Mercy (The Guardians Series 1)

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Mercy (The Guardians Series 1) Page 39

by Wendy Saunders

  Olivia struggled with the Chief as he fought to restrain her.

  ‘Theo,’ she called to him.

  Helga reached out and grabbed his ankles tightly forcing him to the ground. Before he could get back to his feet she climbed on his back and pinned him to the ground. Cameron crawled over and helped her yank his arms behind his back.

  ‘Should we arrest him Chief?’ he panted.

  ‘Not yet,’ he shook his head, ‘let him stew on it for a while.’

  Theo growled as the cold gravel of the driveway bit into his cheek and neck.

  ‘Theo,’ Olivia struggled against the Chief again, ‘don’t let them search the house.’

  ‘Why?’ the Chief slammed her back against the car once again, causing her to cry out in pain. ‘What’s in the house?’

  ‘Go to hell,’ she spat at him.

  He grabbed her by the throat and raised his hand to hit her. Knowing there was no way to protect herself with her hands behind her back she closed her eyes and waited for the blow.

  ‘Chief!’ Helga’s voice cracked like a whip.

  Even Cameron looked up, slightly surprised.

  ‘I’m sure you wouldn’t want people to think we mistreat our prisoners,’ she told him pointedly, ‘perhaps you should allow Miss West to put some shoes and a Jacket on.

  Grating his teeth his eyes flashed dangerously.

  ‘She’ll be fine,’ he opened the door and shoved her into the car.

  Waiting for the Tech to pack up the evidence bags and climb into the passenger seat, the chief slid into the driver’s seat and pulled out of the drive. Helga and Cameron climbed off Theo and headed towards their own car. Theo climbed to his feet and brushed the gravel from his clothes watching the retreating cars with dark eyes. Pulling his phone from his pocket he called Jake.

  Olivia sat quietly shivering in the back of the car; the sadistic son of a bitch didn’t even put the heater on as he read her rights. She watched him carefully as she listened to the inflections in his voice. He was different; there was something in his eyes, a kind of madness. To him everything he’d done was by the book and completely rational. Olivia didn’t believe for one second he could make the charges stick; as soon as Erica found out she’d have his balls for breakfast. He’d crossed so many lines there was no way he could get away with it.

  They pulled into the station parking lot and moved around the back to the bays in front of the rear entrance. She found herself roughly pulled from the vehicle and winced as the cold hard ground scraped up the soles of her bare feet. Dammit they’d only just healed from the last time. She could feel the temper simmering under her skin and resisted the overwhelming urge to use her powers to throw the Chief through the wall. Do no harm…do no harm…she continually repeated to herself as she was marched into booking and subjected to the additional humiliation of being fingerprinted and photographed. Okay so maybe she’d cheated slightly and allowed the heat to pool in her fingertips leaving not only little black burns on the card but also a very baffled deputy Carl.

  They finally threw her into a cell and left her there in the freezing cold. She curled up against the wall on the small cot and wrapped her arms around her legs trying to find some warmth. She was lucky that her body ran at a higher temperature than the average person or she’d probably already have pneumonia.

  She lost track of how much time passed, looking up only when she heard someone else enter the room and approach her cell. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise as Deputy Helga appeared in front of the bars and pressed a folded blanket through the metal.

  ‘Here,’ she spoke quietly, ‘take this, it’s freezing in here.’

  Olivia uncurled herself from the narrow cot and walked cautiously over to the door. She watched the tall blonde woman suspiciously wondering if it was some kind of trap.

  ‘Take it,’ she repeated holding the blanket out further.

  ‘Thank you,’ Olivia murmured, her icy fingers wrapping around the coarse material.

  Helga watched Olivia with troubled eyes, before leaning in close to the bars.

  ‘I’ve called the Mayor’s office,’ she whispered.

  ‘What?’ Olivia’s brow folded in confusion, ‘why? Why are you helping me?’

  ‘I wasn’t watching you just because the Chief ordered me to,’ she replied cryptically.

  Before she could ask any more questions a sudden commotion startled them both and drew their attention. The door crashed open and Mayor Burnett swept in imperiously followed by a tall well built man with a couple of days old stubble and slightly greying hair.

  ‘What the hell is going on here,’ Mayor Burnett demanded, ‘release her immediately.’

  Helga moved to unlock the door.

  ‘As you were deputy,’ Chief Walcott stalked belligerently into the room.

  ‘I said release her,’ Mayor Burnett repeated.

  ‘You have no right,’ he growled.

  ‘I’ll deal with you in a minute,’ her eyes flashed dangerously as she took in Olivia’s appearance. ‘You,’ she beckoned Helga forwards, ‘for God’s sake go and get the poor girl some warm clothes before she freezes to death.’

  ‘She is my prisoner and I will deal with her as I see fit,’ Chief Walcott stepped towards her but found his path blocked.

  ‘Who the hell are you?’

  ‘Captain Macallister, Philadelphia PD’ he introduced himself, ‘and you are under arrest Chief.’

  ‘What?’ Walcott roared in disbelief, ‘on what charge?’

  ‘The physical assault of Judge Andrew Lloyd, falsifying evidence, wrongful arrest, harassment, basically anything I can make stick.’ Mac told him pleasantly.

  ‘You have no jurisdiction here,’ he spat.

  ‘I think you’ll find you’re wrong, Chief Walcott,’ Mayor Burnett answered coldly. ‘I told you to do your job or I would find someone else to do it. I spoke with the commissioner this morning and he has agreed that Captain Macallister here will fill in for you temporarily until we can straighten out the diabolical mess you have created.’

  ‘I did my job,’ he replied in contempt, ‘I caught a murderer.’

  ‘No, you didn’t,’ she shook her head angrily; ‘you framed and arrested an innocent woman because you have a grudge against her father. You are suspended pending a full inquiry into your conduct, as is Deputy Cameron Walker. You will also face charges regarding the assault of Judge Lloyd and the theft of a blood sample from the medical centre with the intention of incriminating Miss West here. You see Mr Walcott I know how to do my homework. I have spoken to both Judge Lloyd and Doctor Hughes and I am appalled that a man I appointed as Chief of Police could behave in such a manner. By the time I’ve finished with you, you’ll be lucky not to end up in prison.’

  ‘You can’t do this.’

  ‘I think you’ll find I can,’ she replied coolly, ‘if you would be so kind Captain Macallister.’

  ‘My pleasure,’ Mac smiled.

  ‘You son of a bitch,’ Erica came sailing angrily into the room.

  ‘It’s alright Erica; we have this,’ Mayor Burnett told her gently, ‘go and take care of your friend.’

  Erica swept past Walcott and in through the wide open door of Olivia’s cell, glaring murderously at him as she went. Olivia looked up through chattering teeth and blue tinged lips as Erica sat down on the uncomfortable cot next to her and rubbed her arms vigorously, trying to restore some of her body heat.

  ‘Theo called me as soon as they left,’ she murmured. ‘Jake went to pick him up, they’ll be here soon.’

  ‘I want to go home,’ Olivia shivered.

  ‘Soon,’ she replied soothingly, ‘we’ll get all this straightened out; they’ll probably want to take your statement.’

  Deputy Helga re-entered the cell with a pair of police issue trousers and jacket, some socks and a pair of boots.

  ‘These might be a little big but it was all I could find.’

‘Thank you,’ Erica snapped, taking the pile of clothes from the tall woman roughly, ‘we can handle it from here.’

  Helga’s eyes met Olivia’s for a moment. Olivia wanted to ask her what she had meant earlier when she said she wasn’t watching her because of the Chief, but she couldn’t get the words out as her body was wracked by deep shudders.

  Helga nodded then disappeared and Erica helped her to dress quickly. She had to fold the waistband on the trousers over several times and they still hung low on her hips, but the thick socks felt heavenly, wrapped around her frozen feet, despite the fact the boots were two sizes too big. Pulling on the thickly padded jacket she wrapped the blanket back around her shoulders and slowly the violent shivers began to ease.

  ‘Here this might help,’ Mac walked into the cold cell carrying a cup of coffee.

  Olivia stared at the offered cup and then up at the face of the man offering it to her.


  She took the cup from him warily and took a small sip, her eyes never leaving his.

  ‘It tastes like crap.’

  He laughed out loud and it was a warm genuine sound.

  ‘I didn’t make it,’ he took a seat the other side of Olivia, ‘I am really sorry for the way you have been treated by the Mercy police department.’

  ‘Are you trying to talk us out of suing you?’ Erica asked pointedly.

  ‘No,’ Mac chuckled, ‘you want to sue the pants off Walcott be my guest. As far as I’m concerned the bastard deserves what he gets.’

  Olivia continued to stare at him.

  ‘You don’t remember me do you?’ Mac asked her.

  ‘We’ve met?’ she frowned.

  ‘A long time ago,’ he nodded, ‘the night your father fled with you to Philadelphia.’

  She cast her mind back to that night studying his face.

  ‘I do remember,’ her eyes narrowed in thought, ‘you were the officer who sat with me after they took my dad away, you gave me a soda and waited with me until child services arrived.’

  ‘That’s right,’ he smiled, ‘I kept an eye on you but once you left Philly I lost track of you.’

  ‘You did?’

  He nodded.

  ‘Look Olivia, I’ve looked over the files both the current ones and the ones from ‘94 and I don’t believe you had anything to do with the murders but your father is another matter entirely. There are just too many red flags going up, when we finally manage to catch him we will want to question him in relation to these murders.’

  ‘I know,’ she sighed.

  ‘Do you know where he is?’

  She shook her head.

  ‘No,’ she replied reluctantly, ‘but I know he’s been watching me. He’ll be somewhere close by.’

  ‘Thank you, I know this isn’t easy for you, but we do need to take your statement with regards to Chief Walcott.’

  ‘Captain Macallister,’ she answered tiredly, ‘I just want to go home. I’ve had about as much as I can take for one day.’

  ‘I appreciate that it has been a difficult day but we really do need to ask you some questions. If you would be more comfortable we could interview you at your home instead of the station.’

  ‘I’m not too comfortable having cops in my house after the way I have been treated lately.’

  ‘I understand but if it helps it will just be me and of course you are welcome to have your lawyer present,’ he glanced at Erica. ‘I can promise you that you will be treated with the utmost respect and consideration.’

  ‘Fine,’ Olivia blew out the breath she’d been holding.

  ‘Thank you,’ he nodded as he stood, ‘I’ll drive you home personally.’

  ‘I’ll let Jake and Theo know to meet us back at your house,’ Erica pulled her phone out of her purse.

  ‘Ladies,’ Mac indicated for them to follow him.

  They barely made it down the corridor to the stairwell when a younger officer that Olivia had never seen before, rushed towards them calling for Mac.

  ‘Captain Macallister,’ he breathed heavily.

  ‘Yes?’ he stopped and turned towards him.

  ‘Sir I was sent to find you, you’re needed immediately.’

  ‘Why? What is it?’

  ‘Sir,’ he glanced warily at the two women behind him, his voice dropping low, ‘they’ve found another body.’

  ‘God,’ he blew out a breath, ‘alright I’ll be right there.’

  The younger man scurried off and Mac turned back to Olivia and Erica, his expression contrite.

  ‘I am sorry, Olivia,’ he shook his head, ‘I’m afraid I need to deal with this situation, perhaps I could come by later if that is convenient for you?’

  ‘Sure,’ she nodded.

  ‘I’ll have one of the other deputies drive you home.’

  ‘That won’t be necessary,’ Olivia replied, ‘I’ll get a cab.’

  ‘No please,’ Mac answered, ‘I insist. If you would just follow the stairs, down to the parking garage, someone will be with you in a moment.’

  She watched Mac disappear down the corridor while Erica tried Jake’s number again.

  ‘There’s still no answer,’ she frowned.

  ‘Jake’s probably still driving,’ Olivia told her as they headed down the stairs, ‘why don’t you try Theo’s number instead.’

  Once they arrived at the parking lot they were shown to one of the unlocked cars and told someone would be with them shortly. Olivia settled into the back and dropped her head back against the seat. Her stomach growled loudly and she could have killed for a decent coffee.

  ‘Damn it,’ Erica swore softly.

  ‘Still no answer?’

  ‘No signal down here,’ Erica murmured holding her phone up at a different angle, ‘I’m just going to head outside and try again; I’ll be back in a moment.’

  ‘I’ll be right here,’ Olivia yawned, pulling the blanket tighter around her shoulders against the chill and with a deep sigh she closed her eyes.

  Chief Walcott tugged viciously against the handcuffs anchoring him to the heavy table. His gaze was dark and narrow as he surveyed the room, his jaw ticking in tightly clenched fury. How dare they? Handcuffing him like some common criminal. Arresting him? Who the hell did they think they were? He couldn’t believe they would just release Olivia West, why could they not see what she was? He couldn’t trust them, none of them. He was obviously on his own and if the law wasn’t going to back him…well then, he would just have to take matters into his own hands.

  The door clicked open quietly and Deputy Carl stepped through holding a paper cup. Behind him, he could hear some sort of commotion and a great deal of activity.

  ‘I brought you a coffee Chief,’

  ‘What’s going on Carl?’ he asked.

  ‘I’m not sure I’m supposed to say anything,’ he paused in the doorway frowning.

  ‘What am I going to do?’ he replied forcing down the anger and assuming a more congenial expression.

  ‘Well,’ Carl replied reluctantly, ‘I guess there’s no harm.’


  ‘They found another body in the woods Sir.’

  His heart jolted in his chest, and his jaw clenched tightly, If they had just listened to him in the first place this would have never happened.

  ‘How?’ he asked, dreading the answer, ‘How did he die?’

  ‘I don’t know for sure,’ he shook his head, ‘but word is it looks like his brain was removed.’

  A buzzing began in his ears and his heart began to pound in his chest. For a second he was transported back to 1994 and looking down at the mangled corpse of the man he loved, a man with his brain missing from his skull.

  ‘I mean, what’s the world coming to,’ Carl continued, ‘who the hell would do such a gruesome thing and why?’

  Chief Walcott barely heard him, his gaze narrowed and a thin veil descended over his eyes, his breaths coming in sharp gasps

  ‘Chief?’ Carl placed the cup down on the table, ‘Chief are you okay? You don’t look good.’

  ‘I can’t breathe,’ he wheezed slumping forwards, ‘my chest…’

  Carl rushed forwards unhooking the keys from his belt and reaching for the handcuffs.

  ‘Hold on Chief,’ he unlocked the cuffs freeing his hands.

  As the cuffs clattered against the table harmlessly he reached for the Chief, intending to loosen his collar but suddenly he felt a hand wrap around the back of his neck and the next thing he knew his face was smashed hard against the table before blackness enveloped him.

  Chief Walcott stood slowly and watched the unconscious man slump to the floor. Stepping over him calmly he pulled Carl’s weapon from its holster checking it was loaded before he tucked it into the back of his pants. Opening the door slowly with a quiet click he glanced out into the corridor, and once he was certain the way was clear he slipped from the room silently.

  Olivia was just drifting off when a sudden scuffling noise startled her. Sitting up abruptly she leaned out of the car.


  There was nothing but silence.

  She stepped out of the car and looked around the parking garage slowly.

  ‘Hello?’ she repeated.

  Unable to see or hear anything suspicious she shrugged and turned back towards the car. Suddenly she felt herself being shoved forwards and unable to stop her forward momentum she felt her forehead crack against the edge of the open door. Everything thing began to spin and she felt herself pitch forward into blackness.

  ‘So I still couldn’t get hold of either of them, I don’t know why they bother having phones if they’re not going to answer them.’

  Erica stalked back towards the car staring at her phone as she finished sending a text. Aware that Olivia hadn’t answered her she looked up to see Olivia’s limp form being bundled into the back of the car.

  ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ she dropped her phone and purse and ran forward.


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