"Right. Tell them to attack and transmit this image to them. This is the subject that command wants at all costs." He handed over a glossy reproduction photograph of a woman. Very beautiful, thought Corey, her second thought, Wow, are those boobs real? This woman was very gifted in that department. Long dark brown hair and slim figure but her upper enhancements made her appear decidedly top heavy. Almost unnatural. Corey decided they were fake. Had to be.
"Aye aye, Sir." She got busy.
"Sir. The CO wants to know why he's risking his unit for this woman." That wasn't exactly what the CO had communicated. He had actually wanted to know why he was risking his unit for somebody's sex toy. Corey smiled inwardly.
"Tell him if he's not attacking within the hour to rescue this woman I'll personally field court martial him and shoot him on the spot for disobeying orders. Also, inform him to dispatch half his forces to guide the refugees to the camp and the other half to bring this woman to our position. We'll handle the transfer to Command."
"Aye aye, Sir." The order went out. Forces attacked.
DAY 4: 1600 ET
Once again, the meal was partially prepared. Again, they waited for the men to come in from the fields and their chores. There was really nothing for Jean to do besides help out here and there. Suddenly she heard the soft thump of explosions in the distance. There was shouting from within the house and outside so she ran to the nearest window to look out. The sky was lit up in the distance to the east. Huge flashes of light lit the descending darkness almost making it bright as day.
"Annie, what's happening?" She cried out as she saw the lithe girl dart through the room. "I don't know Jean. Something's happening." Annie yelled from the next room, which she had disappeared into moments ago. Jean ran outside with the others. Huge, terrible bursts of light lit the horizon to the east of the farm. The faint chatter of automatic weapons could be heard. Many more than she could possibly count. The army is here to save us, she thought. Bright spears of fire flashed across the sky. Missiles of some kind, her eyes wide she watched with horrid fascination as the conflagration raged just a mile or less from where they stood. Everyone was outside watching now and the booming sounds of thunder from explosions went on and on, endlessly.
Two hours later the battle still raged on with no end in sight. Jedediah took charge and commanded everyone in to eat. The last batch of bread had burned a little before someone remembered to take it out of the woodstove oven but it was still edible. They ate in animated conversation. No one had any idea what was going on. A few of the younger men had ridden on horseback to the fence line but quickly turned back as stray rounds came their way. An hour and a half of dishes later the fighting was still lighting up the horizon but she was too tired to stay up and watch anymore. Her narrow bed beckoned to her. She collapsed falling asleep quickly and dreamed.
She dreamed again of Eric and Beverly playing in the living room. Jean was laying on the couch like before watching another rerun of Desperate Housewives. Just like the last dream, Beverly stopped playing and looked her way. "Momma," her little girl called. "There are men here." She didn't understand what Beverly was talking about. No one was here. Eric looked up with a concerned face. "Momma get up. Momma wake up." His voice deepened "Jean wake up please. It's time to get up. There are soldiers here." Jedediah's voice brought her awake.
DAY 4: 2000 ET
It had been a nightmare of a day, from the morning rescue, through the drama here, then a break in of the damn zombies on the north side of the property. Hadn't lost anyone that time but it had been too close. The women got RAC straightened out with the help of Miguel's crews and about half of the group was over there. The place was all concrete and steel, very easy to defend with only a few doors leading in or out. Those silo towers offered great vantage points to survey the area and I had some ideas on more protection later but it could wait until morning.
Sam's crew had raided the State Police Post just up the road in Newaygo while Wayne's crew was raiding Parsley's. Sam had used the simple expediency of backing his truck through the side to gain entry. They stripped it of everything usable. Guns, ammunition and clear plastic riot shields. Now those shields were great news. They would help in cleaning zombies out of buildings and homes.
I didn't know when I started referring to them as Miguel's crew, Sam's crew, Rosita's crew and Michael and Wayne's crew but I did. It was certainly more convenient than having to figure out which extra man went with whom. I was letting them add new people as they came in; it was simply easier that way. I was also bone tired and it was time for bed. I turned over the lists I had been putting together to Miguel. Miguel was turning into an excellent quartermaster and organizer. His days in the Federales had evidently prepared him well for it.
"Okay gang, I'm going to bed. I'm totally bushed. We have more, a lot more to do but right now, I'm getting some sleep. I'll be in MY bedroom if you need me." I had emphasized the words, my bedroom; because even as packed as we were, I wasn't giving up my only private refuge left.
I climbed the steps slowly. I hadn't seen Bridget in awhile but didn't feel like searching for her. I was just too tired. She had gotten over Danielle taking off. Not easily but she understood.
I was letting myself in then remembered I had forgotten a lantern for the bedroom as most of the house was still unpowered. It wasn't needed though. Someone had thoughtfully left one here for me turned way down. I could barely see but I was fine, I knew my bedroom. I dropped my holsters in the chair next to the bed. Sitting on the edge, I started on my boots. I decided to leave my long underwear on as it was already down to forty or lower in the room. The nights were getting colder. Winter was coming.
I heard a soft giggle and the covers stirred behind me as a small female hand reached out and curled itself around my waist as I finished undressing. So, that's where Bridget had gotten off to. I smiled and quickly removed the rest of my clothes including my long underwear sliding under the covers and rolling over her to get to the other side. I had a side I preferred like most men. As I did, my outstretched hand landed on more female flesh and a different sounding giggle erupted from the covers next to Bridget. A black haired head poked up from the blankets. Cara. Holy shit! Both girls sat up and even in the dim light, I could see they were buck-naked. They wasted no time dragging me under the covers where it was warm.
It was actually very warm, almost hot with the girls and the covers wrapped around us. I could also smell the muskiness of their sex and I wondered just how good of friends they had become. "Ahhhh" I started to speak but Bridget's hand rose up and a finger laid itself across my lips. "Shhhhh." she said. "Cara and I talked Jay, and we came to an agreement." She stopped talking, leaned over, and started kissing my chest. I had an arm around each girl and they were both half draped on top of me. Cara continued the conversation. "It's like this Señor Jay. Did you notice the refugees that came in today?" she asked. I nodded, my face moving against her silky hair. "Then you notice maybe that most are female with children. Few men?" I nodded again. Bridget kept kissing my chest moving to my right nipple, I could feel myself harden almost instantly. I tried to concentrate on Cara but she then made it harder because it was her hand that slid over my belly and grabbed my hard cock tightly and possessively. She continued speaking while stroking me. I felt Bridget's hand join hers.
"We think the men are getting killed protecting their women and children. Or any women and child. It's what most men do." I felt Bridget's head nod but she kept stroking and sucking my nipple gently. "We have decided that if we survive there will be far fewer men and many more women left. I guess we're going to have to share our men. We are not stupid, Señor Jay. I do not hope someday for a big strong man my age or a little older to sweep me off my feet and marry me. I think that's not going to happen now. We are convinced those men are dying because their protecting people. If I do see one my age come in alone I will be suspicious that he is alive. I will want to know why." I
heard the tears in her voice. "So you see we will share you. If that is okay, Señor. Even if you bring another chica home. And another. We wish to be with you." She finished and started kissing me passionately then slid on top.
Four hours later when they knocked to get me for guard duty I had Cara in doggie, I think for the third time and she was moaning like a sore bitch in heat. At first, I thought Cara's tiny four foot eleven frame was too small to take all of me but as usual concerning women, I was wrong. She not only took all of it inside her she demanded it over and over again as deep as I could thrust it in that tight little body of hers. Bridget I had already exhausted and was lying beside us asleep and I knew Cara would soon follow her. Me? What sleep? I was also ten minutes late getting downstairs. The grins when I arrived, told me they understood.
DAY 5: 0200 ET
My guard duty never happened. Miguel had replaced Bridget and I on the list then forgotten to tell me or the previous guards before my supposed shift started. He was still up working on his lists and schedules when I came downstairs. I made a mental note to get him some help. I decided since I was awake I'd do something that needed doing. I was wired now. Sex does that to me for some reason. I wanted to get an idea of our zombies travel patterns. It had been bugging me all through yesterday afternoon. Yeah, I figured we needed to get a handle on this. Lots of stuff coming over the shortwave but it was all contradictory. Since I was up and not sleepy anymore I figured to do some recon.
Miguel muttered something about being sorry for the mix-up, barely looking up from his writing but I waved the apology away. This was actually the perfect time for what I had planned. I looked around the house moving from room to room silently. I had perfected the silent walk technique years ago while married. It had been the only way I could sneak a couple beers late at night without the ex-wife knowing it. As I said before, I loved my beer. There he was. I had spotted Jason's brown bedroll and squatted beside him. I had meant to wake him gently with a tug on his foot but I found his eyes staring at me.
"Your knees creak when you crouch." he whispered. Was that a grin on his face? Jesus everyone's a comedian. I quickly explained what I intended. He nodded. He was in. We decided on pistols and machetes. Machetes for any dirty work we needed to do. Pistols if we were boxed in and had to make a run for it. I alerted the guards to our little recon. They and many others would come running if they heard us shooting. I hoped it wouldn't come to that.
We made it to the north corner of my property without any trouble. We walked slowly and quietly letting our eyes adjust to the moonlight and darker shadows. Contrary to popular belief, it actually takes several minutes for your pupils too fully dilate. The difference in seeing ability is significant between the first minute in the dark and ten minutes later. With the moon out it was practically like dim daylight by the time we reached my property line and we used it to our advantage, scurrying from tree to bush to house staying as hid as possible. The zombies were definitely out and while not actively looking for prey as close as we could tell, they were pausing before houses and watching. We had to low crawl a few times but made it to the edge of town and kept watching.
What we saw scared us. In ones and twos zombies of all ages and genders were slowly coming from the woods and less settled areas just outside town and converging on the larger buildings. It was almost supernatural. We watched them carefully. Slowly over the course of the next two hours larger groups formed. It must have been close to four in the morning by now. During this time, the zombies stood silently before some of the larger buildings in the town central. Between us in whispers barely above a breath, we discussed the ramifications of their method of communication and intelligence for they appeared to be waiting. Waiting for what, we didn't know.
Without anything to mark the event, most of the groups we were watching slowly shuffled into the buildings. I don't know about Jason but that just freaked me out. I had been doing a scan, my eyes slowly moving up and down the street in front of us slightly out of focus to take it all in and it appeared to me as if they all moved at once. Oh no, this wasn't good at all, I thought as we watched them disappear into the dark interiors. I estimated in two hours at least a few hundred had come out of the woods and nearby rural streets. Where in fuck were they all coming from? But my main theory had been answered. They were indeed moving in during the night. Then hiding. This was scary shit.
Wordlessly Jason and I exchanged glances. I turned to head back and stopped. Directly behind me was a small dog. A Border Collie or miniature Collie I think. All black or brown and white. It was sitting there just watching us. Moving very slowly I held out my hand. It came forward a couple steps and sniffed at my outstretched fingers then licked them quickly before backing up several paces watching us. Then it struck me. I hadn't seen any family pets since the virus outbreak. I had assumed they had been eaten but I simply didn't know. I never asked any of the refugees about their pets. It simply hadn't occurred to me. But where there was one there were more I was sure.
It whined in a very low tone, almost inaudible. Obviously, this dog recognized the need for silence. Then it took off running to the corner of the house disappearing from view. I sighed rising from my crouch and nodding at Jason, we started back. The dog darted out from the corner as we moved away. Huffing at us. Jesus Christ I hoped it didn't bark. I made calming gestures with my hands and it ran to the corner again, then ran to us turning a couple circles and again ran to the corner looking back at us. I was intrigued. It was as if it wanted us to follow. Well I had read all the news stories about this kind of thing. So, we crept to the corner as it backup up. I looked around and saw nothing, but the dog ran another thirty or forty feet, and stopped waiting. I glanced at Jason. He nodded. We followed.
Carefully, taking advantage of every cover we proceeded further into town. We were now three houses north from where we hid watching the zombies. The dog was at the back of the property at a row of hedges waiting. Shrugging, I ran in a crouch to its edge taking advantage of cover behind some bushes. Another house was behind this one and of course another street. The canine led us to this house. I crept out and was immediately surprised by two of the undead who had been standing motionless. Jesus they were hard to spot in the dark when motionless. They advanced with that weird breathy whispering moan. It took only seconds but Jason and I took them down with machetes to the necks. I had quickly learned to swing just about as hard as possible. I needed the machete’s razor edge to cleanly cleave through the neck and tough vertebrae incased within in a single strike. Two heads bounced away and the bodies slumped boneless to the ground. I noticed one was a woman but it was too dark to see if her tits had been large. God. I am what I am and even though my dick had been in some hot little Mexican only two hours ago, I still couldn't help looking. I made a vow then and there that if things ever got back to normal I would at least consider counseling for a few minutes.
The house was typical and quite unremarkable from the others around it. Well unless you counted the large pile of bodies off to one side in the backyard. Other than that, what made it stand out was the little doggie door inset within the back door. The Border Collie disappeared through the doggie door then poked its head out of the flap seconds later watching us. Waiting. Yeah we get it, were coming, I thought.
Easing the door open and stepping very quietly into the interior I found myself in a small room, another opening leading into a kitchen. A washer and dryer were across from me. A mudroom, as we called them here in Michigan. A place for shaking off the mud during warm months and snow during cold and of course that's where most of us put our washer and dryer if not in the basement. It was a convenient location.
I saw the Collie at one of the cupboards. It had forced it open and was tugging at something inside. I advanced to the kitchen opening. Then my eyes widened beyond anything I ever thought they could. A small child crawled out. Oh My God, I think it was a boy and had to be all of two years old, maybe three. The child was petti
ng the dog then straightened when he saw me. Moonlight shining through the kitchen windows showed me his scared visage as he quickly crouched behind the dog hugging it tightly. I saw him looking at me not saying a word.
"Hey, little man." I whispered. He hugged the dog-tighter still not saying anything. I moved forward very slowly not making any sudden moves. I crouched mere feet away and held out my arms. Instinctively I knew. I simply knew. It all hit me at once, the cupboard, a blanket a couple bottles of water laying on the ground nearby. His parents had hid him when the zombies attacked, the dog his only companion. I knew we wouldn't find his parents or if we did, they wouldn't be what he was waiting for. I simply knew they had given their lives to protect their offspring. I sighed. It's what we do after all. Who knew how many days he had been alone. Even in the cold, the place smelled and the boy only had a light shirt and pants on. Jesus. I stretched my arms out further and whispered urgently.
"Mommy and Daddy wanted me to come get you little man." He perked up and mostly released the dog and stood. His hand waved slightly.
"Yes little man. But we have to be quiet. We have to whisper or not talk. Mommy is away and is waiting for you. She sent me to bring you to her. She needs you." I was hoping like crazy.
With a rush, he ran into my arms hugging me tightly. I held him as I hold my own. Tightly until they squirm. He squirmed and I slowly eased off my hug. He smelled of sour milk and dog food.
"Daddy." He whispered, pointing. His tiny finger indicating the opening of a hallway leading away from the kitchen into the interior of the home. I slowly rose moving to the opening and looked. I almost cried at that point. I could easily see what happened. A large shape, what had once been human was in the center of the short hallway its arms outstretched to the sides. I could see where the walls had been gouged in as his daddy dug in; gripping it's supporting members to make a last stand against the horde. My heart and prayers went out to his soul. He had been successful after all. I didn't know where mommy was but I suspected the backyard. It simply fit. You didn't need to be psychic to see some things clearly. I ducked back into the kitchen and held the child against me. A figure loomed before me. It was Jason. He took everything in at a glance. God, I needed at least forty of him. I pointed upstairs and whispered clothes, pointing at the child against my thigh. He didn't bother nodding, just took off.
Blood, Brains and Bullets Page 18