Thai bargirl from village girl to prostitute, stripper and sex slave

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Thai bargirl from village girl to prostitute, stripper and sex slave Page 13

by Joy Rider

  When the spotlight came on Suchin, there was a murmur in the crowd and some laughter. Somebody made a loud comment, which resulted in more guffaws of mirth. Suchin closed her eyes. She wanted to cry. The other girls belonged to Masters, who would care for them, but nobody would want a tart like her.

  She heard a man make a bid for her, but it must have been a joke as the crowd burst out laughing.

  Then there was nothing...... Silence...... Nobody bid for Suchin...... She felt humiliated as the spotlight went on to the next girl.

  After several hours, Suchin's arms were in agony. All the girls had been sold and most of the buyers had left with their purchases. Suchin was left miserable and alone on the platform in the dark.

  Then the spotlight went on again and the auctioneer came on to the platform with one man in a business suit. They were chatting animatedly. The man looked carefully at Suchin's tattoos rubbed his chin thoughtfully and made a decision. Money exchanged hands and her new owner led Suchin away.

  Party time

  Abdul Malek was a small man who lived in a large house in the centre of Riyadh. He was very well connected, as many members of the royal family were his personal friends. He had inherited wealth from his father, and he made a good living from his parties, which were popular with the rich and famous. The parties were only a hobby, but as he could charge a thousand dollars for entry this subsidised the cost for important people who, as his honoured guests, did not need to soil themselves with money.

  Every Friday night, his parties were popular, not just for the wide variety of illegal alcoholic drinks and the girls that he made available, but for the entertainment he provided.

  He was very pleased with his purchase of the Asian girl. He had bought her for a bargain price, as he had been the only buyer who had realised the value of her unusual tattoos. She was very pretty and the Slave Master had assured him that she was an experienced whore, skilled in the arts of pleasing men. Although her vagina and anus were showing signs of minor wear, he knew she was clean and healthy as the Slave Auctions provided a guarantee, which included medical certification.

  He would make some changes to the whore, to make her more interesting. He had named Houri after one of the beautiful virgins of the Koranic paradise.

  The first thing was to enlarge her breasts, which were pitifully small, so he took Houri to a plastic surgeon who increased her B cup breasts to a D. Abdul thought that, with her slight slim body this made Houri very sexy. She did look a little sluttish, but then she was a slut, so it was quite appropriate.

  When the marks from the surgery had healed, he made some further improvements in the form of two large gold rings inserted through her nipples. He had found that ladies chained by their nipples tended to be very compliant.

  Eight smaller gold rings were inserted four on each side of her labia. With a pink silk ribbon threaded through the rings, she looked very pretty and her customers would have the pleasure of undoing the ribbon to access her vagina. Abdul thought that it could be useful to padlock her as well in case he had any problems with his male servants.

  He considered anal rings as this would be her primary feature, but decided against it as he had a horrible vision of dags of excrement hanging from the rings.

  He added some additional heavy gold rings to her ankles and wrists. The goldsmith fitted them so that they could not be removed. They all had fastenings for chains. These would be very useful for displaying the girl, and his guests liked their women chained.

  He left his piece de resistance until last. Abdul brought in an expert tattooist to decorate Houri's buttocks. On one side, he drew a large red circumcised penis and testicles with Arabic writing. On the other buttock, he drew a smaller uncircumcised penis and testicles in a greenish shade of blue, with writing in English.

  The inscriptions in both languages said. "This hole is for guests of Abdul Malek. Please use."

  Abdul hoped that his Western guests would not be too insulted at the size of the European cock but if they were it did not matter, as they were unimportant. What mattered was that the Royal Family would enjoy the joke at the expense of the infidels.

  Houri was a great success at her debut party. He had her on a small slowly rotating stage spotlighted in the centre of the main room. Her legs chained apart to display her pubic area and her wrists chained holding her arms above her head. A padded bar was at navel height.

  Ropes attached to her wrists and a series of pulleys allowed Abdul to use a remote control to make Suchin adopt poses that displayed her sex. With this, he could raise and lower Houri's arms forcing her to bend over the bar to display the tattooing around her anus. For this special occasion, he had inserted a gold and ivory butt plug into her anus with silk ribbons tied to it and threaded through the labia rings.

  The guests were very amused at the tattooing on her breasts and vagina and laughed loudly when Abdul made her bend over to display her buttocks.

  After a couple of hours at the request of a most important guest Abdul had Houri untied and the guest took her into one of the bedrooms for his amusement. Having "broken her in" there was a queue of other guests waiting to take their turn with the Asian Whore, which kept Houri busy until daylight.


  Disappointed and depressed, Peter went back to Australia. During the following months, he did everything he could to locate Suchin. He kept a Twitter search going for 'Men of Mayhem' so that he could keep track of Bull's trial, and was happy when he learned that Bull had been sentenced to life imprisonment. The Australian police also wanted to extradite him to Australia but that hardly seemed relevant, as he would never leave Thai prison.

  Something strange came up in his Twitter search. There was a tweet from somebody about a pretty girl with nice tits with Men of Mayhem tattooed on them. Peter's heart raced. This had to be Suchin. Then he thought that perhaps they did it to other girls as well.

  He tweeted back, saying he was looking for a Thai girl named Suchin, who had a tattoo like the one described. The man, whose name was John, replied saying that it sounded like the girl he knew as Houri.

  They exchanged emails and then had some long Skype sessions. They were the same age, both interested in Internet technology, and they got on well. John was in the British Embassy in Riyadh the capital of Saudi Arabia.

  Despite prohibition, parties fuelled by alcohol were common, although restricted to the elite connected with the royal family, the wealthy and westerners. While all women had to be covered from head to foot by the black hijab, some of these parties also provided the services of prostitutes to their guests.

  One of John's duties was to arrange entertainment for important visitors from UK, and the parties were an essential part of this. A man named Ahmed ran one of the most popular parties, as he had pretty girls available for sex, and they served drinks almost naked. Houri was well known at these parties due to her very unusual tattoos.

  Peter said that it was very likely that Ahmed had bought Houri as a sex slave. John replied that Saudi Arabia was well known as a destination for slaves. The extended royal family had huge power and wealth. This combined with corruption of the police and judiciary made it almost impossible to stop the slave trade. As it was the biggest oil producer in the world and an ally, no western country could afford to upset the monarchy.

  He didn't know if Houri was a slave or not as she spoke little English. Most likely, she was a slave, as she didn't appear to be happy in her role. Her sexual services were provided free at the parties, so it was likely that she wasn't paid for them.

  Peter wanted to go to Saudi Arabia and rescue Suchin but John thought this would be next to impossible. There were guards on the doors of the parties, and the rest of the time, she would be locked away. Eventually, John agreed to get Peter an invitation to a party if he came to Saudi Arabia. He cautioned Peter that it would cost him $1,000, and he would have to be very careful, as Ahmed almost certain to be bribing the police.

  The hotel in Riyadh was very lux
urious. Peter had decided not to skimp on costs, as he had to give the appearance of a wealthy businessman.

  In the evening, John took him to the party. The taxi made its way slowly through a crowded market place and then up a small side street to stop in front of a magnificent house, floodlit and with an ornately decorated archway entrance. The entrance was guarded by two huge Eastern European guards wearing what appeared to be New York police uniforms, who stopped them and checked their invitations.

  Inside they passed through a leafy courtyard subtly illuminated with clusters of candles floating on water and into a brilliantly lit room, which was large enough to be an airport terminal. The scene was one of indescribable luxury with mosaics, animal skins, fountains, a group of musicians playing classical music and people milling around everywhere. The crowd was mainly men in Arab dress or business suits. Nearly naked girls were serving drinks.

  "Where is Suchin?" he whispered to John.

  "Houri is over there." he replied

  There was a strange looking girl all alone on a small platform but surrounded by men. Peter's heart went from excited anticipation to bitter disappointment. It couldn't be Suchin. This girl was beautiful like Suchin, but she looked quite different. The girl had large breasts, her hair was magnificently coiffed, and she was heavy makeup. False eyelashes and eyeliner enhanced her face and made her eyes seem huge. Gold chains with intricate designs festooned her from nipples, wrists and ankles. There was a pink ribbon laced into gold rings covering her pubic area.

  The girl looked bored while the men around her excitedly examined her buttocks and breasts. One of the men grabbed the girl by the arms and started to steer her out of the room. As he pulled her off the platform, the girl looked up and saw Peter. Her eyes widened, she gasped "Peter" and stumbled, so that the man had to support her awkwardly by her arm.

  Peter went to go after her, but John held him back. As the man dragged her through one of the doors, Peter realised that the girl must be Suchin.

  John said, "That's her then? Don't worry she will be back soon when that guy has finished with her."

  After about half an hour, the man came out of the side room and ten minutes later Suchin came out looking freshly made up. Peter went to her quickly. Her eyes looked at him imploringly as if to say

  "Help me! Help me!"

  He took her back to the side room and as he had expected, the centrepiece was a bed. What he hadn't expected, was the great variety of chains and instruments of torture. His heart sank when he saw what cruel and perverse sexual punishments Suchin had endured in this room.

  Dismissing it from his mind, he tenderly asked Suchin how she was. In reply, she just looked down at her naked body, the chains, and the tattoos. She had been made into a sex object to amuse men, jaded by too many girls, who wanted something different and dirtier to amuse them.

  "Take me home please Peter. To Thailand" she whispered."

  They talked for a long time. Her English was much better now although she kept breaking into Arabic and other languages. Peter asked her if she had any idea how he could get her out. Suchin said that apart from party time the house was completely secure with guards and alarms. The only time he could get to her would be at the party next week. Even then, it would be very difficult as there was just one exit which was the main gate, and that always had two guards.

  That night, back in his hotel, Peter made plans for her escape.


  Peter arrived at the party wearing full Arabic costume with a flowing thoub dress and a shumagg on his head. He had dyed his hair black and hoped he could pass as an Arab.

  His invitation got him past the two big guards on the gate and into the party. Inside he found Suchin and took her to the torture room. She had told him of another entrance to the courtyard from the ladies' toilets, and he told her to go there and wait until there was a fire.

  He gave her an abaya the traditional black dress, which would cover her to the ground and a niqab to cover all of her head except her eyes. He had worn the thoub, as it allowed him to smuggle these clothes and some other equipment into the party.

  Leaving Suchin, he went quickly to a corner of the courtyard furthest away from the door where Suchin was hiding. From under his robe, he took out an airtight bag containing three smaller sealed plastic bags he had filled with petrol. He floated these among the candles and went over to Suchin's hiding place.

  After a while, there was a loud whoosh and flames leapt into the air from the other side of the courtyard.

  Quickly, they made their way to the gate, as Peter was hoping that the guards would have left their posts and gone to put out the fire.

  The gate was unguarded, but as they hurried through, they heard shouts behind them. They both ran for the market place at the end of the street where they could get lost in the crowds. Just as they plunged into the bustling mob one of the guards caught up with them.

  He ignored Peter and grabbed for Suchin. She tried to pull out of his grasp, and the abaya came off so that the guard ended up holding the garment, and Suchin ended up naked in the crowd, except for the niqab that still covered her head and face.

  The guard threw the abaya away and got hold of Suchin by the arm, so she couldn't escape. By now, the crowd had parted as everybody had stopped to see a woman naked in the market place.

  Peter used all his strength to punch the guard in the face. The man staggered back and let go of Suchin. He gained his balance and punched Peter, who used all his martial arts training to fight the large man. Eventually, he managed to knock him to the ground, and he stayed there.

  Desperately, he looked around for Suchin. There was a huge and excited crowd some distance away. As he got closer, he climbed on a box at a market stall to see what was going on. Suchin was nude in the middle of the crowd surrounded by men jeering at her and touching her body. Some were photographing her with cellular phones. He could hear shouts of "Shamoota" above the hubbub.

  He was about to fight his way through the crowd and try to rescue her when he saw that a gap was opening. People were reverently making a way for three tall men wearing chequered red and white headdresses. He was to learn later that these were the dreaded Mutaween religious police.

  Peter watched helplessly as they dragged Suchin away and threw her into a cage on the back of a truck. The crowd cheered as they drove off.


  Suchin crouched shivering in the corner of the cage, as the truck wound its way through a maze of streets. They stopped outside a modest house near a large mosque. The men threw a dirty cloth over her before pulling her roughly from of the cage and dragging her into the house.

  Inside, she was alone with three men who were chattering very excitedly. They had taken off their headdresses, and now they removed Suchin's niqab to look at her face. They pulled off the rag she was holding around her stared at her naked body lasciviously. They laughed loudly as one poured neat whisky into cracked teacups, and they started drinking.

  Suchin knew they would subject her to the usual fondling and fucking, which seemed to be the only thing that interested men, when they saw her. She just hoped that, when they had finished and their cocks emptied of sperm, they would fall asleep drunk so that she would be able to escape.

  Then a cold chill ran down her spine as she realised that they were interested in something else as well as her body. They had begun to fondle, not just her breasts, but also the gold rings in her nipples. The goldsmith had joined these so that removing them meant cutting through the metal or tearing them out.

  One of the men started tugging on the nipple rings to see how easily it would come out. It hurt and the searing pain made Suchin scream. This just made them more enthusiastic and one of them pointed to the pink ribbon around her vagina. They carefully undid the bow and removed the ribbon. They almost whooped with joy when they saw all the gold rings in her labia.

  The men started to tear the rings from around her vagina and had to hold Suchin up as she collapsed with the
terrible pain. She thought to herself that at least if they tore her cunt apart no man would want to fuck her any more. It was almost worth the pain if it stopped the endless procession of cocks penetrating her.

  The men must have realised that, if they ripped the rings out, they would make so much mess she would no longer be fuckable. They discussed the problem animatedly.

  One of the men opened his robes and held a long hard cock in both hands. The other two held Suchin while he penetrated her. Standing up he fucked her enthusiastically. He came in her anal passage still standing while the men made her bend over. Suchin had expected this as most Arab men seemed to prefer sodomy.

  They all took their turns using her and satisfied they sat down on low chairs to finish their bottle of whisky. Suchin wanted to sit down as well as she was tired and sore. She could feel their cum running down her legs from her anus. The men ignored her and forced her to remain standing.

  Then instead of falling asleep, the men became interested in the gold again. Two held her by her shoulders as the third man put his finger in the nipple ring in her left breast and pulled savagely. The pain and rippling flesh of her nipple made Suchin scream in uncontrolled hysterical terror.

  Then she realised there was another sound mingling with her scream. The man let go of the ring still attached to her nipple and answered a cellular phone he took from his robes.

  An intense argument followed, with all three men taking turns to shout at the person on the phone.

  Suddenly, they threw the cloth over Suchin, made her put on her niqab and took her out to the truck. This time they let her sit inside the cab between two of the men. They put on their red and white headdresses and looked like very serious officers of the religious police.


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