Blind Date with the President

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Blind Date with the President Page 2

by Swale, Lizzie

  “Listen, while I'm out with Samantha I don't want to be bothered with club stuff. I hereby appoint you as my right-hand man and you'll be in charge. Sound like a plan?”

  Jackson wasn't sure how Tony was going to take this order. Tony wasn't the kind of guy who wanted be in charge, and as far as Jackson was concerned that made him even better material for leadership; combined with the fact that Tony wasn't the kind of guy who passed the buck. He wasn't the kind of guy that let his brothers get the shaft, and he never shirked his duty to the club.

  “You know,” Tony said. “I used to wonder why in the world the Rough Riders didn't have a number two from the very start. Maybe it's because I like to watch Star Trek when I'm not on my bike, but it does seem to make a lot of sense. Almost all other clubs do something similar.”

  “I'll tell the rest of the Rough Riders at the next meeting,” Jackson said. “I think everyone will be all right with it. I mean, in the past, you and I both know, that it has caused problems when the head guy is away and suddenly he's needed, or he's tied up with something and there is a decision to be made. Remember when the Old Man went away to jail for a few months, how everyone just kind of stood around waiting for orders, as if he was going to be able to communicate with us from solitary or something.”

  Tony nodded. The memory, although years ago, was one that all the Rough Riders shared. It had been a time of great upheaval, when the law had really been after them. Now that the Old Man was dead, the law didn't seem all that interested in them. It was something they had all noticed, and something that had given them all pause. How many times had they been shaken down just because the Old Man was running things?

  It was a question that Jackson never expected to get the answer to. But he knew deep down if they had had a rotating head of the club for a while things would have been easier. It's hard for a motorcycle club to make money and do what it needs to do day in and day out if the heat is on, and especially when the heat knows that there is just one guy making all of the decisions. Now, with Tony as a second in command, Jackson felt a lot better about the future of the Rough Riders.


  Samantha was having some real doubts about her date with Jackson. She was surprised at how easily they could talk for hours on the phone, but that didn't help soothe her anxieties. She was excited, but didn’t want to let her expectations get the best of her.

  “Chemistry is important,” Elizabeth had reminded her. “Just be open to what may be and what may not be.”

  Elizabeth was always good for advice and it was second nature for her to give Samantha the push she needed.

  “How are you doing?”

  “About the same,” Samantha said. “I know that's not what you want to hear, but seriously, I just don't want to let anyone down. Including myself. And I know that sounds silly considering this is just a date and it's not like anything has to come of it or happen afterward—I just . . . I don't know.”

  “Don't worry!” Elizabeth said cheerfully. “You are a little worry wart about things. Seriously, this isn't something that should be consuming your thoughts. Just go have fun!”

  And before Samantha could think of something else to get anxious about Elizabeth gathered up Sam’s handbag and shooed her out of the room.

  “Change of plans. You’re not driving. I’ll drop you off at the restaurant.”

  “But how will I get back?”

  “Are you serious? Ames is so small you could walk back if you really needed,” Elizabeth said. “And besides, it's not like he won't want to give you a ride home on his bike.”

  Samantha nodded, feeling a little bit better about the entire thing. Because Elizabeth was right, she really did have all the power. If she wanted, they could probably head back to Jackson's place after the date and fool around. Or they could come back to the sorority house to hang out.

  As they pulled up to the pub Elizabeth squeezed Samantha’s hand.

  “Good luck,” Elizabeth said. “And have fun!”

  Samantha didn't reply, but she did squeeze Elizabeth's hand back. When she turned to walk into the restaurant she saw a gorgeous rough looking man with long blonde hair on the patio. That’s when her palms got sweaty. It was hot out, so Samantha was glad for that, she’d have an excuse for her clammy hands.

  Instead of walking through the restaurant Samantha entered through the patio's small gate. Jackson saw her right away and smiled a big, perfect smile. He looked great, his hair looked “dirty,” in that it was dark, in some places looking as if it was almost brown. He had broad shoulders and blue eyes. His plaid shirt was tight in the arms, subtly showing off his biceps. Samantha could tell that Jackson worked out a fair amount in his spare time. Surprisingly, it wasn't something that put her off, like it usually did.

  “You look beautiful,” Jackson said as he rose from his seat. Trying not to obviously take in Samantha’s black tank top, and its’ very round and ample contents.

  He walked around the table and pulled out Samantha's chair for her. She couldn't believe how sweet and polite he was. It was apparent from his behavior that he was taking the date seriously and Samantha liked a gentleman.

  “Thank you so much,” Samantha said. “How are you today?” She stammered, holding out her hand for him to shake. He grasped her slender hand and pulled her in to kiss her on the cheek. She smelled like vanilla.

  Jackson moved around the table again and quickly seated himself, subtly adjusting his cock, which was growing harder by the second.

  “Samantha. I was reading your blog last night and you and I think the same way about many things, except politics.”

  Samantha was taken aback. This dude had certainly done his research. It gave her hope for the date, and what could come. She did a quick inventory of any potentially embarrassing things that were on her blog. There was a lot of stuff that Samantha had written from the heart.

  “I'm glad you enjoyed it,” Samantha said. “How much did you read?”

  “I got to the part where you were on a high school exchange to Australia. That was so great!” Jackson said. “I can’t believe you swam with great whites! There’s no way I would have the balls to get in the water with those fish.”

  The waiter poured Samantha a water and refilled Jackson's.

  “I hope you don't mind that I ordered for you,” Jackson said. “I know that's a little rude, but you're going to get a real kick out of the special.”

  “What is it?”

  “Malibu Shark!” Jackson said excitedly. “It just so happens to be something this place has on the menu about twice a year. I apologize if it was presumptuous, I that maybe you might be interested in trying some.”

  Samantha was impressed. The whole date was off to a great start. Jackson was a nice guy who was showing himself to be considerate, and that was awesome. Here Samantha had been worrying about what was ahead, worrying about more than that even—what could be, what ought to be, and what she was afraid of in all of those scenarios. But here Jackson was being a normal human being, and not just that, but showing himself to be polite and a gentleman.

  “What do you like to do?” Samantha asked. “I mean, besides ride your motorcycle.”

  “I run my club. That’s about it” Jackson was reluctant to go into any further details about the club’s less savory activities.

  “So, the club is your life then?”

  “I guess,” Jackson started hesitantly. “I guess that the Rough Riders is more than just a club to me, obviously. I'm trying to change it for the better though. I know that might sound vague, but what I'm doing is going to make the club into something more livable, therefore sustainable, for the members. For too long it's been a 'ride till you die' mentality when it came to what guided our actions.”

  Samantha was astounded to hear Jackson talk about the Rough Riders in such a manner. He was clearly trying to infuse some ethics into the club.

  “What's going to change?” Samantha asked. “And why is there a need for change? I know
that there are probably some things that you can't really talk about with me because of the nature of what you do. Not that it bothers me at all. I'm not a square or anything, and I totally realize that there is a lot to be said for living by one's own code, instead of letting society dictate what needs to happen.”

  “Exactly,” Jackson said. “That's exactly what I've been saying. The Rough Riders is a great club full of solid guys, but it has had a very traditional dictator-style leadership for decades. It's just going to be tough. I think the club will rise to the occasion though. I mean, I think they've been wanting to rise. Deep down I know that if I hadn't gotten the idea to change things then the club would’ve blown up. The Rough Riders are headed in a new direction that is a lot freer, guys will feel loyal out of true loyalty to the club and not because of fear of reprisals. And also, less inclined to hate my guts and want to either destroy me or take my place.”

  Samantha nodded. It was strange to think about it that way, how Jackson could literally be stabbed in the back by a friend. It was something that she didn't have to deal with in her world – well, only in the figurative sense.

  “Where do you think the Rough Riders will be five years from now?” Samantha asked.

  Their waiter arrived and carefully placed their plates of shark in front of them.

  “Hopefully a little more diverse, and also a little more spread out,” Jackson said. “I'd like to see chapters open up in other states, and I'd like to see more fresh blood in the mix. I think that if we do that then we could foster relationships with the larger clubs that are mutually beneficial and go from there.”

  “Damn, you've really thought about this,” Samantha said.

  “Sure have,” Jackson said.

  And with that, they ate. The rest of the meal went well, and like Elizabeth had suggested, Jackson did indeed want to give her a ride back to her place on the back of his bike. Samantha wasn't against the idea, but it was also a little scary to her. She didn't like how motorcycles were so vulnerable on the road, but something deep down in her told her to trust him.


  All that Jackson could think about on the way to the sorority house house was how lucky he was to have such a quality woman on the back of his bike. Samantha really was a special girl, there was no doubt about that. And the way she looked—damn!

  As they neared the house Jackson felt his pulse race and his hands start to sweat. He just hoped that he didn't make a fool of himself. He was shocked at his reaction to her. He didn’t even want to fuck her tonight. There was no way he was going to ruin such a nice evening. As he parked the bike, he wondered what the rest of the night would hold.

  Jackson couldn't wait to find out.


  Samantha led Jackson up to her room, past the living room full of her gawking sisters. She was self-conscious about her room, even though it was cleaner than usual. There was just something about having a boy over, especially a boy who was a grown man, that made her even more nervous.

  When they finally made it up the stairs and into her room they both sat on her bed looking at each other. Jackson was the first to lie back, resting his head on his hands with his fingers laced in his hair. Samantha followed his lead. When she turned to look at Jackson, to see if his eyes were open or if he was relaxing with them closed, he leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. It wasn't an aggressive kiss, but a sensual one. The kind that made Samantha realize how much she loved to be kissed.

  They held the kiss for a few seconds, then a few seconds more. Then they started to explore each other's bodies with their hands. Jackson rested his left hand on her stomach and played with a necklace she was wearing, which hung low with a heavy fake red jewel. Samantha just ran her hands up and down Jackson's body at will. Soon he was doing the same to her, slipping his hands into her bra and feeling the heftiness of her bust.

  Samantha couldn't believe how turned on she was. It was one thing to have a run of the mill college boy over and start to fool around, but with Jackson it really was something else.

  “Hang on,” Samantha said jumping up from the bed. “Let me get naked!”

  Jackson let out a laugh and stood as well. If this was the way the night was meant to be, he wasn’t going to fight it. They both got undressed frantically. When they both stood in front of each other Samantha couldn't believe how ready she was for sex. And from the look of Jackson's long, hard erection, he was more than prepared. Samantha was glad that Jackson wasn't having any stage fright. There had been times in the past when stage fright had ruined good times for her—this was not a good time she wanted ruined.

  “You are so hot,” Jackson said.

  “And so are you,” Samantha laughed. “And hung!”

  They both laid back on the bed and started exploring again with their hands. At first Jackson played with Samantha's breasts while she felt his arms and chest, then he moved his hands down to run his fingers through her slit. Samantha moaned as she started to stroke Jackson's hard on.

  “Holy shit, I had no idea tonight was going to be this awesome,” Jackson said.

  “Me neither,” Samantha said.

  And she didn't feel badly at all that they were jumping right into the bed on the first date. Perhaps, it wasn't that bad of an idea. If one were to wait to find out the person they wanted to see on a regular basis romantically was bad in bed, that usually led to extra frustration.

  “You want me to go down on you, baby?”

  Samantha moved to suck his throbbing cock without waiting for a response. Jackson responded with a gasp, which Samantha took as a yes.

  When Samantha took Jackson's member into her mouth she knew that she wasn't going to be able to go all the way down to the base with her mouth. He was just too hung, a good problem to have. So instead she swirled her tongue around the head and bobbed her head up and down quickly on the top of the shaft. Jackson moaned and Samantha knew that she was doing the right stuff. She started to use her hand to jack him off while she blew him, sucking extra hard when her head started to rise back to its zenith.

  “You mouth feels so good!” Jackson said. “I want to make you feel good baby.”

  Jackson was going to make her feel good, that much was certain. There was no way that such a good looking, well-muscled, well hung man wasn't going to make her feel good.

  Samantha crawled up on top of Jackson so that her pussy hovered over his throbbing cock. Reaching back behind her she rubbed the head of his throbbing cock up and down her slit. It felt so good, and it also helped her get ready to ride Jackson's big cock.

  “Are you ready?” Samantha asked as she prepared to lower herself onto Jackson's rock hard erection as it slowly pulsed with his heartbeat.

  “Baby, I'm so ready,” Jackson said.

  Samantha was so turned on by how hard he felt in her hand. As she slowly lowered herself onto his member she wondered if she was going to be able to take it all, or if it was going to prove too much. If it proved too much, it wouldn't be a big deal, but it would also be the first cock that Samantha couldn't take. That would really be something, she thought. But, as she slowly, very slowly, slid down the last few inches of his dick she realized that it was a perfect fit. When she leaned back, arched her back, and ground her hips into him she could feel his cock head pushing up against her cervix. It was the most amazing feeling in the world.

  “Oh fuck, Jackson,” Samantha said. “I can't believe how fucking good you feel. Holy shit. Oh. My. God.”

  Samantha started to grind Jackson, slowly at first, but quickly working up quite the rhythm. Jackson had the biggest smile on his face as he looked up at her, occasionally reaching up to play with her breasts as they heaved up and down with her bouncing motion.

  “Oh my God, I'm going to come so hard,” Samantha said.

  She just hoped that she wouldn't embarrass herself somehow. There were times when she'd come as hard as she was about to in the past, but it had always been with a boyfriend, never with a perso
n she'd just met.

  “FUCK” Samantha screamed as the first wave of pleasure rocked her body.

  Her orgasm was like nothing she'd ever felt before. She saw white light. She leaned forward to put all of her weight on her hands, hoping that Jackson wouldn't mind the extra pressure on his chest – her orgasm had made her weak. After a few seconds, she could see again, but she was still coming, and moaning so loudly that there was no way that all of the Lucky Ladies in the house didn't hear it.

  “Oh Jesus,” Samantha said between panting. “Holy fucking Christ that was amazing.”

  Jackson smiled at her, and without saying anything flipped her over so that she was on her back. It was his turn to ride her, and so he did. It was one of the greatest lays that Samantha had ever experienced. By the time they were done—both catching their breath and running their hands all over each other—they both knew that they would be seeing each other again, just for sex if nothing else.

  “Well, I'd . . . I'd . . .” Jackson's voice trailed off.

  “You had better go,” Samantha said, disappointed.

  They both stood and Jackson took her face in his hands, kissing her long and soft, like he never wanted to leave. Samantha didn't want him to leave. He saw the sadness in her eyes.

  “Can I spend the night with you?” Jackson asked earnestly.

  Samantha threw her arms around Jackson's neck. “Let's have a sleep over!”

  Jackson smiled and crawled under her soft sheets. Samantha nestled into the crook of his arm with her head on his chest. Both spent, they fell asleep almost instantly, in a tight embrace.

  Jackson left early the next morning before the rest of the house was alive and buzzing.

  “So, I heard things went well…” Elizabeth said as she poked her head into Samantha’s room.

  Samantha blushed and pulled the sheet up to her neck.


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