Valkyrie Rising

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Valkyrie Rising Page 2

by GR Griffin

"I know that." Lenneth replied, her tone quiet.

  "And yet you still purposefully left the castle!" Freya let exasperation creep into her voice, Lenneth at last looking at her. "Lenneth, why? Your sister Hrist well has the situation in hand. Even now the vampires are being routed from the land that borders the castle's walls. She'll have them so disoriented and confused, that they won't even notice your absence from the battlefield."

  And that was the real purpose of this latest skirmish. To distract the vampires long enough for Lenneth to escort a most precious cargo from within the castle. She almost flinched then, thinking of just what that precious something was. And with it came the memories, the bloodied hair, the broken armor, her younger sister Silmeria laying in an ever widening pool of her own blood.

  "I am not abandoning my duty." Lenneth insisted out loud. "I know Hrist is to lead the distraction. But as we are not to leave until tomorrow morning, I don't see the harm in releasing some pent up energy this night."

  "You are supposed to be resting." Freya pointed out. "Conserving your strength for the journey. You will not serve anyone well if you are too tired should a fight be brought before you…"

  "I will never be too tired to fight." Snapped Lenneth. "Lady Freya, you needn't worry about me. I will do my duty, even if I don't like what I must do." That last bit softened Freya's expression, blue eyes warming as she gave Lenneth a sad smile.

  "I understand this is a difficult time for you and your sisters. But especially for you, Lenneth. For you were always the closest to young Silmeria. But really, it is for the best."

  "The best?" Anger seeped into Lenneth's voice, the emotion so violent that she nearly trembled with it. "The best for who?!"

  "Your sister for one." Freya retorted. "She can hardly be expected to return to her duties in that condition."

  "I know that...." The memory of Silmeria's broken body made her shudder, Lenneth lowering her now clean sword. But she didn't sheathe it, ever conscious that at any moment a vampire could appear before them. She had to remain ever vigilant, even as she fought and railed against her sister's fate. Against the fate of all Valkyrie who fell in battle, but slipped death's embrace.

  "Would you have her remain here in Asagrd?" Freya questioned her. "Would you have her bombarded by constant reminders of a life she can never return to?"


  "Then do not begrudge your sister her fate." Freya told her. "Silmeria is accepting of what must be done. Why can't you be?"

  "I don't think it's tie her to a man..." Lenneth spoke quietly, but firmly. "To one she does not know, let alone love.…"

  "Lord Rufus of Alfheim is a fine man, a capable warrior, and a just ruler. He will not be unkind to her."

  "He better not be! Or he will face the combined wrath of myself and our sister Hrist!" threatened Lenneth. "I will not tolerate my sister being mistreated, no matter by whose hand it is!"

  "Calm yourself Lenneth." Advised Freya. "Lord Rufus would not dare harm Silmeria. She will live out the rest of her life as a cherished wife." And there it was, yet another reason for Lenneth's anger. When a Valkyrie was injured on the battle field, hurt to the point that they could no longer fight, they were retired. But it went beyond a simply setting down of one's arms. Odin had made a decree, to reward capable warriors of several of the nine realms with Valkyies as their brides. The battle maidens were rendered mortal, made Goddess no more. It was said that the Valkyries and the warriors that they wed, produced the strongest and best fighters to ever exist in all of the realms. Those warriors usually became einherjar for Asgard, the daughters of the Valkyries gaining their mother's immortality and the abilities that went with it. The cycle would continue, never ending for all time. Lenneth knew that one day she too might be so unfortunate as to be injured in battle. She prayed that when and if that were to happen, the vampires would drain her to death, rather than allow her to suffer life as some, as ANY, man's bride.

  "I still think that it's wrong." Lenneth said at last. "After all her years of service, Silmeria should at least be allowed to pick her own husband!"

  "You can rail against that fate all you want, but you cannot change what is to happen. No one can."

  "Lord Brahms would if he could." Lenneth blurted out, thinking of the undead King. The vampire had an unnatural lust for her sister, Silmeria. It was the main reason why Hrist was engaging the brunt of his army at this very moment, all to keep the vampires distracted from when Silmeria would leave the castle. They all expected the vampires to make a move against Silmeria and her escort, to try and capture the former Valkyrie alive. Lenneth shuddered to think what Brahms would do once he got his hands on her sister. It was almost enough to make the Valkyrie think any man would be a better choice for Silmeria than for her to remain and fall prey to that of the undead king.

  "That fiend will not get a chance to try anything!" Freya hissed. "Silmeria will be delivered safely to Lord Rufus' keep, and Brahms will be none the wiser until it is far too late." Lightning seemed to crackle across the sky, Lenneth shivering in response to it. She sincerely hoped that Freya would be proven right about that much at least.

  "Now cease these delays, and return to your sister's side at once." continued Freya, her voice harsh with that command.

  "Yes, Lady Freya." Lenneth sighed. The Valkyrie knew that she should be grateful for the chance to see Silmeria. After all, she didn't know when or if she would ever get the opportunity to visit with her once she was established in Alfheim.

  Freya nodded her approval at Lenneth's acquiescence. And then she was turning, intent on leading Lenneth back up the cliff side’s path. Lenneth was moving to follow her, when she felt it. Eyes on her, the Valkyrie stilling for one brief moment. Freya noticed her lack of movement, a quizzical look in her eyes as she spoke. "What is it Lenneth?"

  "Don't you feel that?" Lenneth was already pointing her sword, fighting the tremble that wanted to go through her. "Those eyes...staring at us…"

  "There's no one here..." Freya pointed out, and Lenneth shook her head.

  "I can feel it!" She turned to scour the landscape, but as Freya said, there was no one near to them. And yet she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, Lenneth shivering. The sensations associated with the look was that of someone staring into her very soul, as though their gaze was stripping away her armor to see the woman beneath it. It was an unsettling feeling, Lenneth not used to being looked at in that manner.

  "Show yourself!" Lenneth demanded, pleased her sword arm did not shake. She wondered if it was the vampire who had tasted her blood, the fiend’s hunger for more driving him to return for another attempt against the battle maiden.

  Freya was besides her now, slipping into a defensive posture, gold ether sparking in her hands' palms. But there was no one to fight, and though the sense of being watched continued, even Lenneth was forced to concede there was no one there.

  "I'm sure it's nothing." Freya eventually decided. She would lay a hand on Lenneth's armor encased shoulder. "You are just too stressed over your sister's fate."

  "I'm not imagining things." Lenneth insisted. Yet she had no other proof that anyone had been about to watch them. She still couldn’t sheathe her sword, keeping a firm grip on it's hilt as she followed Freya up the cliff side. The path at it's top would lead them to the castle, Valhalla a welcome sight that almost had Lenneth scurrying forward to get inside. The oppressive feeling of being watched left her once she was indoors, and only then did Lenneth relax enough to put away her sword.

  "Go...speak with Silmeria." Freya advised her, giving her a slight push in the direction of the Valkyrie's chambers. "Cherish this time, Lenneth." The woman added.

  "I will." Promised Lenneth, giving a respectful bow to the goddess, before hurrying away. It wasn't a long walk to the chambers designated to the Valkyries, especially given the fact that no one dared to approach Lenneth. They simply saw the determined look in her eyes, and wisely kept any questions or demands for her attention to themselve

  Not even five minutes later, she was before her sister's chair, Silmeria smiling up at her. But it wasn't a Silmeria she was in any way used to seeing, the pale blonde hair tied back with ornate barrettes. The young Valkyrie was dressed in a simple night gown that was made of a lavish amount of silk. It draped down to her ankles, it's sleeves extending only to her elbows.

  No blood was on Silmeria at this time. She had long since been cleaned up. But Lenneth knew under the night gown was numerous bandages, wrapped around her torso, to cover and guard the stitches on her back. It had been an enchanted blade that had slashed open the young Valkyries' back, spilling her precious blood all over the ground. The enchantment on the blade had prevented the Goddess' healing powers from working, leaving Silmeria in an immense amount of pain. Even now she could barely manage the slightest of movements without the pain flaring, and as such was unable to continue to do her duty and fight any longer.

  Numerous herbs were being given to Silmeria to deaden the painful sensations. And yet Silmeria's blue eyes remained bright and clear, the young woman’s mind not addled by the drugs. She smiled at Lenneth, ever so happy to see her sister. Lenneth found it difficult to return the smile. She had to fight to keep the sadness from out of her eyes as the Valkyrie Goddess knelt down before her sister.

  "Lenneth.." Silmeria said, reaching out with her right arm. She laid her hand on Lenneth's cheek, the very one that bore the cut from the vampire's dagger. "You're hurt."

  "It's only a minor scratch." Lenneth told her. "It’s pain doesn't even register."

  "Have you been to a healer yet? Perhaps Lady Eir could help hasten your recovery." Silmeria was concerned, hovering a finger over the thin cut.

  "I will see her soon enough." Lenneth promised. But she didn't care about being healed, more concerned with her sister and her well being. "How are you feeling?"

  "As well as can be expected." Silmeria sighed. "I'm sick of the herbs and potions they ply me with. They taste awful, and work almost too well. To the point I can't feel anything at all."

  "It's only for a short while." Lenneth said, speaking on what she knew of Silmeria's treatment plan.

  "I fear I will never not know this pain." Silmeria confided, and Lenneth fought not to show how horrified the idea of that made her feel.

  "Maybe we should wait on delivering you to your husband to be." Lenneth suggested. "If you are still in so much pain…"

  "Lord Rufus will not wait forever..." Silmeria replied. "And I would rather get this over with, sooner rather than later."

  "It's just not fair..." Lenneth whispered, Silmeria still touching her cheek. "Why you?"

  "I was careless on the battlefield. I let the vampires surround me..." Lenneth shivered, knowing that the vampires could have done a lot worse than they had. Before they could even try, Hirst and several other Valkyries had then leapt to Silmeria's defense. Not many of the vampire had survived the massacre that ensued within that hour, but it had been too little, too late, the damage already done to Silmeria.

  "You weren't careless, you were outnumbered!" Came Lenneth's protest. It earned a smile from Silmeria, the young woman dropping her hand to her lap.

  "You were always quick to defend me…"

  "My sword is yours." Lenneth said. "Now and forever…"

  "Your sword is Odin's." corrected Silmeria gently. "Never forget that."

  "I don't know if I want to fight for the man who could so easily give away my sister!" Lenneth snapped, but she wasn't angry at Silmeria but at Odin and the situation that they all found themselves in. Even worse, Silmeria looked shocked at what Lenneth had just had to say. "I...I, forgive me..." She lowered her eyes, feeling properly abashed.

  "Do not blame Odin. He is merely doing what he has always done for the Valkyries who cannot fight any more…"

  "How can you be calm about this?!" demanded Lenneth. "Why do you not fight against your fate?!"

  "How can I? What can I do in this condition?" Silmeria shook her head, pain briefly glinting in her eyes. "Besides....some good can come out of this sacrifice of mine. I can make a good alliance between Asgard and Alfheim through my marriage to Lord Rufus. So you see...I still have some purpose to my life after all…"

  "You've always had purpose! Regardless of your condition!"

  "But it has been renewed in a different manner now." Explained Silmeria, just as a knock sounded on the door. Lenneth rose up off her knees, calling out in a commanding voice.

  "Who goes there?"

  "It is I, Frei." It was the goddess Freya's younger sister, which wouldn’t have truly surprised Lenneth given the night’s circumstances. "May I come in?"

  "Yes, of course." Answered Silmeria, and the door then opened. A petite sized Goddess was revealed, dressed in forming fitting brown tunic. She carried something in her hands, some sort of vial with a bright pink potion sloshing about. "More pain medicine from Eir?" sighed Silmeria.

  "No...this comes from Lord Odin himself." Frei walked towards them, her normally bright and cheery face looking sad.

  "Lord Odin?" Lenneth gasped, realizing what the potion had to actually be. "So soon?"

  "Silmeria must make her choice now." Frei said. "If she's going to enter the enchanted sleep, she must do so soon..."

  The enchanted sleep was a spell that the retired Valkyries sometimes made use of. It forced them into an unnatural slumber, the maidens sleeping until awakened by a kiss. That kiss damned them to love the person who had administered it. To some Valkyries it was a blessing, to instantly love the man they had been given to. But not all saw it that way, and not all took the potion. It was always left up to the individual Valkyrie to decide. Most chose not to take the potion, not wanting their love to be a manufactured illusion.

  The love that the potion infused the recipient with, was all consuming. The Valkyries afflicted with it, tended to devote their entire being to their husbands. It seemed a terrible way to live, to be under a man's thumb so completely. Lenneth glared at the potion, focusing all her hate on it in the moment.

  Silmeria was also looking, Frei trying not to fidget under the two sisters’ combined stare. And then the blonde was gesturing for the Goddess to approach her, Lenneth's lips setting into a disapproving line as Silmeria reached for the vial. "Such a small but powerful thing..." Silmeria mused, holding the vial up so it caught the light of the room. "Able to change the course of one's heart…"

  Lenneth wanted to beg Silmeria not to take the potion, but knew that it wasn't her decision. If the enchantment could make this aspect of Silmeria's future any easier, who was she to begrudge her sister love? Even if that love was faked?

  "Lord Rufus is a good man, is he not?" Silmeria asked, and Frei nodded in answer.

  "By all reports he is."

  Silmeria uncorked the vial, holding it up to her nose to sniff at the contents. "A good man.." She began to tip the vial over, the potion spilling not into her mouth, but onto the floor. Frei gasped and took a step forward, Lenneth putting out an arm to stop her. "Deserves better than a manufactured love."


  "I will go to him without the enchantment." Silmeria announced. "If it is meant to be, he will earn my love over the course of our marriage."

  "So be it." Frei sighed, and Lenneth nodded in approval. Silmeria then dropped the empty vial on the floor, her strength seeming to have left her. "It's been a long time since any Valkyrie has chosen to enter the enchanted sleep. I should not be surprised at your choice."

  "No, you shouldn't." Silmeria had closed her eyes, leaning back in her seat.

  " should rest now. We have a long journey ahead of us, and will be leaving early in the morning."

  "A good idea Lenneth." Silmeria said, still keeping her eyes closed. It seemed as if she was ready to sleep the night away in this seat of hers. Lenneth hated to rouse her, but the Valkyrie was insistent that Silmeria get some sleep in an actual bed. As such, Lenneth and Frei both offered support to an unstable Silmeria, h
elping her to walk to her bed. Silmeria was almost asleep the instant after she was laid down, Lenneth gazing down fondly at her as she smoothed back her younger sister’s hair.

  "You should get some sleep too." Frei said. "You'll be leaving at first light…"

  Lenneth nodded. They intended to leave as early as possible, wanting to put as much distance as they could between here and the vampire's camp. They all suspected that the vampires would make another attempt on Silmeria, and were desperate to keep that from happening. If there was one good thing about Silmeria's marriage to Rufus, it was that it would keep her far away from Brahms. And that notion gave Lenneth some small comfort, the Valkyrie finally retiring to her own bed chamber. She wouldn't have been able to sleep as easy as she did if Lenneth had known of what disasters actually awaited them on the morrow.

  Chapter 2: Two

  It wasn't the best day for traveling. That much had been apparent when dawn came and went, and barely a sliver of sunlight could be found. The sky was overcast, crowded with storm clouds that ranged in color from dark grays to hostile near blacks. Between the clouds and the early morning fog that had just rolled in, Lenneth was sure something unnatural was occurring. She simply refused to believe that their luck was that bad otherwise.

  With little light and low visibility, it was the ideal conditions for the vampires to attack in. Such a thing was not lost on any of the divine party, an air of unease infusing them all. Lenneth had wanted to call off their travels, and not just from a purely selfish standpoint. She felt it too dangerous to travel on a day like this, but other factors were just as insistent that they leave at once. Her sister Hrist well had the vampires distracted, the battle being driven away from the castle’s surrounding lands. That offered a slim window of opportunity for Lenneth and her entourage to escort Silmeria from it, and all because the undead would not fall victim to the same tricks twice.

  Their reinforcements would soon be coming, the undead legions of Brahms would be determined to take back every bit of ground they had thus far lost to the Asgardians. It had to be now or never if Silmeria were to flee to her new life and home. If there was one thing that Lenneth could take comfort from, it was that Silmeria would be safe in Lord Rufus' keep. She'd be away from the fighting, and the vampires, and most importantly, Silmeria would be safely free of the obsessed reach of Lord Brahms.


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