by Jorja Leap
David looks at Greg—angry, frightened, defensive, alone.
We wait.
This book would not exist without my agent, Michael Murphy, who first found me, then convinced me to tell this story—his encouragement is a gift.
In turn, the care and sensitivity of Helene Atwan and the staff of Beacon Press truly helped turn these early writings into a reality. My editor, Alexis Rizzuto, guided me with insight, skill, and intelligence: working with her was a joy. Special thanks to Bob Kosturko for his persistence and work with the extremely talented Fabian Debora on the book cover!
I am grateful to my Papa, Joseph Rosner, who has given me my life.
Every day, I am deeply thankful for the love and support of my remarkable family—Tony and Margie, Chris and Kim, Stacey and Danni. And many thanks are due the chosen family that surrounds and supports me: Joe and Malinda Kibre, Shelly Brooks, Tina Christie and Michelle Parra, Todd Franke—AB, the amazing Celeste Fremon, Elie Miller, Nina Bende, Penny Fuller, Larry Pressman, and my GT Marcia Berris. I am indebted to my colleagues at UCLA, who provided both the encouragement and space that has made so much of this work possible. I am also grateful to Carol Biondi for sharing everything “of the walk,” and Julio Marcial, who is, quite simply, the real deal. Kenny Green holds a special place in my heart for his grace and courage.
There is no one on this earth like Greg Boyle, and I am thankful for his loving friendship and his living example of all that is miraculous.
Finally, I am deeply indebted to the homeboys and homegirls who have shared their lives with me. I live with them and learn from them every day with a never-ending sense of wonder.
This book is merely a down payment on all that is owed to my husband, Mark, who is the love of my life, and our daughter, Shannon, who is the meaning of my life.
Beacon Press
25 Beacon Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02108-2892
Beacon Press books
are published under the auspices of
the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.
© 2012 by Jorja Leap
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
15 14 13 12 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
This book is printed on acid-free paper that meets the uncoated paper
ANSI/NISO specifications for permanence as revised in 1992.
Text design by Wilsted & Taylor Publishing Services
The lyrics in the epigraph for chapter 12 are used with permission of the writer, Quentin Moore.
Many names and distinguishing characteristics of people mentioned in this work have been changed to protect their identities.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Leap, Jorja
Jumped in : what gangs taught me about violence, drugs, love, and redemption / Jorja Leap.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-0-8070-4456-8 (hardcover : alk. paper)
E-ISBN 978-0-8070-4457-5
1. Gangs.—California.—Los Angeles. 2. Gang members.—California.—Los Angeles.—Biography. I. Title.
HV6439.U7L773 2012
Table of Contents
One. Napalm
Two. Chameleon
Three. Mi Vida Loca
Four. Living with the LAPD
Five. Big Mike
Six. Adopting New Ideas
Seven. Nuns and Bitches
Eight. Poor Black Woman
Nine. Mario
Ten. Fear Rules over Love
Eleven. Teardrops
Twelve. The Lost Boys
Thirteen. The Streets Will Be Me
Fourteen. Intervention
Fifteen. Business
Sixteen. Self-Medication
Seventeen. The Ties That Bind
Eighteen. Fathers of the Community
Nineteen. Answers
Table of Contents
One. Napalm
Two. Chameleon
Three. Mi Vida Loca
Four. Living with the LAPD
Five. Big Mike
Six. Adopting New Ideas
Seven. Nuns and Bitches
Eight. Poor Black Woman
Nine. Mario
Ten. Fear Rules over Love
Eleven. Teardrops
Twelve. The Lost Boys
Thirteen. The Streets Will Be Me
Fourteen. Intervention
Fifteen. Business
Sixteen. Self-Medication
Seventeen. The Ties That Bind
Eighteen. Fathers of the Community
Nineteen. Answers
Table of Contents
One. Napalm
Two. Chameleon
Three. Mi Vida Loca
Four. Living with the LAPD
Five. Big Mike
Six. Adopting New Ideas
Seven. Nuns and Bitches
Eight. Poor Black Woman
Nine. Mario
Ten. Fear Rules over Love
Eleven. Teardrops
Twelve. The Lost Boys
Thirteen. The Streets Will Be Me
Fourteen. Intervention
Fifteen. Business
Sixteen. Self-Medication
Seventeen. The Ties That Bind
Eighteen. Fathers of the Community
Nineteen. Answers