Toxic Creek (The Allstars Series Book 1)

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Toxic Creek (The Allstars Series Book 1) Page 28

by KC Kean

  "Hey, girl. How are you doing?" she asks as soon as I take my seat, and I relax beside her.

  She's openly calm and caring. I don't know if it has something to do with the fact she's a mom and it's just her maternal side kicking in, but either way, I feel like I could tell her anything. She has that way about her, just like Hunter did when I told him my story.

  "I'm fine. I just want shit to be over with," I answer honestly, and she sighs, likely feeling the pressure this town puts on everyone.

  "We'll figure it out. Especially Hunter. Once he puts his mind to something, there's no stopping him until he has the answers." She turns her gaze to the field, watching as the music changes and the players start to come out.

  "That's what I'm hoping for to be honest."

  Charlie catches my eye, smiling and waving up at me as she joins the rest of the cheerleaders on the front row, making sure to sit as far away as possible from Roxy and KitKat. I worry that I've made her life harder with all the shit going on, but these bitches were going to act like this to someone, she just happens to be my friend. I don't get to control their behavior.

  As the referee blows the whistle, the first quarter starts, and I relax into my seat, enjoying the view of the field. All those muscled thighs and bulging arms offer the perfect amount of eye candy to go along with the sport.

  "Does anyone want a drink?" Ryan asks in his gruff voice, and I shake my head. Bethany is all small and petite, while Ryan looks like a bodybuilder, but the way he looks at her is next level breathtaking. Their love for each other written all over their faces.

  "I'm good, thank you," I answer, offering a quick smile before turning back to the game.

  Within minutes of him being gone, I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. There’s someone here, I can feel it in my bones.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I try to get a good look at the people surrounding me. With all the cheering and chatter going on, it's hard to pick out anyone acting suspicious. Everything looks exactly as it should, yet I don't feel any better at all.

  "I'm going to quickly go to the bathroom," I murmur, smiling at Bethany, who instantly stands, ready to come with me, but I wave her off. "Honestly, don't worry. I know Ryan is up there, I'll let him know what I'm doing when I get up there."

  Staring me down for a moment, she finally relents, letting me pass so I can get to the steps. I just need a minute. All the noise is playing fucking tricks on me.

  Trying to get through the crowd at the top of the stairs is a nightmare, everyone standing in line for the concessions stand, a few rowdier than others as I try to get past, and someone barges past me, shoving me into a group of guys at my side.

  Managing to remain on my feet, my hands outstretched in front of me as I grab on to one of the men, I try to regain my balance.

  "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I—"

  "Don't worry, miss," he responds, cutting off my apology, and I smile in thanks.

  The cheering outside kicks up, meaning more points for the Allstars, as someone wraps their arm around my shoulder, pulling me into their chest.

  "Eden, you need to be more careful," they mutter, making me frown in confusion.

  Glancing to my left, I see a guy I don't recognize, possibly a few years older than me, his face long and gaunt, his eyes almost black as he attempts to plaster a smile on his face.

  "Sorry, my girl is a little worse for wear, day drinking really isn't for her," the guy says, laughing with the guy I just stumbled into, and I frown up at him.

  My attempt to push him off is weak as his arm pins me in a vice-like grip.


  "Don't worry, I've got you. Let's get out of here, okay?"

  "No. Let's not go anywhere. Who the—"

  My words are cut off as he slams his fist into my stomach where no one can actually see, and I lean forward, pain ripping through my body as he mutters another apology and pulls me away.

  My feet drag along the floor as I try to catch a breath. This motherfucker winded me.

  "Get the fuck off me," I growl out, my voice hoarse as I push against him, but he just grins.

  "I wouldn't fight me, Eden. It won't end well for dear old mommy if you do." His words have me freezing in my fight against him, my legs moving in step with his willingly as fear starts to seep in. "That's it. If you can keep quiet like this, maybe at least one of you will survive the night, huh?"

  The stench of cigarettes wafts over my face as he grins down at me, his yellow crooked teeth on full display as I recoil.

  Heading for the steps that lead to the parking lot, my feet stumble over a few steps, my eyes flickering around for any of Ryan's men as I scramble to think of a safe way out of this situation. But my mom's safety plays heavily on my mind.

  "Who is making you do this?" I ask, praying for any sort of information and hoping we’re close to one of the audio systems that are set up, but in all honesty, I have no idea how this shit works.

  "That's information I'm sure you'll find out sooner or later," he mutters, pushing me through the open doors into the open space outside.

  Without his arm banded tight around me, I put one foot in front of the other and start to run, my fear taking over as my sandals instantly flick off my feet, but I don't care. I refuse to let this guy get the better of me. We were supposed to have the upper hand, but this greasy fucker just appeared out of nowhere. It doesn't make sense.

  The wind whips through my hair as my heart pounds out of my chest, my pulse screaming in my ears as a sharp tug at my scalp stops my movement. Pulling me back by my hair, the greaseball growls down at me as I swing my arms around.

  A bang sounds from behind me, and I fall, tumbling backwards, my head hitting the concrete ground.

  Groaning, I roll to my side, nausea rising to the back of my throat as I reel in agony, my vision turning to black as I bite back my sobs as my skull burns with pain.

  "It's okay, Eden. I've got you."

  Who? Who’s got me?

  They smell like sweat and sex, and as I snuggle into their chest, I feel like I'm floating. My problems drifting away as I let sleep consume me.



  As soon as the ball leaves my hands, flying through the air in Hunter’s direction, I know he’s going to make it. The ball slips into his hands perfectly as he takes off down the field. The play goes perfectly before my eyes, the crowd cheering as he makes it to the end zone.

  Pride washes over me, my love for the game and the execution of my skill getting us the points fills me with hope for a future. A future where I get to play the game I love and be the person I want to be. Although I’m not too sure who that is anymore because of a pretty blonde siren.

  Tobias pats my helmet as Hunter charges towards us, almost knocking me clean off my feet as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, an extra bounce in his step as we make it off the field, letting the defense take over.

  Trying to discreetly look up at the crowd, searching out Eden, I come up empty. My pace slows as I scan my eyes across rows, stalling when I see Bethany on the phone, concern on her face as she frantically searches around her.

  Something isn’t right. I can feel it.

  “What’s wrong with Bethany?” Tobias asks, stopping beside me too as Hunter follows our gaze.

  “Let me check,” Hunter murmurs, crouching down beside the bench where he had placed his phone. We don’t usually allow ourselves any distractions during a game, but today is a little different.

  Wordlessly pulling my helmet off, I watch as Hunter does the same, bringing his phone to his ear as he does.

  “What’s going on?” he asks, bypassing the usual pleasantries as he freezes. Dropping my helmet to the grass, I instantly grow impatient as Tobias does the same, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “They can’t find her. She’s not on the cameras or coming through on the audio,” he mutters, and my heart pounds in my chest.

  She couldn’t have gone far, I saw her minut
es ago, I know I did. I’ve been checking repeatedly.

  “What’s going on?” Archie asks, coming to join us, and I know I need to act fast, act now before something else goes wrong.

  “They can’t find Eden,” Tobias answers, and my feet are moving me toward the tunnel before my brain even catches up.

  Rushing to the locker room, I grab my phone and pull up the app I’m looking for.

  “What are you doing?” Hunter asks, and I sigh in relief, the little red dot flashing on the screen like a beacon.

  “We need to move, now,” I order, looking up to see Archie, Hunter, and Tobias before me. “I gave her a jersey, my jersey, with a pin on the neckline. It had a tracker fitted in the pin, just in case,” I say, heading for the door and racing through the hall to get to the parking lot.

  “Holy fuck,” Tobias shouts in surprise, chasing after me, with Hunter and Archie behind him.

  Nobody says any more, the sound of our cleats pounding on the ground the only noise surrounding us except the call from the coach, likely wondering what the fuck we’re doing, but I don’t have time to answer.

  Spotting a fire exit door, I push through, pausing as I step out into the packed parking lot, just as a whip of blonde hair catches my attention in the distance.

  “There. Over there,” Hunter growls out, and we set off together, rushing through the cars as a guy wraps his hand in her blonde hair and yanks her back into him.


  Tobias rushes towards him, aiming straight for the guy’s legs as he charges, knocking him off his feet. The guy cries out in pain, but my focus is on Eden.

  In slow motion, she falls backwards, and my heart stops as I try to rush to her as quickly as possible, but her head cracks off the gravel just as my fingers touch her hair.

  “No. No, no, no, no, no!” Archie cries, dropping down beside me as I pull her away from Tobias as he lays punch after punch into the guy as he cries out in pain.

  I watch as she rolls on her side, her face distorting in pain as she whimpers. Cradling her head in my lap, I pull her close, trying to be as gentle as I can.

  "It's okay, Eden. I've got you," I whisper, my own panicked eyes searching for Hunter, who pulls Tobias off the fucker lying flat out on the ground beside us.

  Is that Graham Brummer? Billy's older brother? Billy's disowned junkie brother?

  Someone's using him. We just squashed their attempts, but my gut tells me this was a test to see if we would react.

  "What the fuck is going on?" Hunter asks, his eyes flicking from mine to Graham as he releases Tobias, who drops down beside me, stroking his fingers through her hair.

  "I don't know, Hunter. But am I stupid to think this was a game? A trial run to see if or how I or we would react to something happening to Eden?" I ask, holding her a little tighter as I do, watching as Hunter shakes his head.

  "Boys, what the hell are you doing?" Coach Carmichael growls out, standing off to the side, and I dread to think what is happening on the field right now.

  Fuck the game, fuck all of this shit.

  I think we've just been played.

  "Where the fuck am I?" Eden groans, dragging a hand down her face as I sit back in my chair, putting my phone away as I meet her gaze.

  "Oh good, Princess Eden is awake. You snore by the way," I mumble, and she frowns at me like I'm speaking another language.

  "Is this your room?" she asks, glancing around the space, and I try to see it through her eyes. Compared to the rest of the house, which offers little more than a showroom home, there is a lot of me in this space.

  All the different jerseys I've ever worn are pinned to the wall next to the door, my trophies sitting perfectly organized below them on shelves. My closet is off to the right, while my bathroom is on our left, but I think it's the wall above my desk by the window that will hold her attention the most.

  Photos on photos line the wall. Full print colors, black and whites, landscapes, portraits, everything. I love the muted beauty a photo offers, speaking a thousand words without noise. This damn town is filled with so much toxic noise, it ruins the scenery.

  Flicking my eyes in her direction, I watch as she sees my newest obsession, my hands squeezing the wooden arms of my chair as her mouth falls open in surprise.

  The doctor promised she was fine and we just had to keep an eye on her. I was unsure, worrying there was more to her fall than he was letting on, but the way she jumps out of my bed and races to the door tells me he was right.

  "Xavier, this is—"

  "Not really for your eyes," I say, cutting her off, not needing her judgement, and her gaze snaps to mine before she raises her hand to her head, moving too quickly, and I jump from my seat. "Sit down, Eden," I murmur, grabbing her arm to walk her to the bed, but she simply raises her eyebrow at me. "Please," I add with a sigh, and she relents.

  Dropping down onto my bed, her eyes go back to the wall, and I take a seat beside her, my heart pounding in my chest. I knew she'd see, but I couldn't bear to let her rest anywhere else. I refuse to overanalyze it right now.

  A few hours ago, I was cradling her on the concrete ground outside of the stadium, knowing in my gut my mother was behind all of this yet unable to put any distance between us.

  "Xavier," she whispers, pulling her gaze to mine. "When… H-how… I…"

  "You know, you're always walking away from me, Nafas, and somehow, I just seem to keep chasing," I murmur, speaking my truth for the first time as her gaze slips back to the section of the wall which is covered in photos of her.

  There are pictures of her from the day she first showed up. I was down at the party while she leaned over her balcony, watching the ocean. Her first day of school, at Pete's, and a few of her running on the beach. Ninety percent of them are of her walking away, turning her back on me like she always does. It’s the only opportunity I have, and I can’t pass them up.

  The girl who confuses my brain, fucks with my control, and leaves me wanting more. She's intoxicating—to all of us. Whether I like it or not, she's under my skin.

  "I can't decide if I'm flattered or in need of a restraining order," she murmurs, a grin on her lips as she rests her head on my shoulder, and I release a sigh, her body saying more than her words. "You continue to surprise me, Xavier. I guess Tobias isn't the only one interested in my bubble butt."

  Sitting side by side, her head on my shoulder, I wrap my arm around her waist and take a moment to sit in peace, like our lives aren't totally fucked up.

  "Thank you for saving me," she says, looking up at me, and I wipe a hand over my mouth.

  "Hmm, you're welcome, but our troubles aren't over," I admit, and she nods in understanding.

  "Tell me."

  "The guy that grabbed you was Graham Brummer, Billy's older brother. He's a nobody, and a tool in a grander scheme I'm sure. But Archie is still going to throw a party tonight so we can try and get Billy alone, see what he knows."

  Sitting up straight, she brushes her hair from her face and looks me dead in the eyes. "I want to be there. I deserve to—"

  "I had a feeling you would. We all know you're stubborn, you don't need to sell it to us," I say as she clears her throat, nodding in agreement.

  "Hopefully, whoever is behind this will get desperate." Standing, she stretches her arms above her head. "I just need some painkillers, maybe a couple of those mood boosters too if I plan to get through the night."

  "Tobias will take you home and stay with you while you get ready. Hunter and I will try to form a loose plan and meet you over there in a little while." Rising beside her, she offers me a small smile as a knock sounds at the door, and Tobias pops his head around the door.

  "How's our damsel in distress?" he asks, making Eden roll her eyes.

  "I'm fine. I've had worse headaches putting up with you guys. This is nothing," she says with a smirk as she walks over to him.

  Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, he leads her from the room without a backward glance. The second
they're out of sight, I send the message that's been prepared and waiting on my phone.

  The only way we're going to start getting any kind of answers is if I confront my mother.

  The quicker I get this over with, the sooner I can join everyone else at the party. I already sent Hunter over to set up a few audio recorders so we can have ears everywhere tonight. I needed something to get him out of the house, and that worked. He doesn't need to be here for this.

  I’m fastening the last button on my shirt as I head down the stairs when the front door swings open, and the sound of her heels click on the marble floor.

  "Mother," I say in a way of greeting as she props her sunglasses on top of her head, raising her eyebrow at me in question. There's never any pleasantries with her. Ever. Today won't be any different. She’s in her usual tailored suit, her long-sleeved sheer shirt a desperate attempt at staying young.

  "What's so urgent you invited me over here, Xavier?" she asks, turning her back to me as she heads into the lounge, and I try to not roll my eyes as I follow after her. I leave the front door open, she'll be heading out soon enough. Although, I'm a little surprised my father isn't with her. He does well at being her lap dog. It's embarrassing.

  "I just wondered when you were going to catch me up to speed on everything you have going on around town at the moment," I answer, watching as she heads straight for the liquor cabinet as always, and I sigh.

  Remaining on my feet, she takes her time getting comfortable in the chair by the open fireplace, straightening her outfit as she stares me down.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about, Xavier."

  "Don't play coy, Mother. It doesn't suit you," I say, throwing her own words back at her, and she smirks. "What games are going on that I don't know about?" I repeat, watching the challenge shimmer in her eyes as she sips her favorite brand of bourbon.

  "Xavier, I don't—"

  "Don't fucking lie, Mom," I bite out, clenching my jaw as my hands fist at my side. “What's with the new girl? The mind games? You expect me to step into the family business, but you tell me nothing."


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