Hunter's Find

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Hunter's Find Page 4

by June Kramin

  “I hung my clothes up to dry.”

  “They’ll dry quicker by the fire. I’ll go get them.”

  “I got it,” she said as she turned around. “I don’t need you handling my underthings.”

  When she came back out, he had four chairs lined up by the fire. His clothes were spread across two of them. He also had a mattress on the floor. “What’s with the mattress?”

  “Phones are dead and it’s late. I’m not hoofing around out there in a towel at this time of night in the cold. I’ll check the outbuildings tomorrow. Maybe there’s an old truck that I can get going. If not, we’ll walk to the next place.”

  “I’ll take the couch.”

  “The hell you will. You’re on here with me.”

  “What? I’m not sleeping with you on that smelly thing.”

  “You’re not sleeping even a foot away from me. I don’t trust you as far as I can throw my cruiser. Oh wait, I don’t have to worry about that. You totaled it.”

  “Excuse me, but I do believe that was your fault!”

  “I wasn’t the one driving.”

  “No, just the one trying to kill the one driving. If you had let me—”

  He cut her off. “I’m not going into this with you again. I’m tired and we’re sleeping on the bed. End of story. You pick a side and I’m cuffing us together.”

  “The hell you are!” She turned to walk away, but he took hold of her wrist and promptly slapped the handcuff on it.

  “I gave you a choice. Now you get to sleep on the right side, princess.”

  “Stop it with those names already.”

  “Oh, because I like being called Barney and Kojak?”

  “Truce already. Just let me sleep. Where am I going to run in a robe?”

  Hunt laughed. “You? Forget it.” He walked to the bed and sat down.

  “You’re sleeping like that?”

  “I don’t have a choice. Don’t go getting excited; he certainly isn’t.”

  Chapter Nine

  Amanda had no choice but to join him on the bed. After a few minutes of silence, she finally couldn’t take it anymore.

  “That’s disgusting, you know.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “That fact that you called it ‘he.’ Why do men do that?”

  “And you don’t call your breasts ‘the girls’?”

  “I…” She couldn’t even argue that fact. She did. “Well, when I’m with my friends maybe, but not in mixed company.”

  “Please. With that mouth of yours, you’re pretending to be a prude? Just relax and go to sleep already. You’ve had your panties in a bunch all day.”

  “I’m a prisoner. What do you want? Me to hop up and bake a cake?”

  “Hate to sound four again, but you started it.”

  “Oh for crying out loud.” Amanda flipped over as best as she could without wrenching her arm. “Good night.”

  In a few hours, it began to get light out and Amanda was slowly waking up. She gasped when she found herself face to face with Hunt. His arm was around her, and her hand was flat to his chest. She jerked up and startled him in the process.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, as he bolted upright as well.

  “What’s wrong? You were fondling me in my sleep!”

  “Get over yourself. You must have been cold and snuggled into me. It’s one of the primal instincts for men to take care of women. Apparently, I was merely responding to your needs.”

  “Nice textbook answer. And that?” she said as she lowered her gaze to his towel.

  Hunt grinned. “It’s morning. You were married. Don’t flatter yourself.”

  “You’re a pig.”

  “And you’re still hostile. I was hoping a night’s sleep would help that attitude.”

  She leaned over to the chairs and checked her clothes. “They’re dry. I want to get dressed. Un-cuff me.”

  “I need to take a leak first.”

  “You’re not doing that while we’re attached!”

  He laughed. “I meant I’m going in the bathroom first. I don’t know if I can trust you at the couch for even that long. Maybe I should have you come in there with me. I do get stage fright though. You any good at singing?”

  “You’re an ass. I’m not going in there with you.”

  “I could whistle Lee Oskar’s ‘Before the Rain’ if you don’t want to sing.”

  Her expression softened. “You know that one?”

  “Of course. Awesome tune. You want to hear it?”

  Again her expression turned sour. “No. Just do your business so I can get dressed.” She pulled the robe tighter with her free hand, pulled him toward the couch, and sat down.

  “I love a woman that assumes the position on her own.”

  She stood and tried to slap him but he caught her hand. “You’ve gotten the best of me for the last time a few tricks ago. You can lay off anytime.”

  “Then knock off the talk.”

  “Oh please.” He un-cuffed himself and attached it to the couch. He picked up his clothes on the way to the bathroom. After hesitating a minute at the door, he went back and got hers as well.

  Chapter Ten

  Hunt expected to hear the sound of wood splintering while he hurried through getting dressed. He was pleasantly surprised to see Amanda sitting there when he came out of the bathroom.

  “I didn’t expect you to not try to get away.”

  “What makes you think I didn’t try?”

  “The couch is still in one piece, for starters.”

  “I’m wearing a robe, dick.”

  He made a “tsk tsk” sound. “You really need to try some stress relief.”

  “I guess it would be too much to ask for some coffee?”

  “I could go for some myself. Too bad the kitchen is cleaned out. I checked them when you were in the shower last night.” Hunt undid the restraints and walked her to the bathroom. “You’ve got three minutes then I’m busting the door down.”

  “You’re all heart.” Mandy was out in a little over two minutes. Hunt was separating the logs, making sure the fire would burn itself out after they left. He got up and walked back over to her with the cuffs in hand when the door opened.

  “Are those really necessary?” She crossed her arms.

  “Yup,” was all he would offer for an answer as he clasped it on her. “Let’s see if we can get lucky in one of the old outbuildings.” He hesitated. “And by ‘get lucky’ I mean find an old vehicle.”

  “I knew what you meant.”

  He grinned. “I know. I don’t know what it is about you, but it’s so much fun to bust your chops. I’ve never met someone wound so tight before.”

  “Screw with a mother trying to get her child back more often. I’d bet you’d get your fill.”

  He stood staring at her. “Honestly, I’m not so sure I’m buying what you’re selling.”

  “That’s your prerogative, I suppose. You’re the one in charge.”

  “Glad to see you’re finally admitting it.”

  She held up her arm with the handcuff. “Like I have a choice.”

  Her stomach grumbled and Hunt grinned. “Let’s get going. I’m getting hungry myself.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Of course you are.” Hunt led them toward the kitchen. He saw a door last night that looked like it would take them to the garage. Cupping his hand to the dirty glass, he strained to see in the dark garage. “We’re in luck. Maybe. There’s an old truck in there.”

  “Fat chance it works if they left it.”

  “Let’s find out.” He tried the door but it was locked.

  “That’s stupid,” Mandy said. “Leave the house unlocked but lock the garage?”

  “Maybe the house was an oversight.”

  “Or maybe someone broke in before.”

  Hunt moved his hand along the top of the door trim, and a key fell to the floor. “Definitely not the smartest people on the planet.” He opened the door and hit t
he fluorescent lights, which protested but sluggishly flickered to life. The truck was an old brown eighties model Ford. Pulling Mandy along, Hunt opened up the driver’s door.

  “If the keys are in it I’m going to shit an eggroll,” Mandy scoffed.

  Hunt reached in by the steering wheel and pulled out a key. “Pork or beef?” He climbed into the driver’s seat and gave the key a turn. The engine didn’t even click. “Maybe our luck isn’t as great as we think.”

  “Think again,” Mandy said as she pointed to the far corner, past the door.

  Hunt stuck his head out and looked where she pointed. He smiled. “I like a woman that knows what a battery charger is.”

  “Seems like you like a lot of things about women.”

  “Hmmm.” Hunt rubbed his chin as if in deep thought. “I think you’re right.”

  “Can we cut the crap and plug this thing in and get going?”

  “You that anxious to sit in a jail cell?”

  “As long as you’re not cuffed in it with me.”

  “That, sweetheart, is affirmative. Trust me. You’re no picnic to be attached to, either.”

  Together they walked to the charger and each took a side. They carried it to the front of the truck and Hunt popped the hood. After helping him brace it, Mandy reached back and plugged it into the wall. She gave Hunt the black cord first, then the red one. After he got them attached, she turned it on.

  “Scoot over,” Mandy said as she tried to move him out of the way.


  “I want to check the oil. If it’s been here for a while, it’s probably low or thick as hell.”

  He gave her a hard stare. “And you’re going to do an oil change right here?”

  “Try adding a can if it needs it, Barney.” She pointed to a row of oil cans on a shelf behind him.

  “What exactly are you?”

  “A mother that wants her kid back, but will settle for some coffee first. I don’t want to get stranded on the side of the road because you let the engine seize up after we were lucky enough to find a vehicle.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself. It hasn’t turned over yet.”

  “May I?” she asked as she pointed to the dipstick.

  “Would I like your hand on my dipstick? Be my guest.”

  Ignoring his comment, she simply said, “Hand me a rag.”

  Hunt saw an old shirt on one of the shelves and reached for it. He cooperated with his arm that was attached to her as best as he could and watched as she wiped the dipstick then checked the oil.

  “It actually looks fine, or would you like to give it a second opinion?”

  “If you think you know that much, I suppose I can let it go.” After she was done, he walked around and climbed back in the driver’s side and tried again. The truck started right up. “Let’s leave it to charge for a bit. I’ll leave a note and number to contact me in case someone comes home and finds it missing.”

  Mandy followed him in and stood patiently while he composed the note, much to Hunt’s surprise. When he tried to go back out the door, she planted her feet.

  “What now?”

  “Can’t you just let me go?”

  “Are you off your nut?”

  “There has to be a hint of compassion in there somewhere. You can’t be all sexual innuendo as you claim.”

  “I find it helps calm situations down somewhat.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but it doesn’t. Look…I saved your life. You owe me this.”

  “You were also the one that put me in that situation in the first place.”

  “You did that all by yourself!”

  “I kidnapped myself? You owe the city for a new police cruiser, too. I’m not taking the blame here and being made a laughing stock. You’re coming with me.”

  “You bastard.”

  “That’s Sherriff bastard to you. Come on.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Amanda climbed in the truck and Hunt fastened his handcuff to the door pull. He gave it a few tugs to make sure it wasn’t going to come off easily. He’d hear and see her trying anything if she got rough with it, which she would have to do. He disconnected the charger and swung open the garage door. After driving through, he got out to close it again then they were on their way.

  “You have brothers that were into cars?” he asked her.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m just wondering where this car knowledge is coming from.”

  “Car knowledge? I checked the oil, for crying out loud. I didn’t clean out the carburetor.”

  “I’m only trying to make conversation. You are one tough cookie to get to open up. You know that?”

  “I’m not accustomed to making conversation with people that keep me prisoner.”

  “I’m not all that bad of a guy. You’re just on the wrong side of the law right now, is all.”

  “So you’re telling me when this is all said and done, you’d like to be friends?”

  “Don’t be silly. I’d settle for sex.” Hunt grinned.

  “Would a blow job be out of the question?”

  Hunt glanced over at her then had to correct his driving when a car horn honked. He had veered over into their lane.

  “It’s not so fun having that shit thrown at you constantly, is it?”

  “I wouldn’t say that. I accept. Should I pull over?”

  “Go to hell.”

  Realizing he wasn’t going to get anywhere for conversation, Hunt remained quiet until they hit the main road. “I know where we are. I’m getting off the dirt roads.” She was still quiet. Within a couple of miles, they reached a small town. He pulled up to a small convenience store and removed the keys. “I’m going to phone in and pick up some coffee. How do you like yours? Assuming I can trust you to drink it and not throw it on me.”

  “Cream and sugar. I wouldn’t waste something like coffee on the likes of you.”


  “I’m not much for sweets. Coffee will be fine.”

  Hunt stood at the counter and used the phone where he could see her through the window. Waiting for her to spot him, he waved. After promptly being flipped off, he grinned. She wasn’t going to learn that her attitude oddly turned him on. He was able to get some coffee and food on credit. You have to love small town hospitality.

  He climbed back in the truck and offered her a coffee then an egg and cheese biscuit. “I know you’re hungry. You don’t need to play tough on my account. I had one; they aren’t that bad.”

  “I thought cops ate doughnuts.”

  “Only the ones not fit enough to be on the force.”

  “Oh that’s right. Mister zero body fat.”

  “You’re welcome,” was all he replied before slamming the door. She was starting to get on his nerves after all. He didn’t even try to spark conversation the rest of the way back to the station. He let her mope over her coffee and untouched biscuit.

  Amanda could hear laughter from her cell. Hunt was probably taking quite a razzing from his fellow officers about her and the car. She didn’t care. All she could concentrate on was trying to figure out her next plan of attack. One of these bozos had to let her out sooner or later, and she had to get away. Shouldn’t be too hard. With a little luck, Hunt would leave and she could pull a fainting spell or something. The two “Barney Fifes” didn’t look too bright. One had to be right out of high school and didn’t weigh much more than her. She’d be able to take him easily. The other she could probably outrun at a fast paced walk.

  Surveying the room, she could see only the one way out. The place was pretty rinky-dink, but there was no key hanging on the wall by her cell, much to her surprise. Hunt walked through the door and over to her cell. She stood up.

  “Leaving me, dear?” she said, snidely.

  “I need a shower and a change of clothes. No worries, I’ll be back in a few minutes, cupcake.” He slipped a pair of jeans, a tank top advertising a local bait shop, and a long sleeve blouse through the ba
rs. “These were in an unclaimed box out front. Looks close enough in size for you. Probably belonged to some anorexic teenage girl.”

  “Are you telling me I’m too skinny?”

  “If the shoe fits, lady.”

  “The charm just never ends with you. Am I supposed to get dressed in here?”

  “Yup. Change or not. That’s up to you. I’ll let you shower if you want, but not until I get back.”

  “Like I’m showering with you gawking over me. Pass. Thanks.”

  “Suit yourself. No funny business while I’m gone. I mean it, dammit. When I get back, I want some answers. No more of this damn bullshit. I’ve had it.”

  She sat back down on the cot. “I’ve said all I’m going to say.”

  “Then you’d better get comfortable, sweetheart.” Hunt walked away and she flipped the bird at his back.

  Mandy watched the small window in the door, but was careful not to let it be known that she was paying attention to the two other deputies. They had to be curious about her. After Hunt’s story, she guessed they were expecting her to be some kind of Houdini. Can’t disappoint now, can I?

  Waiting until she could see one of them peeking through again, Mandy made a show about changing into the clothes. She was sure one or both of them were glued to the small window drooling. Too skinny my ass. She had zero body fat as well, but she was certainly muscular enough in all the right places.

  Mandy turned to face the door and watched them back away. She waited until one of them peered through the window again and let herself fall to ground as if she fainted. Allowing her head to hit harder than she would have cared for made her silently curse, but she wanted it to look real.

  The younger of the two came busting through the door and over to the cell. “Hey? You okay, lady?” He waited for a moment before asking again. “You all right? Don’t mess with me. Hunt said you are a handful.” After waiting another few moments, he cursed and unlocked the door. He fell to her side and placed his hand on her neck. “Damn it. I don’t feel shit. Roy!” He shouted toward the door. “Get your ass in here! Something is wr—”


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