security cordon around, 161
Shiite dominance of, 80
Iraqi Revolutionary Court, 83
Jackson, Andre (pseud.), 6, 90
Hutchinson’s confrontation with, 154
Saddam execution and, 176
Jamaica, 198
Joscelyn, Tom, 67
Joseph (pseud.; Saddam’s interpreter), 28, 30–31, 95, 105–6, 141
Saddam execution and, 176, 186–87
Saddam’s relationship with, 142–43, 165, 176, 189
Kamel, Hussein, 106
in defection to Jordan, 105–11
as head of Saddam’s weapons development program, 105, 108
murder of, 112–13, 128
Raghad Hussein’s marriage to, 105
in return to Iraq, 111–13
Shukri’s meetings with, 110
U.S. interrogation of, 109–10
Kamel, Saddam, 106, 114
in defection to Jordan, 105–11
murder of, 112–13
Rana Hussein’s marriage to, 105
in return to Iraq, 111–13
U.S. interrogation of, 109–10
Khairallah, Luai, 99–100
Kid Rock, 175
Koran, 79, 128, 162
Kurds, Saddam’s genocidal campaign against, 15, 173
Kuwait, Iraqi invasion of, 49–50, 108, 130
Lil Wayne, 126, 127
Lionel (Ellis’s brother-in-law), 54–55
M1 tanks, 133
McCarthy, Cormac, 41
Maguire, John, 67, 143, 184
Mahmudiya, 187
Majid, “Chemical” Ali Hassan al-, 17, 90
at the Crypt, 17–18
Kamel brothers murdered by, 112–13
as mastermind of Anfal offensive, 17–18, 139
Middleton’s interrogation of, 60, 61–62
Maliki, Nouri al-, 161, 187–88
Manners, Dave, 109
King Hussein’s meeting with, 107–8
Marsh Arabs, 50, 55
Martin, James (pseud.), 172
Saddam’s conversations with, 141–42
Mashadi, Muhie Abdul Hussein, 34–35
Middleton, Barbara, 46–47, 60, 61
death of, 62, 201
Middleton, Rod, 50
Arabic spoken by, 48
Chemical Ali interrogated by, 60, 61–62
and concerns about Piro’s low-key approach to interrogation, 59–60
in life after Saddam’s execution, 200–202
in return from Iraq, 60–62
Saddam interrogation team joined by, 46–47
wife’s death and, 62
military police, U.S., see 551st Military Police Company, U.S.; Super Twelve
Milošević, Slobodan, 73
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) tents, 13
Moussawi, Jaafar al-, as chief prosecutor at Saddam trial, 79, 83–84, 92
Najaf, 8, 187
National Guard, U.S., 9
Neer, Tom:
as FBI’s behavioral analyst, 48
phased approach to interrogation suggested by, 59–60
NFL 2K5 (video game), 154
Nida, Ali al-, 188
Nuaimi, Najeeb al-, 128
blunt assessment of Saddam’s fate by, 74, 77–78
as lawyer for Guantánamo detainees, 71
in meeting with Raghad Hussein, 71–74
as member of Saddam’s defense team, 75–76, 84
Saddam’s first meeting with, 75–78
and Saddam’s request for new clothes, 76–77
Obeidi, Khamis al-, 75, 147
Ocala, Fla., 5–6
Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway), xi, 40
101st Airborne Division, U.S., 9
Orland, Calif., 30
Passion of the Christ, The (film), 173
Perkins, Art (pseud.), 6, 7, 11–12, 98, 126
in pants-wetting incident, 12
Saddam’s last interaction with, 176
Super Twelve’s teasing of, 12, 88–89
Piro, George, 50
Arabic spoken by, 47, 48
as lead FBI interrogator of Saddam, 47, 48
low-key approach of, 59–60
Saddam interrogation concluded by, 66–67
Post, Jerrold, 19, 48
Price, Jeff (pseud.), 164, 173
Qasim, Abd al-Karim, Saddam’s assassination attempt on, 40, 44
Quarles, Luke (pseud.), 98–99
Saddam guard duty announced by, 13
Ramadan, Taha Yassin, 34, 123, 144, 177
Saddam’s hunger strike and, 147–48
Rassam, Shameem, in meeting with Saddam, 156–60
Reagan, Ronald, 64
Regime Crimes Liaison Office (RCLO), 141, 148, 149
Republican Guard, 130
at Saddam’s Farouq Palace poetry salon, 144–45
Republican Palace, 80
Revolutionary Command Council, 50
Rock (palace prison), 37, 87, 163
outdoor recreation area at, 29–30, 95, 121, 124–25, 128, 141, 154, 168, 170, 172
Saddam as sole prisoner at, 27
Saddam in transfers between Crypt and, 87–91, 115, 167
Saddam’s cluttered cell at, 154
Saddam’s “office” at, 154–55
Super Twelve in return of Saddam’s possessions at, 187
Rogerson, Adam, 7, 9, 10–11, 25–26, 87, 126, 142
on dichotomy between Saddam’s brutal past and interactions with prisoner, 174
in life after Saddam duty, 193, 202–4
and Saddam execution, 176, 177, 182, 186, 189
Saddam’s conversations with, 98–99, 100, 170–71
on Saddam’s disdain for death sentence, 163–64
Saddam’s last interaction with, 176
Saddam’s relationship with, 202, 203
on Saddam’s relationship with Super Twelve, 171–72
teasing of Perkins by, 12, 88
wife’s care packages for, 170–71, 172
Rogerson, Jeff, 202, 203
Rubbaie, Mowaffaq al-, 182, 186, 187–88
Rumsfeld, Donald, 38, 142
Russell, Steve, 44
Sadr City, 164
Saladin, 45
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 5–6, 177, 204–5
Shahada, 185
Shahbandar, Samira, 54
Shiite Muslims, 15, 50, 55, 163, 166, 177
Saddam execution and, 182, 184, 185, 186–87, 205
see also Sunni-Shiite violence
Shukri, Ali, 107, 109
in meetings with Hussein Kamel, 110
Silence of the Lambs, The (film), 19
soldiers, countdowns in life of, 127
Sphar, Paul, 12, 29–33, 39, 80, 102
background of, 30
in chess game with Saddam, 128–29
Dawson’s relationship with, 126–27
drug and alcohol abuse by, 196–97, 198
jail term of, 196–98
in life after Saddam duty, 196–98
PTSD diagnosis of, 196, 198
Saddam’s first conversations with, 32–33
in trip to hajji mart, 93–94
weight problem of, 7
Stalin, Joseph, Saddam influenced by, 35
State Department, U.S., Regime Crimes Liaison Office of, 141, 148, 149
Stein, Ben, 11
Subha (Saddam’s mother), 20–21
Sunni Muslims, 79, 177
see also Sunni-Shiite violence
Sunni-Shiite violence, 8, 122, 164, 182, 205
in aftermath of Saddam execution, 187
Super Twelve, 173, 178
convoy escort missions of, 11–12
Crypt daily routine of, 153–54
Crypt DVD player and PlayStation used by, 154
in deployment to Iraq, 6–7
and dichotomy between Saddam’s brutal past and interactions as prisoner, 173–74
forbidden from communicating
or keeping notes about Saddam duty, 16, 195, 203
Freedom Village housing of, 8–9
friction among, 126
hospital security mission of, 10–11
IHT quarters of, 16
as impressed by Saddam’s stoicism, 164
in life after Saddam duty, 193–205
post-execution deployment of, 189, 195
Saddam execution and, 181–84, 185–87
Saddam guard duty assigned to, 13–14
Saddam nicknamed “Vic” by, 87
Saddam’s candle poems for, 174
Saddam’s cigars procured by, 93–94
Saddam’s early interactions with, 28–29
Saddam’s last interactions with, 1–2, 175–80
Saddam’s relationships with, 152, 156, 171–72, 189, 195, 196
Saddam’s Rock “office” created by, 154–55
Saddam’s treatment as point of pride for, 93
smoking area of, 171
in transfer of Saddam to execution site, 179–80, 181, 185
in transfers of Saddam between Rock and Crypt, 87–91, 115, 167
T-72 tanks, 133
Tal Afar, 187
Talfah, Sajida, 36, 99, 101, 110–11
Saddam’s candle poem for, 172
Talladega Nights (film), 12
tanks, M1 vs. T-72, 133
Tasker, Chris, 7, 10, 155
Afghanistan deployment of, 23–24
and announcement of Saddam guard duty, 14
background of, 23
in basic training, 37–38
and capture of Saddam, 38
family emails of, 24–25
in life after Saddam duty, 193–96
Saddam execution and, 175, 177
Saddam’s conversations with, 39, 119
speeding ticket of, 25–26
Tasker, Steve, 194, 196
Taylor, Charles, 73
Tigris River, 20, 40, 44, 122, 144
Tikrit, 20, 32, 40, 164
as Saddam’s birthplace, 45
Saddam’s burial at, 188
Saddam’s palace at, 44–45
Tikriti, Barzan Ibrahim al-, 121, 122–23
as codefendant at Saddam trial, 116–19
Tikriti, Watban Ibrahim al-, 99–100
Tulfah, Khairallah, 32–33
United Airlines Flight 175, 5
Veterans Administration, U.S., 198
Vic (Very Important Criminal), as Super Twelve’s nickname for Saddam, 87
Vilkha family, 20–21
weapons of mass destruction (WMDs):
in Anfal offensive, 15, 17–18, 116, 139, 173
Iraq’s supposed continuing possession of, 47, 63, 66–67, 108, 110
wet wipes, 55–56
“When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” (Whitman), 191
Whitman, Walt, 191
Wilde, Oscar, 69
Wiley, William, 17, 141
as member of Saddam’s defense team, 147, 148, 149, 150
World Trade Center, 5
Yaphe, Judith, 44
Zabiba and the King (Hussein), 143, 146, 165
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ISBN 978-1-5011-1783-1
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