A Council of Betrayal

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A Council of Betrayal Page 1

by Kim Schubert

  A Council of Betrayal

  Kim Schubert


  To my husband, my biggest supporter and to my son the reason I don’t sleep.

  To my betas who took time from their busy lives to help polish the story.

  Facebook: thekimschubert

  Website: www.kimschubert.com

  Copyright © Kim Schubert 2016

  Ebook Cover Design by http://www.ebooklaunch.com

  Smashwords Edition

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Other books by Kim Schubert:

  Dead Shifter Walking, The Succubus Executioner Book 1

  Demigod Down, The Succubus Executioner Book 2

  A Witch’s Fury, The Succubus Executioner Book 3

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Connect With Me!

  Chapter 1

  “How do you want to do this?” Logan asked, resting his raw sienna gaze on me.

  I chewed on my bottom lip, meeting his intrigued look with my own sea green gaze. So many options lingered on my tongue, none of them appropriate for our current situation.

  I smiled at my own internal joke, turning my attention to the window of the violet-eyed mage’s shop. It looked the same as when I had been here with Blake. This time I had an irritated shifter with me who had suffered the effects of Mae’s magically enhanced silver cuffs firsthand. We both had. He had felt the power of the cuffs pushing him to pure beast, and I had knocked myself against a concrete basement floor sucking the magic in to save him.

  I drummed my fingers against my bottom lip, catching Logan’s intent interest at the movement. “I’ll go in first.”

  “How long do you want me to wait?” he questioned, with a knowing glance.

  “Once I stop breaking things.” I knew my smile was unhinged, can’t say I gave a shit. I was done not being allowed in the backrooms of witches’ shops, or hell, not being allowed in their shops at all. I was also done being tied down with magical silver fucking chains.

  The door chimed as I crossed the threshold, announcing that the party was about to get started. I reached behind me, slipping the lock home. Anticipation threaded through my veins, putting a bounce in my step.

  The silver haired mage pushed through the beaded curtain separating the store from her private backroom. Her greeting caught in her throat, her beautiful violet eyes widening as she took a step back, mouth still hanging open.

  I wasn’t sure if it was the throwing knives secured around my thigh, or my open leather duster revealing the dual guns resting against my sides.

  I was betting on my off balanced smile.

  “What do you want?” She took another step back, into the safety of her backroom. I took several toward her. I stopped at the counter, giving her the small illusion of safety.

  “Answers, Mae.”

  “I won’t help you. You killed an entire coven.” Disgust laced her words, giving her confidence as she stepped forward, her arms crossed stiffly across her middle.

  I shrugged. Technically, that wasn’t me, but I’d take the compliment. The Fae, whom the coven had called forth, claimed the witches’ lives as payment for being bothered. If Destiny and her crew of flunkies were lucky, they were dead. The Fae beat me hands down for finding creative ways to torture.

  I’d admit to being jealous, but I was too damn scared of those bastards.

  I straightened up, drumming my fingers against the glass counter.

  “Let’s be honest, Mae. The witches aren’t strong enough to put up a fight if I decide to kill you. And at this point, I’m not sure I give a fuck.”

  Her expression blanked, matching a mind that had nothing intelligent to say.

  The smile left my face. “You are a threat to me and those I protect. I need to send a message, and it will be sent brutally on your flesh.”

  Stepping back, keeping my eyes trained on Mae, I kicked over her impressive display case. She moved instinctively closer to stop me.

  “What is wrong with you?” she screamed. “Do you have any idea how expensive those items are?”

  I pulled off my leather duster, resting it over the untouched cash register on top of a filing cabinet.

  It was a new addition to my ensemble and I was still weighing its merits.

  Her hands clenched and unclenched as her plum gaze swung around the shop, frantic.

  “Looking for how to take down a pissed off succubus, Mae?”

  Her panicked stare landed back on me. “The witches will protect me.” She was grasping at straws, and we both knew it.

  I laughed, a deep, roaring belly laugh. It was totally misplaced there, but I didn’t give a fuck.

  “Oh Mae, you are a fool. I’ll be honest, I hadn’t pegged you for such easy prey.” I drew out the last word, moving closer to her.

  Her eyes widened, watching my progress with trepidation.

  “You can’t hurt me,” she repeated, trying to convince herself, not me.

  I laughed again, a silken sound this time. “You going to stop me?” I asked, tilting my head.

  She floundered backwards, displacing the annoying hanging beads, finally attempting to escape.

  I cleared the distance between us in an instant, landing a hand on her shoulder with all the force of my irritation. She spun, bringing a hand to her mouth and blowing a dust at me. I coughed, caught off guard.

  “Fucking witches,” I grunted, blinking rapidly to clear my gaze.

  Mae chanted words I didn’t understand, drawing strength and conviction as I stayed still. Her arms rose from her sides as her cadence quickened.

  I spat out chunks of unknown shit, waiting until my tears cleared the crap out of my eyes before moving.

  Based on her terrified response, that wasn’t what she was going for. “I — what — I don’t understand, you shouldn’t be able to move!” She screamed the last word at me, desperation forcing her voice up a few octaves.

  I brushed off my shoulder before turning to her.

  “Now would be a good time to run.”

  She took my advice, heading to the back door. I smiled as I stalked after her.

  I wasn’t expecting Logan to toss her back into the room.

  “Oh come on! You are ruining all my fun,” I scolded him.

  He rolled his eyes. “You’ve had enough time to play; we need answers. In case you don’t remember, I was the one chained up with the magic restraints.”

  I huffed, pulling out the chair Mae used for customers.

  “Sit her here. It’s sturdy enough.” Indeed it was. Thick arms arched up from the seat in hand carved designs, melting solidly into the high back.

  I pulled out rope and a worn leather case from my duster pocket.

  “I have to say, the duster does allow me to stash more,” I informed Logan, tying Mae into the chair securely.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

�I haven’t decided if I like it, or if I’m accepting it.”

  It was Logan’s turn to chuckle as he watched me unroll my toys. Destiny had a knack for flare and it wasn’t lost on me. Oftentimes the anticipation of pain is a greater motivator than pain itself.

  I caressed my blades, secured with leather bindings, my fingers knowing each groove and ridge. I wasn’t ready to slice at her though. I had some aggression I needed to work out, brutally.

  Logan’s lips at my ear had me jumping slightly. “It was a gift, Olivia, accept it.”

  I huffed, turned on by the violence running through my veins and the warmth of his breath on my skin. I cracked my neck, turning to look at him. He certainly was different lately. I mean, the man got me a random birthday present. I didn’t even know when my birthday was. He had just shrugged and assured me that would only help him surprise me. As in, he planned to do it again. A small part of my still-healing heart liked that, a lot. The remainder, fuck, didn’t know how to feel about it.

  For now, I’d settle for hurting Mae.

  I pulled a chair in front of her, leaving my pretty tools on the counter, for now.

  “Answers, Mae. Answers.”

  “No,” she hissed at me.

  I smiled, my shoulder relaxing. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  My fist cracked against her delicate nose, smashing the cartilage. Her head snapped against the plush chair as she cried out in pain. She hung her head, whimpering, blood dripping onto her silk dress.

  I caressed the side of her face. “I want to hurt you, Mae. I need to. But I’ll give you an out. Tell me what I want to know, and I’ll make it quick,” I whispered into her ear.

  Sitting down, I braced my elbows on my knees, tensely awaiting her decision.

  “Since when is it a crime to fabricate an item for a client?” she asked softly.

  “Since I said so. You created two very unique sets of chains. One designed specifically to drive a shifter to pure beast, and one to restrain rogue vampires. You’ve played both sides with two powerful groups. This visit cannot be a surprise.”

  She grimaced, looking up at me. “Go back to the hell that spawned you.”

  I smiled. “Right answer.”


  “I’d like to play a game,” I told my violet-eyed mage, twirling a blade around my finger as I leisurely sat in front of her.

  She wheezed, keeping her gaze trained on the blood-stained carpeting in front of her. I had to give her credit, she had taken a full twenty minutes of my beating before blacking out.

  “You’re insane,” Mae rasped.

  I gave her a soft laugh. “Probably,” I admitted, with a nonchalant shrug of my shoulders. “I want to know who you made the spelled chains for.”

  “A client,” she huffed out, her back vibrating with the effort.

  I gave her a weary look. “Are you certain you want to continue?”

  She coughed, blood spilling down her chin as she finally looked up at me again. Her silver hair was matted with blood, her formerly pristine skin bruised, her left eye swollen shut.

  So I might have gone a little overboard on the beating. The bitch had tried to fry me with her magic.

  “Vampires,” she wheezed.

  I looked sharply up at Logan. We had ended up in the clutches of a Fae-loving witch and a magically enhanced, crazy shifter. That was not the answer I was expecting.

  I looked back down at Mae, wondering if perhaps she wasn’t lying.

  Even Nari, the demigod who had a horde of rogue vampires tied up with the magical chains, would have been an acceptable answer. It was interesting to note, though, that she was with the vampires called to release said magical chains. Perhaps the vampire answer made sense?

  “More,” I demanded, pushing on her dislocated shoulder.

  She cried out, blood bubbling down her chin. “I don’t know!” she screamed. Her tortured cry turned into sobbing.

  “He put me on retainer for a million dollars to make chains on demand for a year,” she finally muttered, her head hung low, her bound body the only thing keeping her upright.

  “How did he pay you?” Logan asked.

  “Wire transfer,” Mae exhaled.

  “Paper trail?” I asked hopefully.

  Mae shook her head. “I hope they get you,” she sneered at me.

  I laughed before snapping her neck.

  “Hey, can you call Tommy? Last time I got blood on my phone he was super pissed at me.”

  “Yep.” Logan dialed as I found the small bathroom, warming the water up to wash off my hands.

  “Your reigning champion is online,” Tommy answered on speakerphone. I snorted in amusement, opening my mouth to respond.

  “You beat me at that racing game once, Tommy. You can’t claim that title yet,” Logan grunted.

  I looked at Logan, shocked. When was he at the manor?

  “Anyway, we need you to check a wire for us,” he continued, clearing his throat.


  “Just because a vampire approached her, that doesn’t mean the vampires as a whole sought the creation of the chains.”

  “I agree,” I told Logan, shifting positions in the SUV and staring at the open road.

  “Nor does it mean that one person is behind all the recent attacks.”

  “I know, Logan,” I groaned at him.

  “I wonder how difficult chains like those are to create.”

  I groaned, “We can ask Jerry.”

  “I suppose we will have to, since you killed her already!” Logan raised his voice in irritation, hitting the steering wheel.

  I flipped him off.

  He rubbed the back of his neck wearily. “You need to work on your control.”

  “Bite me.”

  Logan dropped me off at the manor, sighing, “Stay out of trouble.”

  I laughed, “That’s my middle name.”

  I plodded up the stairs and dropped my bags off, rubbing the back of my neck.

  “So Olie, you up for a game?” Tommy asked, leaning in my doorway.

  I laughed, “Yeah, let me shower and get some rest. Shouldn’t you be getting some sleep also?”

  He shrugged with a sly smile.

  I grunted. A teenager was not outdoing me in my ability to stay up late. “Fine, just let me shower.”


  A full night and half a day later I claimed one victory against Tommy. One.

  “I’m tempted to revoke your video games,” I groaned, rubbing my eyes as I sat on his floor.

  “Olivia, don’t speak those words!” he teased me.

  “Alright, kid, I gotta get some sleep.”

  “It’s the middle of the day.”

  “I know. I still haven’t slept from last night.” I pulled him into a side hug before retreating into my own room.


  “OLIE!” a gaggle of teenagers screamed from the bottom of the stairs. I rolled over, cracking my door open.

  “What?” I yelled back.

  “Logan’s here to see you!”

  I grumbled, tossing off the covers from my midday nap. I ambled down the stairs while throwing my mess of hair up. I had just seen the fucker yesterday, but the paternity test results had come in and we needed to talk about it, since I was keeping the bitch safe.

  He raised an eyebrow at my rumpled shirt as I plodded down the stairs. “Come on, the walls have ears,” I grumbled, leading him to the conference room as the girls giggled around the corner.

  “Lorraine still wants to attend The Conferences,” Logan said, slipping off his jacket and resting it on the back of a leather chair. I closed the door with a huff.

  “She can’t come, Logan,” I told him yet again. I sat on the polished wood of the conference room table.

  He leaned against the window overlooking the front yard.

  “I know, that’s what I’ve been telling her every, single, time she calls.”

  I laughed, “Who gave her a phone?”

  “I think Blu
e is upset at me.”

  I laughed harder, “Gee, ya think?”

  “I’m not the one who assigned Blue to watch Lorraine.”

  “I’m not the one who knocked her up.”

  He groaned before sitting next to me on the table, our thighs touching. I felt his scorching heat through the thin fabric of my yoga pants. I wasn’t thinking about it.

  “I’d think she’d be taking this a little more seriously after the last attack.”

  Logan exhaled forcefully, leaning back, his arms behind him. “Don’t remind me.”

  “We’re lucky Blue and Victoria were both there. According to Blue, she is actually listening without having to be manipulated. It’s not our fault she didn’t take our warnings seriously. Your unborn baby is a hot commodity.” I tried at humor, pretty sure I failed.

  His eyes cut to me. “Blue is an incubus?”

  I nodded, “One of the more powerful.”

  He shrugged. “I guess that is for the best.”

  I toyed with the envelope under my right hand, on the opposite side from Logan. There was a reason he was here and it wasn’t just to complain about Lorraine, his pregnant ex-fiancée.

  “I have the results.”

  He didn’t look at me, but I caught the clenching of his jaw and the narrowing of his eyes.

  “She’s yours,” I whispered, a small smile on my lips. I may not like Lorraine—okay, fine, I hate the bitch—but the thought of Logan being a dad made me go all gooey inside. Not that I’d admit it to him.

  He didn’t breathe for a moment, before looking at me with a mix of wonder and fear stealing his features.

  “She?” he asked, his voice soft.

  “You are having a girl,” I whispered, my smile growing.

  “A girl,” he repeated on an exhale.

  I reached behind our bodies, covering his hand. “Do you want to see the ultrasound?” I asked tentatively.

  He shook his head, clearing it, not moving his hand under mine. “I’d love to.”

  I handed him the envelope, removing my hand. I watched closely as he opened it, noting his slight tremble. He squinted, rotating the small black and white photo.

  I laughed, “That’s her head.” I pointed.


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