Daddy's Dinner

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Daddy's Dinner Page 8

by Keira Moon

  Caroline was swollen beyond belief and she was flowing like a river. Jack paused a second to catch his breath, Joan begged, "Please don't stop," it was not his intention to stop but the pause served as an open line between them. Joan just told him she liked what he was doing to her, he returned with his new found confidence and sucked on her until her orgasmic cry came to an end. Once Jack had gotten down to the serious sucking, she stopped sucking on him, then laid back and enjoyed the ride. Jack was throbbing when he mounted her; she was still in Paradise as he began penetration. Joan's head was propped on the pillow and she was watching him as he extended his erection into her fully, she closed her eyes when he started to withdraw from her. Jack stopped just as the head of his penis was to be exposed; she opened her eyes and looked at the shaft that was coming out of her. Jack felt her push up and then he pushed down until their body's met. Caroline became active with her hands; first, she began caressing his chest and slowly worked her way down his body until their bodies restricted her hand. Jack lifted up to see how much further she could reach. Heidi lifted her head up from the pillow reached down and took hold of his shaft and squeezed it, then she started playing with his testicles, "Want me to suck on these" she asked. Jack wanted her to do what she wanted but not at this moment, he was enjoying the position that he was in. "Not now" he answered "Later," she asked. "Later," he replied. Relaxing while having a sexual encounter was not something he was used to doing, he noticed that she had no problem relaxing so he tried to do the same. Joan had resumed her position on the pillow, she reached up and placed her arms around his neck and pulled his face down to meet her lips. It was just like before when she penetrated his lips with her tongue, he felt the surge of power from within and thrust into her. The sensation Caroline was providing was unlike anything Jack had ever experience before; he was at the point where he wanted to explode into her and yet knew if he did the encounter would come to an end. Jack began taking some deep breaths and while he was; Caroline was wrapping her long white legs around and in-between his legs, once she had him securely locked in place she proceeded to take him to Paradise. The next evening they went out dancing but spent most of their time in the Hilton upstairs in bed. This time they took each other orally, and when they finished they went dancing again. The dancing lasted about twenty minutes, this was the amount of time it took Joan to get Jack excited enough to take her back upstairs.

  The computer was a gift from the family to be used by him and his wife, but he was the one who explored the Internet. One day while Jack was browsing he happened to locate a Caroline148, he wondered if this Caroline148 could be the woman he met in Southgate. Jack took the chance and e-mailed Caroline148, she responded a few days later with a "hi" and an unfamiliar e-mail address. Jack responded to the new address and then she directed him to find another himself. Jack was not as computer literate as Caroline was but eventually found another address. Jack told Joan that he missed her, she in return responded that he did not know her long enough to miss her. Jack's reply was he felt he knew her well enough to get between her legs and suck her dry. Caroline returned with a reply of only because she wanted him there. The letters continued for months. Then Jack told her he was to return to Connecticut for a high school reunion. Could they meet somewhere he asked Joan? Joan responded she would meet him somewhere out of town but left it up to him as to where it would be. Jack searched the web until he found a place in Southgate, called the Red Roof Inn, Joan knew where it was and agreed to meet him there on June 8th. June 8th couldn't get here fast enough for Jack. During the next few months, all his thought were exclusive of Caroline. Jack's imagination went wild at times as he imagined her body stretched out before him waiting for his hands to caress her breast, it his mind he would picture Joan standing in front of him helping herself to what would soon be the pleasure to them both. How many times had he woken in the middle of the night gasping for air as he came out of a dream where he had been between her soft creamy thighs? How many times had he woken in the middle of the night and could have sworn that he smelled her fragrance in the room? How many times did he suffer the painful erection that was caused by thoughts of Caroline? And how many times did he take himself in the shower when he could no longer stand the agony of not being able to have her body beneath his? The drive from the airport to Southgate was about an hour, he set the cruise control at 55 and hoped he could concentrate on the road instead of seeing Miss Joan's face in front of him, once the vision of her appeared it merely unfolded. The apparition wasn't something he could not stop in the middle of, there was no on and off switch to use; it stopped when it wanted too. Jack enjoyed the plane ride because that's all he had to do was think of her. In the six-hour flight most of it, he needed to cover the erection that came and went, so the newspaper he purchased did have some value. Jack arrived at the Red Roof Inn shortly after five thirty in the afternoon, now he had another twelve to sixteen hours to wait for her. Jack's first order of business was to take a shower, as the water was warming up the telephone rang. "Hello," he said, "Hi" was the response from the other end.

  "Did you just get in?" Joan asked, "Yes I did and I was just about to shower". The phone sat silent for a few seconds then Joan asked, "Can I come over now" there was no hesitation with Jack's reply, "Please do" He said, "I'll be there shortly" Joan replied; then she hung up the phone. Even though he was concentrating on the cleansing of his body the underlying thought of Caroline created a good sized erection, had he been at home he would have jerked off right in the shower; however he was to save this one for Joan. Jack had just finished brushing his hair when he heard a soft rap on the door; he took a quick look into the mirror and was satisfied that he was presentable, he walked to the door opened it and Joan slid in and closed the door behind her. There was no how are you? Or how great it is to see you! Caroline began to slip out of her clothes as fast as she could, Jack's hands were not as adept as her's were and eventually, he stood back and let her undress herself, finally she stood before him naked as the day she was born. Jack untied his robe and Joan pressed her body into his, he felt his nostrils filled with her fragrance. Joan pulled the robe from his shoulders, their lips met and then they struggled to get to the bed, once upon the bed penetration was quick, having a lengthy encounter right now was out of the question for both of them. Joan was not telling him to relax now she was just as much of a hurry to reach an orgasm as he was, he started slamming into her, Joan wrapped her legs around him as much as she could, and then their orgasm began. Jack burst into her with eight or nine spurts, Joan started cumming herself on his second spurt and was still in passion when he finished, she tightened her vagina as tight as she could so she would not lose him; she was successful in keeping him up and fully extended. The waves of excitement were still passing through her body as Jack began to thrust into her again. Caroline opened her thighs as wide as she could and allowed him to continue slamming into her body. Thrust after thrust she endured as her man pounded against her aching body, moan after moan came from Caroline, the more she moaned the faster Jack went, faster and faster until the groan started to come from Jack. The groan from Jack brought a smile to Joan's face, after the groan a little growl, after the little growls a larger one. Joan held onto him as his pace increased, then he began with the low growl then it started to become higher pitched almost sounding like a whine, Caroline held onto Jack as he came again. "Was that a first??" she asked him when they were side by side in each other's arms, "You mean two in a row"? He asked. "You didn't do that last time" she replied.

  "I wasn't in love with you the last time" he returned to her. "You're in love with me". Joan asked as if she did not believe what he had said. "Yes," Jack answered. "This complicates things" Joan replied "how," he asked. "I'm in love with you too" she answered. Jack was surprised with Joan's admission of being in love with him, he felt he had fallen in love with her ten years ago when he first met her in the bar. Joan turned over on her back leaving him still at her side. She took a deep breath and l
et it out slowly; "are you alright" Jack? asked as he began to caress her breast. "Yes," she replied. She was with him and being with him was where she wanted to be. Jack was not sure how long she was going to stay either, that subject had not come up and as long as she was with him and was making no move to leave him he decided he was going to do what he had so many times dreamed of doing. He was going to take her orally; he positioned his body over her, kissed her and began the southern journey. There was no doubt in Caroline's mind what his intention was, she opens her legs and took hold of his head, then she began running her fingers through his thinning hair. When he reached his destination he spread her thighs apart and settled in on her. Caroline was ecstatic with how he handled her, his tongue touched places never touched before, she wanted to wrap her legs around his face and grind her hips into his mouth and then explode but she held on to herself and let him take her into Paradise. Caroline started to feel the pressure inside her body begin to mount; now was the time to wrap her legs around him. But before she could he placed his hands on the inner portion of her thighs and held her legs wide open, Caroline grunted as her orgasm started she pushed as hard as she could against him but she was held firmly in place. Finally, she pushed as hard as she could and let out a scream that put a temporary hold on Jack's down below activities. When Joan's breathing returned to normal he resumed sucking on her clitoris until she begged him to stop. "I've wanted you to do that to me for the longest time," she told him.

  He did not tell her how many nights he had spent thinking about doing her orally, but she must have had it all figure out when he went down on her on his own accord. "I've wanted to do it to you too" he finally told her Joan snuggled up to him; he cradled her head in his arm, she turned on her side and with her left hand reached out and took hold of him. Joan gave him a few good squeezes but he was not going anywhere after the two for one shot he had a while back, "do you mind if I touch you down here" she asked? His answer was "no" Caroline played with him for a while then headed south herself. She had not selected the position he had chosen, she stayed at his side and bent over his body taking him into her mouth while she caresses his testicles. She leaned over further and began sucking on his testicles, relaxing while making love was one thing, having his nuts in her mouth was another thing, he held his breath as she sucked on him. Jack knew he wasn't headed toward an orgasm but what she was doing to him sure felt great. Caroline never tired; she kept on until they began to ache and then he asked her to stop. She stopped doing him that way and went onto where she had begun, by taking his semi into her mouth. She continued until she felt he was hard enough to get inside her, once he was hard enough she mounted him, "Do you mind?" she asked after the fact "No" he said.

  Mind he thought, Christ he should have been this fortunate earlier in his life. Joan was on top of him giving him a little show, she leaned back far enough so he could reach up and feel her breast. Once he was in full contact she leaned forward and said "rub them harder" he did the best he could under the circumstances "harder" she asked again. "The only way I can rub them is if I get on top of you' he said. Joan dismounted him and lay on her back, Jack straddled her and started rubbing her breast, she smiled at him then reached over and turned the night light on, "why the light"? He asked; "I want to watch you" she answered. Jack rubbed until her nipples were nearly rock hard. Joan's hand met his as almost to ask him to stop, "Do you want me to suck on your nipples," he asked. She smiled and then squirmed a little bit. "Again," he said. She shook her head in an affirmative gesture. Jack slid down her body and latched onto her. Joan opened her soul to him as he sucked on her, it was a wonder she didn't have a bulge in her trouser she was so huge. Joan was a mouth full and she knew it; no wonder she liked it being sucked. After her explosive orgasm, she invited him to pursue an orgasm himself. Jack was not paying attention to what was happening to him while he was attending to her but she was, she had watched him grow and she wanted to take him inside her body. Where she could whisper him away to a land where he had never seen, silently show him places she would like to have him touch. Jack was now positioned over her, she raised her hips to greet him, seeking out the shaft she longed to have inside her, Contact was made and the penetration began. Somehow this was different to Jack, he eased into her unlike any time before and she was fantastic to be inside, he was totally relaxed, as was Caroline; there was no urgency; no have to hurry, just pure bliss. After a little while, she asked, "Can we change positions." "Of course" Jack replied. He had expected to lie on his back however that was not the position she had chosen, she was kneeling on the bed in the dog style position "Do me like this" she said as she twisted around to see where he was.

  He was not as familiar with this position as he was with the others but it did offer a challenge. He mounted her from the rear and found penetration in this dogstyle position fantastic. Caroline was doing most of the work moving her hips from side to side, then she did a little Bronco Billy and after that, some more side to side movements. Not his favorite when they began but now coming up a close third. Joan tightened herself as best she could, which at the moment was good enough to take him. Jack was unable to hold back his ejaculation, he grabbed her hips and pulled her body as close to his as he possibly could, and while he was spurting into her, she started to lie face down on the bed and taking him with her. She lost a little of him but not enough to make a difference, meanwhile, Jack was at wit's end. His orgasm now complete and as far as he knew he was still in her. He hovered over her backside hoping she would move, as he did not want to lay on her and crush her. Joan finally stretched out losing him as she did, she managed to turn over beneath him, and he was still in dog style. "You never had anything like that before having you," she asked said. He replied, "this was his first" "that's the second time today you have a first," Joan said softly "Now it's my time for a first" she continued. "What do you want done to achieve that?" Jack asked Caroline, squirmed. Somewhere between the time of Joan's last explosion and the blowjob she gave to Jack, the two reacquainted lovers fell asleep. When Jack awoke, he bolted up to see if she was still there. The bed was empty, he reached out to touch her pillow, it was still warm; then he heard the toilet flush and Caroline came out of the bathroom, she was wearing his robe which looked much nicer on her than it did on him. "I'm starving," she said.


  Jessica felt his breathing quicken as her fingers stroked up and down the length of his thick shaft. Her lips engulfed the head of his cock as her tongue flicked lightly over the slit. She could tell he was getting close. "Oh yes!" he moaned. "Your mouth is so hot! I can't hold on anymore." Jessica let her jaw go slack as he thrust his cock between her lips, gripping the back of her head as he forced her to take his cock deep into her mouth. She heard a low groan and then his cock erupted sending jet after jet of his salty cum. Jessica swallowed hard as he spewed his load into her mouth, capturing every drop with practiced ease. "Hell, that was amazing," he sighed as Jessica sucked the last drops of cum from his flagging cock. "My pleasure," replied Jessica slightly sarcastic tone as she wiped her mouth with the handkerchief she carried for just that purpose. "And, if you don't mind," she added, "that's £40 please." The man fumbled for his wallet then handed Jessica three crisp £20 notes. Jessica took the money and opened the car door. "Pleasure doing business with you," he said as she got out of the car. Jessica smiled noncommittally, shut the door and walked away. The bright lights of the late night café beckoned to her. Jessica entered ordered a coffee and took a seat by the window. Lighting a cigarette, Jessica glanced up at the clock above the counter. 9:20 pm, still early.

  It had been a pretty good night. With the four customers she'd had that evening she'd already made over £300. It was still early enough that she stood a fair chance of making enough money that she wouldn't have to work again that week. If she was lucky she'd get another two marks and be home before midnight. Jessica took a long draw on her cigarette and sighed. She was 25 but could still pass for a teenager if she needed to
. That was probably why she did so well. Her clients all loved the idea of fucking some sweet young pussy and she'd become an adept at portraying the virgin-whore displaying a mixture of innocence and experience that men seemed to desire. She'd completed her degree at 22 and had left college with a certificate and a mountain of debt. The odd jobs she'd managed to get waiting on tables had barely kept her fed with a roof over her head. She'd become increasingly more desperate and one thing had ultimately led to another. She'd been a street girl for a little over two years. She was streetwise beyond her years an had somehow managed to avoid the pushers and pimps that preyed on women in her situation. At heart, however, she was still young, with dreams and ambitions and there were times when she hated what she'd become. Still, it wasn't all bad. Money was rarely a problem these days and, if all went well, her debts would be clear in less than six months. Once that burden was lifted she could start to rebuild her life. Jessica lit another cigarette and drained the remains of her coffee before heading out, once more, into the night. it was just after nine when she turned the corner and walked into the lane that had been her beat for the past six months. Two other girls frequently worked this stretch but tonight, it seemed, she had the lane to herself. Within ten minutes a car turned into the lane. Jessica allowed herself a small smile as she made out the familiar lines of the red BMW that was heading towards her.

  The car belonged to one of her more regular customers, Tomas. Tomas was in his late thirties and had been one of Jessica's first clients. Since then he'd called upon her every six to eight weeks. In as much as she had feelings for any of the men who came to her to have their particular urges satisfied Jessica was prepared to admit that she has a bit of a soft spot for Tomas. He was friendly, good looking in a rough and ready sort of way and treated her with a certain kind of respect. He was also married to a stunningly attractive woman called Karin who was only a couple of years older than Jessica was. Yet despite her looks, Karin was, sexually, very unadventurous. That was why Tomas came to Jessica. Whatever feelings of friendship they may have had for each other, theirs was essentially a business relationship. Tomas had needs! and he paid Jessica handsomely for satisfying them. The car pulled to a halt and the passenger door swung open. Jessica leaned in through the open door. "Well hello there Mr. Dalar," she said with a smile, "don't tell me you've lost your way home again?" "Well you could put it like that I guess," responded Tomas, returning her smile. "So are you getting in or do you have a prior appointment?" "Oh I'm sure I can fit you into my busy schedule," she replied as she climbed into the passenger seat, pulling the door shut behind her. "So, where are you taking me tonight?" she asked coyly. "My place," came the response. "Karin's away until tomorrow night so I thought that..." "While the cat's away..." "Exactly." They both laughed. "Smoke?" offered Tomas as he turned the key in the ignition. Jessica extracted a cigarette from the packet and lit up. "Thanks," she replied. "I called round earlier but you weren't about," Tomas said conversationally. "I decided to try again hoping you were on another call rather than having the night off. If you hadn't been here this time I'd have probably tried again later but I'm glad I didn't have to." "Poor Tomas," said Jessica as she drew on her cigarette. "


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