Dragon Blood 2: Wyvern

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Dragon Blood 2: Wyvern Page 10

by Avril Sabine

  “But then it’d be Brann’s party since that’s the day he turns seventeen.”

  “I’m sure he’ll share it. Now quit stalling. You’re more valuable than any of those dragons down there waiting for you. You’re the only Dragon Mage in all the worlds who can heal.”

  Amber sighed. “Fine. But if I make an idiot of myself I’m going to blame you forever.”

  “You won’t. Now come on.” Kade slipped an arm around her waist and guided her out of the room.

  “I won’t what? Make an idiot of myself or blame you forever.”


  As they drew closer to the noise of the ballroom, Amber’s steps slowed until she barely moved at all. Kade stopped and turned to face her.

  “We could be watched by any number of Golds right this minute. Are you sure you want them to see you act this afraid?”

  Amber tilted her head back to glare at him, but he was right. Which she hated even more. Pushing Kade out of the way, she strode towards the ballroom. Kade fell into step beside her. Pausing, she waited for the doorman to open the door to the ballroom for her and then continued to stride forward.

  The ballroom was a sea of faces, the centre of the room dotted with couples dancing to the orchestra that played in the far corner. Amber froze. A waiter walked past and Rian took a glass, handing it to her. Even after a couple of mouthfuls, she couldn’t have said what she drank.

  People came over to her, their words a blur. She smiled and hoped that would be response enough. Her glass was taken from her hand and the next thing she knew, she was waltzing with Kade in the middle of the room. Slowly her brain started to function again and she began to recognise faces in the crowd. Her grip on Kade loosened and when she looked up at him, he smiled.

  “Look at that. You’re still alive.”

  “But you mightn’t be by the end of the night.”

  Kade laughed, spinning her around fast. “And after all the trouble I went to for you.”

  “Trouble I could have done without.”

  “I’m not hiding you away like I’m ashamed of you.”

  Amber wondered if there was another meaning behind his words. “You don’t think I do that, do you?”

  Kade shook his head, his smile still in place. “No. I understand. It might annoy me sometimes, but I also know it annoys you too. So I can live with it.”

  “Mind if I interrupt?” Jasper tapped Kade on the shoulder.

  Amber grinned at her brother as he waltzed her around the room. “This is nothing like my last birthday party.”

  Jasper laughed. “I’ve barely seen you these holidays.”

  “I guess we’ve both been busy.”

  “I feel like I should be saying thank you a million times. This has been the most amazing holiday.”

  “And that wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with me catching you kissing some girl the other day?”

  Jasper laughed again. “Not at all.”

  After that, Amber lost track of how many dance partners she had. She finally had to beg off to rest her feet and grab a drink. As she took a mouthful of fruit juice, she was surprised to find she was smiling and actually having a good time. Well, other than the few times she’d caught a glimpse of Paili.

  Across the room from her she saw Ronan talk to an older couple. He looked over as if he felt her eyes on him. He nodded in her direction and she smiled.

  “You haven’t danced with me yet, Ronan. And after you told me to save you one.”

  “What are you playing at now?”

  “Nothing. Just using you. Weren’t you the one who said something about unity?”

  Ronan turned back to the couple he’d been talking to and seconds later he strode across the room. Amber handed her glass to a passing waiter and watched as Ronan drew close.

  He held out his hand to her. “Happy birthday, Amber.”

  She took his hand. “And I didn’t even have to phone you so you could say it.”

  Ronan laughed as he whirled her onto the dance floor. “And how are you finding the evening since they dragged you down here.”

  Amber grinned up at him. “You see. That’s why I said it’s pointless for me to lie to you. I’m watched by too many of your people.”

  “It’s not only my people who watch you.”

  “I’m beginning to feel a great deal of sympathy for the celebrities in my world who have to deal with the paparazzi.”

  “Is that what you want, Amber? To be famous? Come and see me when you’re eighteen. We can forget about the offer I made for you to marry my heir. I’ll marry you myself. You would be the most famous woman in our lands.”

  “I’m flattered Ronan, but I’ll have to decline. When you wanted to end it, I’m sure I’d have worse than a broken heart. You’d probably rip it out.”

  Ronan laughed. “I might be tempted, but as you pointed out, I don’t break my word. Between us we could rule this world.”

  “I want enough power not to be a target. I think ruling the world would put me on the top of every single person’s hit list.”

  “Do you doubt I could protect you?”

  “I’m not one for cages.”

  Ronan smiled. “Maybe we do have some similarities after all.”

  Amber was curious about the fleeting expression in Ronan’s eyes, but before she could ask him, the world exploded around them. Ronan shielded her as rock and glass rained down, the nearby wall shattering to be replaced by thousands of dragons pouring into the ballroom.

  The air was filled with screams, yells and roars. People shouted at each other. Some ran, others flew from the ballroom and some attacked the warriors that continued to pour in. Amber was torn from Ronan’s arms by the confusion and twin balls of flames appeared in her hands as she raised them. Before she had the chance to throw the fire at those attacking, a dragon grabbed her like a rag doll.

  Her last vision of the ballroom was of Ronan, surrounded by dragons and none of them his own. Amber struggled to escape, but the claws tightened around her. She couldn’t breath. The world grew hazy as she gasped for breath. Haziness was replaced by blackness.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cold seeped into Amber’s bones as she became aware of her surroundings. Her eyes opened and she stared at a stone ceiling. Struggling to sit up, she realised she was attached to a wall by a short chain. Checking her surroundings had her guessing she was in a dungeon and she wasn’t the only occupant. Across the room Ronan was chained to a wall by each limb. He wore only dragon-leather pants and his body was scored by claw marks. The gashes caused a steady drip of blood to create a puddle at his feet. She guessed it wasn’t the grey metal that deadened dragon powers since Ronan was still human.

  Amber staggered to her feet terrified he was dead. She forgot for a moment he would be a dragon if that was true. “Ronan!”

  His head was tilted back, his eyes closed. Slowly he faced her. A trickle of blood ran down the side of his head from a wound on his forehead. “We should have moved against her sooner. None of us expected her to do anything at such a public celebration.”

  “You’re alive.”

  “For now.”

  She ignored that uncomfortable thought. “Are you certain it was Paili?” Amber tugged on the chain but she couldn’t get any closer.

  “No, but who else wanted to finish you off?”

  “Whoever it is wants to finish you off more than me.”

  “There you go then. It’s definitely Paili.” Ronan coughed and blood flecked his mouth. He leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes.

  “No! You’re not going to die. Do you hear me Ronan?” She tried to reach out with her mind to call for help beyond the walls. It was impossible. She guessed the walls were made of the same material Ronan’s prison was made from.

  “Sheathe your claws, little kitten. There’s not much either of us can do.” Ronan didn’t even bother to open his eyes.

  “That’s it? You’re giving up?”

an finally opened his eyes to look at her. “I know I’ve been a bastard most of my life, but surely even I don’t deserve to be harassed while I’m hung up to die.”

  “You aren’t going to die and leave me in here alone.”

  “Be realistic, Amber. I’m working on making a swimming pool here with my own blood.”

  She stared at the single chain holding her to the wall. She’d already examined the cuff and seen it was too tight to change into a panther. Not knowing where it’d be on her as a bird, she wasn’t game to try that option. With her luck it’d be her neck. At best, she could break a wing. Her eyes were drawn to Ronan and she worried that he was right. She wasn’t about to tell him that though. “Stop being so melodramatic. It’s only deep enough for mice.”

  Ronan laughed and then started to cough again.

  “Oh shut up, Ronan. You’re making yourself worse.” Refusing to give into fear, she stared at her chain. Holding a hand against it, she formed a fireball. She swore when that didn’t work.

  “You’re wasting your time, Amber. While you were passed out I was busy discovering that there’s no escape from here.”

  She ignored Ronan and turned her attention to where the chain was embedded in the wall. The metal in the wall was different. Hopefully different enough for the heat to do its job. She watched the loop as she increased the heat of the fireball she held against it. Nothing changed. She used more energy, making it even hotter. Sweat started to pour down her body. Then the metal buckled under the onslaught and Amber pulled on the chain. She nearly yelled in victory, but kept quiet since she didn’t know if anyone would be able to hear her. She ran to Ronan’s side.

  “Ronan.” She placed her hands against his chest and tried to ignore the blood that instantly coated them.

  “Go. Don’t waste time. I’m further gone than Rian was.”

  “Stop talking crap. You’re too old to carry on like that.” She started to heal some of the wounds.

  “Amber. Stop! I’m barely holding this form as it is. If I become dragon, the chains will tear me apart.”

  She stopped immediately. She didn’t know if she had the energy to set him free and heal him. What choice did she have? How long would they be left alone? She had to do something. He couldn’t expect her to stand there and watch him slowly die. She didn’t have it in her.

  Amber strode to the only exit. The lock seemed simple enough. She held her hands against it and heated it until it melted. Now it would be impossible for them to use a key. But as for getting out, she didn’t know how they were going to accomplish that. After she’d freed Ronan she would worry about it.

  She worked on the chains that held Ronan’s legs first. She felt a wave of weakness rush over her as the second chain twisted free from the wall, but she couldn’t stop. She needed to break at least one more chain, just in case he couldn’t hold his human form. Her legs barely carried her the few paces. Leaning against the cold rock, she tried to gather her strength.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Amber met Ronan’s eyes. “Because it’s the right thing to do. Why aren’t you demanding that I help you escape?”

  “Because I gave you my word not to harm you. So get out of here before I decide my life is worth more than my word.”



  “I already told you. Helping you escape is the right thing to do.”

  “What? No pledges of eternal friendship?” His smile was more a grimace.

  Amber laughed softly. “No. We are friends, but that isn’t why I’m doing this.”

  “We aren’t friends Amber. We made a deal so I could use you to get my lands back.”

  “Yeah, but I kinda grew to like you along the way even if I don’t always like what you do.” Which had surprised her too. She’d never expected to like him even a little bit, but she guessed she couldn’t blame a wild animal for following its instincts. “And don’t forget, you’re my adopted uncle. I’ve got a weakness for family and friends. Haven’t you pointed that out to me before?”

  “This weakness is going to get you killed.”

  Amber grinned, trying not to focus on her surroundings. She didn’t want to give into the fear that threatened to bring her to her knees. “Kade tried to tell me I wouldn’t make it to my seventeenth birthday with my refusal to listen to his so called good sense. I guess he was wrong. I even had the party to prove it.”

  “Shut up you bloody fool and get out of here.”

  “How sweet. I didn’t realise you cared for me so much.”

  “I don’t. You’re going to make me break a promise if you don’t go. I’ve never broken a promise in my entire life.”

  “Sure.” Amber gathered her energy together and forced a ball of fire against the chain that held Ronan’s left arm to the wall. She sagged to the ground as it came free, barely able to hold onto consciousness.


  “Stop bitching,” Amber muttered. She closed her eyes and breathed shallow as she tried not to throw up. The cold stone against her back helped. Her head pounded, or was that sound outside her head?

  “What did you do to the door, Amber?”

  “Huh?” She looked up at Ronan and tried to make sense of his words.

  “The door.” Ronan gestured towards it.

  “Do you think they brought food?” She was starved.


  “Stop shouting.” She clutched her head.

  “Then focus.”

  She tried to get to her feet, but it didn’t work. She crawled closer to Ronan. “I am.”

  “What did you do to the door?”

  “Melted the lock.”

  “It won’t hold them forever.”

  “Okay.” Amber leaned against the wall, closing her eyes again. She screeched when Ronan grabbed a fistful of her hair and started to pull her up. “Let go.” She struggled to her feet and met his eyes, surprised to see there were gold flecks in the blue. She frowned. “You’re not Gold.”

  Ronan swore. “Amber, either get rid of this last chain or run. I can’t protect you when I’m chained to the wall.”

  Her eyes closed again. “That’s okay. I’ll protect us.” A flame flickered to life in her hand and went out instantly.

  “Amber, are you listening to me?”

  “I never listen. Ask Kade.” She sagged against Ronan who hissed in pain. Opening her eyes, she stared at his chest. “Sorry.” She pressed a hand against him and tried to heal him some more. The blood slowed to a trickle, but the wounds didn’t disappear. “Sorry.” The word was slurred as she slid to the floor, barely noticing the puddle of blood she landed in. “Sorry.”

  “Never mind. You gave it a good shot.” Ronan sat beside her, pulling her close with his only free arm. “Sleep.”

  “Night.” The cold of the wall kept her from falling completely asleep so Amber tried to snuggle into Ronan more. There was barely a difference in temperature. She fought against exhaustion, knowing this couldn’t be right. She peered up at him, his arm stretched tight from the chain that attached him to the wall, the other around her. “You’re cold.”

  “Shh.” He pressed her head back against him. “Rest. When they finally break through that door, you turn into a hawk and get out of here. I’ll wake you when it’s time.”

  “I can’t leave you behind.” She struggled to sit up. “And what if the chain on my wrist snaps my wing?”

  “Risk it. What have you got to lose? Just get my lands back. You can have them. Or your Gold for all I care. I’d even rather my youngest had them than the treacherous bastards who currently hold them.”

  “I need food. That’d give me more energy.” Amber peered around, but no meal arrived in front of her.

  “There’s plenty of blood lying around.”

  “Oh please, don’t make me throw up.”

  “Turn panther, she won’t mind.”

  “I will mind.” Amber pushed away from Ronan, staggering to her feet. She eyed the last ch
ain in the wall. There was one other fact she hadn’t shared with Ronan even though she knew it would have made the most sense to him. She wasn’t about to tell him since it was the only reason he’d believe and her reasons were far more complicated than having just one. He was her only ally she could trust and without him to help, she didn’t know how she’d fare in a world that believed in survival of the fittest.

  “Don’t even think about it Amber. Save your energy to fly out of here.”

  She ignored Ronan’s words and forced as much heat into the chain as possible. The link broke free as everything went black.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Amber came to and found herself pressed against a blue dragon. She rubbed her eyes, groaning as she noticed the dried blood on her hands. She wondered if she was seeing things. There were little flecks of gold in the silver veins of the dragon’s wings. She reached out to touch a fleck. It didn’t come off.

  Ronan grumbled deep in his chest and Amber looked towards his head. He didn’t look good. His head rested on the ground and his eyes were dim. But even then she could still see flecks of gold in them. She placed her hands on him and knew he needed more healing. He tried to pull away but he was too weak. Amber healed him some more and fought against the wave of nausea that shook her body. When it passed, she snuggled up to Ronan again and drifted back to sleep.

  She was woken what felt like seconds later by a banging at the door. She grinned as the door continued to hold. She wondered what they were using to try and break it down. Maybe they needed explosives. She guessed they could get hold of them since that was probably what had been used to break into the castle. Amber frowned. Had the rest escaped? Especially Crystal, Jasper, Kade, Rian, Maira and Brann. She had to get out of here. Had to find them. No, they had to get out of here. Her and Ronan.

  Amber forced herself to sit up again and heal Ronan some more. Beneath her hands he flowed back into human form, grabbing her wrists to pull her away from him. Chains rattled.

  “Stop it. There’s no point in killing yourself to heal me.”


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