Toxic Creek (The Allstars Series Book 1)

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Toxic Creek (The Allstars Series Book 1) Page 26

by KC Kean

  “Count me in.” He steps beside me, kissing her forehead, which only deepens her blush, and I grin.

  “Thanks, Charlie,” I add as she playfully shoves Archie back a step. “Is there anyone else who might know anything?” I ask, and Charlie huffs.

  “Eden, everyone is someone in this town. You don’t get to be a wallflower here. I’m sure plenty of people know, but are either too scared to rock the boat, or have something being held over their head which forces them to follow the rules,” Charlie mutters, placing her hands on her hips as she looks up at the waterfall.

  I’m obviously missing something. Well, a lot of somethings, but Ilana brought me here for a reason. There are too many people in this town for her to be able to control them all, right?

  Looking around at the wildflowers dotted around the ground, I try to think long and hard about how else we could approach all of this.

  “Does anyone go to Asheville High that isn’t from Knight’s Creek?” I ask, hoping that might be a lead, but Archie and Charlie simply scoff at me.

  “Asheville High is way too exclusive for that,” Archie says with a laugh, and I frown.

  “Really though? I’ve been to other schools where we’ve had to wear a uniform, and they were some snobby-ass bitches,” I grumble, and Charlie shakes her head.

  “If you don’t have the right zip code, you’re not getting into Asheville High. It’s as simple as that. It’s like 90210, have you ever watched that television show? Except there is probably more drama here, and it’s not choreographed for people’s entertainment.”

  I can’t help but snicker at the truth of Charlie’s statement. This town, from the outside looking in, makes you think it’s safe, quaint, and wholesome. But in reality, it seeps into your soul and tears you apart.

  “Maybe we could come up with a list of classmates that might have the kind of connections you might need.”

  “Please, I have to try and do something. Richard said I should lay low, make it through school, and hope I can get out of here.”

  “Maybe you should consider his advice. I know you want answers, Eden, and I’ll do anything to help you, but I can’t help but worry about your safety overall,” Archie interjects, and admittedly, it warms my soul that he wants to keep me safe, but the easy road has never been my chosen path.

  “I refuse to let them break me in any way, shape, or form, and that includes molding me into a box that they deem fit. If Ilana Knight wants me here, she should have done her research first, because I don’t back down. Not now, not ever.”



  “Fast feet! Fast feet! Let’s go,” Coach yells, clapping us through the last set of drills as my jersey sticks to my back with sweat.

  I push harder, but my gaze flickers to Eden running track in the distance, and I lose my rhythm, slowing down. Fuck. I thought I’d gotten her out of my system. I even made sure not to go knocking on her door over the weekend.

  Leaving Hunter to play Florence Nightingale was absolutely fine by me, especially when I had planned to find someone else to occupy my time. But nobody smelled like coconuts, and their hair was either too blonde or not blonde enough. Ultimately, they weren’t her, and that made me madder than anything else.

  I wanted her long tanned legs, soft smile, and, in Tobias’ words, her bubble butt. Fuck.

  I have never been controlled by my dick, but even this feels like more than that. Like it’s my fucking soul swirling inside of me, yearning to be near her.

  “Okay, time. Go eat. Same again after classes. If we want to keep on top form, we’ll go into Friday’s game with our asses on fire. Scouts will be there. You know the drill.”

  Heading for the tunnel, Coach doesn’t say anything else as he leaves us standing in place. Pulling my helmet off, I drop it at my feet as I swipe my hand through my damp hair.

  “You’re distracted,” Tobias says with a grin, coming to stand in my line of sight, and I sigh at him. “Oh, don’t be grumpy, X. Just say the word, and we can get on her good side again.”

  I scoff at Tobias as I push him back a step. Such a fucker.

  “Are you forgetting the part where she said all that shit about standing with her, beside her, or against her? Because I sure as shit didn’t, and I don’t need anyone else trying to tell me what to do,” I grumble as Hunter comes to stand beside me, patting my shoulder harder than is necessary as the rest of the team heads for the tunnel, except Archie. He hangs back on the field but remains out of ear shot.

  “Do you even hear yourself, Xavier? We’re brothers, which is why Tobias and I are standing here with you instead of hovering near Eden’s finish line. And it’s exactly why we’ve kept away.”

  “You didn’t on Saturday,” I throw out, interrupting him, but he frowns at me, dropping his helmet beside mine.

  “She was in pain, asshole. Like physical pain, and I chose to be there for her. Get over yourself. Or do you want me to complain about the fact you fucked her without even knowing her name?” Hunter grumbles as Tobias frowns at something behind me.

  “What the fuck is she doing talking to Billy again?”

  In sync, Hunter and I spin around to find her smiling up at Billy. Her blonde hair is tied back off her face as she stands with her hands on her hips, laughing at whatever shit he’s saying.

  “He needs to remember she’s off-limits,” I growl out, stepping towards them, but Archie suddenly stands before me, blocking my path.

  “No can do, X. Eden is trying to find answers. Her father is dead, murdered, and since no one else is offering any answers, she’s hunting for some. Billy’s dad is the town's corrupt sheriff, surely he might know something, right?”

  Archie gives me a pointed look, rubbing the back of his neck as the three of us stare at him like he has a third head.

  “We should be trying to help her. Hunter and I voted to do just that, but you’re the one putting blockers in the way, man,” Tobias murmurs, looking at me out of the corner of his eyes as he straightens his hat into place.

  “Listen, I’m not getting involved with you guys. The other week, you were all laughing and joking around my pool without a care in the world. I don’t know what changed, but please don’t fuck with her. I can deal with you ignoring her, even if I can see how much it annoyed her. It sure as hell beats you bullying her. We all know how sharp your mother’s claws can be.”

  Archie glances in her direction too, his words hanging heavily in the air as Tobias and Hunter stare me down.

  “You’ll do well to remember that you’re talking about Ilana Knight, my fucking mother, Archie,” I spit out. He doesn’t know the relationship I have with my mother, and he doesn’t need to know either.

  “What I do remember, Xavier, is my mom always opening the door to you. Whenever she saw you down on the beach, throwing rocks in the sea, too afraid to go home, you would wind up at my house and we’d get ice cream. As we got older, we changed, you never took her hand anymore to let her lead you to safety. So she told me I should throw parties instead, give people a safe place to be,” Archie states.

  His eyes hold mine as he mutters a truth from long ago, although I didn’t know the last part. I’m stunned. He’s hit a nerve, and he knows it. If anyone else was around right now, I’d knock him to the ground, but he’s lucky it’s only Tobias and Hunter, and they both know the pain of my childhood. All of our childhoods.

  Before any of us can respond, Archie takes a backwards step in Eden’s direction as she walks towards the tunnel with Billy, his parting words fresh on his lips.

  “We always have a choice, Xavier.”


  I'm so ready for this school day to be done with. I've heard nothing from the Allstars at all, even though I can feel them staring at me when they think I don't notice.

  I'm so over the silent treatment. It's just a pity KitKat and Roxy aren't willing to offer me the silent treatment as well. I'd be happy with the peace and quiet. The rumors and murmurs have suddenly switche
d from me being a whore to a nobody.

  I wish they'd make their minds up, it's giving me fucking whiplash.

  "Oh my gosh, I'm starving," Charlie grumbles, rubbing her stomach for added effect, and I roll my eyes. "Come on. Let's go eat. You can tell me what Billy had to say on the way," she adds, linking her arm through mine and pulling me along, giving me no say in the matter. Not that I'd turn her down, I'm starving as well.

  Stepping out of the locker room, we follow the crowd to the cafeteria.

  "He didn't really have much to say, Charlie," I murmur, not wanting everyone to overhear our conversation. "He's not just going to spill any secrets he knows completely out of the blue to a total stranger, that's not how this works."

  We sidestep some stoners, who are pushing and shoving each other in the middle of the hallway, arguing over who actually bought the ounce they just smoked, but no one pays them any mind, clearly used to their bullshit, and I follow suit. I have way too much shit to be worrying about to add anyone else's problem to the list.

  "Oh, did you ask him anything at all?"

  "For sure, Charlie. I said, ‘hey, Billy, I heard your dad's a corrupt cop, and I was wondering what it would take to dig up some dirt.’" I give her a pointed look, and she at least has the decency to blush a little. "Of course, I didn't. The last time I spoke with him, Hunter soon put an end to it. I have to butter him up a little first, make him feel safe and comfortable knowing the Allstars won’t go after him," I add quietly, and she nods in understanding.

  "Sorry, I just wish you could have the answers to all of your problems right now." She sweeps her hair behind her ear, offering me a soft smile, and I relax beside her.

  "I know, and I appreciate it. I wish that was the case, but nothing is ever that easy, so it definitely won't be any easier in Knight's Creek and you know it."

  She hums in agreement as we step into the cafeteria, heading straight for the food. The second I spot tacos on the menu board, I know what I'm having. All the food here has been amazing so far, so I hope they are too. Fish tacos with all the works are my favorite.

  We make our way down the line wordlessly, each in our own thoughts. I feel the eyes from the middle of the room watching my every movement, the Allstars tracking me like predators but too afraid to pounce.

  As we get to the end of the line, Archie steps up to join us, offering me a quick smile once he's kissed Charlie good and well, and I love how open and raw they are. Archie isn't afraid to let everyone see how he feels, even if it is about a girl, and Charlie doesn't seem to play any games, revelling in his attention.

  "Am I okay to sit with my two favorite ladies for lunch today?" he asks, a wide grin on his face as he strokes his finger down Charlie's face, and I stick my fingers down my throat, faking a gag at them, and they both roll their eyes.

  "That depends, is your bold move to lay claim to our girl?" I ask, a hint of teasing in my voice, but I also want to help Charlie understand what they are. She'd voiced her concerns to me the other day, wanting to play it cool, and I agreed to help.

  "Our girl? You mean my girl, right?" he hollers back instantly, a sparkle in his eyes telling me he knew exactly what he just did, and Charlie rises up on her tiptoes to kiss him.

  Well, my work here is done apparently.

  Heading for our usual table, I purposely take the longer route so I don't have to directly walk by the Allstars. They're not giving me any attention, good or bad, and I should be glad. God, back at White River, I wouldn't have even offered Xavier and Tobias a second glance after we fucked, and I sure as shit wouldn't have cuddled with Hunter while I was PMS-ing like a bitch. So why am I so riled up by the fact they don't care anymore?

  I gave them my whole speech, practically begging them for help, and instead, it pushed them away.

  It's fine. It is absolutely fine. At least I know where their loyalties lie—exactly where they’ve been this whole time.

  Dropping my tray to the table, I take my seat, making sure to tuck my miniskirt in so my ass isn't on show. I thought it would have started to cool down by now, but it feels even hotter than it did when I first arrived. Which is why I opted for my black and white striped miniskirt, along with my off the shoulder black ribbed top and sandals.

  Charlie drops down into the seat across from me as Archie takes the seat beside her, and I watch for a moment as Archie tries to communicate something, using only his eyes, to someone over my shoulder. My back stiffens, knowing he's broken away from the player's little pack in the center of the room.

  I swap glances with Charlie, but Archie must feel our anticipation and focuses on us instead of them, relaxing into his seat as if he's sat there every day.

  "It's all good, ladies," he says before taking a giant bite out of one of his burgers, smiling with his mouth full of food.

  "You're so gross, Archie," Charlie says with a giggle, and I relax. We really don't need any more drama.

  "Aww, look at you. The new girl is officially back to being a nobody. Did you think you were special? Because you really fucking aren’t," Roxy singsongs in a sickly-sweet tone as she takes the seat to my left, and KitKat stands over me to my right. Both are still in their cheerleading outfits, the skirts high up their thighs with no shorts on underneath.

  I always speak too soon. That, or drama always has a way of finding me.

  "Thank you so much. The level of supportive girl power you give off is totally overwhelming," I say, unable to hold my sarcasm at bay, but Roxy just sneers at me.

  "They’re mine, they’ll always be mine, so back the fuck off."

  Rising, Roxy slams her fist into the table, causing everyone's trays to shake. As I turn to look at her, a hand tightens in my hair, pulling my head back sharply, and my gaze snaps up to meet KitKat's, right as she spits in my face.

  Spits. In. My. Face.

  This bitch. I'm done. Literally fucking done.

  I can hear Charlie shouting and screaming at KitKat as Roxy laughs like a hyena beside me.

  Before she can do anything else, I pull my arm back and swing my fist straight at her tit, making her grip on me loosen. But before I can swing at her again, she's pulled away from me, my head sagging forward as I catch my breath, the yank on my hair catching me by surprise more than I want to admit.

  "Are you okay?" Charlie shouts over all the noise in the room. Everyone is watching and waiting for more drama to unfold, but I refuse to give it to them.

  "I'm fine."

  Glancing to my left, I watch Tobias pin Roxy against his chest, holding her away from me as Xavier does the same with KitKat. His eyes are dark as he growls in her ear, and I sigh.

  Roxy and KitKat aren't sad or angry that they're being manhandled and treated badly. They're getting the attention they wanted from the Allstars just like they've been craving, completely pliant in their arms. It's embarrassing.

  A hand on my shoulder pulls my gaze behind me to find Hunter staring down at me with concern in his eyes. I do not need his fucking sympathy. Screw all this bullshit.

  "Let me help you—"

  "I don't need your help, Hunter. Give the little princesses the attention they so desire, it's wasted on me," I snap, feeling the saliva starting to trail down my face, and I cringe. Scraping my chair back, pushing it into Hunter's legs unapologetically, I grab my bag, watching as Archie and Charlie stare helplessly at me.

  Taking slow measured steps, I keep my head held high as I feel everyone in the cafeteria stare at me, a few even have the fucking phones out again. I should start my own YouTube channel for everything that seems to happen to me, at least I'd get the royalties off the views.

  The second I'm out in the hallway, I pick up my pace, refusing to lift a hand to my chin, but not wanting her spit to drop onto my clothes.

  Thankfully, the girls’ bathroom is only at the end of the hall, and I step inside, slamming the door shut behind me, sighing in relief when I realize no one is in here.

  Grabbing a handful of paper towels, I quickly clean
my face, wiping the spit repeatedly to make sure it’s really gone, glad I didn't put very much makeup on this morning. Tossing the papers in the trash, I brace my hands on the basin, hovering over it as I try to calm my breathing.

  I feel like a raging bull. How dare she? How fucking dare she? My blood is boiling, my fingers trembling as I try to take deep breaths.

  My phone vibrates in my bag at my feet, the sound of a text message coming through following shortly behind it, and I groan. I really don't need someone sending me footage of the damn thing, I only just lived it.

  The door swinging open pulls my attention away from going to grab my phone, but the sight of Hunter does little to ease my stress.

  "How did you fucking find me?" I grind out, glaring at him as I keep my grip on the basin.

  "Eden, you're the new girl. You may as well be walking around with a Google Maps dot above your head. I didn’t have to ask very many people to find you." He sighs, his gaze flickering over me, checking I'm okay.

  "I'm fine, Hunter. You can leave now."

  Turning my back to him, I reach down to grab my phone from my bag, willing to deal with whatever text message came through rather than him right now. But I freeze in place as the words fill my screen.



  - Eden Grady’s Obituary.

  What the hell? I don’t need to see anything more right now.

  I've had nothing, not a single message, since the football game, so why now all of a sudden? Why moments after I was just attacked again by KitKat and Roxy? Does this lead back to them?

  I don't hear Hunter step up behind me, and before I can hide my phone, he's pulling it from my hands. He doesn't move from behind me, pulling my back to his chest as his eyes scan over the screen.


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