Touching Deuce [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Touching Deuce [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 25

by Lynnette Bernard

  The surprise on Jake’s face made her worry that she had said too much. She should have known better. His friendship and caring didn’t mean he was sexually attracted to her. She was such an idiot for thinking that he wanted anything more than friendship with her. Mortification filled her. She just wanted to take Mary Grace and go inside, bring her into the kitchen, and do what she was hired to do for the McKade family—cook and clean. Nothing more. Removing her hand from where it rested on Jake’s chest, she gathered the baby more securely in her arms and turned to walk into the house.

  Jake reached out and touched her arm, gripping it lightly and turning her around to face him. “Claire.” His voice was gruff as he spoke her name. “Look at me.”

  She looked up and saw desire on his face as he stared down at her, but there was something else she didn’t want to see. Guarded distance.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, trying very hard not to die from humiliation. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

  He looked down at her silently for a moment then reached up and touched her face with the back of his knuckles. “You don’t know what you’re asking for, angel,” he warned her softly.

  “Yes, I do,” she insisted. “I’m asking for you, Jake.”

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Claire, you don’t understand.”

  She took a step away from him. “I understand, Jake,” she said sadly. “I’m sorry. I won’t ask that of you again. It was wrong of me.”

  She turned, pulling away from his hold and walking into the house. He watched her go, warring within himself as she walked away from him.

  “Damn it,” he whispered. He was tired of holding back. He was tired of watching her walk away from him. He was just plain tired of his life without her in it.

  “So how’s my brother holding up being an instant dad?” Rafe asked Gracie as he stood beside her.

  Gracie smiled at him and shook her head. “He’s doing great. He was always good with you guys when you were growing up. He’s exactly the same with Robbie and Mary Grace. I’ve never seen him get flustered or panic. It’s so natural for him.”

  “Yeah, he’s always been a dad to all of us even when we had our dad around,” Rafe agreed.

  Spence and Tim rode up on their horses, pulling Rafe’s attention toward the two of them. Both men were massive just like Deuce. He and Jake tended to be more on the leaner side although neither were slouches in the muscle department. But his brother Spence and Spence’s best friend Tim were definite giants—but gentle giants.

  Rafe opened the gate for them, allowing them to ride into the corral before closing it behind them. He couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face as both men rode their horses directly toward Deuce to encourage Robbie’s riding skills.

  The sudden blaring of a car horn pulled all of their attention toward the driveway. Rafe’s heart slammed into his chest as he saw Lainey’s car barreling toward him and Gracie. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her out of the way of the oncoming car, throwing them both to the ground and out of the way just as the car smashed into the corral fencing.

  Deuce’s horse reared back as it was spooked, the front hooves lifting in a panic as the sound of the crash echoed throughout the corral. Deuce could feel himself slipping and knew a moment of intense fear as he realized that Robbie was being thrown from his arms. Before he could react, he saw Spence pluck Robbie out of his hands and drag him into his embrace as he jerked his stallion away from the panicked mare.

  Tim tried to grab for the reins of Deuce’s horse, but Daisy was having none of that. She bucked and whinnied as fear determined her reaction. Deuce was thrown from the horse and landed hard on his back.

  Everything happened so quickly, it was almost as if it had been choreographed. Gracie pushed herself up from the ground and took in the situation. Seeing that Robbie was safe, she concentrated on Deuce. He was on the ground, not moving, and Daisy was still rearing up in fear directly above her mate. She didn’t hesitate. Pushing Rafe’s hands away from her, she climbed through the fencing and ran toward the mare, reaching out to capture her reins. Daisy pulled away, jerking Gracie toward her, but Gracie wasn’t going to allow the scared horse to trample Deuce and hurt him any more than he might already be hurt.

  Gripping the reins tighter, she tugged until she was able to place her hands directly on either side of the horse’s neck. Daisy settled immediately, bobbing her head up and down as Gracie’s calming touch affected her. It was only a matter of seconds before the mare was the docile, sweet animal that she naturally was once again.

  She felt strong arms wrap around her waist and spin her around. She was suddenly crushed against Deuce’s chest. She could feel his heart pounding against her face as he pressed her tightly against the muscles of his chest.

  “You scared the hell out of me, Mate,” he growled at her.

  Gracie tried to push out of his arms but found herself good and truly trapped in his embrace. “What do you think I felt when I saw Daisy above you?” she mumbled against his chest. “You could have been trampled.”

  “Gracie,” his voice was barely above a whisper as emotions overwhelmed him.

  “We’re both good,” Gracie reassured him. “I still want to check you out to make sure you aren’t injured.”

  “Stubborn woman,” he muttered. “You could have been hurt.”

  “But I wasn’t,” Gracie insisted. “Now relax. You’re the one who landed hard on your back. Maybe we should take you to the doctor just to be sure you’re okay.”

  Deuce smiled down at her. “I think you need to check me out with both of us naked. Just to be sure.”

  Gracie laughed softly, leaning in to kiss him quickly and speak softly against his neck. “It’s a date. Maybe you’ll let me restrain you to the bed so I can examine you—every inch of you, cowboy.”

  “Gracie Lee Emery, you’re in big trouble now,” he whispered.

  “I’m looking forward to your punishment.”

  The flash of desire in Deuce’s eyes told her she was going to be in for a serious night of lovemaking. She was good with that. Nodding at him to show him her consent, she winked boldly, loving the instant smile that came to his face.

  The commotion at the corral fencing brought both their attentions back to the situation at hand. Turning, they focused on Lainey’s car. It had crashed into the corral fencing, and smoke was pouring from beneath the hood. Rafe was already beside the passenger’s side door, and Spence and Tim had dismounted their horses and had rushed to the driver’s side.

  Spence held Robbie securely in his arms as Tim pulled the door open and knelt down beside Lainey. She was slumped forward over the deployed airbag. He reached in gently and felt for her pulse, relieved when he felt it strong and steady beneath his fingertips.

  “Lainey, honey,” he called to her gently. “Are you with me, baby?”

  “Is she conscious?” Spence asked him worriedly.

  Lainey’s moan was response enough. They waited silently as she slowly leaned back in her seat and looked up at them.

  “Becca!” she called out, turning to face her sister as she was slumped against the passenger door.

  “I’ve got her,” Rafe told her calmly, reaching in to unbuckle Becca’s seat belt. He gently rested her head against his shoulder as he leaned his body in to support hers. “Becca, sweetheart,” he called to her softly. “I need you to wake up for me, darlin’.”

  Becca leaned into him and rubbed her face softly into the crook of his neck. “What the hell happened?” she muttered, reaching up to hold his hand as it rested on her thigh.

  “Good question,” Rafe answered. “What happened, Lainey?”

  “The steering went,” Lainey answered, closing her eyes as the adrenaline that was rushing through her body overwhelmed her. “I tried to stop, but the brakes aren’t that great, and I couldn’t control the car. Is Gracie all right?”

  “I’m fine,” Gracie called to her from outside of the ca
r. “What about you two?”

  Lainey turned to get out of the car, stopping as Tim refused to get out of her way. “Tim, you have to move so I can get out,” she told him tiredly.

  Tim shook his head and reached out to touch her neck, then her shoulders, then her arms, his large hands examining every part of her body for injury. “I don’t think anything is broken, but we should probably get you to the hospital to be checked out,” he told her calmly.

  Lainey pushed at his hands lightly before standing up slowly. “I’m fine. I’m just a little shaken up.”

  “Lainey, we can’t take a chance that you’re hurt,” Spence warned her, stepping forward and successfully pinning her body between his and Tim’s, with Robbie held tightly in the middle of them all.

  She didn’t want to argue with them. She was scared, and she was sore, and it was too nice to be sandwiched between the two men to think about anything but how she wished she could be between them both all of the time. Pulling away sadly, she turned to watch as Rafe helped her sister out of the car.

  “Lean on me, Becca,” he told her softly as she fought to gain her balance. He could tell her hip was really bothering her. Without a second thought, he lifted her carefully in his arms and cradled her against him. “You just relax, darlin’. I’ll get you inside and set you on the couch. Then we’ll see if you need to go to the hospital.”

  “I’m not going to the hospital,” she told him firmly. “I’ve had a lifetime of hospital visits, Rafe. I’m not going to another one ever again.”

  He walked toward the house, climbing the porch stairs carefully so as not to jostle her. “Becca, you can’t stay away from hospitals for the rest of your life,” he told her gently.

  “Watch me.”

  He couldn’t prevent the smile that crossed his face. Becca’s spirit always made him smile. Everything about her made him happy—except the injury to her hip. That would haunt him for the rest of his life.

  He carried her into the house and gently set her down on the couch. He carefully turned her body so that she sat against the arm of the couch and her legs were extended across the cushions.

  Claire stood next to the dining room table, clutching the baby to her body, her eyes wide with fear and pain. Jake stood by her side, lightly touching her hand as it rested across the baby’s back. They had heard the crash and had come running into the living room just as they saw the men leading the women toward the house.

  Tim and Spence led Lainey to the recliner in front of the fireplace and saw to it that she sat down carefully. Gracie rushed in after them, Deuce right behind her.

  “Is everyone okay?” Deuce asked them quickly, his worry evident in the way he spoke and held his body.

  “Just give me a minute,” Lainey muttered, pushing Tim’s hand away from her body. “Stop pawing at me, Tim. I said I’m fine.”

  “Lainey, you’re not fine,” he fired back. “You just crashed your damn car into the corral fencing.”

  “That piece of junk should have been scrapped years ago,” Spence told her angrily, kneeling down beside them both. “You shouldn’t have been driving it at all. It’s not safe.”

  “Don’t you dare pick on Penelope!” Lainey defended her car. “She’s a good car.”

  “She’s a piece of—”

  “Spence!” Lainey yelled, slapping her hand over his mouth to prevent him from saying anything bad in front of Robbie.

  Spence rolled his eyes and pulled away from her. “Jake, take Robbie,” he told his brother softly.

  Jake walked over to him slowly and lifted Robbie from his brother’s arms. “Okay, little dude. Let’s get the food out on the table so we can have dinner. Come on, Claire.” He turned and walked into the kitchen, knowing Claire would follow him.

  “You’re going to junk that car and get another one,” Spence told Lainey calmly, his heart finally slowing. He had never been so scared in all his life as he was when he had seen her car crash into the fencing. In that moment he knew that he was done pussyfooting around. Tim was right. They had to take a chance and tell her exactly what they felt and what they wanted. Lainey was going to know that she belonged to both of them. They were meant to be a mated trio, damn it. It was about time she knew it. Social niceties be damned. He was done denying their mate just for the sake of appearances.

  “And just where do you think I’m going to get the money to pay for this new car, Spence?” she asked him angrily. “You can’t get blood from a stone.”

  “We’ll get a car for you, darlin’,” Tim spoke up quietly. He leaned forward and hugged her gently, needing the contact with the woman he knew was destined to be theirs.

  Lainey hugged him lightly. “That’s very sweet of you, Tim, but I can’t let you do that. I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship, and that’s exactly what will happen if I borrow money from both of you.”

  Tim pulled back and looked at the beauty of her sweet face and smiled at the softness of her cornflower blue eyes as she faced him. Reaching out, he ran his hands through the soft length of her dark brown hair and tugged on the curled ends lightly. He could run his fingers through her luxurious locks all day. He hoped she would always keep her hair long. Something about its length hanging to the middle of her back made him want to wrap his hand around it and hold her tightly so she couldn’t move. He pictured himself doing just that before claiming her mouth.

  “You can use my truck until we figure out what to do. Spence and I can get by with just his truck for now,” he offered gently, understanding her need for independence. Lainey was a proud woman. She always had been.

  Spence leaned forward to press his chest against Lainey’s side. “That’s a good idea, Tim,” he told him, nodding at his best friend. “Just think about it for now, Lainey. You’ll need transportation to get back to your place and work at your diner—unless you’d rather stay with Tim and me at our place. We can make sure you get to work on time.”

  Lainey laughed and touched Spence’s shoulder lightly. “Yeah, right. Like you really need me hanging around your place and messing up your life.”

  Spence closed his eyes briefly before opening them and looking at the beautiful woman before them. She just didn’t get it. He could see Tim shaking his head in frustration and knew his pain. They had to get this relationship on the right road, and they had to do it soon—before either man lost his mind from the loneliness they felt at not being with their mate.

  “How’re you feeling, Becca?” Rafe’s deep voice broke into their conversation.

  “I’m good,” Becca insisted immediately.

  Rafe looked at her silently, trying to decide if what she was saying was actually true. “How’s your hip?” He leaned forward and rested his hands on her hips, unable to stop himself from touching her as he sat beside her on the edge of the couch cushion.

  Becca sighed sadly, frustrated by the fact that it always came down to this. She was so very tired of Rafe’s concern for her hip transcending any other emotion or need from him.

  “You know, there’s more to me than my hip, Rafe,” she told him softly.

  She looked at him briefly, seeing something flash in his eyes just briefly before he controlled his feelings as he always did. She put her hands on his as he framed her hips and was surprised when his grip on her tightened.

  “I’m very aware that you’re more than your hip, Miss Becca,” he told her, his voice low. He couldn’t prevent himself from caressing her hips lightly with the pads of his thumbs. When she moved slightly in his hands, he increased the pressure just enough to keep her still, leaning forward until his mouth was a hair’s breath away from hers. “Do you want me to show you just how much I’m aware of you?”

  Becca’s eyes widened in surprise then softened as she smiled up at him. “If you’re throwing down a challenge, cowboy, I accept.”

  Rafe looked at her silently, warring within himself as he saw the beautiful woman before him. He wanted her. He had for a very long time. But, more than that, he needed her
to be with him. He wanted to show her every day of their lives just how much he cared about her.

  “Now why would you want to accept that, darlin’?” he teased her, trying to make light of the situation. “You’ve got so many other young studs waiting to claim your attention.”

  He leaned back slowly, taking her hand in his and rubbing his thumb across her knuckles. He saw the way her body stiffened, and he knew that he had been successful in putting a wedge between them once again. He hated doing it, but it was necessary.

  “What about you, Deuce?” Gracie spoke up, turning to face him, reaching out to take his hand in hers. She couldn’t prevent herself from squeezing it lightly with worry.

  “Gracie, I’m fine,” he told her softly, reaching up with his free hand to caress her hair. “Are you okay, honey?”

  Gracie looked at him warily. She knew that he wouldn’t tell her even if he was injured. “I’m not sure.”

  He was immediately concerned. “Why, honey? Where are you hurting?”

  She leaned toward him and kissed his chest lightly. “Come upstairs and I’ll show you,” she whispered against his neck.

  His growl of need filled the living room. Without hesitation, he lifted her in his arms and carried her up the stairs, two at a time. He didn’t stop until they were behind the closed door of their bedroom.

  “Put me down, please,” she told him softly.

  Deuce slowly lowered her to the floor, kissing her forehead lightly as she stood before him. Every bit of love he was feeling for her came through in that one moment—in that one touch.

  “Deuce, Marilyn Monroe once said that the real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead,” she told him softly. “I agree with her.”

  He smiled down at her and touched her face gently. “There must be a quote somewhere about how the love in a woman’s eyes and the soft smile that she gives her man makes him feel like he owns the world.” He kissed her lips lightly then rested his cheek against hers. “That’s how you make me feel, Mate,” he whispered in her ear. “I love you, honey.”

  Gracie wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him lightly as she leaned into his chest and kissed it lightly. She had never in her life ever imagined that she would find such belonging with this incredible man.


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