LA Misbehaved - Complete (Married A Stripper Book 2)

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LA Misbehaved - Complete (Married A Stripper Book 2) Page 59

by M. S. Parker

  Holding his blue eyes with mine, I took a deep breath and nodded. I let him lead me to the curb where the car waited, door already open. Maxwell gave each of us a nod as we ducked inside, into blissful, sweet silence.

  “Where did they come from?” I asked, looking out the tinted window. “And how did they get my name?”

  “Barracudas can find anything, baby,” Dominic answered irritably. Then he shot me a look that said he knew how he’d sounded. “I’m sorry. I wanted to have a nice evening with you.”

  “It was nice.” Leaning against him, I stared out at the city as it drifted by in a slow sprawl of lights and motion. I loved New York. I loved it more all the time. Barracudas notwithstanding. “Maybe some camera-welding fiends interrupted it, but I still had fun.”

  Dominic curled his arm around me and brought me in closer. I snuggled in against his strong body, feeling the muscles firm beneath his shirt. His fingers trailed along the low neckline of my dress and I shivered. My nipples hardened against the silk and lace of my bra. When he pressed his lips against my temple, warmth raced through me.

  “The night’s not over yet.” The words held the promise of pleasure...and pain.

  “No.” Heat slid through me in a slow, easy glide. “It’s not.”

  “You can’t speak.”

  Dominic brought the flogger down on my ass.

  I bit my lip to hold in the words as the sting spread across my skin, joining with the heat already there. I’d once fallen asleep outside while sunbathing on my stomach and when I’d woken up, I’d been burnt. It had been the only sunburn I’d ever had—with skin like mine, it took a lot more to burn—but I remembered that feeling now. My ass felt like it was on fire.

  “You want to speak, don’t you?”

  I jerked my head in a nod, taking a short, gasping breath. He brought the flogger down again and a new burst of painful pleasure went through me. My head fell back and I curled my hands into fists, my nails biting into the skin of my palms.

  “Spread your legs.”

  I didn’t. I was afraid to. He wasn’t using the softer cat that he’d used before, so even though he wasn’t hitting me hard, the pain was more intense.

  “Spread your legs, Aleena.” There was a bit of coaxing to his command, but I still resisted and this time, instead of speaking, he used the handle of the flogger and nudged it between my thighs. It rubbed between my legs, back and forth, back and forth. There was a hint of teasing laughter in his voice as he said, “I could make you come like this. Should I?”

  I didn’t know what I wanted. To come. To end this torture. To let him take me to new heights in ways I didn’t understand. I did know one thing though. He’d told me not to talk. I bit down on my inner cheek hard enough to taste blood and he rewarded me by twisting the handle of the crop, scraping it against my clitoris. I gasped, jerking against my restraints.

  My wrists were bound. He’d used velvet ropes, and they had felt soft against my skin at first, but now, the material cut into my skin with a delicious bite. The velvet was looped through the metal circle at the top of the pole, high enough that my arms were stretched out, but low enough that I was able to stay flat-footed, even when bent at a slight angle.

  He rubbed the handle against me again. Then again. I shuddered and tried to twist away. The sensation was too much. Intense and erotic. Clamping my legs together didn’t do much good though. It only served to trap the handle of the flogger between my thighs and when he twisted this time, I felt every exquisite nuance. Something very much like a strangled moan fell from my lips.

  He sighed and I could almost hear his amusement. “You’re going to be difficult tonight, aren’t you?”

  “No,” I gasped out the word, and the very second I did, I knew I’d messed up.

  A finger trailed down my spine and I knew Dominic was smiling. I could feel it.

  He turned me to face him. “I was hoping you’d disobey at some point tonight,” he said, his tone soft, as though he was confiding something.

  I shivered when he ran his hands down along my ribcage, his thumbs caressing the sides of my breasts.

  “Because you see, there’s something I want to do. Something I’ve been wanting for a while.” He pressed the handle against me again, harder this time, moving it in a deliberate fashion that had me rocking against him, against the firm, rounded, ridged grip that felt entirely too good.

  I could feel the orgasm building inside. So close. Just a little bit more and—

  He stopped.

  I sucked in a breath and lifted my head, glaring at him as he strode across the room.

  “From the first moment I saw, I’ve had this image in my head,” he said over his shoulder. He paused and looked at me, as if waiting for me to ask.

  No way in hell. I pressed my lips more tightly together. He chuckled and I knew he’d seen the answer in my eyes. I was a mass of writhing nerves, anxiety and anticipation mixed into one. But I wasn’t going to break the rules again, not when I knew he was going to tell me anyway.

  Struggling to regulate my breathing, I watched as he opened the closet and reached inside. He pulled out something long and slim. It sort of looked like a curtain rod except there were loops on the end. When he met my eyes, he smiled and lifted one of the, not a loop exactly. It was a cuff.

  “This is a spreader bar,” he said softly. “It does exactly what it sounds like.”

  Oh shit.

  My breathing started to hitch as he knelt between my thighs. I could feel his hot breath on my skin as he leaned down and grasped my ankle. First the right, his fingers lingering on my calf as he finished. His touch became firm as he moved my legs further apart, then fastened the second cuff around my left ankle. He caressed my calf for a moment, then sat back on his heels.

  “Now you’re completely open to me,” Dominic said. The satisfaction in his voice sent heat rushing through me.

  Heat and a tinge of embarrassment and all sorts of vulnerability. The stance was slightly uncomfortable, but I barely noticed because I was all too aware of how visible everything was now.

  I jerked as he ran his fingertip between my lips.

  “And so wet.” He looked at me as he stood, sliding his finger into his mouth.

  That shouldn’t be so hot.

  He turned me back around, the ropes untwisting as I went. It was awkward, trying to move with my legs spread like that, but I managed, shivering as cool air moved over my wet, sensitive skin. Once I was in place, he slid the flogger up between my thighs and I felt each of the tassels. It made me shiver. It made me quake.

  And then I cried out as he brought it down on my ass.

  A moment later, a softer blow followed, but not on my ass. This one was straight between my thighs on my exposed pussy.

  Whimpering, I jerked against the restraints.

  Dominic said, “You came once before with the other cat. Do you think I could bring you to climax with this one as well?”

  I was panting, unable to answer even if I’d thought he wanted one.

  Another lash on my bottom.

  Then the backs of my thighs.

  Then between my legs.

  A river of heat lit up from that delicious, tormenting blow. Pain and fire and pleasure and so many overwhelming sensations that I couldn’t even begin to describe.

  One blow to my butt.





  I started to shake, feeling the climax building inside me. I found myself pushing back towards him, wanting, needing...

  And then he stopped.

  I tensed, my breath locked in my lungs—was he…a test. He was testing me. Toying with me. A test of trust. My trust in him that he’d make this good for me.

  Something landed on the bed in front of me, brushing against my thigh as it went by. I looked down and stared, dazed, at the flogger that lay on the mattress. Dammit! Frustrated need twisted in my gut, a fist there.

“Please,” I whispered.

  He turned me around more easily than before by simply lifting me off the floor. No need to walk. Gentle hands cupped my face, lifted my lips for a kiss. His mouth was soft against mine, a surprising contrast to his prior ministrations. My body throbbed with need. The need to feel him, to feel the flogger, to feel those lashes between my thighs…something. Anything that would relieve the pressure inside me.

  I felt a tug at my wrists as he broke the kiss. As he lowered my arms, I couldn’t suppress the groan of relief. Pins and needles rushed through my veins. He reached around me and when he straightened, I saw a bottle of lotion in his hand. He opened it and I smelled vanilla. Without a word, he massaged the cool liquid into my chafed skin. The sharp need inside me softened and spread. With just this gesture, he reminded me that I could trust him, not only for my pleasure, but to take care of me as well.

  When he was finished, he tossed the bottle back where he’d gotten it, and shifted me so that I was standing a few feet further from the bed.

  “What are you…?”

  “Quiet.” It was a command, no matter how softly spoken.

  I nodded my understanding. He helped me down onto my knees, then pressed on my back. I leaned forward until I was resting on my elbows. He still had the spreader bar in place and I caught my breath when I realized just what other purpose it served. I was face down on the floor, my butt high in the air, every part of me spread apart and ready for the taking.

  Before I could even think, he was inside me and I screamed at the fullness of his invasion. Too much, too fast. He withdrew and surged back inside, bringing another raw, rough noise to my lips. I was wet, but not stretched and he was big, rubbing against every inch of me.

  He brought his hand down hard on my ass and then—

  I froze, every muscle in my body instantly tense. Waiting. Afraid. Not afraid.

  He cursed as my pussy tightened around him, but he pressed his thumb against my asshole again. I twisted away, or tried to, but I was caught. He fisted his free hand in my hair and tugged me up, holding me in place. My palms were flat on the floor, taking most of my weight, but pain still radiated down from my scalp. Between the spreader bar, being impaled on his cock and the grip he had on my hair, I couldn’t move.

  “I want you to be still for me now, Aleena,” he said, his voice even, as if he wasn’t buried balls deep inside me. “Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, sir.” I couldn’t breathe.

  He pressed harder and I could feel my muscles working to keep him out. “Do you remember the word you use if you want me to stop?”

  I tried to nod, but couldn’t. The grip he had on my hair was too tight. Forcing the words out through my tight throat, I said, “Yes. I remember.”

  “If you use it, I’ll stop and we’ll be done. But if you don’t…” He made a strange little twisting movement with his thumb, the tip of it popping past the ring of muscle.

  I cried out, falling forward as he released my hair. Scrabbling at the floor, I tried again to pull away and I opened my mouth, ready to say it, ready to say the word that would make him stop.

  “Does it hurt?” Dominic asked. His voice was calm, but I could hear the undercurrent of emotion in the question. Concern, but also desire. Need. Need not only to do this for his pleasure, but for mine. Need for me to trust him. “Aleena...”

  I wanted to say yes. Yes, it hurt. But…it didn’t.

  I could feel the top part of his thumb inside my ass, less than an inch, and it didn’t feel good, exactly. It was strange and tight and too intimate. Embarrassing and odd. But…it didn’t really hurt.

  Closing my eyes, I forced myself to answer. “No.”

  He pulled his thumb out.

  I breathed out a sigh of relief and focused on the rhythm of his hips. Slow swivels and shallow, lazy strokes that relaxed my body.

  Too lazy, I realized a few moments later, as his hand returned to the narrow opening between my cheeks and his fingers were wet and slick. I could smell cinnamon mixing with the vanilla lotion on my wrists.

  “I’ve got lubricant on my fingers,” he said as he rubbed them against my anus. “I’m going to touch you again and put my finger inside your ass. All the way this time.”

  I shuddered. “Dominic…no. I don’t…” Panic fluttered in my stomach.

  “Remember how you make me stop.”

  I arched up in shock as he started to push his finger inside. It was too small and it burned, my muscles fighting against the intrusion. I cried out as he kept going, forcing my ass to open wide to accept his whole finger. Then he was in and I whimpered, my entire body trembling.

  “Relax,” Dominic said. “You’re fighting me.”

  No shit! I would have shouted it, except I was still having trouble breathing. My chest felt tight. My skin felt tight. Constricted. Then he started to move his finger inside me, slow, careful thrusts. As his hips began to move, he matched each stroke, neither one hurried or rough, but filling me more completely than I knew was possible. Before I realized it, the strange, peculiar sensations gave away to a pleasure that was almost more than I could handle. I gasped as something tight inside me relaxed.

  Distantly, I heard Dominic murmur, “That’s it…take it, baby. Take it…”

  I don’t know what he was talking about, but I found myself rocking back against him. Riding his cock. Riding his hand.

  “I’m going to give you more,” he told me.

  I swore as a second finger worked its way into me. The burn and pain was back, but it mixed with the pleasure more quickly this time. His cock moved faster and the hand on my hip tightened until I knew I was going to have bruises. Then he twisted his fingers and I cried out.

  He drove into me.



  I pushed back to meet his every thrust, the need for him, for release, overriding any embarrassment I might have felt otherwise. He stopped moving the fingers in my ass, keeping them buried inside me as he pounded into me. And then I was coming, my arms shaking so badly that I couldn’t hold myself up, but then I didn’t have to because his hand was in my hair again, twisting my head around so he could kiss me. I bit his bottom lip and he came.

  It was hard and it was messy and I almost blacked out as he rode me from one orgasm into another.

  We were curled up on the couch later when Dominic slid a hand down and cupped my ass. I hissed as my skin stung under his touch. He’d used the same vanilla lotion on every place he’d used the flogger and it soothed some of the burning, but I was still sensitive.

  “Did you enjoy it?” The question sounded casual, but I could feel the tension in his body.

  Immediately, blood rushed to my face as I thought about what we’d done. “Wasn’t that obvious?”

  I stared hard at the TV. We’d spent several evenings together lately. We’d gone out. We’d gone to the movies. We’d made love in the kitchen on the floor while the food I’d been cooking burned. And we’d cuddled on the couch, content to just be with each other.

  It was as close to bliss as I’d ever been and I thought maybe, just maybe, things could work out. But I still didn’t know how to handle all these crazy, embarrassing questions he liked to ask. How was I supposed to say that I’d enjoyed the pain of the flogger? That I’d enjoyed having his fingers in my ass while he fucked me? Where I came from, those weren’t things good girls were supposed to like. I might’ve grown up a lot since coming here, but I still thought of myself as a good girl.

  He turned his face into my hair and I shivered as he sought out my ear and nipped it, just hard enough to hurt.

  “Answer the question.”

  I had to swallow, then clear my throat—twice—before I could. “I’m not sure.” I did know I couldn’t answer while I was touching him.

  Wiggling away, I sat on the edge of the couch and then flicked him a look. His gaze rested on me, his blue eyes steady. He always looked so unaffected while I felt like everything in me was in distress.
I understood his need to be in control, but I sometimes wished that I could know for certain that I had some sort of effect on him.

  “I…well, it felt good.” My cheeks blazed even hotter. I forced myself to be completely honest. I understood that my role as Sub was not only to obey, but to make sure he knew how I felt. “It did hurt. A little. Then it felt really good.” I made myself meet his eyes. “But I’m getting the feeling you want to put something a lot bigger than your finger in my ass.”

  “Yes,” he said. “I do.” He held out a hand.

  Slowly, I put mine in his and he gave me a reassuring squeeze. When he tugged, I went to him, kneeling at his side so that I could face him more easily. I knew if he wanted me to move, he’d let me know.

  He ran his fingers through my hair, rubbed his thumb over my lips. The mask he wore so often was slipping away and I could see the real him beneath. His voice was rough. “I want to have every part of you. I want to know every part of you.”

  His thumb pressed against my lips and I opened my mouth, darting my tongue out to lick the pad of his thumb. He made a sound low in his throat and I knew I was getting what I wanted. He was showing me, telling me, how much I affected him.

  His hand slid down my neck, fingers wrapping around my throat. Not squeezing, just there, the simple weight of them a reminder of his strength. “I want to feel my cock in your throat and I want to feel you come against my mouth. I want to feel your nails tearing the skin of my back and I want to hear you sobbing my name as I fill every part of you with my cock.” He bent forward, his body surrounding mine. I shivered as he slid a hand down my back and palmed my ass. “I want you to mark me with your teeth and mouth.” He nipped at the side of my neck. “And I want to leave my mark on you so everyone knows that you’re mine.”

  I closed my eyes. Fuck. He pulled back enough so that he could raise my face to look at him. I didn’t need the command to open my eyes. His eyes were blazing as he continued, burning with desire so strong I didn’t know if I could stand it.

  “I want to fill every last part of you. I want to see you shaking as you fight to take me. And I want to see your eyes widen as the pain gives way to pleasure and I want to feel you break for me when you finally come.”


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