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Bound by Her Promise

Page 16

by Jaye Peaches

  “Don’t have to,” Jen smirked. “Yuri told me.”

  Words escaped her mind. What to say? She should have planned it better. “You’re a lying… you… bitch!” Lysa shouted and sprung to her feet. The coffee spilled onto the table surface. She hovered, staring down at Jen, whose own lips trembled as she peered past Lysa.

  “That’s rich coming from you. You’re the troublemaker. Look at you now. What you gonna do, throw that coffee all over me?” Jen sneered, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Yeah, just watch.” Lysa held out the cup above Jen’s head and began to tilt it.

  Jen stayed still, frozen to her seat, but her eyes remained not on Lysa, but somebody else.

  A drop of coffee landed on Jen’s hair. Lysa fought her nerves, the excited energy that coursed through her body. How far should she go to make a scene?

  “Wait,” whispered Jen, snatching a glance up at Lysa. “She’s off, look at her go.”

  Lysa lowered her wobbly arm, straightening the cup of cold coffee and snuck a peek at the other side of the bar. She caught sight of Millicent’s heels disappearing around the corner as she scurried off. “What now?”

  “Keep going, or else why would he arrest you?” Jen had leant forward, so only Lysa could hear her muttering.

  “Okay, um,” Lysa raised her voice. “I’m not wasting my fucking coffee on you, bitch. You can say what you want, I don’t care, you’ll be the one watching your back from now on.”

  Opposite Lysa, Sym stiffened. Her body went rigid, the colour drained from her face and Lysa knew who had arrived. Jen tapped Lysa’s arm. “Move, now.”

  Lysa nearly dropped the cup on the table in her eagerness to leave. Jen darted off, her nimble feet taking off towards the back exit. Lysa, gathering her wits, prayed she’d done enough, then spun about and walked straight towards the charging constable.

  “Got you,” he growled, snatching at her wrists.

  She glared at him, lifting her chin up. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “You’re not going to learn, are you? Always stirring up trouble. I’m arresting you, that’s what I’m doing.” He grabbed her elbow and marched her out of the bar. A small gathering parted, as he pushed her through the crowds, away from her friends. Lysa sighed with relief, at least they hadn’t been arrested, too.

  “What for?” she demanded.

  “Starting a fight. I’ve a witness who saw you bad mouthing. Disreputable behaviour in a public place. You know the law. Now move.”

  He propelled her towards the security block and she ducked her face out of sight. Should she cry, resist him or even shout out for Blake? However, what was the point? She had been arrested on a trumped up charge and that was all that matter for what she had planned. Once he took her before Harkess, all the two men had to do was say something inappropriate or damning, something that could be used against them. It would be over in minutes.

  “In here!” he barked.

  Lysa blinked in disbelief. They weren’t standing outside the adjudicator’s office, but the cell block. This wasn’t part of the plan, she’d assumed she would be summoned straight away.

  “What about Harkess?”

  “He’s busy. I will be dealing with you, first.” He gave Lysa a shove between the shoulder blades.

  The constable kicked open a door and Lysa’s jaw dropped at the implication. “You… and me?”

  He slapped her bottom, a stinging blow on her tense behind. “In!”

  Lysa stumbled forward, across the threshold of the doorway.

  The cell door slammed shut behind her. Leaning his back against the door, the constable leered at Lysa as she scurried away from him. In a matter of seconds she’d gone from excitement to outright fear. The rumours of his predatory sexual habits were about to be made real, but why had nobody ever come forward to complain? Faced by the brute, his large frame occupying half of the small room, she understood. Who would believe them, or her? What was needed was evidence, but so many things could go wrong and although she’d convinced Blake she was up to the task, he’d been far from keen.

  The room fell silent. She swallowed hard and waited, hoping the constable would fill the void with something damning and quickly, before she crumbled under the pressure.

  The constable sauntered forward, grinning and he dropped a hand to his crotch. “I’m already getting hard and you’re not even undressed.”

  She swallowed, her heart skipping beats as she fought with her nerves. “You wouldn’t dare touch me, not like that.”

  “Oh, I can and I will. Canes leave marks, but a fuck… I expect you’ll be dripping wet by the time you’ve finished sucking my cock.” He laughed as she walked backwards into the wall.

  “I’ve not been before the adjudicator.”

  He shrugged. “Afterwards, when I’ve had my fill of you, I might let you go or take you to him.”

  “I’ll tell him! You won’t get away with this!”

  “He won’t believe you. He never does. I can do what I want.”

  The last few words said much, she hoped they were enough. Please, come now! She kept her back straight, conscious of the little device in her collar recording everything he said. It had to be enough evidence. The constable moved closer, she could smell his ghastly breath. She wriggled her nose and turned her face away. Just as his hand reached out and grasped her neck, the door behind him burst open.

  It wasn’t Blake, but the two black uniformed aides. Lysa held her breath—were they there to help her or him? They hesitated, and the constable looked over his shoulder. “What do you want? I need another an hour or so.”

  The taller, man stepped forward and cleared his throat. “I’m under orders to arrest you.”

  “Arrest me,” roared the constable. “By whose authority?”

  “Mine.” Ridley stepped through the door and behind him came Blake.

  The constable released his grip and Lysa massaged her neck. She shot around him and ran straight into Blake’s awaiting arms. The constable blustered, arguing with Ridley about his rights, but he could do little to prevent his seizure. The two guards cuffed his hands behind his back.

  Lysa detached the bugging device and handed it to Ridley. No bigger than a pin, he held it up before the constable. “This has recorded your intended assault on Lysa.”

  Lysa gave the constable a triumphant smile as his face turned white.

  Ridley gave her a nod. “You’re free to go now, Lysa. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. I shall deal with it and you need not fear any retaliation. The constable will remain in this cell until he’s sent back to Earth.”

  Blake kept her close as they left the security block, he held her hand tightly and she breathed deeply, filling her lungs and calming her nervous state.

  “I still can’t believe I let you do that,” he muttered.

  “Reparation for the paddling you gave me. It was my choice and with Ridley’s help, I was always safe.” She didn’t feel it much at the time, but she trusted the boss, especially since he’d put in a good word for her at the Corporation.

  “I don’t know, Lysa. He had his hand about your throat.” Blake grimaced. “I panicked, almost charged in too early, but Ridley held me back. We heard everything. The transmission was clear.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without the cooperation of Jen and Sym. They helped set it up. Also, Millicent, though I doubt she understood what was going on.”

  “Harkess will get away with it.” Blake sighed.

  “Ridley has promised he will replace the constable with somebody he trusts. As for Harkess… don’t you think it is odd how quickly the constable arrives every time Millicent is present?”

  “It is peculiar. Ridley can’t touch Harkess, not unless he does something seriously inappropriate. So far he’s walked a fine line and stayed out of reach.” Blake opened the door to their pod. “It’s been a hectic few days. Sorting out the venting problem, getting production back up and, today, Ridley’s little
scheme to trap the constable.”

  “Too tired?” She shut the door behind her and before Blake could turn, she whipped off her panties, tossing them to one side.

  “No, not yet.” He stood straighter, keeping his back to her and pulled apart the clasps of his working suit, exposing his bare back and the tattoos. His shoulder muscles rippled as he loosened his clothing.

  Lysa leaned against the door, slipped her hand under her dress and pulled up the hem, exposing her sex. “Eh, hem,” she coughed.

  Blake spun round. The top of his one piece suit rested precariously on his hips. Rising up out of his pants, the smooth head of his cock glistened with the light. The dark pools of his eyes widened farther as he watched her lick her finger, slide it between her folds and into her pussy.

  He charged forward, hooked his hands under her bottom and lifted her up. She arched her back and wrapped her legs around him. Without waiting he entered her and she stifled a cry. The friction of his cock in her tight pussy sent waves of electric pulses chasing around her body.

  He carried her, still impaled on his cock, to the bed and lay her down on her back. Holding her wrists above her head, he pounded her wet hole, delivering each thrust with a swing of his hips. His girth stretched her inner passage, forcing her to take him to the hilt. She moaned, then whimpered, as he maintained a brutal pace.

  “My wife,” he growled. “Nobody else touches you.”

  She accept his repossession, knowing how hard it had been for him to consent to her secret mission to expose the constable. She’d used his spanking her as a weapon to force his hand. He hadn’t like it, but Ridley persuaded him to let her try the subterfuge.

  She held onto his shoulders, lifting her pelvis to meet his thrusts. Her clitoris ached, demanding a climax. The roughness had a splendid edge to it, as if she needed Blake to be harsh, needed him to punish her body for making him anxious.

  He tore her dress apart. She didn’t care it would take weeks to replace. The fabric shredded in his beefy hands and her breasts lay bare before him. He cupped each one, for a moment, gently, then he squeezed them and she hollered.

  “Come, wife,” he commanded.

  She’d not had an orgasm like it before. The contractions beat about his cock and every muscle in her body cramped with excitement.

  “Oh, oh…” she panted, thrashing her head from side to side.

  Blake cried out, withdrew and emptied over her belly, delivering a hot stream of gushing liquid, which splashed onto her skin.

  He smothered her with kisses, whispering adulation into her ear. She remembered little as she lay in a haze of sexual pleasure.

  For a while, after he’d calmed, they cuddled in each other’s arms. Reaching down, she touched his cock—it twitched, dancing up and down on his belly as the stiffness returned.

  “Again?” she queried.

  “It’s the start of my three day layoff,” he reminded her. “The word ‘again’ isn’t going to be sufficient. Let’s just say if you’re not sore by the time I’ve finish with you, you’ll deserve to be spanked.”

  * * *

  The Comms screen flashed many times before Blake had the wherewithal to answer it. Jen’s face popped up on the screen.

  “There you two are, you’ve been hiding from us. I’ve news,” she exclaimed jumping up and down.

  Lysa stood behind Blake on her tiptoes and peered over his shoulder, so Jen couldn’t see her naked body. “What news?”

  “The wicked witch, Millicent, turns out she’s been having an affair with Harkess.”

  “The adjudicator!” Lysa assumed Millicent had some connection to the constable.

  “Yes, fucked over his desk countless times. He spanks her, too. It all came out when the boss put a spy camera in the office. She’s all over him, the greedy slut. Every time trouble brewed, she’d pop over there and tell him, then he’d send the constable to intervene. She even had a pocket communicator to send a message if she couldn’t get to him in person. She used it to arrange their meetings.”

  “Her husband, what must he think?” growled Blake.

  Jen giggled, her eyes gleaming with delight. “He is furious. Took her to the bar, where his friends had gathered with their lifer wives and threw Millipede over his lap, pulled down her panties and spanked her super hard, right there, in front of all of them, telling her she was to be packed off to Earth, divorced. She didn’t enjoy that spanking, for sure. I wished I seen it. Sym did. Said it was a hoot.”

  “I’m glad Sym got to see it. Makes up for her own humiliation.” Lysa wrapped her arms around Blake’s broad chest. “You’ve made my day.”

  “No, you’ve made all of our days. If you hadn’t encouraged Ridley to come out of his box and see the truth, we’d be suffering under that terrible cane for the rest of our stay here. Now that Oona, and the other lifers, have seen what has really been going on, they’re all apologetic and determined to make amends. Things will be so much better.”

  “For all of us,” reminded Lysa.

  “I can see I’ve interrupted something,” Jen grinned. “I’ll leave you to it.”

  “Bye,” sang Lysa.

  Jen blew them a kiss.

  “Now, where was I,” murmured Blake. “I know, about to fuck your luscious arse.”

  Blake spun round and pushed her backwards onto the bed, lifted up legs and with the broad span of his hand, held her ankles together over her head. Her bottom stuck out and he ogled her with a gleeful expression.

  “What are you going to do,” she asked, biting on her lip.

  “Spank you.”

  “Um, why?” She leaned on her elbows, trying to edge backwards.

  “You scared me to hell going up against the constable. You flirt with danger, take risks and speak your mind without thinking things through. I shall always have to spank you. Get used to it.”

  She gawped at him as he lifted his hand over her bottom. Her swollen sex lay nesting at the apex of her thighs, and she knew it would be vulnerable to his sweeping smacks. She tried to kick her legs free, but his pincer grip held her tight.

  “Lysa,” he said softly. “No more fighting me. Submit with grace.”

  She ceased kicking and pouted instead, unsure of his intentions.

  He stroked her bottom. The warmth of his palm both tickled and soothed her skin. She shivered, sighing and closed her eyes. Her knees slipped close to her chest and his pinching grasp loosened.

  “Go on then,” she said.

  He’d spanked her much harder in the past, but in less vulnerable positions. She flinched for the first few, surprised by the smarting slaps, which heated her bottom from a soft glow to a fiery heat. Gradually, as she accepted her situation, she anticipated each smack without tensing first.

  “You’re getting wet,” he remarked. “But not enough.” He resumed and she jerked as he increased the frequency. She heard nothing but the sound of his hand striking her enflamed arse and the sharp intake of breaths. The rhythm kept pace with her heartbeats and she sank deeper into a state of carefree acceptance.

  “Good,” he murmured. He let go of her ankles and she gripped her knees, holding position and spreading her legs. Opening her eyes, she found Blake with one knee on the bed next to her and the other on the floor. His body naked and glistening with a sheen of perspiration. The sight of his manly physique, his upright penis peeping out between his burly thighs—eager to use her—along with the rise and fall of his hand on her butt, made her quiver with trepidation. She anticipated his intentions, his desire to fuck her tight little hole and it made her pant with desperation.

  He stopped, probed her open pussy and smeared her juices about her globes, then down between her bottom cheeks, pushing a finger inside her. She lay still, as he stretched and worked her muscles looser. One finger, two, and he delved deeper, muttering words of satisfaction, “Good girl.”

  “You’re ready,” he announced, standing up. He leaned forward, took hold of her bent knees and aimed his thick cock at her
back entrance. “Keep your eyes open.”

  She gazed up into his face and she lay reflected in the pits of his black eyes. With a nudge, he prised open her hole.

  “Let me in.”

  Taking a deep breath, she relaxed her tense muscles and gave about him as he penetrated. His face contorted into an amazed expression—his jaw dropped and his eyes narrowed into slits. His cock pressed past her natural resistance, growing harder as he leaned into her. Lysa clutched the bed sheet in her fists and clung on, her own mouth gaping.

  He paused, letting her adapt, accommodate him. A brief interlude, one where he offered her a smile.

  “I love you,” she said. The words rushed into her head without much forethought.

  “I know,” he replied. He bent over, reaching down to kiss her lips, sliding his tongue into her open mouth. Another moment of respite before he plundered her. He eased back. “Are you ready for me?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  He lifted up, nearly extracting his erection in its entirety. She held her breath, her bottom blazing from her spanking, and waited for the wondrous sensation of complete occupation. His biceps bulged as he flex his arms, spreading her legs wider and exposing her cleft.

  He expected her to surrender and she did as he drove into her, groaning, grunting with each thrust. Throughout, she kept her eyes on him, uttering her own soft sounds of delight until she came with a cry matching his own raucous exclamation of completion.

  What happened after that, she did not remember much, given the number of orgasms, but Blake told her later, she’d surprised him with her stamina. He spoke with pride.

  * * *

  “I wanted to tell you both in person,” said Ridley from behind his desk. “Lysa, your qualifications as a mining engineer have been approved. Your final examination result was a distinction… again. You will be allowed to work alongside the engineers here, under my supervision.”

  Lysa wiped away a tear and her shoulders shook with emotion. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”

  “I can’t guarantee you will find any work once you leave here, but I’ve been assured you won’t face charges. A mining facility costs billions—you saved them a fortune, as well as countless lives. Also, I expect the threat of publicity about the Corporation’s safety record has helped keep your illegal studying under wraps.”


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