situation was that is no excuse for you turning me over to the vipers the way you did.”


  “No, Carlton. Don’t. I need to figure this out, on my own. I’ve got my pride, you know.”

  The doorman stopped me on my way back into the building when I run home to walk Nucy mid-afternoon. “Ms. Martin, could I ask a favor?”


  “It’s Mr. Michaud,” he begins as I rolled my eyes. “Actually, it’s Jargon. The neighbors are comp
laining. I know his dog walker already took him out, but he’s wining and creating such a disturbance that we’re getting calls.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” I groaned. Actually, it is a bit of an issue. I still have a key to Carlton’s apartment but I suspected I should call him and tell him I’m going in there. Nucy’d been miserable since Carlton returned and took Jargon home; an afternoon play date would make her so happy. Clearly Jargon wasn’t handling the situation well.

  On the top floor, I slipped my key from my purse and open his door. Jargon is on me before I can get both feet in the door, knocking my purse from my shoulder with his burst of excitement. “Alright, young man. How’s about hangin’ with Nucy for the afternoon?” I ruffled the short hairs around his muzzle. “Just let me get your leash.”

  As I grabbed his red leash from the counter, the tinkle of the tiny bells attached to his collar caused me to pause. Bells. BELL. 7738. I recalled Patricia’s message loud and clear. Was there a reason she sent me those numbers… out of the blue? Maybe she knew there was something in there that will give me an answer.

  I flipped the lights on in the small room no longer worried about being caught. My treatment at the hands of his family in England gives me license to snoop all I want. Okay so it wouldn’t hold up in a court of law, but in my mind it had precedence. The upper walls were black velvet covered peg board, complete with tiny hooks that displayed enough sexual devices to charm a third world country. Chains; whips of various sizes; hand cuffs; fur lined hand cuffs; leather chokers; ball gags; complete leather outfits. This is some serious kinky ass shit! I run my fingers over almost everything there, until I see it. A built in tool chest, complete with several drawers. I open the top drawer to find several different kinds of masks. The second drawer, much deeper than the first, has a series of butt plugs, all neatly arranged by size and color.

  The third drawer is what really caught my attention: Dildos, once again arranged by size. They start off small enough to hide in a clutch to those so large I couldn’t get both my hands around if I wanted to. I can’t imagine him ever using that on anyone. I step back, trying to regain my composure. My eyes took in the entire display with envy. It’s a damn shame to have all these toys and never play with them. Suddenly my sad little blue plastic vibrator seems so pathetic.

  I grabbed the second to the largest, holding it up for examination. I felt a tremble of fear emanate from between my thighs and quickly replaced it. I quickly put it back and take one from the middle. It fit perfect in my hand as I measured it with my index finger to my thumb. Yep, this is the one. The suction cup just below the balls intrigue me and I’d like to stick it to my shower wall and give it a try. I notice that it quickly warmed to my hand, and just for giggles I brought it to my mouth for a test fit. Slut, I thought to myself with a naughty laugh.

  I shoved it in my purse and quickly close the drawer before turning off the lights. On a normal day I would have cleaned that place up, wiped my fingerprints from the room, but on a pissed with Carlton day it didn’t seem necessary. I jot down a note and stick it to the kitchen counter.

  I have Jargon.


  And I looked down at the beautiful panting face, “You won’t tell, with you?” I say with a laugh. I was just thankful at that point that he couldn’t answer me, or more important, rat on me.


  Back at the office I lost track of time. When I finally glanced down at the bottom right hand corner of my computer I’m shocked to see that it’s after seven. I’ve got to get going! According to Palmer I’m supposed to be at Ruth Chris in fifteen minutes, those reservations are hard to come by! Within minutes I’m packed up and grab my coat, as the elevator door opens I’m dumbfounded to see Patricia standing inside. “Well hey Liz!” She says with her exotic lips.

  “Hey to you!” I smile and step inside. “What are you doing here this time of day?” But as I push the button for the bottom floor I realize where she’s going… to the top floor.

  “Up to pick up my paycheck from Carlton,” She shrugs as the elevator begins moving upwards. Mental note to self, from now on pay attention to which way the elevator is going before you get on. In New York a mistake like that can cost you a half an hour from your day.

  I’m only slightly annoyed at the thought of being late for dinner; it’s hard to be annoyed with the loveliest of creatures near you. “Shouldn’t you be going downstairs to Human Resources?”

  “I don’t work for the company, I work directly for Carlton.” And her voice is music but her words startle me.

  “Oh really? I thought… Oh nevermind.”

  But her dark arm slides over my shoulder and pulls me to her in a hug, “Relax Liz, I’m his personal secretary. Technically, with you two together, I’m yours too!” She laughs, “So I work for you Liz!” And she laughs again and reaches over to tickle my ribs playfully, “What can I do for you today gorgeous?”

  I straighten, “Oh come on Patricia! Behave!”

  And she shakes her head strongly, “Wait! Hang on! Streak of brilliance here! When the elevator opens at the top floor let’s be making out?”

  “What? No! You’re just looking for a way to get in my pants!” It’s a rare silly moment but I’m fairly sure I don’t miss the mark by much.

  “Oh come on! It’ll make him jealous, it’ll be hilarious!”

  It’s hard to say no to a woman who oozes sensuality from her every pore but I begin to shake my head when suddenly she catches my face in her hands and presses her lips deep onto mine. My entire body revolts against the thought to stop her. With her silken tongue in my mouth I can’t consider pushing her away. I hear the elevator door open as she forces me hard against the back wall, and then I hear coughing.

  Carlton’s standing just outside the elevator with his mouth open far enough to let in a tractor trailer. But Patricia dances past him, her lusciously wide hips swaying towards his office and I’m stuck staring at Carlton until the elevator doors close. And he’s just standing there, in his socks, with his hands in his pockets. I hear the ding and the doors begin to close, but I didn’t miss the massive hard on in his slacks, I stare at it and say, “Nice,” as the doors close.

  The few fools still in the building that night probably think I’m a lunatic. I laugh the entire ride to the bottom floor.


  My cab pulled up at the restaurant only ten minutes later than I planned. I climbed out and made it to the tall glass door at the exact same time as the Concierge from the NoMad Hotel. He slides beside me and pulls the door open for me, “Miss Martin! So good to see you again!”

  Again I’m taken aback by his western cowboyish grin. There wasn’t much on this man I wouldn’t like to taste, touch or otherwise invade. I smiled, “Good to see you again! Are you working here now?”

  He shook his sexy head, “Oh no, tonight I’m here for dinner. Meet the family type exercise.” And I can tell he was already feeling awkward.

  So I grin, “Me too, kind of. Here to meet my brother’s new hunk.”

  Perfect white teeth accentuate his face as he broke out in laughter, “Wait! Liz Martin?” And he laughed again, “Why didn’t I get that? Duh!” Now he banged his palm to his forehead as if he should’ve had a V8.

  “What am I missing?” I smiled, trying to indulge him, because… well, I wanted to eat him for dinner.

  “Would it help if I told you my boyfriend is Palmer Martin?”

  Now I laughed, “It would’ve helped! But Palmer said you were a talented wedding planner?”

  He led me inside to the Hostess and said, “The Martin party please.” Then he turned back to me, “A man’s got to eat! I plan weddings during the day, and affairs during the night!”

  I put my hand to my cheek in feigned shock, “My Lord, my brother’s dating a gigolo!”

  Palmer saw us being led to the table laughing and clinging to one another with our own joke. He stands and peers at us perplexed, “Now how in the world do you two know
one another?”

  “Your boyfriend propositioned me in a hotel once!” I teased as Peter seated me.

  He took my hand as I lifted it to the table and held it to his lips, “And I would’ve handled that proposition personally!”

  “Hey! Liz are you stealing my boyfriend?” Palmer pretended to pout as Peter stepped to him and kissed him seductively.

  “You have nothing to concern yourself with my pet!” Peter tickled Palmer beneath his chin before sitting down.

  I shook my head at their silliness and picked up the menu. The waitress was beginning her speech by asking if we’ve ever been there before, but the only glaring thing out of place in the restaurant was Carlton Michaud being led into the dining room. Well, at least he’s wearing shoes. I noted dryly.

  He winked at me and Palmer as the hostess led him to a table in the far corner. It must have been one seriously last minute special favor to get in here tonight. Although I shouldn’t criticize; I’m fairly sure the only reason we got in was Peter. He probably got a table anywhere he wanted because he referred the hotel clientele. And Peter leaned forward, “Who’s that?” He whispered.

  Palmer leaned forward and whispered as well, “Are you seriously going to let him sit over there and eat by himself?”

  I leaned back in my chair and turned back to my menu obstinately, “You bet I am!”

  “Ugh!” Palmer exhausted, but he turned to Peter, “That’s Liz’s heartbeat; she just doesn’t know it.”

  “Not a shabby stalker!” Peter chuckled.

  I shook my head and leaned forward so as not to yell this out to the entire restaurant, “And that’s exactly what that freak is doing right now! He’s stalking me! Do you ever get the urge to just scream out ‘Grow some balls!’”

  Peter laughed again, “Oh honey, more than you know, more than you know!”

  After dinner I stood outside the glass door of the restaurant, “Peter I hope we’ll be seeing a lot more of you now?”


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