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Her Desert Prince (Desert Destiny Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Marie Tuhart

  “But you are,” she burst out. In the short time she’d been there, she’d watched the way he took his responsibilities seriously. He was always working. While she was at the hospital, he would take calls or talk with his ministers. She’d watched him in action with his people; they would seek out his counsel or ask him for help. It didn’t matter how tired he was, he would always talk with them. Even at the hospital, the staff had nothing but praise for him and his family.

  “Thank you.” He inclined his head. “It’s nice to know you feel that way.”

  “I’m sure most of Bashir does. Why does this Kalif want to discredit you?”

  “It’s a long story. I made the announcement of our engagement not only because of Kalif, but because of what the press is digging up on you.”

  She shook her head. What was he thinking about her? What did his family think? Did she even want to know?

  “I promised to protect you from them,” he continued. “I’ve done a poor job of it.”

  “They were bound to figure it out sooner or later.” And what else would they dig up? She didn’t think her parents would talk about Jamie, but the barn door was open. She let out a sigh.

  “You’ve never mentioned your parents.” His voice was soft and soothing.

  “No. It’s not a pretty story.” Lord, would he think of her as a poor little rich girl? She couldn’t help the circumstances of her birth. Her parents were royalty. On the very lowest branch of the chain, but they were still there. They spent money as fast as it came in, but attended every royal function they could to get in front of the press, and until Catherine left, they had made her attend as well, no matter how much she’d hated it.

  “I suspected from that piece.” He gestured toward the papers still in her hand.

  “You read it?”

  He nodded. Catherine squeezed her eyes shut. This was worse than she’d thought. Fear slipped its icy fingers through her veins.

  “You have nothing to be ashamed of,” he said, his voice close to her ear. “You are your own woman. Your choices are your choices. I’ve made some less than favorable ones over the years, but that is a part of life.”

  “And the engagement?” Why such an extreme announcement? She’d only been in the country a little over a week. People were not going to believe this nonsense.

  “That, I ask you to go along with.” His voice was resigned. “I was going to discuss it with you this morning, but then we found you were gone.”

  Catherine sighed. Old feelings surfaced about the press and their impact on her life. Catherine tried to fight them. “You’re using me.” Like her parents and Jamie had.

  “No.” He shook his head, his lips pressed into a thin line.

  “Yes,” she countered. “Just like you did at the airport. You’re trying to divert attention from the real issues.”

  His body recoiled from her direct hit. Malik opened his mouth, then closed it. His jaw clenched. “Partially.” He grasped her by the shoulders and stared into her eyes. “Yes, I’m trying to divert attention from the issues your family is bringing up to the press. I’m trying to shield you as much as I can.”

  “And Kalif?” Part of her melted at his wanting to protect her, but the other part just wanted a man who would ignore her family and her past and love her for just being herself.

  “I can’t afford to allow Kalif to sway the other tribe members. I’m asking you, please, allow our engagement announcement to stand until I can gain an agreement with the other tribal leaders.”

  Catherine hated this out-of-control feeling invading her life. It had happened with her parents and then with Jamie; now it was happening with Malik. She just wanted a nice quiet life. The kiss at the airport she could deal with, the press following them around was harder, but to become engaged? This was a life-changing event, even more so because of Malik’s position as crown prince.

  And just how temporary would this engagement be? While she was here working? Or longer? “I need to think about this.” But what was there to think about? It was a done deal.

  Malik inclined his head, and defeat crossed his features before he wiped it away. “Shall we go back to the palace?”

  “Yes.” Catherine shoved the newspapers into Malik’s hands before gathering up her materials. When they left the room, not only did Malik’s bodyguards surround them, but so did Rafi, Hassan, and Khalid. “Is this necessary?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.” Malik cupped her elbow. “Prepare yourself, this will not be pleasant. There is a massive amount of press outside.”

  Several of the guards pushed open the doors. The noise of the crowd waiting hit Catherine like an unexpected sandstorm. Oh, dear Lord, questions began flying along with camera flashes.

  Malik curved his arm around her shoulders, anchoring her to his side as his guards pushed through the crowds. His brother held a jacket over their heads as they made their way to the waiting vehicle.

  Catherine was grateful for their help, along with Malik’s protection. At least this time she wasn’t alone. And the impact of what was happening smacked her. What if Malik hadn’t found her? If she’d walked out of the hospital unprotected? A shiver ran up her spine. She trembled.

  “A few more feet,” Malik whispered, his lips brushing her ear.

  She nodded, and within a minute she was in the vehicle and the door slammed shut, cutting the noise level. The car moved slowly until they were free of the crowd.

  The drive was silent, but Catherine was aware of people on the street pointing at the car as they drove by. She couldn’t miss the press camped out at the palace gates. The second the car stopped, she turned to Malik. “I’m so sorry,” she said before opening the door and fleeing.

  Minutes later, she was in the middle of the garden, trying to catch her breath. Thoughts chased each other around her brain until they became muddled. Finding a bench beneath the shade of a large palm tree, she sat and thought about what she should do. She started to catalogue everything that had happened since she’d arrived in


  Malik’s kiss in the airport taking her breath away, the ride to the palace, meeting the king and queen, Malik in the garden, and finding out he was the crown prince. Then there was their exchange on the balcony. Malik at the hospital with her and the kids. Zain. Her heart squeezed. Their morning at the zoo and then the marketplace before the press interrupted.

  She argued with herself that she was getting in too deep, and there was only one solution. She would leave, to protect Malik and his family. It wouldn’t be easy for her, as it meant leaving the mural undone, but circumstances dictated it. A small voice reminded her that she was running away from her problems. Yes, but this time the stakes were too high; they involved the royal family and her heart.

  Maybe in a few months, when things calmed down, she could return and finish the mural. Lord, she hated to leave, it was unprofessional. The kids would be so disappointed, and what about Zain? Her stomach clenched. Her choices were so limited, and this was about self-preservation. She’d pack and ask Samir to take her to the airport. It wouldn’t matter if the paparazzi followed, once she was past the security gates, they couldn’t touch her, at least not until she landed at Heathrow.

  Malik could come up with another headline to distract the press, he was so good at it. With that plan in mind, she jogged up the stairs to her room and pulled out her suitcase.

  “You can’t leave.”

  Catherine gave a small scream and spun around. Malik sat lounging on one of the sofas, his dark hair standing out against his white shirt and pants. His gaze was piercing, yet so relaxed, as if he were a modern-day sheik waiting for his latest woman to be brought to him.

  Trying to calm her pounding heart, she lashed out at him. “You idiot, you scared me.”

  “I apologize for scaring you.” He rose and the room shrunk. His tall, lean, powerful body called to her as he prowled the floor, closing the distance between them.

  “I accept your apology. Now, if you’
ll excuse me, I have some packing to do.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “What?” Catherine stared at him. This wasn’t the easygoing Malik she was used to; his tone was flat, yet authoritative. A tone he hadn’t taken with her before now. Her muscles stiffened. She wasn’t one of his staff required to take his orders.

  “You can’t leave, Catherine. I won’t allow it.”

  “You won’t allow?” Words almost failed her. She was overcome with anger at his words and his tone. “Don’t you dare tell me what I’m allowed to do. I’m a free person, and I will leave if I want to.”

  “Without finishing your job?”

  His words scored a direct hit to her heart. She’d never left a job undone before, and the kids had been so excited. “You’re not giving me a choice.”

  “I’ve done what I’ve had to do, not only to protect my country, but to protect you as well.” Malik prowled around the room.

  “And I’m doing what I have to do.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “The children will be disappointed, especially Zain.”

  Her stomach contracted as if he’d physically hit her. She’d grown close to the little boy, and she didn’t want to leave him. “That’s not fair.”

  “I’ll use everything in my arsenal.” He stopped in front of her and grasped her shoulders. “I know this is the last thing you want, but I really had no choice. If I don’t take the focus off what everyone is speculating about, I can’t accomplish my duties, and neither can you.”

  “I understand that, but you need to understand using me as a deflection won’t work. It never has.”

  “It will if you allow it.”

  She shook her head. It hadn’t worked with Jamie. “No, Malik.” She placed her hands against his chest.

  “Yes. We’re good for each other,” he whispered as he lowered his head.

  His mouth was warm against hers. His lips dominated hers, his tongue tracking the seam of her lips, coaxing her into opening for him. And damn it, she did. Her body betrayed her as her bones melted until she leaned into his embrace. She entwined her arms around his neck, digging her fingers into his hair.

  It was so unfair his dominance turned her on, but she couldn’t resist him, and honestly she didn’t want to. It had been too long since she’d been in the arms of a man who aroused her, who made her feel special.

  “No.” The word escaped as she tore her mouth from his. She couldn’t do this; she couldn’t afford to fall under his spell. Disengaging her arms from around his neck, she pushed against his shoulders and was able to put some space between them. She lifted her chin and looked him in the eye. “Kissing me isn’t going to get you your way.” But damn, it almost had.

  His dark gaze hardened. “What will? Jewels? Money? A promise you’ll never have to work another day as long as you live?”

  She fell back several steps as if he’d slapped her. “Is that what you really think this is about? That I want something from you?” How could he misjudge her that way? She hated the way her parents had used her to get what they wanted, and she would never do that to another person.

  “Then tell me, what do you want from me?” He threw his hands in the air. Frustration simmered in the room and in his expression. “Most women would jump at the chance to be with me, yet you treat me like I have the plague. You refuse to let me protect you, to make sure you’re safe.”

  “I’m not like other women,” she whispered.

  “So I’m finding out.” He paced around her room. “I cannot undo what I’ve done. You’ll have to find a way to cope with it.” With that, he marched out of the room.

  Catherine sank down onto the sofa and let her head drop onto her palms. Her world was going crazy, and she had no idea what she was going to do.

  She snatched her cell off the table where she’d left it the day before. There were several missed calls and texts from an unknown number—she guessed those were from Malik—and several more from Sara.

  Damn. She opened Sara’s messages and scrolled through them.

  Saw the papers. Call me!

  I’m worried about you.

  Call me back.

  You’re not answering. Where are you? Catherine, answer me.

  Catherine looked at the time. It was mid-afternoon. Sara would be at work. Catherine hit reply and typed: Sorry, Sara, things got a little out of control. I’m all right.

  Within a minute her phone rang with an incoming call. “I really am sorry I worried you, Sara.”

  “I’m just glad you’re okay. I’ve only got a few minutes. What the heck is going on?”

  Catherine quickly explained what had happened and why she’d been out of touch.

  “Crap, I’ve got to go, but you need to get to the bottom of what is going on and your involvement in it. Promise me not to forget your phone again.”

  “I promise. Thanks, Sara.” The phone went silent, and Catherine just stared at it.

  Sara was right, she needed answers, and Malik didn’t seem inclined to help her, but then again, she hadn’t really given him a chance. His scent lingered in the room, and a shiver went up her spine. Escape was all she could think of. With quick movements, she stood and left her room. She knew one person who might answer her questions, someone who would know the whole story of why the engagement was necessary.


  Within a couple of minutes, Catherine stood outside King Jamal’s office. She knocked and heard a quiet, “Come in,” then thanked her escort and entered the king’s office. She was surprised there were no guards outside his office.

  “Catherine, this is a surprise,” Jamal said, making an effort to rise.

  Something was very wrong. Rushing to his side, she pushed him back into his chair. His face was pale.

  “Jamal,” she said, softly touching his forehead and arm. His skin was clammy and his breathing labored.

  “I’m so sorry for this press mess, my dear.” He held out a hand.

  She took it and squeezed. “Shhh, don’t worry.” She grabbed the phone with her free hand, cradled the receiver, and punched one zero. She was pretty sure Jamal was having a heart attack.

  Had she caused this? Had the press been too much even for Jamal? Oh, dear lord. When the phone was answered, she gave security the information and hung up. Catherine waited. Where were they?

  “Easy, Jamal. Concentrate on breathing in and out, don’t worry about anything else.” She glanced at the door, which stayed stubbornly closed.

  “You’re perfect for Malik.” Jamal’s voice was soft.

  “We’ll make it work.” The door opened and within minutes, organized chaos descended.

  Hassan rushed to his father’s side, listening to his heart. Catherine tried to release Jamal’s hand, but he held fast. It wasn’t until the paramedics arrived, and Hassan gently pried Jamal’s fingers loose, that Catherine left her post.

  Anna stood in the doorway, her face frozen in terror, and tears spilled down her cheeks. Rafi, Khalid, and Malik stood next to her, their faces lined with worry and concern.

  Without thought, Catherine pulled Anna into her arms. “It will be okay,” she whispered. Her gaze met Malik’s, and she reached out and ran her fingers over his cheeks. “He’s a strong man,” she continued, more to Malik than his mother. Malik leaned into her touch, as if receiving comfort from her contact. He pulled away as another set of paramedics arrived with a gurney. Then the king was loaded onto the gurney and wheeled out to the ambulance.

  “You must come with us,” Anna said, gripping Catherine’s hand.

  “Of course,” she said, worried and concerned for everyone.

  An entourage of cars arrived and Catherine stayed with Anna as Anna’s sons took a different car. Once at the hospital, Catherine barely noticed the reporters or anyone else, for that matter, as she kept close to Anna. Anna needed her support. But Malik was there, supporting his mother as well.

  Once inside the waiting room, she guided Anna over to one of the p
lush sofas and made sure she sat down. When Catherine turned, Malik was there. Lines of worry grooved his face.

  She took his hand and gave it a squeeze. “He’s a strong man. He’ll be okay.” She was repeating her words, but it was all she could think of at the moment.

  “He has to be.” Malik’s voice was husky with emotion.

  Catherine’s heart stopped. Even as powerful as Malik was, he needed his father’s strength. No man should have to lose his father so young. She glanced around the room. Rafi and Khalid paced near the windows. Samir and three other bodyguards stood near the doors, their faces grim. Hassan was nowhere to be seen—he was probably at his father’s side.

  Her stomach clenched. Jamal was important to each person in that room in a different way. She drew Malik into her arms and held him close. “I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” She wouldn’t let him go through this alone, not like she’d had to do with Jamie. She’d deal with the fake engagement to protect them.

  Malik pushed the remains of his food away as they sat in the hospital waiting room. His mind replayed the events of the past twelve hours. How long before they knew something concrete? Hassan had come out briefly to tell them their father was doing well, but then disappeared again. His gaze searched the room and landed on Catherine, his angel in all this chaos. Even while he and his brothers took turns pacing the private waiting room, she kept everyone calm. Arranging for coffee and food to be brought, sitting next to his mother, coaxing her into eating something, then to lie down on the small cot and rest. She bullied him and his brothers into eating and drinking as well. She even made sure Samir and the other guards ate. Admiration filled him as he watched her.

  Here was a woman who had every right to walk away, to leave him and his family, and yet she’d stayed. She helped each of them with her quiet presence as the wait became more and more difficult.


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