Finding the Fire Within

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Finding the Fire Within Page 26

by C. C. Masters

  Austin would occasionally murmur encouragement to me to keep me moving until finally, we could stop. I collapsed down on the ground, looking up at the moon through the trees. Cody had set James down and they were both looking through the trees at where our vehicle was parked a hundred feet away.

  “I’ve been watching for a couple minutes now.” Cody murmured. “No movement.”

  “And if he’s in position as a sniper?” Austin asked.

  They must be talking about Evan. He was the guy that was sent back to the SUV to search it while the others held us hostage. I was too tired to even move my mouth to speak, not that I could add anything helpful.

  “Stay with them.” Austin murmured. “I’ll check it out.”

  Cody put a hand on Austin’s arm to stop him. “We can’t risk you. You’re the ideal target for a sniper.”

  “And you’re a larger target.” Austin said drily. “And I’m not willing to risk you.”

  Cody huffed. “Rocks, paper, scissors?”

  If I had enough strength in me I would have rolled my eyes. Cody must have won because I heard him start moving through the woods towards the vehicle.

  Austin stayed alert, with his weapon ready to fire. There was no sound of a shotgun or a rifle firing, there was only silence as we waited. I heard the purr of the engine as Cody backed the vehicle up to where we were hiding on the edge of the forest.

  Austin reached down for me, but I stopped him with a softly whispered word. “James.”

  He cursed but let me lie there as he picked up James and carried him over to the Range Rover. I sighed and heaved myself over to my side. I was just gathering my strength to stand when Austin came back for me.

  “I have you.” He murmured softly. That was all I needed to hear. I let go of the tenuous hold on consciousness that I had desperately maintained and let myself sink into the darkness.

  Chapter 25


  I woke up to the warmth of sunshine over my face. I blinked and then squinted, trying to get my bearings. I felt different and I tried to figure out why. I felt more whole than I ever had before. I hadn’t realized it until now, but I had been missing something. The scents in the room seemed crisper, the sounds clearer.

  “Good morning, sunshine!” A voice chirped from the doorway.

  I turned my head slowly and inhaled the scent. “Sam?” I could sense her in a way I never had before, I could feel her presence in the room.

  “Yeah, how are you feeling?” She asked in an overly bright tone.

  I groaned. “Like crap.” I peeled my eyes back open, so I could get used to the light. Sam’s dark hair and bright smile came into view. She looked happy, but I could see the edge of worry around her eyes.

  I sat up abruptly. “James?” I asked urgently. “The rest of the guys?”

  “They’re fine. He’s fine.” Sam laughed. “At least he says he’s fine. He curses at anyone who tries to suggest otherwise.”

  “Sounds like James.” I said with a smile. “That was quick healing even for one of us, though.”

  Sam frowned. “It’s actually been two days since they brought you back.”

  “Two days!” I sighed. “Well that explains why my bladder is about to burst.”

  I sat up and moved to swing my legs over the side of the bed. Sam rushed over to me to help but I waved her away. “I feel really sore, but that’s probably from lying in bed too long.”

  She hovered over me when I shuffled to the bathroom. I didn’t try to lock her out because I was feeling a little light headed, the last thing I wanted to do was fall and crack my skull open. I flinched when I looked in the mirror while washing my hands. I looked awful. A shower was my next point of business to take care of.

  Sam watched me, probably looking for signs that I was going to pass out. “I’m taking a shower.” I announced. “Can you fill me in on what happened while I was out?”

  She took a seat on the counter while I stripped down and got the water running. “Big news, you missed a lot.” She hesitated as if not sure what to say. “The first thing I should tell you is that you weren’t there that night.”

  I grunted. This should be interesting.

  Sam continued cautiously. “The only reason I know the whole story, or at least what they told me, is because they needed my help with you.” She cleared her throat. “The official story is that James and Cody went on a recon mission to check out a lead. James got shot, Cody called for help, and the pack arrived in time to take out the bad guys.”

  “Huh.” I said I as washed the grime out of my hair.

  “This is where it gets interesting.” Sam told me. “Austin had to report the incident to the council in case any humans were involved. They sent out a clean-up crew. But…Caleb was there ahead of them and confiscated all of their laptops, cellphones, and other useful stuff.”

  “And?” I asked as I washed the last of the shampoo out of my hair.

  “And, drumroll please… The mastermind appears to be Austin’s father!”

  “How is Austin doing with that?” I asked worriedly.

  “He seems okay, but like he’s burying himself in work to deal with it.” Sam told me in a disappointed voice. “I think you might be the only person who was not utterly shocked by that.”

  “Nothing can shock me right now.” I told her seriously. I was still feeling numb after everything that happened.

  “Well, this might. Austin’s father disappeared when word got around that he was involved. No one knows where he is.”

  I frowned. “He’s still out there?”

  “Yeah.” Sam sighed. “The council said they are doing their best to find him. But personally, I think they are more concerned with the power vacuum left in his wake. They all want to be the new number one council member.”

  “What happens to his pack?” I asked curiously.

  “Well, they’re a mess right now. But Austin’s brother is ready to take over when the dust clears.” Sam told me contemplatively. “At least, that’s what everyone is saying.”

  “Hmmm.” I focused on trying to scrub the dirt and the charcoal smudges off my skin without thinking about what had caused it. I needed something to focus on other than the events of that night.

  “I saved the biggest news for last.” Sam told me dramatically.

  “What is it?” I asked when her pause started to drag on too long.

  “Austin is a temporary council member!” She told me proudly.

  I was surprised by that. “Why is it temporary?” I asked her as I scrubbed my face.

  “I think because they need Austin to hold together the alliance with the lamia. They are not pleased about any of this.” Sam told me.

  “You know all the good gossip.” I told her gratefully as I turned the water off and reached for a towel.

  “Right? But I’m glad you’re awake because you have a ball to go to tonight.” Sam told me with a glint in her eye.

  “Okay, you managed to shock me.” I told her, shaking my head. “Are there still balls now days? I thought they went out of fashion in Cinderella’s time.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Nope. Apparently when one of your council members turns out to be a psychotic killer intent on destroying his son’s life the best thing to do is to throw a ball.”

  I snorted. “Sounds about right.” I wrapped a towel around myself and wandered towards my closet. I needed clothes if I wanted to go in search of food and my guys.

  “The guys were freaking out a little when we couldn’t get you to wake up.” She told me seriously. Her voice got quiet. “They called me because they thought it might have something to do with magic?”

  “You know a lot about magic?” I asked curiously.

  “Nope. But they thought I did because the Jaguars in South America are known for having shamans who practice magic. I grew up in the US as an outcast, though. So, I know nothing about that.”

  I sighed and tried to change the subject away from magic. “I’m a little surprised
none of them are here now.”

  “It’s because I scared them all away.” She told me with a smirk. “I thought you might prefer some girl time when you first woke up. You know, before they all start to smother you.”

  I laughed. “There will probably be smothering and squeezing. But that’s what I plan on doing to James when I see him, whether he likes it or not.”

  “You’re brave.” Sam told me seriously. “That man scares me. And I don’t scare easy.”

  It was my turn to smirk at her. “What are you talking about? James is just a big puppy.”

  She laughed incredulously. “Right… Even Trevor hesitates to get on his bad side.”

  I just shrugged and got dressed in some comfy clothes. “Thanks for taking care of me, Sam.” I told her honestly. “I really appreciate you.”

  She looked uncomfortable. “No worries, I wouldn’t even be here right now if it wasn’t for you.”

  I smiled at her and gave her hand a squeeze. “You’re coming to the ball with me, right?”

  “Hell, no.” She said emphatically. “I’m getting the fuck out of here as soon as I deliver you downstairs. I’ll leave all that girl stuff to you. You need me to shoot some shit, you can give me a call.”

  I sighed. “Why do I have to be the girl?”

  She laughed. “Because you are sugar and spice and everything nice.”

  I made an effort to laugh, but on the inside I was being ripped apart. After what I had done no one would ever call me sweet or nice ever again.

  Chapter 26


  Sam slipped out while the guys were still smothering and squeezing me. The twins picked me up as soon as I made it down to the kitchen.

  “Anna!” Jason yelled and ran towards me. He spun me around in a circle until Mason demanded he hand me over. Both of them squeezed the life out of me before I could tap out. Just like with Sam, I could sense their presence in a new way.

  “Guys…” I managed to get out.

  “Sorry, Anna.” Mason backed off a little but didn’t let go. “Promise you won’t ever scare us like that again.”

  I sighed and gave him another hug as he nuzzled my hair. I couldn’t promise not to scare anyone again. Scenes from that night flashed through my mind. I could still smell the charred flesh…

  “Anna!” I heard Caleb’s voice coming from the patio as he opened the door and let my puppies in. I smiled at him and greeted my pups, who beat him to me. When he reached me, Caleb wrapped me in a hug that was much more gentle than the twin’s had been. “I missed you.” He murmured to me.

  “I missed you, too.” I whispered back, enjoying being wrapped in his scent. I could feel his presence, too. I mentally compared him to the twins. Was this what everyone had been taking about with sensing power levels? Did breaking that barrier make me whole?

  “Sleeping beauty awakes!” Cody teased me as he walked into the kitchen from the direction of the war room.

  I laughed as he wrapped me up in a bear hug. “Speaking of sleeping beauty, I heard there’s a ball I have to go to.”

  “Later.” He grumbled before kissing the top of my head. “I’m not ready to let you out of my sight yet.”

  I smiled at him and searched his eyes as he pulled away from me. I saw relief, happiness, but also some worry. What I didn’t see was blame, horror, or disgust. He was there that night, he knew what happened. How could he still look at me the same?

  He gave me a questioning look when I stared at him for too long, so I just gave him another hug. “I’m glad you’re okay.” I told him quietly. This time when I pulled away I just gave him a smile and he looked satisfied with that.

  I heard James clear his throat from behind us. I turned to look at him and ran my eyes over him critically. He looked tired, his posture wasn’t as ramrod straight as it usually was, and his eyes were closed off to me.

  I sighed with sadness. This was how it was going to be now? I started to turn away so he wouldn’t see the hurt in my eyes.

  “Ah, fuck it.” I heard him say before he strode over to me. “I fucking suck at this shit.” He told me as he pulled me into his arms. “But never doubt how I feel about you.”

  “I like you too, James.” I teased him, trying to lighten the mood.

  I saw one corner of his mouth start to turn up in the beginnings of a smile before he got a serious look on his face again. He looked deep into my eyes. “We need to talk later.”

  I nodded and started to pull away, but he ran his hand up my back to cup the back of my head. His lips brushed mine gently and with unexpected tenderness. It was a sweet and small kiss, but I knew how difficult that must have been with everyone standing here. That was the equivalent of James shouting from the rooftops that he loved me.

  A smile spread over my face and I heard Jason in the background. “So, we’re allowed to do that now?”

  James and I separated in time for me to see Mason punch him in the arm out of the corner of my eyes, but my attention was still fully on James. He gave me one last half smile before stepping back.

  “I have shit to do.” James told me before turning and walking out of the room. I looked after him, still with a smile on my face. I blushed a little when I realized the rest of the guys were staring.

  “Jason said you guys were getting close, but I would never have expected that.” Cody told me seriously.

  I started to turn bright red. “Um, yeah. What do we have to eat?”

  The twins laughed but everyone stopped being weird and starting talking about food. I decided to make myself a giant turkey sandwich, despite it being nine in the morning.

  Caleb gave me a hug from behind and a kiss on top of the head. “I gotta get back to work, Anna. But I can’t wait to see you dressed up for tonight.” I gave him a shy smile as I blushed. Thanks to Reagan, I would have something to wear tonight.

  The twins grabbed their lunches and started to hustle out the door.

  “Shit!” I exclaimed in shock. “If it’s been two days, then I missed work!”

  “Language, Anna.” Jason teased me.

  “Relax.” Mason reassured me. “Austin got some paperwork to say that you were on medical leave.”

  “What did Austin tell them is wrong with me?” I asked cautiously. I hoped he didn’t tell them anything that would make my coworkers worry about me.

  Cody frown. “Aus said they aren’t allowed to ask why since you’re a civilian. You just need a doc to sign off to say that you aren’t fit for duty.”

  I relaxed a little. My job was safe, but my supervisor was going to be pissed when I got back. The twins stopped to give me more hugs before they left for the morning.

  “Is Austin busy doing council member stuff?” I asked curiously as I layered the turkey on my bread.

  “Yep.” Cody answered while putting a couple of extra slices of cheese on my sandwich for me. “He’s coordinating the security for tonight.”

  I sighed. “Where is this ball, anyway?”

  Cody grinned. “It’s going to be at the fancy house of one of the lamia.”

  My jaw dropped. “But it’s a council thing?”

  “Sure is. But they will be so busy with the lamia and all the backstabbing they do, that they will probably ignore you most of the night.”

  I smiled at him. “You know just how to reassure a girl.”

  He bopped me on the nose with a grin. “I know how to reassure this girl.”

  “True.” I grinned at him. It really was a relief that I would not be the center of attention. I would be more than happy to fade into the background until this was done. Social events were not my forte.

  Cody eyed my sandwich when I finished making it and added another piece of turkey before giving the final nod of approval. I sat down at the counter and started to inhale my food. I was probably super low on calories from not eating for a few days and from other things I would rather not think about.

  I stopped to take a breath when I realized that he was staring at me. “Wha
t? How would feel if you didn’t eat for a couple days?”

  Cody looked concerned. “Do you need another sandwich?” He asked me seriously.

  I grinned. “Nope.” The sandwich he had helped me make was pretty large, even by Cody standards. I took another bite, starting to eat a little slower now that my initial feeding frenzy had passed.

  Cody made his own sandwich and sat beside me. “Austin is going to be your official date tonight.” He informed me.

  I nodded. I had expected that, but I was worried about seeing Austin after everything that had happened.

  “Each of the council members is going to have three other pack members attending the ball with them. The rest are going to be working security along with representatives from the lamia forces.”

  “Do I count as one of the three?” I asked curiously.

  “Nah, only the males count.” He told me with a smile. “They won’t consider a pretty girl like you to be a threat.”

  I swallowed a bite and set the sandwich down, no longer feeling hungry. They would consider me a threat if they knew the truth.

  “The twins and I are going with you.” Cody continued, oblivious to my discomfort. “Caleb is going to be geeking out with Emerys over security stuff in one of the back rooms. He’s going but he doesn’t have to dress up.” Cody made a face.

  I bumped his shoulder. “I think you guys are going to look nice, all dressed up.”

  He grunted and took another bite of his sandwich. I heard the front door slam and Quinn shout out. “Anna!”

  “In here!” I yelled back.

  Quinn paused at the entrance of the kitchen for dramatic effect. “I heard we have an excuse to make you fabulous today?”

  “Not until tonight.” I told him.

  He frowned. “You have to leave here at five. That gives us less than eight hours to get ready.”

  I looked at Cody. Was Quinn being serious right now? Cody just shrugged.

  Quinn set down the bag he was carrying. “Don’t worry, I already called for backup. My friend Bea is on her way to pamper us.”

  “Us?” I laughed.

  Quinn gave me a grin. “I am also in desperate need of a mani, pedi, waxing, and pampering.” He looked at Cody. “I can take it from here.”


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