Heart of The Vampire: A Vampire Romance (Blood Brotherhood Book 3)

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Heart of The Vampire: A Vampire Romance (Blood Brotherhood Book 3) Page 13

by ML Guida

  Amadi’s jaw fell open and his muscles froze. He couldn’t believe his ringing ears.

  Still stunned, Amadi sat next to her and guarded her. Every time she sighed or moaned, he tensed and fought to breathe. He couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t eat. Waiting to see if she pulled through. Doc came in several times and checked her. Each time, he said it was good news. But what if he was wrong? Amadi wouldn’t be satisfied until she sat up and walked out of the bed.

  Night turned to day. And still he waited. His muscles bunched, his gut balled into a knot, and his blood stilled. Live. She had to live.

  Chapter 19

  Violet opened her eyes. Her brain was still muddled. Where was she? She didn’t recognize the wooden ceiling nor had she ever slept in such a soft bed. She took a deep breath and inhaled fresh ocean air.

  Someone held her hand. She turned her head to see Amadi kneeling and holding her hand against his head. Was he praying? “Amadi?”

  He raised his head. Tears glistened in his eyes. “How are you feelin’?”

  “Tired. Achy.” She rubbed her chest. “Celeste stabbed me.”

  His eyes narrowed. “’Twas da last thing she ever did.”

  She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it. “Did I imagine it, or did you say you loved me?”

  “No, you didn’t imagine it.”

  His words spoke true. No lies hid behind his voice, and his aura was bright white.

  She frowned. “Where are we?”

  He smiled. “Aboard da Soaring Phoenix. You’re safe.”

  They were finally free.

  No more chains.

  No more terror.

  No more nightmares.

  She stared at his hard face. He wasn’t a vampire. His eyes were back to their chocolate brown. He was a man used to a hard life, but she knew his heart. He was proud and true. He’d risked his life for her. No one had ever done this for her. “I love you.”

  “I know.”

  There was no arrogance in his husky voice, but there was something else, something that was music to her ears.

  “Is this your cabin?”

  He tilted his head back and laughed. “No, it belongs to da cap’n.”

  Her heart squeezed at taking something away from her betters. More than once, she’d learned painfully what happened if she dared to step out of her place. She struggled to sit. “Won’t he be mad?”

  He shook his head and pushed her gently back down. “His woman, Hannah Knight, said for us to use it until you’re well enough to move.”

  She furrowed her eyebrows. “To move where?”

  “The crew’s cabin. Hannah has ordered another private quarter be made for us.”

  She slid her hand down her cool face. “How long have I slept?”

  He rubbed his thumb over her trembling hand. “A day.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’ve stayed with me this whole time?”

  “I’d never leave you.” His husky voice sent chills down her back.

  She smiled at the emotion in his brown eyes. “Or I you.”

  He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “Sleep, Violet. You need to rest.”

  She yawned. “You’ll stay here?”

  “I’m not goin’ anywhere.”

  His face was haggard, wrecked with worry. He needed to sleep as much as she did. She moved over. “Hold me, please.”

  Amadi hesitated. “I don’t—”

  She patted the bed. “Please. I need your arms around me.”

  He sighed. “As you wish, sweet flower.” He took off his boots and climbed onto the bed next to her. His long, muscular body stretched out and emitted warmth. She laid her head on his chest, listening to his thumping heart. He wrapped his powerful arms around her, and once again, she felt safe, knowing no one could harm her, not with her brave vampire by her side.

  She looked up at him and parted her lips. “Kiss me.”

  “You’re not well enough.”

  She slipped her hand around his neck. “Aye, I am.”

  He tilted his head. His dark eyes were tenser than she had expected, as if he were afraid something bad would happen.

  “I won’t break.” She pulled him toward her, eager to taste his masculinity.

  He bent down and captured her lips with his. At first, he gave her tender pecks, but then his tongue delved deeper, demanding, masterful, and a delightful wash of pleasure pulsed through her, blocking out the memory of the Sorcière De Mer. Her heart pattered wildly, sending blood to her watery belly. The skin across her chest tightened and pulled itself into taut tiny peaks, not from pain, but from his branding kiss.

  She moved her arms over his naked back, her fingers brushing over the slightest movement. His strength never failed to amaze her. He could crush her with one blow, but he was always gentle with her. Her dark gentle giant.

  He pulled away. “I need to stop.”

  “Why?” She couldn’t hide the disappointment in her voice.

  “Because I’m afraid I can’t control myself. I don’t want to hurt you. When you’re stronger—”

  “You’ll love me.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Every day.”

  She inhaled his fragrant scent of the sea. His warm breath caressed over her head. ’Twas as if a breath of freedom rolled over her. Listening to his steady heartbeat, drowsiness took over her, and she snuggled deeper into the arms of the man she loved.

  A week later, Amadi led Violet out of the cap’n’s cabin. Doc had sewn up her wound, and she could breathe easily, but her body still had dull aches. “Can we go topside?”

  “Aye, Doc says you’re well enough.” He kissed her on the tip of her nose then smiled. “’Tis this way, my lady.” He put his hand on her lower back and maneuvered her out of the cabin. “Da Soaring Phoenix has sailed out to sea. Huntin’ for an uncharted island for da escaped slaves.”

  Violet slowly climbed the stairs, not sure what to expect. But she was tired of staying in the cabin, no matter how nice it might be. ’Twas bigger than any room she’d ever had.

  Blue sky and ocean air greeted her. She wanted to dance along the deck, but it was crowded with men, women, and children. The crew moved effortlessly around the freed captives, cleaning the ship, manning the sails.

  “Dis is da first time these men, women, and children have walked around anywhere free.” Amadi motioned with his arm. “Men need to be free.”

  Bitterness crept into his voice. She leaned her head against his arm. “And thanks to you, they are.”

  “Amadi.” A crisp strong male voice made her shiver.

  Violet turned and clutched Amadi’s arm.

  Captain Kane O’Brien approached them. He wasn’t as tall as Amadi, but he walked with a commanding presence.


  “Looks like you’re feeling better, lass.”

  He flashed Violet a warm smile that highlighted his handsome face. Even with the rugged scar down his right cheek, he was a man who must have left a dozen broken hearts behind.

  Amadi put his arm around her. “She’s still a little weak.”

  “I’m well. Thank you, Cap’n, for allowing me to recover in your cabin. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Of course, I did. ’Tis my pleasure.” He motioned to the sky. “William and Mariah are searching for an uncharted island to allow the slaves to live in peace. We will come by from time to time to ensure they are safe. No telling where the Fiery Damsel is.” His voice was riddled with authority, and this was a man used to his orders being obeyed.

  “Aye, Cap’n.” Amadi shielded his eyes.

  Violet looked up at the sky to see a large dragon flying through the clouds, not something she saw every day. She was still getting used to accepting a world of magic, darkness, and freedom.

  “Amadi!” A high-pitched cherubic voice squealed.

  Chloe ran down the deck with her arms stretched out. Amadi bent down and picked her up. “How are you doing today?”

  “Fine. Hannah w
as showing me how she can move things with her hands!”

  Hannah came up and laughed. “She’s a dearie.” She slipped her arms through the captain’s.

  He frowned. “What things?”

  “Oh, don’t be an old grump.” She kissed him on the cheek. “I parted the water so she could see the dolphins swimming next to the ship.”

  The constant fear had left Chloe’s eyes, and her frail body was nice and plump like a four-year-old’s should be. “I want to go see Doc.” She kissed Amadi on the cheek.

  He put her down, and she ran toward Violet’s healer.

  Doc was a little shorter than Amadi and his face more withered. Gray strands intertwined in his dark hair. But ’twas those brown eyes, full of merriment, that always made Violet smile. She’d never had a healer who made her smile and laugh, even when she was in pain.

  But the merriment left Doc’s eyes.

  Amadi held up his hands. “Don’t glare at me, Doc. You said she could come up here.”

  Doc scanned his gaze over her. “See she done gets to bed soon. Her color is still pale.”

  Chloe hugged Doc’s leg. “Play with me, Doc.”

  He lost his frown and lifted her into his arms. “I will, darlin’. I will.”

  Amadi raised his eyebrow and gave Doc a glassy stare. “I’ll take Violet below to eat something. Will dat make you happy?”

  Doc winked at Violet. “Aye, it would.”

  Violet whispered in Amadi’s ear. “After lunch, I want to see our cabin. Can we?”

  “Aye, we can.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at the strain in his voice and the tightening of his arm. She wanted to be alone with him, away from the crew’s blatant stares of curiosity.

  Chapter 20

  Violet was surprised at the hanging drapes in the corner of the crew’s quarters. There was another one in an opposite corner. A hammock big enough for two hung between the posts. There was a trunk shoved against the wall, and a small lantern sat on a barrel. There was a soft sheepskin on the floor.

  “Is this mine?” she asked shyly.

  “No, ’tis ours. Mariah, a witch, cast a spell on dis, and the crew will not hear anythin’ while we are in here.”

  Heat flared in Violet’s cheeks at his hidden meaning. But she wanted him. She placed her hands on his broad chest, enjoying the feel of the hard muscle beneath her touch. “Meaning?”

  “Um, when you are well enough—”

  “I’m well enough now, Amadi.” She licked his chest and felt him tremble. “Do not deny me.”

  He pushed back her hair behind her ear. “You are a saucy wench.”

  She leaned her head into his callused palm. “Only with you.”

  He smiled and wrapped his muscular arms around her. She leaned her body against his and arched her back. He kissed her, and she held onto him tight, never wanting to lose him again. His heart beat as hard and as desperately as hers.

  “Turn around,” he mumbled. “I want you.”

  She turned, excitement, and fear pulsing through her veins. Amadi was a big man. What if she could not accommodate him?

  He freed the ribbons on the back of her dress one by one, his fingers brushing against her. Her dress hung loosely, and he slowly lifted it over her head.

  She wore nothing, but a shapeless cloud of linen. Heat swelled through her shaking body.

  “More ribbons,” he mumbled.

  Irritation flamed in his voice, but he gently undid the ribbons without tearing them. He slid the linen off her and kissed her shoulders. “Are you sure you want to do dis?”

  His spicy breath rushed over her naked skin, and a slight shiver went from her shoulders down to her curled toes. “Aye,” she whispered, not sure if she spoke.

  He gripped her shoulders, his hands shaking, and turned her around to face him. “You’re so beautiful. I have never seen such loveliness.”

  She met his bold gaze and tilted her chin, trying to be braver than the fear pooling in her belly at standing stark naked in front of a man. She silently mouthed. “Thank you.”

  His eyes dark with desire, Amadi removed his boots and slid off his trousers. Gloriously naked he stood before her. His skin was a glistening ebony contrast to the flickering light, and his wild black braids fell across his broad shoulders. The white-lined scars on his body didn’t take away from his beauty. They only made him more rugged. A warrior.

  She lowered her gaze and froze.

  He reached out and lifted her chin. “I will not hurt you, little flower.” He crossed his heart. “I promise.”

  Trusting him, she stepped closer. He lifted her into his arms and kissed her possessively as he lowered himself onto the blanket. He laid her onto the blanket and covered her with his body, shielding her from any cold. But cold was the last thing she felt. Towering heat rushed over her, and Amadi ignited the flames as his hands explored her body, discovering every sensitive spot, stroking the fire of passion burning inside her.

  “Spread your legs.” His husky voice sent both a thrill of impatience and a chill of anxiety through her.

  Too caught up in feelings of countless sensations, Violet nodded.

  Amadi kissed her neck and slowly moved down her sweltering body, his braids brushing over her hot skin. Between his lips and his hands exploring her body, rushes of pleasure swept over her.

  He moved his hand down her stomach to her feminine curls where he inserted a finger, exploring her soft insides. She panted harder and harder. Amadi took one nipple into his hot mouth and gently laved her, but then his velvety lips suckled her harder and harder, sending lightning streaks of pleasure shooting through her body and throbbing between her legs.

  Violet ran her fingers through his thick braids, arching her back so he could take more of her flesh in between his luscious lips. He left her greedy breast, and she moaned in disappointment. He licked and kissed down her quivering body until he came to her belly button, where he swirled his tongue, sending her off the edge into a whirlwind of bliss.

  He knelt and ran his calloused hands down her quaking thighs then put them each astride his shoulders.

  “My lord,” she whimpered. “What are you doing?”

  “You’ll see.” He blew air onto her curls.

  She trembled, but when he kissed her soft mound, she cried out. He thrust his tongue into her feminine folds and licked and sucked her, sending blood thumping through her faster and faster until she straightened her legs, shuddered, and nearly wept with joy. “Amadi, please.”

  “Such a temptress. But you’re not ready yet.”

  Violet groaned in frustration.

  Amadi slowly lowered her and stretched out on top of her, his flesh pushing against her thigh. “You’re tense.” He entered a finger and plunged it in and out, creating more intense sensations running through her. Another finger, and then another, stroking and stretching her slowly.

  She couldn’t take it anymore and ran her fingers over his flesh, wanting to feel his length. He was huge, and a gnawing fear grew inside her heart. She knew the first time for any woman was painful, but she doubted all men were as big as Amadi. ’Twas not going to be pleasurable.

  He sucked in his breath. “Violet.”

  “Let’s do this.”

  “You’re tensin’.” He pressed his thumb against her womanhood, stroking her.

  “I can’t help it. You’re so big.” Fear crept into her voice.

  “I’ll not hurt you. I promise.”

  Truth echoed in his words, but she couldn’t shake the apprehension glued to her bones.

  He widened her thighs then rested his hips against hers. The tip of his flesh pressed against her folds. The sensation of stretching and pain gripped her.

  She couldn’t breathe, but then waves of pleasure poured through her. She gripped his shoulders, digging her nails into his muscles, needing to feel his strength.

  Slowly, he edged into her core until her muscles accommodated him. When she tensed, he’d stop. He kissed her, and
he used his thumb to rub her nipple. More pleasure seared through her.

  Not able to shift or inhale, she stiffened. She could feel his powerful muscle inside her, constricting, and lengthening.

  But Amadi pressed his thumb harder, and with the friction of flesh moving against flesh, the pain lessened, and another wave of sensations embraced her. She arched her hips and matched his rhythm. The more their hips thrust; a whirlwind of absolute ecstasy gripped her. “Harder!”

  He didn’t answer, but instead of a steady rhythm, he slammed into her. The mixture of pain and pleasure sent every impulse inside her alive.

  “Aye, aye!” She cried out and arched her back, pressing her breasts against his massive chest. A torrid climax surged through her. Nothing prepared her for this. Thousands of sensations scorching pleasure seized her and she screamed.

  Amadi followed, his body thrust down, rigid and shaking, as he expelled his seed into her womb. He collapsed on top of her and laid his head in the crock of her neck. He panted hard, his heart beating as fast as hers.

  “Are you among the living?”

  “Barely.” He lifted his head. “I’ve never felt so much feeling. But then I’ve never made love to the woman who holds my heart.”

  She taped her finger on his mouth. “Do you always talk like this?”

  He sucked it. More pleasure pulsed through her still quivering body.

  “No.” He glanced up at her with hooded eyes. “Only you bring out what’s buried inside me.”

  His soft voice swelled the emotions inside her. She locked her legs around his still thrusting hips. “Never leave me.”

  “Stayin’ with me won’t be easy.”

  “Because you’re a vampire?”

  “And an ex-slave.”

  She frowned at the bitterness echoing in his voice. She clasped her hands on his cheeks. “You’re a free man, a man I want to stay with for the rest of my life.”

  “The cap’n says the freed captives need a leader.” Wariness flickered in his eyes.

  She cupped his cheeks. “You. He wants you to stay with them.”

  He lowered and turned his head as if he were afraid to answer. “Only until they’re well enough to manage on their own. Some of them are too weak to build anythin’. They also need to be taught how to defend themselves. I’ll understand if you don’t want to stay with me.”


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