Dragon Blood 2: Wyvern

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Dragon Blood 2: Wyvern Page 14

by Avril Sabine

  Pushing her schoolwork aside, she stretched, tracking his progress with her mind. He paused in the kitchen to greet their mother and then followed her to the sewing room where their grandmother was. Amber was tempted to go downstairs to see him, but she didn’t want to risk another interrogation from her mother. Or get into an argument with her grandmother.

  They’d already had one at breakfast. Finally Amber sensed Jasper come upstairs by himself. She rose to let him in. “You took your time.”

  Jasper entered the room and looked around. He stared at Amber and then crossed the room to pick up one of the crystal containers on her duchess. “What the hell have you done to the place?”

  Amber closed and locked her door. “What do you mean?” She looked around. Everything seemed the same to her. The only difference was the glow of her power on numerous objects.

  “Can’t you see it? Feel it? You and this room are crawling with power.”

  Amber crossed the room in seconds, pulling the crystal from Jasper. She pushed him towards the seat at her desk. Panic flared and she tried to control it. “Sit down and don’t say another word.”


  “Are you trying to get me killed? Shut up.” Amber took her phone from her pocket and rang Ronan. “Get over here right now.”

  “Don’t order me around, little girl.”

  “I didn’t say a word. Jay can see it. Now get over here before you’re given the wrong information and think you have to kill me.” She waved Rian back to the corner he’d been relaxing in.

  “Why do you have to make everything a drama? I’ll be there as soon as I’m ready.”

  “Then call your Gold and ask him for a word by word of everything that has happened since Jay entered my room. And there were no words spoken in our minds.”


  She moved the phone from her mouth. “Sit down and shut up, Jay.”

  Ronan laughed. “Amber, relax. I’ll soon know if you speak the truth. I’ll bring some items for your brother to look at.”

  “You have other jewels that are…” her voice trailed off, not knowing how to word it without giving any information away.

  “I’ll see you later, Amber.”

  “Okay.” She put her phone away when Ronan disconnected and stared at her brother.

  “Can I move now? And speak?”

  “It depends on what you might say.”

  Jasper looked around the room. His eyes landed on every item filled with power. “I guess there are some things it would be best not to discuss right now.” He rose to his feet, lifting the pendant at her neck before he let it fall back against the front of her jacket.

  “Yeah. You’ll have to save your questions for Ronan. I can’t answer them.”

  Jasper nodded. “Just answer me one question.”

  “If I can.”

  “Is this what keeps you up at night?”

  Amber shot a glance to Rian who shook his head. That only left Kade who must have told Jasper. “No.” It mightn’t be what kept her awake, but it was what she did when she couldn’t sleep.

  “Next time you’re online, google post traumatic stress syndrome.”

  “Don’t you start.”

  “Have you looked in a mirror lately?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “No you’re not. You look like you’re living in a war zone. And Mum asked me to speak to you.”

  So maybe it hadn’t been Kade. “She’s already done that today.”

  “Yeah and it made her even more concerned. She thinks you’re on drugs. I was about to suggest she get you tested and then I wondered if that would be advisable with the possible alterations becoming a mage might have caused.”

  “Nothing will show in a blood test,” Rian said.

  “How do you know? There are only three of us,” Amber said.

  “Ronan made the doctor run a lot of tests on you when the two of you escaped. He wanted to make sure there was no other reason, other than exhaustion, that you would not wake.”

  Amber stared at Rian a moment, then realised he wouldn’t have allowed the tests if they weren’t for her benefit. She nodded and turned back to Jasper. “So what? I should go down there and tell her to test me for drugs if she’s so worried?”

  Jasper put out a hand to stop her when she started to march across the room. “Amber. Calm down. Just keep it in mind the next time Mum asks.”

  Amber shrugged his hand off her. “I’m sick of people telling me to calm down.”

  “Well you are a little on edge lately.”

  “A little!” Amber glared at Jasper. “Paili is still out there.” She waved towards the French doors. “And she has the money to pay for more than a thousand warriors to attack all at once.”

  Kade walked in the French doors. “She wouldn’t do that where there are human witnesses. Even the warriors wouldn’t. They could be killed for risking that type of exposure.”

  “What are you doing here so early?” Amber’s eyes travelled from Kade to Rian. “Did you call him?”

  Kade reached for her. “Leave him alone.” He wrapped his arms around her. “How about Jay tells your mother we’re heading out to my place and we get out of here?”

  “I haven’t finished my homework.”

  Kade laughed softly. “Do it Sunday night. Or Rian can do it. Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”

  “They’re in the kitchen.”

  “I’ll head down and distract them. You can follow shortly.” Jasper strode across the room.

  Weariness washed over her and she sagged against Kade. She needed sleep. Desperately. She could hear Rian close down her laptop and ready her bag. Then Kade pulled away from her.

  “Your brother is ready for you to leave now.” Kade guided her to the door.

  Rian handed her an overnight bag and Amber took it without a word as she left her room. Reaching the stairs, she paused at the top before slowly walking down. Avoiding looking at her mother and grandmother, she stopped at Jasper’s side.

  “We’ll see you Sunday night. And quit worrying, Mum.” Jasper guided her out to his car, opening the front passenger door for her. “Come on. Before Mum is out here with last minute instructions.”

  The front door opened as if Jasper’s words had conjured her and Amber hastily sat and buckled herself in. Jasper strode around the front of his car, a wave and a smile for his mother. Within minutes they were on the road.

  Amber glanced up as she sensed Kade and Rian overhead, Shannon’s two warriors flanking them. She closed her eyes and fell asleep to be woken as they pulled up in front of Kade’s house. Keeping her eyes closed, she tried to banish the sea of blood from her mind. She couldn’t sleep without dreaming of it. No matter how short a sleep it was.

  When she sensed Kade beside the car door, Amber opened it. She wearily hopped out and stared at him. He reached out and ran the back of his fingers along her cheekbone.

  “Would sleeping tablets help?” Jasper asked from behind her.

  Amber spun to face him. “No!” She couldn’t think of anything worse than being trapped in her nightmares.

  “It’s okay. It was just a suggestion.” He held his hands up as if to surrender.

  Ronan walked towards them out of the Void. “What have you done to yourself?” He stopped in front of Amber. “Chait, get out of the Void now.” The Gold Dragon appeared beside Ronan in human form. Ronan turned to him, his eyes ice. “Why didn’t you tell me? You said she was having trouble sleeping. She looks like the walking dead. You’re meant to look out for her. Get out of my sight.”

  Chait did the smart thing and re-entered the Void.

  “It’s not his fault I can’t sleep,” Amber protested.

  “Inside. I’m not standing out here to discuss this.” Ronan looked towards Jasper. “Or anything else for that matter.”

  Amber trailed behind Ronan, Kade’s arm around her waist. She dropped onto one of the kitchen chairs Rian held out for her and watched as Ronan placed six jewels
on the table. He turned to Jasper.

  “Do any of them look different to you?”

  Jasper picked up two of them. “These two. They seem to be-”

  “Keep your observations to yourself.” Ronan turned to Amber. “You go and get some sleep before you collapse.” He turned to Jasper again. “And you, follow me.” He led the way to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  Amber had already told Jasper about running water so he knew why Ronan wished to see him in the bathroom. He had secrets to share.

  “Come on Amber.” Kade rose to his feet. “Come and have a sleep.”

  She shook her head, her mind still filled with visions of blood.

  “Then at least lie down and rest.”

  “I don’t want to sleep,” Amber muttered.

  Kade pulled her to her feet. “Then rest. Just lie down and rest.”

  She didn’t have the energy to argue so she let him lead her to his room. The curtains were closed and the room was in darkness. Dropping onto the bed, she stared up at the ceiling. She didn’t want to sleep, but exhaustion claimed her and she once again fell into nightmares. She struggled to leave them, but something forced her to stay asleep.

  “Quit trying to wake up.”

  Amber was shocked to hear Ronan’s voice in her dream. “What are you doing here?”

  “Sleep. You won’t dream now.”

  “How do you know?” Amber could only see blackness. “Anything could be hidden in the dark.”

  “You’re very difficult to please you know.”

  Amber smiled as her dream world lightened to a rugged coastline with a sheer drop to jagged rocks in the ocean below. “Where is this place?”


  Amber turned to see Ronan seated beside her on the cliff, his legs hanging over the edge. And it was the real Ronan, right down to the gold flecks in his eyes. “I don’t have a home.”


  “Where is it?”

  “Shut up and rest, Amber.” Ronan pointed behind her. “There’s your bed. Now go and sleep in it.”

  A hand carved wooden bed sat on the rocky ground behind her. In the distance a castle rose above everything. It made the one they had stayed in look like a cottage. She turned back to Ronan who continued to look out to sea. “Is this your lands? The ones you want to get back?”

  He nodded. “This is where I was born. I helped build that castle. Right where the hovel I was born in stood.”

  Amber met his eyes for a moment and then walked to the bed and curled up in it. The sound of waves lulled her to sleep and no cries of help invaded her dreams.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Amber slowly woke, stretching. She glanced around Kade’s room and saw Ronan on the floor at the foot of the bed, his back against the wall as he watched her. The room was empty. Unless his Gold Dragon was in there too, but somehow she didn’t think so.

  “Where is everyone?”

  “I chased them out last night.”

  “Why?” Amber slid over the end of the bed and onto the floor. She shuffled across the floor until she could lean up against the wall near Ronan. It reminded her of when they’d been in the dungeon together. She shied away from that thought.

  “They annoyed me.”

  Amber smiled. It was probably more likely he hadn’t wanted them to see him help her. “Why can’t they do what you did?”

  “They’re too weak.”


  “Shut up, Amber.”

  She laughed. It sounded like she wasn’t the only one who got cranky when they had no sleep. Ronan rose to his feet, holding out a hand. Amber stared at it a moment before she took it and allowed him to pull her to her feet.

  When Ronan started to release her hand, she tightened her grip. “I saw you last night. No illusions. Why?”

  “It’s easier.” He pulled out of her grasp.

  “About Jay-”

  “He can see. But this doesn’t release you from your vow. You cannot tell anyone else.”

  Amber nodded. But at least she had someone she could share it with.

  “And give him something you’ve filled. He drew on the two I brought with me. I’m curious to see if he can do the same with yours.” Ronan flung the bedroom door open and glared at Rian who stood there. “Do you always have to be underfoot?”

  Rian ignored Ronan to run his eyes over Amber. He smiled. “You look rested.”

  “I feel it.” It was the first time in days that she’d felt like smiling from happiness. “And I’m starved.”

  “There are fresh pikelets in the kitchen.”

  Ronan shook his head. “I never received such devotion when you served me.”

  “I guess it is true when they say having the right boss makes all the difference.” Rian turned towards the kitchen.

  Amber giggled as she glanced up at Ronan. “Don’t worry, I’m sure I can manage to share a couple of them with you.” She linked her arm through his.

  “That’s an annoying habit you have.” He pulled away from her.

  “Should I wait next time so you can check me over for weapons before I enter your personal space?”

  “Don’t push it.” He strode towards the kitchen.

  Amber followed. She was in a good mood and almost danced down the hallway to the kitchen. There were two plates of pikelets on the table. Butter, syrup and jam in the middle. Amber sat in front of one of the plates and waited until Ronan was also seated. “Thank you.”

  “I didn’t do it for you.” Ronan scrapped a knife across the butter. “You’re part of my plan. You need to be alert if we’re going to pull it off.”

  Amber’s good mood evaporated. The last thing she wanted to do was face Paili. Which was exactly why she needed to. “Do you have a plan?”

  “Nearly. I’ll let you know when it’s completely sorted.” He slathered jam on the pikelet and popped it in his mouth. He gestured towards her plate. “Eat. You still look like crap.”

  “Thanks. That’s just what I needed to hear.”

  Ronan grinned. “You’re welcome.”

  She laughed and shook her head at Ronan’s questioning look. Only Ronan would complain at genuine thanks and yet accept that which was given heavily laden with sarcasm.

  Jasper and Kade entered the kitchen as she pushed her plate away and she sent a look to Rian, guessing he was the reason for such perfect timing. He ignored her look and cleared the table.

  Kade sat down beside her. “You look a lot better.”

  Amber sent a glance to Ronan. “Really? I’ve been told I still look like crap.” She slid one of her gold bracelets off, pushing it across the table to Jasper as he sat down.

  “I don’t think it’s my style.” Jasper drew the power from it then slid it back to her.

  Amber smiled. “You sure? I was even going to throw in a flowery hair comb and some pink laced sandals to go with it.”

  “Oh well, now you’re talking. If you add a floral dress and a bottle of pink nail polish you might have me convinced.” Jasper grinned.

  “Sorry, no floral dress.”

  Jasper shrugged. “Guess it’s a no sale then.”

  Kade linked his fingers with Amber’s. “You sound more rested too.”

  Before Amber could answer, Ronan rose to his feet. “I’ll see you tonight.” He vanished into the Void without another word.

  “I hate when they do that,” Jasper complained.

  “Why? Because you think they’re standing around waiting to see what you might say about them?” Amber grinned when her brother shrugged. She pushed away from the table. “Have we got anything planned for the day?”

  Jasper shook his head. “Not that I know of, but I do need to talk to you for a few minutes. We could take a walk.”

  “If you don’t need my company, I’ve got some things to do.” Kade gave Amber a quick kiss when she shook her head.

  Jasper headed for the back door, Amber at his side. He draped an arm around her shoulders. Rian followed a
few metres behind as they silently headed through the long grass. Amber leaned her head back and breathed in deep, the scents bombarding her. The crisp air filled her lungs, soil mingled with the smell of prey. The panther in her stirred sleepily but she was well fed and settled down with no trouble. Amber recalled her first moment as a panther in this very place. She looked around with a slight smile on her lips.

  “You look heaps better than you did yesterday.” Jasper tapped under one of her eyes with the tip of his forefinger. “There’s still smudges but you’ve lost that skeletal head look.”

  “I think you better go light on the compliments today. I don’t think I could take any more without becoming completely conceited.” Amber pulled away from her brother to hold out her arms and spin around. She grinned. “I always loved doing this on a winter’s day when I was little.”

  Jasper smiled. “You and Crystal would hold hands and spin until you’d drop in the grass.” He sobered. “Flinn has been making us train with his warriors. All of us in human form.”

  “What do you mean, train?”

  “He thinks it’ll only be a matter of time before there are other Dragon Mages. I know we tried to keep most of the process from Shannon, but she’s not stupid. And neither is Ronan. One of them is sure to figure it out eventually.”

  Amber shrugged. “So? Then we won’t be such a rarity. Surely that’ll be a good thing.”

  “I wouldn’t have a clue. But have you ever stopped to wonder why they decided not to have Dragon Mages? All records of them were removed and they stopped making them. Either let them die out or killed them. There must have been a reason.”

  Amber stared at Jasper. She’d never thought about it, but he was right. There had to have been some reason. “I’ll ask Ronan. Maybe he knows.”

  “Possibly. But anyway, I was telling you about the training Flinn’s making us do.”

  Amber nodded.

  “He has us throw fire and ice at them.”


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