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Noble Blood

Page 19

by Dana Marie Bell

  Akane damn near growled. He was driving her insane, and if she didn’t get away from him she was going to do something she’d regret. No way was she tying herself to an aggravating, hot as sin, know-it-all Nebraska farm boy.

  No. Way.

  Shane watched his intended saunter out of the room and chuckled quietly to himself.

  She didn’t know it yet, but she was his.

  He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number that would have had his fiery dragon screeching in outrage. “She’s on her way back to Nebraska.”

  “Good. You know what happens next.”

  He smiled. He did indeed. He’d known the moment he saw Akane Russo sitting there in her car, doing her best to look innocent and vulnerable. He’d known better from the start.

  Akane Russo was in no way innocent or vulnerable. Not by a long shot.

  “Take care of my daughter, Shane.”

  “I will. I swear it.” He allowed that small touch of magic to enter his voice. If anyone would sense it she would. He hung up and stuck his hands in his pockets. Whistling softly, Shane Joloun Dunne left the room, intent on hunting down his mate.

  About the Author

  Dana Marie Bell wrote her first short story when she was thirteen years old. She attended the High School for Creative and Performing Arts for creative writing, where freedom of expression was the order of the day. When her parents moved out of the city and placed her in a Catholic high school for her senior year, she tried desperately to get away, but the nuns held fast, and she graduated with honors despite herself.

  Dana has lived primarily in the Northeast (Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, to be precise), with a brief stint on the US Virgin Island of St. Croix. She lives with her soul mate and husband Dusty, their two maniacal children, an evil, ice-cream stealing cat and a bull terrier that thinks it’s a Pekinese.

  You can learn more about Dana at or contact her at

  Look for these titles by Dana Marie Bell

  Now Available:

  Halle Pumas

  The Wallflower

  Sweet Dreams

  Cat of a Different Color

  Steel Beauty

  Only In My Dreams

  Halle Shifters

  Bear Necessities

  The Gray Court

  Dare to Believe

  True Destiny

  Very Much Alive

  Eye of the Beholder

  Coming Soon:

  Poconos Pack

  Finding Forgiveness

  To hold onto his love, he must release his beast.

  Bear Necessities

  © 2010 Dana Marie Bell

  Halle Shifters, Book 1

  Once a Bear sets his mind on a mission, it’s best to stay out of his way. Alexander “Bunny” Bunsun is that Bear. Something’s not right with his cousin Chloe, and he’s come to Halle, PA, to sort it out, turn his Harley around and head home to Oregon. Until an enticing scent lures him into the local tattoo shop.

  There she is. An inked, Southern-drawled she-Wolf with lime-green hair. His perfect mate.

  Tabitha Garwood’s rotten day just got worse. Her Outcast status makes her a target for harassment with alarming regularity. And now, in the middle of a root touch-up, looking like a half-melted Skittle, she’s met her destined mate. The only upside? She finally has a protector in the form of a huge, tattooed, shaved-head Bear who vibrates with carefully restrained power.

  When Chloe is left for dead and Tabby is threatened, only Alex can keep his growing family safe. Giving Tabby the loving home she needs, though, could come at a price—Alex must give up the control he’s worked a lifetime to attain.

  Which means someone could die at the hands—and claws—of his beast.

  Warning: This novel contains explicit sex, graphic language, a hunky Bear named Bunny and… Yes. I said a Bear named Bunny. I don’t know about you but I’m not brave enough to make fun of it.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Bear Necessities:

  “Ohmigod, ohmigod.” Tabby pulled her hair, staring into her closet. It was six forty-five and her mate would be here any minute, she didn’t know his name and she had nothing to wear.

  “Little black dress.” Cyn stuck her head in Tabby’s bedroom, grinning at the pile of clothing around Tabby’s feet. “Can’t go wrong with a little black dress.”

  “Guh.” The panic was threatening to tear Tabby apart. She stared at the three black dresses hanging in her closet, her hand moving between them like a demented butterfly.

  Glory’s head peeked in from the other side of the doorway. “The sleeveless one.”

  “Uh?” She held up her sleeveless black dress, the one with the red belt and matching shoes.

  Two heads bobbed in agreement.

  Tabby stripped, more than used to being naked in front of her roommates. Hell, when she’d first moved in with them, they’d been shocked at how easy she felt being nude. Glory had actually asked her if she was gay and trying to tempt them to “the dark side”. She’d giggled and said that she might be susceptible to temptation if the dark side had chocolate. Tabby had just shaken her head and put some clothes on. She’d spent so long as a Wolf, she’d forgotten some of the basic parts of being human, like pants. The first time she’d used a toilet after so many years had been an interesting experience, something Mrs. Anderson still chuckled about.

  When Cyn and Glory had found out what she was, they’d freaked a little. They hadn’t accepted her immediately. In fact, there’d been another girl, Brit, who’d worked at Living Art. Brit had left, refusing to believe what she’d seen the night Tabby, drunk off her ass for the first time in her life, let her Wolf loose in the middle of the apartment. She’d gone so far as to quit her job when Glory and Cyn refused to fire her or kick her out of their apartment. But Glory and Cyn, after the initial shock had passed (and after, they claimed, they wiped up the dog drool), had accepted her without reservations. Hell, they’d mocked her once the hangover had passed. There was still a huge bag of Kibbles N’ Bits in the pantry the bitches refused to throw away “just in case”.

  If she thought they’d take it, she’d make them Pack in a heartbeat. She missed having that connection, the knowledge that there were others for her to rely on without a shadow of a doubt. Part of her wondered if her dipshit ex had ever told his father the truth, or if he’d shrugged and let it go. Let her go.

  Tabby shook her head and reached for her hairbrush, smoothing down her hair. That didn’t matter now. Her mate would be here any minute. She slicked on some berry gloss and stared at herself in the mirror. Then she stuck out her tongue and made a face. She was so nervous, her Wolf was whining. She slipped her feet into the red high heels, grabbed her favorite purse and headed for the living room. “Well?”

  Cyn circled her finger. “Twirl.”

  Tabby twirled.

  Glory wolf-whistled. “See you at work tomorrow.”

  Cyn snickered and threw a bunch of condoms at her. “You’ll need these.”

  Tabby swallowed. “I’m gonna throw up.” Nausea roiled in her belly. She bent and picked up the condoms just as the doorbell rang.

  Glory had the door open before Tabby could hide the packets. “C’mon in!”

  In stepped the hottie from the store. He wore a green shirt that really emphasized his hazel eyes, dark wash jeans that looked painted onto his thighs and thick-soled black boots. Now that she was upright, she could see how tall he was. He towered over her, the top of her head barely reaching his upper lip, even in her four-inch heels. She’d hit his chin in her bare feet. His bald head gleamed, his jaw clean-shaven. She could see the tattoo that circled his biceps and her fingers itched to trace the design. In his hand, he held a daffodil.

  My favorite flower. How did he know? Tabby smiled, knowing her mouth was trembling. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had given her flowers. “For me?”

  He held it out, a smile on his full lips. “Hello,

  “Thank you.” She reached for the daffodil.

  He coughed. “I’ll take those.” He reached over and removed the condoms from her hand, grinning at her embarrassed squawk. “It’s okay, honey. I’m just glad one of us is, um, prepared.” He eyed the condoms. “Very prepared.” He unrolled them, one eyebrow rising in disbelief. “And optimistic.”

  Glory was practically doubled over with laughter. Tabby’s face was beet red. She snatched the condoms back with her free hand, snarling as one got left behind in his big paw. She could hear Cyn snuffling and snorting behind her and just knew they were practically choking on their laughter.

  She turned to her two roommates with a smile. “Don’t make me forget I’m housebroken.” They stopped, but from the way they were clinging together, Tabby figured it was only a matter of time before one of them broke again. She turned back to her new mate. “And you, whose name I don’t even know.” She smiled at Mr. Chocolate. “Thank you for the flower. My name’s Tabitha Garwood.”

  Mr. Sin held out his paw, the condom miraculously gone. “Bunny.” She wondered if he’d dropped it or shoved it into his pocket for later.

  Wait. “Bunny,” she repeated carefully.

  “Alexander Bunsun, but everyone calls me Bunny.” He grinned.

  She sniffed. Nope, his scent is definitely Bear.

  “Are you laughing at my name?” Bunny’s hands went to his hips, but she could tell he wasn’t pissed by the way his lips quirked up.

  She blinked. “Yes.”

  He coughed, but she could tell he was trying not to laugh. “Dinner?” He held out his arm.

  She gave him her sweetest smile and took it. “Yes.”

  “Hold on.” Glory stopped them by placing her hand on Bunny’s arm, her expression worried. For all that Glory liked to flirt like mad, when it came down to actual dating she could be a real worrywart.

  Bunny chucked her under the chin. “I’ll take care of her. My word on it.”

  Glory studied him, and Bunny stood still, allowing her intense scrutiny. Glory relaxed and nodded, looking relieved. Tabby wasn’t sure she felt the same.

  Resisting two magical mischief makers definitely wasn’t in the job description.

  Vanessa Unveiled

  © 2011 Jodi Redford

  Vanessa Darby, a bounty hunter and tracker for the Veil Alliance League, figures things can’t get any crappier than her car breaking down on a deserted highway. Until the two dimension-hopping renegades she’s been assigned to capture lure her to their magical love nest in the woods and entangle her in a web of seduction.

  How the hell is she supposed to resist a pair of gorgeous male pookas who possess a wicked talent for bringing the sexy?

  Rand and Braeden have searched more than three centuries for their one true bond mate. Now that Vanessa’s been dropped into their arms, they have no intention of giving her up. Even if it means agreeing to her terms: If they can’t persuade her within forty-eight hours that the three of them belong together, they’ll give themselves over to the authorities. But convincing a woman who doesn’t believe in love, or the concept of forever, is no easy feat. Particularly with one doozy of a dirty secret from their past waiting to trip them up.

  Warning: Two hotter-than-should-be-legal pookas sexin’ it up with each other and the stubborn woman they love. One magical hotel in the woods that isn’t exactly what it seems. And a unicorn who will forever tarnish the image of the species.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Vanessa Unveiled:

  Rand sensed the exact moment the emotional shift occurred within Vanessa. An achingly sweet note of longing sang from her soul, calling to him. He glanced at Braeden, his mate’s rapt stare verifying that he’d also received the summoning. Braeden jumped to his feet, but Rand shook his head in warning. It was too soon. Beneath Vanessa’s soulful yearning, a dark specter of fear still lurked. He could detect it skulking in the shadows of her mind, guarding its treasure-trove of negativity. Until they discovered what fed that phantom its power, and destroyed it, they needed to handle Vanessa gently.

  “So how did you two meet, anyway?”

  He met Vanessa’s curious gaze. “At the annual fairy ball held in Titania’s honor.”

  Her eyes grew large. “The queen of the fairies? You’ve met her? What is she like?”

  “Very old and very crabby. But she throws a hell of a party.” Braeden began gathering the dishes and Rand quickly stood to offer a hand. Grunting, Braeden waved him off. “You owe me. Go on and finish telling Vanessa about how you fell in love with me at first sight.”

  It was Rand’s turn to grunt. “You have a bloody warped sense of history. The way I recall it, you fell in love with me at first sight. Ditched that big-breasted druid right on the dance floor and followed me into the powder room, where I distinctly remember you offered to unzip my trousers with your teeth.”

  “The druid!” Braeden dropped one of the pans into the sink with a clatter. “Damn, almost forgot about good ole Martina. Too bad she always smelled like a damp basement and talked to trees.”

  Rand gave Vanessa a dry look behind Braeden’s back. “And he wonders why I’m considered the charming one.”

  Vanessa’s smile was so beautiful, it took every ounce of willpower he possessed not to yank her off the stool and kiss the living daylights out of her. “Your love affair started in a bathroom? How oddly romantic.”

  “There was nothing romantic about it. Brae was merely a horny little bugger.”

  Braeden tossed another pan into the sink. “Now who’s spreading lies?” He peered over his shoulder at Vanessa. “Back then, Rand’s skill at weaseling his way beneath any skirt was legendary. Clearly he was the hornier of the two of us.”


  Vanessa cleared her throat with a pointed cough. “Judging from the way you both are now, perhaps you should just call it a draw.”

  Rand muzzled his laugh. “Very diplomatic of you.”

  She rested her chin on her upturned palm and eyed him. “I don’t know how to phrase this in a way that won’t sound incredibly nosy and blunt, but you both mentioned past female relationships. Does that mean…?”

  “We were each other’s first,” he answered in response to the unspoken curiosity in her gaze. “I’d had no interest or attraction to other males before Brae. Other than him, I still don’t. But when it comes to the calling of a bond mate, the heart doesn’t get caught up in the sticky nuances of gender. It simply wants the person destined to make it whole.” He locked her into his stare, knowing full well she’d see a reflection of the feelings he held inside his heart. She averted her gaze and he tried not to let the disappointment crush him. Thank the goddesses he’d never been one to back down from anything, because Vanessa Darby was the queen mother of all challenges.

  Apparently reading the sudden tension in the room, Braeden tossed a dishtowel in Rand’s direction. Taking the hint, he grabbed the cloth and joined Braeden at the sink. With the two of them working together, they cleaned up the dishes in record time, and with minimal complaints from Braeden regarding Rand’s drying abilities, no less. Rand pivoted back toward the island, fully expecting to find Vanessa snickering over their little bicker fest. Her stool was empty, her discarded clothes and boots nowhere to be seen.

  Paranoia and dread kicked up his heart rate. Surely she wouldn’t attempt another unchaperoned stroll through the hotel. Not after what happened last time. Unless…

  Recalling the wall of doubt she’d erected when he’d spoken of bond mates, renewed panic crashed through him. “Shit.”


  Tuning out Braeden, Rand bolted from the kitchen. He was halfway to the elevator when he noticed Vanessa standing just beyond the entrance to the bedroom, her clothes and boots scattered near her feet. Relief instantly blanketed him. Changing course, he walked toward the archway. Vanessa remained so enthralled by whatever held her attention she didn’t even look up as he approached. Halting behind her, he
peered over her shoulder at the object she was busy inspecting, his mouth tugging into a grin. “Reconsidering my earlier suggestion, sweetest?”

  Vanessa jerked and the double-ended dildo in her hand went flying. Her cheeks bright red, she glanced up at him. “I was trying to figure out if that’s a baton or…something else.”

  “What do you think?”

  She chuckled, her face still wearing its adorable tint of scarlet. “Um, that you and Braeden should provide me a demonstration?”

  “Naughty girl.” He nuzzled her hair, the soft note of jasmine filling his nose and firing his ever-persistent hunger for her to full blast. “Tempting as that might be, I have a counter suggestion.”

  “Such as?” The innocence in her tone clashed with the sinful curiosity flashing in her eyes.

  He slid his hands around her torso and cupped her breasts, his thumbs teasing her nipples. “Letting me fuck you.”

  “Hmm, didn’t I already let you do that?”

  “No. I just sat there while you had your lusty way with me.”

  “Poor baby. Must have been a hardship enduring all of that.”

  “Hard doesn’t begin to cover it.” Rubbing his cock against the dip of her spine for emphasis, he tweaked her nipples gently, making her squirm and gasp. “So what do you say?”

  She turned in his arms and he lowered his head to steal a kiss. Before his mouth captured its quarry, she stood on tiptoe and licked the clan marks tattooed on his pectoral, catching him off-guard. An intense shiver ripped through him, nearly knocking him flat on his ass. She tossed him an impish grin. “I’ve wanted to do that since yesterday.”

  Braeden’s devilish chuckle sounded behind them. “Uh-oh. She’s discovered your weak spot. There’ll be no living with her now.”


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